Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 139 A single spark will also burn the sky

For Sifang, Liu Feng's actions to capture Xiakou this time and ignite the flames of war all over Jiangxia are considered arrogant and outrageous. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Of course Liu Feng didn't know, even if he knew, he would probably laugh it off.

It is undeniable that Liu Feng was indeed evil, and he ordered the attack on Xiakou on impulse.But after being impulsive, Liu Feng dissected Jiangxia's situation in detail, and came to the conclusion that capturing Jiangxia was definitely not an unattainable dream.

First, in the battle of Dongting Lake, Liu Feng wiped out Huang She's five thousand sailors.Secondly, because of Huang Zu's old age and lack of discipline in the army over the years, his cronies are all slanderous officials.Officials complain, but the people don't.

Again it was unexpected, Jiangxia Huangzu fought against Jiangdong all the year round, and most of his troops were near Xiling County.To resist Jiangdong's offensive.It will take a few days to mobilize.This gave Liu Feng plenty of time to prepare after capturing Xiakou.

In the end, Liu Feng's reliance was Gan Ning's amazing army.Wu general Gan Ning's bravery made even Cao Cao frightened.He led the sailors under his banner, and he was sure to smash the remaining sailors under Huang Zu's tent.

With such five advantages, Liu Feng felt that he must win this battle.

It has been three days since Xiakou was captured, and the people in the city are still only allowed to enter and not allowed to leave.For the people who were stranded in the city where they could live, Liu Feng ordered people to set up tents for them to live in.And deliver meals.

The [-] soldiers under Huang Zu's command have also been preliminarily reorganized and established.Although it is still far from becoming an army, at least it can come in handy.Strengthening the city and building arrows are all easy.

As time passed, Deng Ai, Zhang Gu, Zhang Gui and others who were dispatched to plunder also returned with large quantities of supplies one after another.

These supplies piled up like a mountain, and the treasury couldn't put them down. Liu Feng had to set up a tent in the open space to load these supplies, enough to support the entire city's army and horses for several months.

In terms of the city wall, due to the short time, no heightening was carried out, but only reinforcement and thickening.Make the city wall more impenetrable.On the half of the wooden city wall built on the Yangtze River, a rope ladder is fully constructed.Arrows, soldiers, etc. were all transported by boats and climbed up the city wall from rope ladders.In this way, the function of troop distribution is further accelerated.

In the east of the city is a school yard that can hold 5000 people. At the moment, there are two hundred soldiers standing in the school yard. These soldiers are wearing black iron armor with a faint glow and dark helmets on their heads.Holding a ring-headed broadsword.

These soldiers have dark skin, bright eyes and spirit. Not only are they tall and tall, but none of them are under seven feet.

Standing in front of these two hundred soldiers, they felt a fierce murderous aura rushing straight to the sky.

On the podium in the east, Liu Feng is in the middle, Huang Zhong is on the left, and Chen Da is on the right. The three of them looked at the two hundred soldiers together.

Looking at these soldiers, Liu Feng's eyes were full of smiles, Chen Da's face was a little proud, and Huang Zhong's face was full of emotion.

"What do Han Sheng think of my battalion?" Liu Feng turned around and asked with a smile.

Of course, these are Liu Feng's soldiers who broke the army camp. Although 300 people died in the battle with Huang She, there are still more than 200 people left. Among them, [-] elite soldiers were selected to wear the clothes they got from Du Island. Here comes the black armor.

Holding a large sword with a ring head, it looks extremely sharp.

"Such a strong soldier is rare in the world." After all, Huang Zhong was very old and knowledgeable. After watching the two hundred soldiers moved for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and raised his fist at Liu Feng.

"Maybe beat Huang Zu?" Liu Feng asked again.

"It can be won in one battle." Huang Zhong replied calmly.

"Okay, when Huang Zu leads the army to kill, this broken army will be our trump card. Chen Da obeys the order." Liu Feng called out "Hello", then turned his head and said loudly to Chen Da who was next to him.

"The subordinate is here." Chen Da clasped his fists in response.

"Lead your troops and follow Huang Sima for the time being. Don't be reserved, don't be arrogant. Everything is subject to Huang Sima's mobilization. If you don't follow, then the military law will follow. How?" Liu Feng asked sharply.

"The subordinates take orders." Chen Da was shocked, and immediately put away the trace of pride on his face, and bowed his head.

Liu Feng's order has never been changed. Chen Da knows that if Huang Zhong is offended, he, his old confidant, will suffer as well.

Although breaking the barracks is the trump card, since Liu Feng has given Huang Zhong full authority to handle it.It's not easy to intervene too much, after a few words of encouragement, I went to deal with more trivial matters.

After all, a city is no better than a military camp. Even if there are civil servants like Xu Tian and Zhang Dao under his command, some things are still too busy.

It's just that Liu Feng has no regrets in his heart, but it's a pity that time is not enough. Although the soldiers of the two hundred broken barracks are wearing the best iron armor, they lack the weapons to hack and kill.

The ring head broadsword is only a kind of killing weapon in the Han Dynasty, which is far from the famous famous blade in later generations.Now that the city is in his hands, Jiang Xia is close at hand.

If there is a chance, we must research a sharp blade that is thousands of years ahead, and when the time comes, we will meet gods and kill gods, and ghosts and ghosts.

To break the barracks and make the world bow down.

It's a pity that the time is now in storage, and this idea can only be reserved for later.

