Chapter 130 Eight Jingxiang Cai Clan (First update on the eighth)

Xiangyang is a big city near the water, a few miles to the north is the Xiangjiang River, a tributary of the Yangtze River, and it has the danger of the Hanchuan River. (Apex novel hand-written novel) The defensive power of mountains and rivers, and the water transportation of Xiangjiang River.It has long been more prosperous than Xiangyang.

Since Liu Biao entered Jingzhou as the state herdsman, he even moved the government to Xiangyang, which promoted the further prosperity of Xiangyang.It has been more than ten years now, and in the city of Xiangyang, not only are there many academies, but also the style of writing is flourishing.The number of merchant ships traveling from south to north.

It can be described as blooming like brocade.

At this moment, on the bustling main road of Xiangyang.A carriage was hurrying towards the General's Mansion.

Surrounded by a dozen guards around the carriage, each with a dagger on their waists, they were extremely strong.Protecting the carriage like stars supporting the moon.The owner sitting in the car is about 30 years old, with a white beard and a capable face.

At this moment, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, there was a slight surprise in his eyes.

If Cai Yu was here, he would be able to recognize her elder brother Cai Mao at a glance.

The big family in Jingzhou, the first Cai and the Kuai surnames, and these two surnames are dominated by the Cai family.Before Liu Biao entered Xiangyang, the Cai family was the first-class family in Jingzhou.Cai Mao's uncle is the late Taiwei Zhang Wen, his eldest sister is Huang Chengyan's wife, his younger sister Cai Yu is Liu Biao's step-wife, and his two cousins ​​Cai Zan and Cai Yan are both prefects.

When he arrived at Cai Mao, his forces spread all over Jingzhou, and he was the leading clan.

In comparison, the Kuaiyue brothers in the Kuai clan are all wise men, but none of their nephews and nephews are outstanding figures in the same generation.

How can I ask Cai Mao, who is at the helm of such a rich family, is a fatuous person?

"The governor of Jiangxia, Huang Zu, is really old and stupid. Jiangxia is important, and any mistake will cause great changes. I don't know if my lord will consider changing someone." On the carriage, gently holding the bamboo slips in his hand, Cai Maomi He murmured softly with his eyes closed.

However, there was news that Liu Feng, the school lieutenant, and Zhang Gu, the Dongting water thief, fought with Jiangxia's five thousand water troops in the area of ​​Dongting Lake. They won a big victory and attacked Xiakou with momentum.The beacon fire burned almost half of Jiangxia.

When receiving this news, Cai Mao's first reaction was that it was impossible. Jiangxia's prefect Huang Zu was old, but his strength was still there. With an army of nearly [-], how could the little Liu Feng and the water bandits capture Xiakou? , The beacon fire burned half of Jiangxia.

But Cai Mao's second reaction was that it really happened.Because the message was sent by Cai Mao's confidant in Jiangxia Hanyang, it is absolutely impossible to send him false news.

Cai Mao's third thought was that Huang Zu was too old and fatuous to be a general.Will be a substitution.

As for Liu Feng, Cai Mao had only heard of him, and he seemed to be Liu Bei's adopted son, who later left Xinye.Fei's son-in-law.

Although the Fei family is also a first-class gentry, it is doubtful that they cannot be compared with the Cai family.Although he has some contact with Cai, but the friendship is not deep.So he knew about Liu Fengyi.

"It is rumored that Liu Feng left with less than [-] soldiers in the new field, but now he has defeated Huang Zu's [-] navy army, and has the courage to take advantage of the victory to attack Xiakou and Jiangxia. He is also a courageous figure. It seems that Liu Bei chose him as his stepson. , is also very discerning. It's just a pity, after all, they are not blood relatives. Now, when the soldiers are few and few, they attack Jiangxia, which has a large number of troops, and it is only a matter of time before they die in the war." Cai Mao felt that Liu Feng, who had risen like a meteor, , There are praises and sighs.

