Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 137 Is it a lion or a delicious meal?

Chapter 130 Seven Lions or Meals? (Super Seventh Update, ask for a monthly pass)

"The general has an order." These defenders were immediately disarmed obediently.Immediately, a large number of water thieves jumped off the building boat, climbed up the rope ladder, and climbed up the wooden city wall.

Still relying on the sentence "the general has an order." The military marquis surnamed Chen didn't have the slightest doubt, and obediently obeyed.

Zhang Gu's side went smoothly, and Liu Feng's side also went smoothly.

Although this city is said to be a dual-use waterway fortress, it is actually more about defending the water army in the north of the Yangtze River.Therefore, most of the troops stationed were navy troops, and this time Huang She led five thousand troops to conquer Liu Feng, which almost emptied the city's troops.

So it's pretty smooth to control.

The prefects and civil servants in the city were immediately dismissed by Liu Feng.Very smoothly dismissed.

Liu Feng appointed Zhang Dao as the prefect for the time being, and took a few small officials with knives and pens to exercise the right of prefect.

The army also took control of the city for the first time, and ordinary people could only enter but not exit.The same goes for ships.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Liu Feng sat on the main seat.Huang Zhong sat first on the right, followed by Chen Da, Zhang Gu, Zhang Gui, Deng Ai, Zhou Shun and others.

On the left are Xu Tian and Zhang Dao, two civil servants.

"The city has been successfully controlled. Now there is only how to deal with Huang Zu. Only by defeating Huang Zu can Jiangxia be truly captured, otherwise this small city is just a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water. It can be disillusioned at any time. Everyone, be aware." Liu Feng raised his eyes and took a glance, and the civil and military officials in the tent said loudly.

"Don't worry, my lord, we know all of this, are we going according to the plan now?" Zhang Gu asked impatiently.

"Zhang Gu, Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, each of you will lead your own troops and go out to loot the city. Destroy all the cities you encounter, rob the treasury, money and food, seize their weapons, and plunder their soldiers. If you meet Huang Zu The army will spread the news and return quickly." Liu Feng nodded and gave the general order.

Liu Feng and the others took control of the city so smoothly, of course there was a plan.The same is true for how to deal with Huang Zu.

Huang Zu's army under him, the laws and regulations were abolished.Gold, silver, money, food and supplies are scarce.Liu Feng planned to plunder the cities of various places, accumulate food and grass, and garrison first, calculate the time when Gan Ning came, and then counterattack, defeat Huang Zu, and then occupy Jiangxia.

"No." Now there is no token, Liu Feng issued an order.Zhang Gu, Deng Ai, and Zhang Gui promised, stood up and walked out.

After the three of them left, the hall seemed much empty.

Liu Feng couldn't help turning his gaze to Huang Zhong, who was sitting closest to him, and saw Huang Zhong's old god was there, looking very calm.

"Hey, brother. I ordered you to be the Sima of the other department, and command the soldiers of the Huangshe Army, how about it?" When I asked, I really lacked confidence. Huang Zhong's original position was General Zhonglang, but he was only better than general. The first-class position, but Liu Feng is a school lieutenant, and his military rank is not as high as Huang Zhongda.

Now Huang Zhong is ordered to be a lower-level Sima of another department.With Liu Feng's determination, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

In this battle with Huang She, Liu Feng gathered about [-] soldiers, including the [-] soldiers he had originally obtained from the Kou family.

These soldiers cannot be integrated with Liu Feng's original commanding army. If they are forcibly integrated, it may lead to a decrease in combat effectiveness and may even cause a mutiny.

Therefore, it must be independent.

Among Liu Feng's available generals, Chen Da wanted to defend the city, Zhou Shun was the commander of the army, and the other Sima Zhang Gu, Junhou Deng Ai, and Zhang Gui led troops out to plunder.

It is really impossible to command these soldiers with manpower.

Moreover, Huang Zhong's black and white hair, as well as his good looks, seem to have a natural prestige, which is really good for deterrent.

"Those surrendered soldiers, I can also be the commander. It's just that they are surrendered soldiers after all. They don't have to be trained for three to five months, so don't expect to be useful." Regarding Liu Feng's appointment, Huang Zhong readily agreed, but he was also a little embarrassed.

Liu Feng was overjoyed, waved his hands and said: "It doesn't need to be used, as long as you train for ten days and a half months, you can defend the city."

"If that's the case, leave it to me." Huang Zhong pondered for a moment, and it took ten days and a half months to train to defend the city.So he nodded.

"Okay, so there will be old brother Lao. I will send Junzheng Zhou Shun to be in charge of military law for old brother." Liu Feng clapped his hands and smiled.

"It's so good." Huang Zhong glanced at Zhou Shun who was sitting not far from him, and nodded.

"That's how he reacts to Huang Zu." Liu Feng, who should be prepared, is ready, and he can't think of what to do with the others.Liu's cover was slightly dignified, and he turned his head towards the east.

There is Xiling County, the seat of Jiangxia.It is only two or three hundred miles away from here.A fast horse, it will be there in a flash.

No matter what the future holds, what he has to face now is Huang Zu's crazy counterattack.The hatred of killing the son, the hatred of seizing the city.It is already immortal.