In the next few days, Liu Feng was busy with various matters, strengthening the city, appeasing the people, and sorting various materials.

Day by day, the whole Xiakou City could feel more and more oppressive.

Finally on the seventh day, spies came to report that it was a convoy going upstream to attack Xiakou.Among them, there are two large ships, ten large ships, and several small ships.

The flag is "chang".

Moreover, it was reported that there were traces of Jiangxia's army in the east.The flag is "yellow."

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Liu Feng summoned civil and military officials.

Because Huang Zhong, Xu Tian and the others had already foreseen that there would be a big battle, there was a hint of shock on their faces, and some were just sharp.

The generals are excited, but the civil servants are calm.

"The general with the surname Chang is probably Chang Wei who is stationed at Sanjiangkou. The navy under Huang Zu's camp is the sharpest of the [-] navy in Xiakou, which has already been defeated by the lord. Chang Wei can only be regarded as second-rate, with a large number of troops. But it's not enough evidence." Huang Zhong raised his fist at Liu Feng.

Huang Zhong served as General Zhonglang in Changsha, so he knew some generals in Jiangxia and the deployment of troops.

"Water and land go hand in hand." Liu Feng's face was a little dignified. Xiakou was a city that was half a city and half a water village.Both water and land can take advantage of the trend to attack.

However, although dignified, Liu Feng had already expected Huang Zu's arrangement.After all, there will be no idiot who chooses to attack by land instead of attacking two groups of troops.

Liu Feng wrote a letter, recruiting Gan Ning as a general, also in order to guard against water attacks.

"Calculating the time, Gan Ning should be here soon?" Liu Feng Brick asked Zhang Gu.

"If the elder brother of the Gan family set off as soon as he received the letter, he would arrive in about five hours." Zhang Gu replied after calculating the time in his mind.

one day.And the spies came to report just now, saying that the fleet would arrive within four hours at the earliest.

A difference of one hour, two hours.

And there was another Huang Zu ahead, leading an army of 5000 or even [-] people rushing towards this side.The deployment of this force is a problem.

If there are too few troops in the water village at the rear, it will cause Gan Ning to be breached before he arrives.At that time, Liu Feng and the others will definitely die.

If there are too many people in the rear water village, then the front city will face the threat of being breached, and the end will not be much better.

This should be cautious, more cautious.

Liu Feng calculated his current strength in his mind, and there were 500 soldiers.Zhang Gu had 300 water thieves, and Deng Ai and Zhang Gui had about 50 people left.Zhou Shun [-] people.Breaking the army is the trump card, and it cannot appear until the end.

Three thousand five hundred soldiers can barely defend the city. Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, and Zhou Shun must serve as the supervisor team to supervise these soldiers to defend the city.

Then the remaining troops he can use are only Zhang Gu's 200 men.

It is of course impossible to put all these water thieves into the defense of the water village. Liu Feng plans to divide them into two.

"Zhang Sima, you lead [-] troops to guard the water village and wait for Gan Ning's rescue." Liu Feng thought for a long time and said to Zhang Gu.

"500 people, isn't it too small?" Zhang Gu was taken aback and asked.

"500 people guarding for an hour is enough." Liu Feng said decisively.In other words, Liu Feng placed all his bets on Gan Ning's character. If Gan Ning is really the legendary righteous general, then Liu Feng will not lose.And Liu Feng also believed in Gan Ning.

In addition, Liu Feng couldn't get more people to defend the city.There are only 200 people in Zhang Gu, and the remaining 700 people must be used as a reserve force to defend the city and resist Huang Zu's army.

Hearing what Liu Feng said, Zhang Gu calmed down.Liu Feng believed in Gan Ning, and he also believed in Gan Ning.Gan Ning's promise is worth a thousand gold.

"No." Zhang Gu clasped his fists, bent over and said loudly.

"So, Zhang Sima went down to prepare. Next, there will be a tough battle." Liu Feng said solemnly.

Zhang Gu nodded, bowed again, turned and left the hall.

"Zhang Gui, Zhou Shun, Deng Ai, follow me to the top of the city and supervise the battle together." After Zhang Gu left, Liu Feng suddenly stood up and ordered.

This battle is his first battle, the first time he has devoted himself to fighting for himself.If you win this battle, you will occupy Jiangxia.If you lose.No, he will not lose.

The faces of Gan, Mi, Liu Bei, Xu Shu, Mi Zhu, Zhang Fei and others flashed in his mind one by one. Whether it was hatred or affection, they were all Liu Feng's concerns, and he would not die until these concerns were resolved.will not lose.

The hostility in Liu Feng's eyes flashed away, since Huang Zu is so aggressive, he will use you to sacrifice the flag.


The generals promised.

On the tower of the city gate, there is a big flag with the word "Liu". This flag was made when Liu Feng was appointed as the school captain.Since Liu Feng left Xinye, this flag has been put away.

Seven days ago, Liu Feng captured Xiakou as a bandit.This flag was taken out again, and it was regarded as the handsome flag of Liu Feng's forces.

have a different status.

At this moment, it is fluttering in the wind, showing its teeth and claws.It has the appearance of a dragon flying into the sky.

Wearing heavy iron armor and a heavy helmet, Liu Feng slowly walked up to the top of the city.A group of generals behind him followed slowly.

After reaching the top of the city, Liu Feng looked into the distance and saw a mass of darkness and several soldiers galloping towards him.

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