In troubled times, there is no shortage of such characters.Some people, like Cao Cao, have already unified the Central Plains.Like Liu Bei, the more he fought, the greater his reputation.For example, Sun Ce is the little overlord of Jiangdong.There are also Zhang Xiu, Zhang Yan and others who have surrendered to Cao Cao.

There are countless others who died in foreign lands.

In Cai Mao's mind, Liu Feng is also a third-class figure, and it will be a matter of time before he dies in a foreign land.So, admiration, a sigh.I didn't pay much attention.

His current idea is to replace Jiang Xia's prefect so that he can continue to expand Cai's influence.Completely overwhelmed Kuai's.

In Cai Mao's thinking, the Great General's Mansion is already in sight.The coachman automatically slowed down, and slowly drove the carriage to the gate of the General's Mansion.

Liu Biao was granted the title of Jingzhou Shepherd, General of Zhennan, and became Marquis of Wu.Hanging on the plaque is "Zhennan General's Mansion"

Here, Cai Mao comes here almost every day, so the guards are very familiar with him.There was no need to report, so Cai Mao went straight to the General's Mansion.After walking for a while, I came to the door of the study.

There were two guards in front of the house, and they didn't need Cai Mao's instructions, the guards went in to report them very sensibly.

After a while, the guard came out and bowed to Cai Mao: "My lord, my lord, please."

Cai Mao's official position is the military advisor of General Zhennan.Most people are called military divisions.

"Thank you." Cai Mao slightly cupped his fists towards the guard before walking in.Not a trace of arrogance.Blind arrogance is the bane of death.Cai Mao mastered such a large clan, and even developed the Cai family into its current heyday.He is not only a wise man and a strategist, but also a humble and generous gentleman.

Of course, gentleness and modesty are limited to friends.If anyone who avoids eyes offends Cai Mao, he will feel Cai Mao's fear.

Sitting in the study was an old man in his sixties. This old man had a dignified appearance. Although he was over sixty, he had fair skin and bright eyes.It was Liu Biao, the lord of Jingzhou.

At this moment, Liu Biao had just put down the bamboo slips in his hand, and looked up at Cai Mao walking in from the door.

"My lord. Jiang Xia has started a war." After entering the door, Cai Mao bowed to Liu Biao, then stepped forward to more than ten troops, and handed the bamboo slips in his hand to Liu Biao.

"Sun Quan raised troops again?" Liu Biao opened the bamboo slips indifferently, without raising his head.

When Sun Jian died, Sun Quan was young, but he held grudges.After commanding Jiangdong, he led troops to attack Jiangxia several times.

So when I heard that Jiang Xia started a war.Liu Biao was the first to think of Sun Quan.

However, when Liu Biao opened the bamboo slips and glanced slowly, there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

"Liu Feng? The stepson who was deposed by Liu Bei?" Liu Biao suddenly raised his head, looked at Cai Mao and said.

"It should be him." Cai Mao replied.

"Hehe, it can be regarded as young and promising." Liu Biao smiled slightly, and slowly put away the bamboo slips.Similar to Cai Mao's opinion, he believed that Liu Feng was young, but his aura was so powerful, he really was young and promising.

"However, this Jiangxia is not Jiangdong. It is very chaotic. Although Huang Zu is old, he is also a general. He will not make another Jiangxia little overlord." After collecting the bamboo slips, Liu Biao casually put them aside and smiled. .

Liu Biao compared Liu Feng with Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong, and his evaluation was very high, but he didn't think that Huang Zu, who had an absolute advantage in military strength, would lose to Liu Feng.

What's more, Liu Feng dragged the Dongting water bandits to attack Xiakou together, and the two forces were most prone to problems.

"Even if it is appeased, it will definitely cause instability in Jiangxia. Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, cannot escape the blame." Cai Mao heard Liu Biao's support for the Huang team, and his eyes flashed, and he tentatively said.

