Chapter 140 Gan Ning Killed

On the north water village. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Zhang Gu's lips were dry and cracked, his eyes were straight, and the blood-stained sword in his hand was trembling constantly.

It has been an hour, a full hour, and his soldiers have dropped from the initial 500 to the current less than a hundred.The arrows are still there, but the people are gone.

The opponent's soldiers have already started to steer the boat, set up the springboard on the building boat, and climbed up the water village.

As a result, the archers couldn't concentrate on shooting arrows, and had to take out the short knives around their waists to fight with Jiang Xia's navy.

"Brother Gan, if you don't come again. If the city is broken, my lord and I will be finished." Zhang Gu raised his long sword numbly, and chopped down a Jiang Xia navy who climbed up the water village, "Ah." See The navy screamed and fell into the river.

Zhang Gu looked up at the west, and said with a wry smile.

At this moment, the water village was not only filled with arrows, but blood dripped into the river from the gaps in the wooden water village from time to time, staining the Yangtze River red.

"Ah." Lost in a daze, Zhang Gu was slashed in the shoulder by a sailor.After uttering a scream, Zhang Gu endured the pain, and stabbed straight into the abdomen of the visitor with his long sword, piercing it on the spot.

With Zhang Gu's injury, the defense line of the entire northern water village was on the verge of collapse.

In the middle of the river, the huge fleet is still huge, but at the moment it has lost its sharpness and looks a little lazy.

The ships were scattered, only the soldiers on the upper boat were still climbing the water village, intending to completely destroy the defense of the water village.

On the building boat with the "Chang" flag, Chang Wei looked up and saw that most of the water stronghold had been occupied by his own soldiers, a smile appeared on his serious face.

In this way, the task on their side is completed.After breaking through this water village, you can enter Xiakou City.When the time comes, Liu Feng will be pinched inside the southern city wall.

Kill them in one battle.

"This merit is mine, but I don't know how the prefect will reward him for merit." Chang Wei stroked his long beard on his chin, thinking expectantly.

"Come here, send the battle report to the prefect, and tell me that I will be a thief in the water in a quarter of an hour. I will enter the city."


After issuing the order, Chang Wei continued to look in the direction of the water village with a smile on his face.

All the generals lost their minds, let alone the navy under the tent.

No one noticed that a black dot slowly appeared in the west, because the speed of the black dot was astonishingly fast along the river, and within a short time, the shape,

I saw a huge fleet going down the river without a flag or even much momentum.There was only a heroic man standing on a big boat.

This man has sharp eyes, a tall and slender figure, is dressed in brocade clothes, and holds a long spear in his hand.Just like the long spear in his hand, standing there for a long time gives people a strong and unyielding aura.

This man is Gan Ning.

Gan Ning's tense face finally relaxed a bit as he looked at the Xiakou Shuizhai who were still fighting.In fact, he came late, and should have been earlier.

It's just because the team is huge, with a total of 2000 people.When going down the south, Gan Ning caught the attention of the navy in Xiangyang, and it took Gan Ning a long time to get rid of it.

Otherwise, he should have arrived half an hour ago.

But at this time, it seems to be good.Gan Ning looked at the scattered boats, most of which were facing south, the Jiangxia navy standing on the Yangtze River.

With a playful smile on his face, Gan Ning turned around and shouted, "Get out our snare drum, and shake up these laid-back brothers."

"Yes, Brother Gan." A Jinfan thief nodded, and immediately found someone to carry out the snare drum.

"Boom, boom, boom." A heavy drum sounded along the river.

The sudden sound made Jiang Xia's sailors a little confused, and then someone looked away from the sound, and their faces turned pale with fright.Although they are slack, they know some basic common sense of the navy.

Now their ships are all erected on the Yangtze River because of the attack on Xiakou, and the huge fleet of vicious ships in front of them is rushing towards this side.

The bow struck the midship, and they must have been the ones who capsized.Some people compare how cold the river is in these days.I shivered.

As the Gan Ning fleet approached, panic spread among the Jiangxia navy.Several people gritted their teeth and jumped into the river by themselves.

Waiting to be knocked over is not as safe as jumping in now.

"Who is coming? Let's do it slowly." Of course Chang Wei also heard the sound of the small drum, and when he turned his head to see it, his face was three points paler than that of the soldiers.

Annihilation of the entire army, this is the crisis of annihilation of the entire army.It doesn't matter to the soldiers, as long as they survive.But he, the leader of the army, will definitely be severely punished by military law.

Just now, Chang Wei, who was very proud and had sent Huang Zu the battle report in advance, turned pale at this moment, and shouted regardless of his image.

