Chapter 140 Defending the City (No. [-], [-]rd update)

Not only was Liu Feng looking from afar, after Huang Zu ordered the army to set up camp, he also rode his horse for dozens of steps and led the generals in the army to observe Xiakou. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

"This city was built as a water fortress to defend against the Jiangbei navy. It is only good for defending the navy, not for infantry. It is too easy to break through."

There was a general beside Huang Zu who looked at Xiakou City Road with disdain on his face.

This general is called Lei Guan, he is tall and thick, with a full face, he is proud that he is the number one general under Jiang Xia's prefect Huang Zu.When Huang Zu built this Xiakou city, he was a general of Huang Zu's army.Therefore, he has a deep understanding of the weaknesses of this city.

"My purpose is not to break into the city, but to dismantle Liu Feng into pieces to vent my hatred. Do you know?" Huang Zu did not praise Lei Guan for his strength as usual, but said in a cold voice.

These days, Huang Zu has aged a lot.When I was sleeping at night, I dreamed of the figure of my eldest son Huang She from time to time.Bi regretted why he sent his son to attack Liu Feng in the first place, and why he didn't send Deng Long, a general in the army.

For Liu Feng who killed Huang She, Huang Zu couldn't wait to unload all the pieces.

I'm not in a good mood, for the art of winning people's hearts.Of course I'm too lazy to use it.

Lei Guan's face was flushed by Huang Zu's sarcastic remarks, but he didn't dare to vent his resentment on Huang Zu.Instead, he resented Liu Feng in his heart.

If this kid hadn't appeared suddenly, how could Huang She have died.How could he be scolded.

It's a blessing for you little Liu Feng to be killed by our young master.If you don't enjoy the blessings, you will bring bad luck instead, and you will be chopped into pieces soon.It's really hateful and pitiful.

Lei Guan thought for granted.

Originally, according to the normal procedure, the camp should be set up first, and then attack the city tomorrow.But Huang Zu couldn't wait any longer.

After looking at it for a while, he pulled out the long sword at his waist, and roared towards Xiakou City: "After the city is broken, there will be a reward of one thousand for the head of Liu Feng, and one hundred for the remains of the body. Siege."

Lei Guan shuddered all over after hearing this.Sure enough, it was a fate of dismemberment.He knew that after Huang Zu's order went on, the soldiers would definitely loot Liu Feng's body, decompose it, and decompose it again.Each person took a part and took it back to Huang Zu to receive the reward.

Vicious enough, the hatred for Liu Feng is deep enough.

After a moment of silence in my heart, Lei Guan rode out.Because he is the number one fighter, he usually takes the lead.

On the city, Liu Feng saw a general in golden armor on the other side, leading more than a thousand soldiers out of battle.He couldn't help but put his hand on the hilt of the long sword at his waist.

After a moment of silence, Liu Feng's eyes suddenly flashed coldly, and he said loudly, "Beating the drums will shock the army."

"Boom, boom." Following Liu Feng's order, more than a dozen big drums lined up inside the city wall, and under the beating of more than [-] strong soldiers, they made a thunderous roar.

At the same time, there were bursts of drumming from the Huang Zu army below the city.Amidst the sound of drums, Lei Guan led more than a thousand soldiers and launched a fierce attack on Xiakou City.

Each soldier held a sack filled with soil.Ready to fill the moat in one fell swoop.Xiakou is a water village under Jiang Xia's rule, so how could Huang Zu not know that this city is a water fortress, surrounded by moats?

When the army was assembled in Xiling County, these sacks had already been prepared.Thousands of bags went down, and the creek was filled up.

Amidst the beating of drums, more than a thousand soldiers marched forward with sacks on their backs.At this time, under Zhang Gui's command, the archers on the top of the city fired arrows without asking for money.

"Swish, swish, swish." Arrows rained down, and several soldiers carrying sacks fell to the ground.Or howling endlessly, or making a sound.

But the soldiers still gritted their teeth and rushed forward, not daring to retreat in the slightest.Because they knew that General Lei Guan was leading his own soldiers to supervise the formation at the back, and they all retreated to kill and forgive.

Rushing forward and occupying the city is the way to survive.Going backwards is a dead end.

During the seventy or eighty steps, almost one-fifth of the soldiers fell down on the way.But the rest of the soldiers also reached the moat and threw down the sacks in their hands with all their might.Immediately let go of his feet, and fled back to the main formation under the rain of arrows.

After three rounds like this, Lei Guanzai paid the price of hundreds of people to fill up the moat.

After the last group of soldiers retreated, Lei Guan organized another [-] soldiers.Or holding a ladder, or holding a long sword, with a big knife around the head.Prepare to attack the city.

"After breaking the city. Those who get Liu Feng's head will be rewarded with a thousand gold. Those who get the corpse will be rewarded with a hundred gold. Kill." The formation was finally released, and Lei Guan pulled out the long sword at his waist and roared.

"Kill, kill, kill." In response to a loud shout of killing, the soldiers rushed towards the city.

Their eyes were blood red, because they were veterans, and they knew that if they didn't advance, they would die.Only by breaking the city, breaking the city, breaking the city can one get a way out and get rewards.

It is undeniable that Huang Zu's condition for rewarding Liu Feng's body made the soldiers more excited and violent to a certain extent.

Facing this murderous aura that seemed to be overwhelming the sky, Liu Feng couldn't help being terrified.

This is Jiangxia's army. Even if it is broken, it is still an army that can compete with Sun Jian, the fierce tiger in Jiangdong, and even compete with Sun Ce and Sun Quan brothers after Sun Jian's death.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, this sentence can just be applied to Jiang Xia's army.