Liu Biao smiled and said, "As you get older, you will always be confused. Gu believes that after this time, Huang Zu will definitely be vigilant. After all, he was the one who shot and killed Sun Jian."

Cai Mao bowed his head and said: "This is very true."

Cai Mao knew that this was the end of the matter. Although the person in front of him was old, he was also very shrewd and would not let Cai's power expand any longer.Cai's plan to infiltrate Jiangxia's influence fell through.

"That's right. Why hasn't Madam come back yet?" Liu Biao remembered something and raised his head to ask.

"There is something wrong with my body, I'm afraid it will take some time to recuperate." Cai Mao replied calmly.

"Hey, you are so sick at such a young age, what should you do when you are old? Take care of it, take care of it, if the medicinal materials are not enough, you can go directly to the general's mansion to get it." Liu Biao said with a sigh.

"Thank you, my lord." Cai Mao thanked him.

Then, Liu Biao and Cai Mao spoke a few more words.Cai Mao was sent away by Liu Biao.

After leaving the study, Cai Mao put Jiang Xia's matter aside, Liu Biao had already told him clearly that he was not allowed to intervene in Jiang Xia's matter, and if he took any action, it would hurt his feelings.

Cai Mao is a strategist, he will act when he knows it is time to act, and he must hold back when he should not act.

But what Liu Biao said just now made him a little worried about his sister.

There are a lot of bandits on the river now, if any water thief with no eyes sees his sister's boat.That would be bad.

Originally, Cai Hao would never interfere with Cai Yu's affairs, but this time he decided to send someone to find out where Cai Yu was, and quickly persuade him to come back.

In Xinye City, a carriage slowly drove from the Prefect's Mansion to the Military Advisor's Mansion.

The person sitting on the carriage was only in his twenties, with a stately appearance and a majestic appearance.It was Zhuge Liang.

"The firefly can still shine, Liu Feng is not a simple person." Zhuge Liang murmured to himself for a moment, then sighed, "Unfortunately, the firefly is always the firefly. Jiang Xia may be Liu Feng's death."

Soon, the carriage arrived outside the military division's mansion.Zhuge Liang ordered the coachman to wait outside, and he went in.

The Military Advisor's Mansion is naturally owned by Xu Shu. Although Xu Shu has gradually faded out of Xinye's official system since Liu Feng left, the rights of the Military Advisor and government affairs have all been handed over to Zhuge Liang.

But the title of military division is still retained.

Xu Shu reads at home and serves his elderly mother all day long.

In the study, Xu Shuzheng was engrossed in writing, and heard a servant report that Mr. Zhuge had arrived.Xu Shu put down the bamboo slips in his hand and ordered his servants to welcome Zhuge Liang in.

"Brother Yuanzhi." Zhuge Liang bowed to Xu Shu immediately after entering.

"Hehe, I don't know what's the matter with Kong Ming's visit?" Xu Shu asked with a slight smile.

Zhuge Liang raised his head, and seeing Xu Shu's face as usual, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.If one day he, like Xu Shu, goes from being a powerful military adviser to being idle at home.I'm afraid he won't be as calm as Xu Shu.

"I'm here to tell brother Yuanzhi about Liu Feng." Zhuge Liang went straight to the seat beside him and knelt down, then raised his head and said.

"Oh, what amazing thing did my disciple do?" Xu Shu was surprised and asked with great interest.

"Together with the Dongting Lake water bandits, captured Xiakou, and fought Huang Zu in Jiangxia. Is this an amazing move?" Zhuge Liang asked with a slight smile.

After speaking, Zhuge Liang stared at Xu Shu.When he first heard the news, he was also surprised, but then sentenced Liu Feng to death.

Logically speaking, after hearing the news, Xu Shu also felt somewhat heavy.

Unexpectedly, after Xu Shu was surprised, he smiled slightly and said, "Jiang Xia, it's a good place, my disciple's vision is still so good."

