Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 142 Three Arrows Set Jiang Xia

Chapter 140 Two Arrows to Set Jiangxia

Under the banner of Huang Zu's army, Huang Zu's face flashed with excitement. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

What made Huang Zu so excited was that he still had such a large army and such momentum.Under such momentum, he felt that the old and withered body under the armor erupted with a burst of heat.

Only when he was young, Huang Zu would feel such heat.The blood is soaring, boiling.

Holding the long sword in his hand, Huang Zu had no doubt that he still had the strength to fight in battle. When he fought against the Jiangdong Tigers, he personally led the troops to fight with them, and finally his subordinates shot and killed Sun Jian.

The current Huang Zu seems to have returned to that time.

Liu Fengxin is also a capable person, but he was able to break out the power to defeat his eldest son Huang She when he left Xinye, which is enough to stand out from the crowd.

But standing here is Huang Zu, a man who specializes in shooting capable people.

When he is about to enter the earth, he can also destroy a general star who is about to rise.What could be more exciting than such an achievement?

"The reward for cutting Liu Feng into eight pieces remains the same. Whoever enters the city first will be rewarded another thousand gold." Huang Zu waved his long sword and pointed it at Xiakou.roared.

"Kill, kill, kill." With Huang Zu's roar, the momentum of Jiang Xia's army really reached its peak, an unprecedented peak.

The soldiers rushed towards Xiakou frantically with bloodshot eyes.

At this moment, the suspension bridge of Xiakou City suddenly came down.A group of soldiers in black iron armor appeared in front of Jiang Xia's army.

Although this group of soldiers looks like the elite of the elite, the trump card of the trump card.But the number is too small, there are only two to three hundred people at a glance, and it is too weak in front of Jiang Xia's army with nine thousand soldiers.

Therefore, the soldiers in front of Jiang Xia's army just paused before taking another step.And the footsteps are faster and faster.

Those who break the city will be rewarded with five hundred gold.

Xiao Liu, who seals the head, will be rewarded with a thousand gold.

Whoever gets Liu Feng's limb and arm will be rewarded with a hundred gold.

All kinds of rewards flashed in the hearts of the soldiers one by one, making the soldiers' murderous aura even more intense, and their eyes even more bloody.Heavy panting, like a beast.

But soon, they will know that beasts are divided into layers.At best, they were hunting dogs, but the broken barracks soldiers in front of them were definitely tigers.

"Hey." Huang Zu let out a little hey, and looked at the black armored army in surprise.

Huang Zu is also worthy of being a veteran on the battlefield, having defeated Sun Jian's stuff.After thinking about it for a while, I understood Liu Feng's intentions.

"At this moment, the morale of our army is high, and it is almost at its peak. He does not avoid the edge, but he still wants to fight with force. Could it be that my mighty army will really be defeated in one battle? Little Lizi, too You underestimated my army." Huang Zu sneered, but did not stop the army from rushing towards the city.

In an army that has reached its peak momentum, even a mediocre general will not let the soldiers stop.

It was time to break the city and slaughter Liu Feng in one go.

"Kill it, kill it, kill it. Take revenge for my son Huang She." Huang Zu's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and his face was extremely ferocious, almost insane.

There is only one reason to support Huang Zu's crazy siege of the city, the revenge of killing his son is irreconcilable.

But at this moment, the soldiers who broke the barracks on the opposite side sped up crazily following Huang Zhong's roar.In the overwhelming Jiangxia army, it was like a sharp knife piercing the heart.

If you ride the wind and waves, you can stop it.

After the soldiers who broke the barracks shouted to kill before rushing out, they stopped shouting to kill.He only walked forward step by step in silence, and only talked to people with the big knife in his hand.

Wherever he went, there were almost no intact corpses.

They are Liu Feng's trump card breaking the barracks. They eat the best food and train the hardest. They are physically strong and good at fighting.