Inside the prefect's mansion of Xiling County.

A burly, handsome-looking middle-aged man was walking quickly towards the study in the mansion.His face was pale, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

This person is Deng Long, one of Huang Zu's most trusted generals.

Of course he has reasons for fear and panic. Since yesterday, several cities have been breached, treasuries have been robbed, food and grass have been looted, horses, vehicles, and soldiers guarding the city have all been robbed.

After hearing the news, Deng Long did not rashly report it to Huang Zu.Instead, they secretly investigated and found that these robbers were all from Xiakou.

Xiakou City can only enter and not exit.

This made Deng Long panic. He remembered that the five thousand naval troops stationed in Xiakou, led by Major General Huang She, attacked Liu Feng the other day, but now there are robbers coming out of Xiakou. I am afraid that the Major General not only failed, but also Xiakou was also breached by Liu Feng.

Huang She is the lifeblood of Huang Zu, and he was cultivated as an heir.If there is something wrong with him.Huang Zu will definitely explode with thunderous fury.The whole Jiangxia will be shaken.

Soon, Deng Long came to the door of the study.Standing outside the door, he calmed down his flustered emotions a little bit.Only then did Deng Long shout towards the inside: "My lord."

"Oh, it's Tengfei. Come in." There was an old voice in the study, addressing Deng Long's name.

"No." Deng Long replied respectfully, and walked in.

In the study room, the first thing that caught Deng Long's eyes was an old man. This old man had gray hair, his face was full of wrinkles like knife marks, and he looked old.

At this moment, the old man was leaning over the desk to write with a brush in his hand.

Huang Zu was a military commander, and in his prime he carried a sword.It's just that in recent years, he has become more and more old, and he can no longer hold a sword in his hand.In order to avoid chatting, I began to focus on practicing calligraphy.

His brushwork is as vigorous and powerful as cutting with a knife and carving with an axe.

The so-called read characters, watch people.From it, we can see how fierce Huang Zu was when he was young.

After Deng Long came in, he stood beside Huang Zu.After hesitating for a long time, he said softly: "My lord, Xiakou has been breached. At this moment, with Xiakou as the center, several bandits are constantly looting the surrounding cities. The disaster is not small."

His hands trembled, and a drop of ink stained the paper.A good calligraphy is ruined like this.But Huang Zu felt it well, he raised his head, looked at Deng Long with a pair of cloudy eyes, trembling for a long time, before asking: "My child?"

"I'm afraid, Major General." Now that he had spoken, Deng Long couldn't control much, and said bluntly.

A line of tears slipped from Huang Zu's cloudy eyes. "The sorrow of the world is nothing more than a white-haired person giving a black-haired person. Hey." Huang Zu sighed and wiped away the tears on his face with his sleeve.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head.There was a cold light in his eyes, his waist and abdomen straightened in an instant, and his whole body exuded a sharp and sharp aura.

"But that Liu Feng?" Huang Zu's voice also became sonorous and powerful.

"The young general was ordered to eradicate Liu Feng, and I'm afraid he was defeated instead." Deng Long guessed.

"Assemble [-] infantry troops in the city, mobilize [-] sailors from Sanjiangkou, so that the waterways will advance side by side, break through Xiakou, Xiao Liu will seal the head, and pay homage to my child." Huang Zu issued an order in one breath.

"Promise." Deng Long wrote down one by one, then promised, and immediately went down to work.

Mobilizing troops, especially the [-] navies at Sanjiangkou, is definitely not a simple matter, involving official documents, as well as complicated mobilization of food and grass.Involving all aspects, there is no three days, and I want to gather.

After Deng Long left, Huang Zu's straight waist quickly bent down.The sharp eyes immediately turned cloudy.

The chest heaved violently, and the sound of heavy breathing filled the entire study.

"Liu Feng." Huang Zu gritted his teeth and spit out these two words.

He didn't know who these two words were ten days ago, but he only had a slight impression five days ago and killed one of his supporters.And because of Fei Fang's dealing with it.Huang Zu wanted to send Deng Long to conquer, but Huang She volunteered.

Huang Zu thought that little Liu Feng was not a threat, so he sent Huang She out with confidence.Unexpectedly, it was such a result.

Huang She, who led five thousand soldiers, capsized in the gutter and was killed by a small person.

The word Liu Feng is destined to be deeply engraved in Huang Zu's heart at this moment, and he will never forget it in his life.until brought into the coffin.

"To avenge my child, I must go to battle in person, but can I still hold a sword? Can I wear armor?" Huang Zu turned his head to look at a wall in the study, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

A gleaming armor hung on the wall.A long sword with a cold light hung beside it.

Back then, he was holding this long sword and wearing this armor.The leader shot and killed the famous Jiangdong tiger, Sun Jian.

The fierce tiger in Jiangdong shocked Wuyue.When he defeated Dong Zhuo, he became famous all over the world.In the end he was killed.Little Liu Feng, how can he stop me if he's a stickler?

Killing it is like killing a chicken.

Huang Zu walked slowly to the wall, stood on tiptoe, and took down the long sword on the wall.Holding the sword in his right hand, he swung it fiercely, the blade roared, Huang Zu's expression was cold.

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