Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 143 Liu Biao Sends Troops to Find a Place

Chapter 140 Three: Liu Biao Sends Troops to Find a Place

When the sound of the rhino horn and the scream sounded, the battlefield fell into a frightening suffocation. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The soldiers of the entire Jiangxia army gave up fighting almost at the same time, and turned to look at Huang Zu.

"The prefect is dead, run away." Panic reached its peak in an instant, and countless soldiers abandoned their spears, weapons, bows and arrows, and fled in all directions.

"Stop, stop. The prefect is fine, the prefect is fine." No matter how Deng Long, Lei Guan and the others try to keep them and threaten them, it will not help.

An elite army, perhaps without its commander, will not fall apart because of the majesty of a strong general, but Huang Zu's army is definitely not elite, at most it is a relatively strong local defender .There are not enough strong generals under the tent to hold the scene.

In the past, Huang Zu's eldest son, Huang She, could be regarded as a character, but it was a pity that he had already died under Liu Feng's sword.

So the panic reached its peak in an instant.Deng Long, Lei Guan and others couldn't even imagine that this army had reached its peak a moment ago and would never return unless it broke the city.

But on the battlefield, anything else can decide the outcome.

This opportunity itself was agreed between Liu Feng and Huang Zhong, so how could he fail to grasp it.

There was only a bang in the direction of the city, and the drums were beating loudly.A motley army came out.Zhang Gui and Zhou Shun are among them.

"Huang Zu is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed." Amidst the wild shouts, some people stopped in a daze and put down their weapons. Of course, some people speeded up their escape like crazy.

For example, Deng Long, Lei Guan and others each took their cronies and fled in all directions.

Inside the city, Liu Feng had already taken off his armor, and was beating the thick military drum vigorously with a drumstick.

"Boom, boom." The sound of the drums came from his hands, and the sound of the drums was so powerful that it almost lasted forever.

In this move, Liu Feng learned from Zhang Fei, which is called a one-drum move with momentum like a tiger.

Pay attention to the endless strength, and the drums are constantly beating.It is generally used when chasing and killing the enemy after a big victory.

Liu Feng felt that if he didn't beat the drum, he couldn't vent his joy at the moment.

No matter what the intention is, no matter what the goal is.At this moment, Liu Feng really took a step forward, capturing a county and thinking of it as his foundation.

With this county, one hundred thousand soldiers will be raised in the future to take back the Gan family.It is no longer just talking about it and talking on paper.But it is possible.

How many soldiers and horses can one county support?How many resources can there be?

For Liu Feng, who was oppressed in Xinye, wandered to Changsha, and was bullied by Huang's grandfather and his son, it could be limited.

Even though Jiang Xia was broken, and even though he would face suppression from all sides if he possessed Jiang Xia, at this moment, Liu Feng really controlled Jiang Xia.

One county, more than ten cities.Several ferry crossings.

"Boom, boom." Liu Feng only knew that he needed to vent, to express the joy in his heart.

until exhaustion.

At the time when the drums were beating loudly, Xiakou's generals rushed out, chasing and killing Jiangxia's deserters.However, Gan Ning had packed up the water village in the north of the city and came here.

Seeing Liu Feng beating the drum alone, cheering for the army.Seeing the joyful expression on Liu Feng's face, Gan Ning ordered the Jinfan bandits under his tent to rush out of the city and help Deng Ai and the others gather the soldiers.He himself stood quietly aside, looking at Liu Feng.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Liu Feng only felt that his arm was sore, but it was time to give it a boost, then decline, and then rest.

Suddenly there was a sound of drums, but it was Liu Feng who put away the drumsticks.Sitting on the ground, he gasped.

"Here." Gan Ning handed over a water bag.

Liu Feng glanced at Gan Ning, took the water bag, raised his head and drank wildly.

"How do you feel?" Gan Ning asked with a smile.

"Refreshing." Liu Fengjian replied in shock.

"What are you going to do next?" Gan Ning asked again.

"Sit firmly in the position of Jiangxia prefect. No matter who comes, fight out." Liu Feng raised his head and looked at Gan Ning with spirit.

"Now that Huang Zu is dead, Jiangxia is bound to be in chaos. I will lead hundreds of troops from the headquarters to attack Xiling and occupy Jiangxia. Xingba's task is to combine Jinfan and Zhanggu's water thieves into one and integrate the waters Army, guard the prisoners, guard Xiakou, and guard against Liu Biao's navy." Liu Feng continued.

"My lord has orders, so I don't obey." Seeing Liu Feng's order, Gan Ning couldn't help straightening his appearance, and clasped his fists as a Sima under his tent.

"Don't worry about Xingba, Liu Biao, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan are all threats here, but no one wants to spit out the Jiang Xia that has been eaten." Liu Feng stood up fiercely, hit Gan Ning's chest with his fist, and laughed to leave.