They don't need to use bursts of shouts to boost morale like ordinary soldiers, they just need to move forward step by step and kill a bloody path.

On the other hand, Jiang Xia's army, who had filled the sky with arrogance just now and vowed to rush into the city in one go, was torn open in front of the broken barracks like paper.

The momentum of Jiang Xia's army suddenly stopped at this moment.It was like a man who was about to commit suicide, and at a critical moment, someone stuck his neck.

Duty's eyes were wide open, very forceful.

"Hahahaha, so there are such strong soldiers, so there are such strong soldiers. No wonder my child was buried in your hands, no wonder my child was buried in your hands. Not wronged, not wronged at all." The silent battlefield Suddenly, there was a burst of hahaha laughter.

"Cough cough." Laughing loudly, Huang Zu coughed hastily.

Just coughing and laughing.Tears of laughter flowed out.

The stronger Liu Feng is, the stronger his potential will be.The more straightforward Huang Zu was, he had looked up to Liu Feng at first, but when things came to an end, he realized that Liu Feng was stronger and more potential than he had imagined.

What could be more enjoyable than this.

Hahaha.So Huang Zu laughed, laughing heartily,

Suddenly, Huang Zu's laughter stopped abruptly.With a cold face, he said loudly to his confidant generals: "Surround around and bury this elite team first."

"But the prefect, if you don't attack the city, but want to intercept and kill this elite team, wouldn't it be a waste of money?" Deng Long next to him asked doubtfully.

"Hmph, there has been news from Chang Wei that the city will be destroyed. The city is nothing at all, but I'm worried that Liu Feng will break through and escape after hiding in this elite team." Huang Zu sneered, his eyes seemed to be penetrating. After passing one by one, they went straight to the front of the broken barracks, and seemed to see Liu Feng's figure from it.

Pretending to counterattack, it was Jin Chan who escaped from its shell.Can't escape the old man's eyes.The coldness in Huang Zu's eyes flashed away.

"Promise." Deng Long's eyes flashed away. Thinking about it, it was true that Liu Feng could no longer hold the city when the water village in the rear was breached. At this time, he might as well give it a go and break out.

After Deng Long made a promise, he personally led his troops to stop it.

But what puzzled him was that this Black Armored Army came straight to Huang Zu.It was almost a straight line charge, and there was no trace of turning at all.

"When you're leaving, do you still want to take my life? You're so brave." The shock in Huang Zu's eyes flashed away, and then was replaced by a sneer.

"Where are the soldiers?" Huang Zu shouted loudly.

"The last general is here." Huang Zu's personal commander, a general about 30 years old, stepped forward and said.

"Lead all the soldiers to stand 120 paces away, and let Liu Feng know that Jiangxia is not short of elites." Huang Zu said with a sarcasm in his eyes.

"Promise." The commander of the personal army promised heavily, and led the troops forward.

120 paces away, in fact Huang Zu was still wary of whether there were any sharp archers in this small elite team.Huang Zu once shot and killed Sun Jian, and a tiger would have been killed by a hidden arrow.How could Huang Zu be completely defenseless?

"I've heard of piercing Yang with a hundred steps, but I haven't heard that you can kill people at 120 steps. Liu Feng, I'm just waiting for you to strangle me." Huang Zu snorted coldly in his heart.

He still firmly believed in his heart that Liu Feng was hiding among the elite and trying to escape.

Although the speed of the Black Armored Army was very fast, it was not as fast as the arrangement of the personal soldiers.After receiving Huang Zu's order, the commander of the soldiers immediately built a defense line 120 and five steps away from where Huang Zu was, and waited for Huang Zhong and the others to come to his door.

"Master Taishou said that Liu Feng is hiding in this Black Armored Army. If I kill him, I will fight for it." The commander of the soldiers, his eyes flashed with heat.

Not only was this personal soldier commanding, but the surrounding Jiangxia army was also under the command of Deng Long, and slowly surrounded the soldiers of the broken barracks.