Trying to slow down the time, let him turn the bow.

But is Gan Ning that kind of fool?

After hearing Chang Wei's shout, Gan Ning sneered, waved his spear, and ordered loudly: "Rush over, wipe them all out."

"Promise." The thieves of one thousand two hundred brocade sails roared in unison, took out their short knives, and stood on the bow of the boat.

The wind on the river was whistling fiercely, and the river flowed eastward.The speed of the boat is getting faster and faster.

Finally, with Chang Wei's pale and blue face, he crashed into the boat of Jiang Xia's navy.


Amidst a loud bang, several boats were knocked over, and several sailors screamed and fell into the river.Pick up the number of splashes.One row, two rows, and three rows of warships were directly destroyed.

Seeing one's own warship, several ships were knocked over just like that.Chang Wei only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a bloody arrow shot out of his mouth.

"How did this happen, how did this happen. It was about to rush into the water village and win the first prize. But the boat capsized in the gutter, and there were bones, bones." The elation of the previous moment and the frustration of this moment made Chang Wei feel in his heart roared.

The scene in front of him made Chang Wei completely aware that he was finished, really finished.Three thousand sailors, I am afraid that it is difficult to protect even one, and it is difficult to protect even one.

Where did this bandit come from?

"Hahahaha, let me show you how powerful our Jinfan is." Several Jinfan thieves held short knives and jumped onto the Jiangxia warships that hadn't been knocked over.

They didn't care about the frustration and resentment in Chang Wei's heart.All they knew was that their chief had defected to Colonel Liu and served as Sima under his tent.

Since this person wants to attack Lieutenant Liu, he is their enemy.It must be eliminated.

"Kill, kill, kill." As Jinfan thieves roared together, Jiang Xia's navy, who was waiting for victory just a moment ago, was macheted piece by piece. They waved their short knives excitedly, as if they were harvesting a flock of sheep. Accept them one by one.

The sailors who were still resisting, under the frenzied attack of these Jinfan thieves, were terrified, timid, kept retreating, or knelt down to surrender, or jumped into the river.

"Brothers in the city, I kept you waiting. Please also tell my lord Liu Feng that Sima Ganning of the other department has arrived. Let my lord wait for a while, after I kill this group of navy troops, I will go to the city to support. "Gan Ning let out a burst of laughter towards the water fortress, and then, with a wave of his spear, he took the lead and blatantly rushed at the few buildings in the water army that were still resisting.

Fight with Jiangxia's [-] sailors with [-] athletes.It only takes a moment to threaten, what arrogance and domineering it is.

On the water village, Zhang Gu looked at Gan Ning excitedly with moist eyes.

Not only because Gan Ning saved him again when he was most critical.Also because of Gan Ning's words.

"Anyone who can get up and run, go and tell the lord. Sima Ganning led his troops to kill. It only takes a moment to support the city." Zhang Gu covered the bleeding wound with his hands, and shouted with a knife .

At this time, there were less than dozens of guards on the water stronghold, and almost none were intact.But following Zhang Gu's yell, a soldier who was slightly injured immediately clasped his fists at Zhang Gu, climbed down the water village with all his strength, and headed for the city by boat.

Zhang Gu watched the soldiers leave quickly, and then looked outside the water stronghold, Gan Ning was leading the Jinfan bandits, and they were overwhelmingly attacking Jiangxia's navy.He closed his eyes involuntarily, he was tired and sleepy now, and wanted to sleep for a while.

On the south wall, there is almost a piece of broken limbs.

There were corpses piled up like a mountain, some were shot by feather arrows, and some were cut in two during the fight.The blood they left behind almost stained the entire city wall red.

Of the 2000 soldiers, there are less than [-] left, and they are fighting numbly, throwing stones and firing arrows at the bottom of the city.

These soldiers have almost collapsed mentally. If it weren't for the supervisory team formed by Zhou Shun, Deng Ai, Zhang Gui and others to watch from behind, they might have mutinied long ago.

But Liu Feng knew that this would not last long.If Huang Zu's offensive is still so fierce, mutiny will only happen sooner or later.

When the time comes, the soldiers will mutiny, and Huang Zu will be able to enter the city without any effort.

At this moment, the armor on Liu Feng's body was also stained with blood, and there was even a long and narrow wound on his left shoulder.Blood was lying outside.

This knife was cut by a person at the level of a school lieutenant. If it weren't for the amazing defensive power of the armor Liu Feng was wearing, his left arm would have been cut off long ago.

However, that person did not take advantage of it.The whole person stayed on this city wall.