However, as the saying goes, go all out, then decline, and exhaust three times.Even a strong army can turn from strong to weak, not to mention Jiang Xia's already dilapidated army.

In this way, I am afraid it will not last for four or five hours.

Liu Feng looked up at the sky, it was about four or five hours before dark, and it was also the time when Gan Ning arrived.Before dark, they can defeat Jiang Xia's army in one go.Completely burn the flames of war all over Jiangxia.

own it.

"Steady." Liu Feng only said two words, but it was as steady as Mount Tai.

"Promise." Zhang Gui, who was ordered to command the city defense battle, raised his fist to promise.After receiving the general order, Zhang Gui passed Liu Feng calmly and stood at the forefront of the city, directing the war.

Like most of the generals under Liu Feng's tent, Zhang Gui became more and more calm under the influence of Liu Feng's calm demeanor.

Looking at Zhang Gui who is so calm, Liu Feng's eyes were filled with relief.

"Kill." The soldiers below the city let out a cry of killing as they approached the city, and almost at the same time, the soldiers on the top of the city also let out a cry of killing.

The two armies faced each other, blood staining the city.

At the water village in the north of the city, Zhang Gu led five hundred former water bandits, staring at the east.But his ears were pricked up, listening to the situation in the south of the city.

At this moment, the time is gradually approaching evening.Four hours had passed since the war broke out, and within these four hours, Zhang Gu heard the drum beating eight times.

That is to say, Huang Zu's army has attacked the city eight times.Eight times in four hours, if this is said, it will definitely be shocking.

You must know that the army is also composed of people, and it will be tired and exhausted.will fear.Generally, the siege is once every one or two hours, five or six times a day.

In this way, after the emptiness in the city is revealed, then go all out and launch a fierce attack.This is the right way.

But now Huang Zu launched a fierce attack as soon as he came, and launched two fierce attacks in an hour.Zhang Gu dared to conclude that Huang Zu wanted to attack Xiakou within a day.

I wonder if the lord and the others can stand it?Zhang Gu had doubts in his heart, now there was about an hour and a half left before dark, which meant that Huang Zu would launch at least three fierce attacks.

Most of Liu Feng's troops were soldiers.The training is only for seven days, if it is urgent, I am afraid they will mutiny.

Just when Zhang Gu was feeling heavy, he heard a pawn shouting: "Boat, it's a ship."

Zhang Gu's complexion changed drastically, he looked towards the east suddenly, and saw several boats sailing against the direction of the surging river.On one of the building boats, a big flag with the word "Chang" dances in the wind.

"The bow and arrow are stringed, and the sword is unsheathed." Zhang Gu shook for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

Water battles against enemy ships.Archery is the mainstream.

Following Zhang Gu's order, the soldiers on the water stronghold stringed their bows and arrows one by one, and their eyes were fixed on the boats going up against the water.

On the deck of the building with the big flag with the word "Chang" standing, there were several men standing, and among the men stood a middle-aged man with a majestic face, this man was Chang Wei.The captain of the Sanjiangkou Navy.

"Your Majesty is ordered to attack the water village with all your strength. Order the building boats to divide into two sides, suppress the bows and arrows on the water village, and send a warship to storm the gate of the village." Seeing that Xiakou had arrived, Chang Wei ordered.

"No." The four confidants all agreed and went down to deliver the order.

After the confidantes went down to deliver the order, Chang Wei raised his head, looked at the water village with a sneer, and said, "My lord prefect led twelve thousand troops to storm the city. How many people can be stationed on your half of the water village? Let's see how I fight." Break it."

"Beat the drum." Almost at the same time, Zhang Gu and Chang Wei ordered to beat the drum.

"Boom, boom." Following the offensive and defensive battle of the city in the south, drums were also roaring incessantly in the water village in the north.

The soldiers on both sides shot arrows, blood staining the Yangtze River.

At this moment, it was time for Huang Zu to take turns to attack.On the south side of the city, Liu Feng took Kou Shui to inspect the city.In this short period of time, the corpses and stumps on the top of the city were carried away.

But the blood, as well as the minced meat, were difficult to remove.Every time Liu Feng took a step, he almost stepped on the bright red blood.

In troubled times, wars will break out all the time.A man with ambition and purpose.You can't be overwhelmed by the tragedy in front of you.

Liu Feng's eyes were calm, and he patrolled the city very calmly.

Suddenly, Liu Feng's footsteps paused.Turned around and looked north.Is the navy coming too?Liu Feng's heart was slightly solemn.

I wonder what happened to Gan Ning?Liu Feng thought for a moment, then resumed his inspection of the city.

Liu Feng had already handed over the task of the water village in the north of the city to Gan Ning.What he has to do now is to resist Huang Zu Linglie's offensive as much as possible, and wait for the opportunity for Huang Zu to work hard, decline again, and rest three times.

In one fell swoop, Huang Zu was defeated.

Suddenly, there was another roaring drum sound from Huang Zu's formation outside the city.

"Boom, boom."

"Meet the enemy." Liu Feng changed drastically, drawing his sword and shouting.

God knows, Huang Zu really didn't want the lives of the soldiers, it was less than a quarter of an hour since the last attack on the city.It's about to make a comeback, really want to break through Xiakou today?

Liu Feng's heart was very serious

A good book about the Republic of China "Xinhai Science and Technology Empire"

Internet writer Chai Dongliang travels back to the time when the gunfire of Xinhai Revolution just rang out, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that his laptop could actually contact the group of book friends 100 years later.

书号 : 1903535

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