"Brother Yuanzhi thought Liu Feng could capture Jiangxia?" Zhuge Liang asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid Kongming and the lord don't believe it? It's no wonder that the lord and my disciple are father and son, but they don't have much contact with each other. It's me who watched him grow up. My disciple, he has never been unsure. Since he raised his troops to attack Jiangxia, he must have something to rely on. And you don’t know that Huang Zu has been stupid for a long time. Although he has a lot of troops, he is useless.” Xu Shu smiled, paused, and then laughed again. : "As a gentleman, I would like to praise him for his bad eyesight. In the land of Jiangxia, there is Sun Quan in the east, Cao Cao in the north, and Liu Biao in the west. If they are captured, it will not be difficult to secure the position of prefect."

"Brother Yuan Zhi is so confident?" Zhuge Liang frowned and asked.

The purpose of his coming to tell Xu Shu the news was to let Xu Shu know that Liu Feng was about to die, so that Xu Shu could forget about this person and assist Liu Bei with him.Collusion.

Unexpectedly, Xu Shu was so stubborn.Thinking that Liu Feng attacked Jiang Xia rashly, he actually had something to rely on.

"My lord will definitely regret letting him go. He is a dragon." Xu Shu raised his head and said to his friend with a smile.

"Brother Yuanzhi." Zhuge Liang wanted to work harder, but was interrupted by Xu Shu: "Needless to say, I'm at home now, and I feel much calmer. I'm going to help you with political affairs for the time being."

Although Xu Shu's transfer of power to Zhuge Liang was Xu Shu's own move, everyone knew that there must be Liu Bei's intentions in it.

Zhuge Liang felt a little guilty about this friend.Wen Yan sighed, shook his head and stopped talking.

But in his heart, he hoped that Liu Feng would die in Jiangxia.In this way, Xu Shu can assist Liu Bei with him wholeheartedly.

Inside and outside Du Island, there are many boats and boats.

In one of the big ships, Gan Ning was standing on the deck holding a roll of bamboo slips.He looked towards the south with shaky eyes, a little heavy in his eyes, but also quite excited.

The bamboo slips in his hand were Liu Feng's letter to him.

There were only a few words in the letter, "I have thousands of soldiers now, and I want to attack Jiangxia to stand on my own. I wonder if brother will come?"

A few words, but it reveals the ambition of Qiangbi and the trust in him.

He wants to attack Jiangxia and stand on his own.I don't know if brother will come?

After seeing this sentence, Gan Ning ordered more than [-] athletes under his command without hesitation to load their belongings and food, and set off on a boat to go south.

A man should lead an army to make contributions.Didn't he go to Liu Biao just to make meritorious service in battle?Today Liu Feng dared to attack Jiangxia Zili, so why didn't he dare to follow him to attack him.

"Boss, the one thousand pieces of gold have been loaded, are you sure you don't want the thousands of silver and millions of dollars?" Suddenly a Jinfan thief walked on the gangway and asked Gan Ning.

There is a deep regret in the eyes.

After Gan Ning became the Jinfan thief, he repeatedly led his troops to attack Cao Cao's territory and looted many good things.Wealth reaches one thousand gold, thousands of silver, and millions of dollars.But this time going south, Gan Ning knew that he would never return to this place.

So he took away the most precious gold, and gave up silver, and money.The purpose is to save weight and make the boat go faster.

Arrived in Jiangxia earlier to support Liu Feng.

"Blow the horn and set sail." Gan Ning waved his hand and said decisively.

"Promise." The Jinfan bandit felt pity in his heart, but he didn't dare to disobey Gan Ning's intention, so he agreed.

Immediately, the melodious sound of the horn sounded, and the Jinfan thieves drove the boats, counted the boats, and went down the Yangtze River southward.

The following words are free.

Well, there will still be three shifts on the [-]th and [-]th, and you won't become impotent immediately after double the monthly ticket.However, because they are all written in chapters.So there is no way to update it continuously, and the other two chapters can only be placed during the day.Please forgive me.

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