"You also join the battle." Liu Feng turned to Kou Shui and said.

At this moment, Kou Shui's face was filled with shame and grief.When Liu Feng was attacked, they stood aside. Although they rushed forward, they were still killed by the school lieutenant.

In the end, it was Liu Feng himself who fought against the captain, leaving the captain behind.

The three brothers died, and Liu Feng was in his hands again. At this moment, Kou Shui could only feel ashamed, only grief and indignation.

Suddenly, hearing Liu Feng's order, Kou Shui's eyes flashed with determination, and he clasped his fists and said loudly, "No."

The next moment, he led the remaining 17 members of Kou's retainers to participate in the battle to defend the city.

Looking at Kou Shui's generous figure, Liu Fengnai sighed.If it wasn't for the emergency, he would be reluctant to send Kou Shui and others up.

These people are loyal retainers, and losing any of them is a major loss.

"Gan Ning, you..." I was thinking about when Gan Ning would arrive, but I heard a very loud voice from a distance, "My lord, my lord, it only takes a moment for the other Sima Gan Ning to kill you." Support the lord."

With a high-pitched voice, a soldier covered in blood went up to the top of the wall and fell beside Liu Feng.

A wave of ecstasy rose from his heart, Gan Ning joined, this battle would definitely win, Jiang Xia could easily win.

At this moment, Huang Zhong's figure also appeared at the top of the city.

He was wearing a black armor, holding a black oolong bow in his hand, a broadsword with a ring head straddling his waist, and a pot of arrows on his back, but there were only three feathered arrows in the quiver.

Seeing such a bloody scene on the top of the city, Huang Zhong didn't show any emotion on his face.

"My lord, I think Huang Zu's momentum has weakened, and it's almost time to go out." Huang Zhong said to Liu Feng.

Huang Zhong's words made Liu Feng suppress the ecstasy in his heart, his eyes flashed, and he turned his head to look outside the city.

I saw that Huang Zu's army outside the city was still advancing one after another, but looking at the details, there were indeed some laxities.Attacking the city in one day, at this moment should be the most exhausted and exhausted time for the soldiers of Huang Zu's army.

While speaking, there was a loud drum beating in the direction of Huang Zu's army.

Hundreds of people roared in unison, "I, General Chang Wei, will break the water village. Xiakou City will only be broken today. Jiangxia is mighty, Jiangxia is mighty."

The thunderous roar heralded the beginning of the Jiang Xia army's general attack.

I saw Jiangxia Taishou's commander-in-chief's flag with the word "yellow" moving slowly, pressing into Xiakou step by step, and the entire Jiangxia army followed the movement of the commander-in-chief flag, and rushed towards Xiakou City in its entirety.

"Boom, boom." Suddenly, there was a strong drum sound in the air.

Because of the roar and drums just now, Jiang Xia's army suddenly raised its momentum, almost reaching its peak.

On the other hand, in Xiakou City, Liu Feng even sent drummers to the city to participate in the exhibition.In terms of momentum, it seemed insufficient. Under the oppression of Jiangxia's army step by step, the faces of those soldiers showed fear, viciousness, paleness, or flushing.

It shows that the fear in the hearts of the soldiers has almost reached its peak, and the mutiny is only at this moment.

But Huang Zhong and Liu Feng were not surprised but delighted.

"Hahahaha, it's this moment." Liu Feng looked up to the sky and laughed out loud. He laughed so freely.The so-called prosperity and decline, Huang Zu was in prosperity at this time, and the time of weakness is only between the fingers.

"The last general will go to prepare." Huang Zhongxin understood, bid farewell to Liu Feng, and hurried down the city.

After Huang Zhong left, Liu Feng called Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, Zhou Shun and others, and ordered them to hold on for a while.Only then did he face the south, watching Jiang Xia's army approaching with extreme momentum.

Liu Fengfeng sneered, who told you that the water village in the north of me has been broken.Sima Gan Xingba, who is under my tent, who can stop Jiang Xia?

At this moment, Xiakou's closed suspension bridge was suddenly lowered, and the city gate opened.

Two hundred battalion soldiers wearing black iron armor and holding broadswords walked out of the city step by step.

They took one step at a time, their momentum may not be strong, but they are very firm.Their eyes were sharp, and they looked at the thousands of Jiangxia troops ahead with fear.

With a large knife in his hand across his chest, like a lion ready to fight at any time.

"Kill." Huang Zhong, who was hidden in the stroke of the two hundred battalion soldiers, let out a fierce roar.

"Kill." In a burst of roars in unison, the murderous aura filled the sky, almost changing the color of the situation.

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