The blood trail that the soldiers of the Pojun had fought in the army just now disappeared quickly.

But at this moment, they were 150 steps away from Jiangxia prefect Huang Zushuaiqi.

"My lord, the resistance ahead is getting stronger and stronger." Huang Zhong hid in the black armor army, and Chen Da accompanied him, feeling the pressure from the front, he said in a low voice.

"Ten more steps." Huang Zhong gently held the Wulong bow with his left hand, and said softly.

"Promise." Chen Da took the order, and immediately rushed to the front of the soldiers of the broken army camp, and participated in the fight.

140 nine steps, 140 eight steps, 140 five steps...  Huang Zhong judged the distance with keen eyes. As the distance approached, Huang Zhong's eyes became more and more focused, but his hands became more and more relaxed, and he didn't intend to lift the bow and arrow at all.

As one of the shrewdest hunters, Huang Zhong knew that he had to be calm at the last moment.

140 steps.At 140 steps, Huang Zhong suddenly raised the bow in his hand, and with a speed as fast as thunder, he quickly drew the arrow in the quiver behind his back, and shot at Huang Zu who was riding his horse and standing under the handsome flag.

Three arrows in a row.

One for the forehead, two for the throat, and three for the knees.

After shooting three arrows, Huang Zhong quickly put down the bow and arrow, and it took less than ten seconds before and after.Because it was too fast, no one noticed that Huang Zhong had already shot three arrows.

On the battlefield where the shouts of killing were so loud, no one heard the traces of the arrows flying by, let alone heard them.

"Puchi, Puchi, Puchi." Three times the sound of arrows piercing the flesh sounded.

But Huang Zhong heard it. Maybe some hunters use their eyes to judge whether they have shot their prey.But Huang Zhong used his ears to distinguish, even on such a noisy battlefield.

Huang Zhong still heard the small sound of three arrows piercing the flesh.

"Make a round formation and blow the horn." With a gleam of joy on his face, Huang Zhong quickly issued an order.

After hearing this voice, Chen Da, who was fighting in the front, felt unconcealable ecstasy in his heart.Blowing the trumpet is a signal to Liu Feng, which means that he has succeeded.

Huang Zu was shot and killed.

Chen Da immediately dodged and hid in the encirclement of the broken army camp soldiers, and untied a small rhinoceros horn from his waist.Put it in your mouth and blow it.

The unique humming sound was still clearly audible on this noisy battlefield.

At the same time, a confidant general guarding Huang Zu's side let out a shrill cry, "Master Taishou, Lord Taishou."

"The prefect is dead, the prefect is dead." A shrill cry sounded around Huang Zu.

I saw three feathered arrows stuck in Huang Zu's left knee, forehead, and throat, and these three feathered arrows were still shaking freely.

There was still a smile on Huang Zu's face, and there was still a lot of confidence in his eyes. It was the confidence that he thought Liu Feng was hiding in this black armored army just a moment ago.

This face without a trace of pain hides how fast, how fast, and how powerful Huang Zhong's arrows are.

First the forehead, then the throat, and finally the knees, almost at the same time.

140 paces away, three arrows shot and killed Huang Zu.

Falcons all day long, one day they will be blinded by eagles.Huang Zu certainly never imagined that he would enjoy the same death method as the Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian who was shot and killed by him.

Moreover, it was still 140 steps away. Huang Zu only expected that someone would go through the Yang with a hundred steps, but he did not expect that someone would be able to shoot a stunning chain of three arrows at 140 steps away.

Friend of Panax notoginseng, official work of God Geyu, title: Prosperous Officials and Businessmen, ISBN: 1690864

In the officialdom, everything is exquisite, and in the shopping malls, there are many winds, and a dazzling soul like a genius is wrapped in an inconspicuous body—let's see how the old generation of Tianjiao opened up the road of official business in the prosperous age after being reborn

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