How can he rest when he is working hard to occupy Jiangxia?

"Brother Gan, where is the lord?" Not long after Liu Feng left, Zhang Gu came to Gan Ning's side and asked suspiciously.At this moment, the wound on Zhang Gu's body has been treated briefly, so Zhang Gu's face is only a little pale, and there is no pain.

"Jiangxia has been occupied. We have also integrated the navy and gathered the warships. If someone ate something and was beaten and spit it out, it would be ridiculous." Gan Ning said with a chuckle.

How serious the situation is, how could Gan Ning not know.Jiang Xia is fat to Cao Cao and Sun Quan, and it is even more of a barrier to Liu Biao. None of the three parties will let Liu Feng sit firmly in Jiang Xia.

Occupying is easy, but defending requires ability and a little bit of luck.

On the main road in Xiangyang City, Cai Mao's carriage galloped towards Zhennan General's Mansion.

After arriving outside the gate of the General's Mansion, Cai Mao got out of the carriage with a serious face, and went straight in.

"What's going on, it's the first time I've seen the military division's face so ugly." One of the guards at the gate said.

"Maybe something major has happened." Another person said solemnly.

Several guards looked at each other, and they all saw caution in each other's eyes.

It must be a big deal to change the expression of the military division who is extremely deep in the city.

After entering the General's Mansion, Cai Mao hurried to the outside of Liu Biao's study, reluctantly calming down the urgency in his heart, and let the guards guarding the gate go in to report.

Cai Mao had to be urgent.Jiangxia Huangzu was actually defeated, and he was shot dead on the spot.This is something that no one expected, neither Liu Biao nor he.

Huang Zu, who had an army of nearly [-], would be defeated by Liu Feng's army of only a few thousand.It didn't matter at all, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, with Huang Zu's prestige in running Jiangxia for more than ten years, it is enough to gather the remaining soldiers and retreat to Xiling.Waiting for reinforcements.

But Huang Zu was shot and killed on the spot, and Jiang Xia's change of hands was irreversible.Even if Liu Biao sent troops on the spot, it would not change this fact.

How could Cai Mao not be in a hurry.

After the guard came out, Cai Mao started to go in without waiting to ask.

The notification is just a formality, usually when he asks for an interview, Liu Biao will never make him wait.

Sure enough, in the study, Liu Biao had put down the bamboo slips in his hand and looked up at the direction of the gate.Seeing Cai Mao come in, a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Degui came so quickly, but is there any good news from Jiangxia?" Liu Biao asked. Although Liu Biao had confidence in Huang Zu, he still paid attention to this matter.After all, if Liu Fengjiangxia's strength can be calmed down as soon as possible, one point can be saved.

"Jiang Xia was breached, and Huang Zu was shot and killed by Huang Zhong's three arrows." Cai Mao said with a trace of unconcealable heaviness.

"What." Liu Biao lost his composure and yelled, his voice high-pitched.

"Jiangxia City is broken, Huang Zu is dead." Once again confirming the correctness of the news, Cai Mao's face became more and more ugly.

"Little Liu Feng has few generals, how can he kill my favorite general? How can he kill my favorite general." Liu Biao's face was a bit uglier than Cai Mao's, and he still couldn't believe it.

"According to reliable sources, Huang Zuben advanced by land and water. When the navy was about to enter the city, Gan Ning led his troops to attack and smashed the Jiangxia navy." Cai Mao said the detailed information he received.

"Gan Ning? This person seems to have some impression." Liu Biao couldn't help but feel familiar when he heard Cai Mao mention Gan Ning, and frowned.

"He used to lead his troops to attach himself to the lord, but later he entered Du Island and became a water thief." Cai Mao reminded tactfully that Gan Ning left because he was attached to Liu Biao and had not been reused for a long time.

"By the way, I just remembered that human nature likes luxury and hates others." Liu Biao said with a weary look on his face, but then his face became even more ugly.

"Gu remembers that Huang Zhong is also a general under my tent. When Gu entered Jingzhou, he followed Gu. It was just that Huang Zhongkong had military power at the time, but his character was too loyal. He was not the choice of a general. He was transferred to Changsha to guard On one side, how could he be in Liu Feng's army?"

Liu Feng led the army to defeat his favorite general, and the two key people were actually inferior generals that he ignored.What could embarrass Liu Biao more than this.

Liu Biao's face couldn't help but become even more ugly.

"My lord, this is not the time to talk about these things. Jiangxia is important land. It is nothing if Liu Feng occupies it. If Sun Quan links Liu Feng and directly uses Jiangxia to attack Nanjun, it will shake the foundation." Cai Mao advised.

Liu Biao is a person who cares about face. The more embarrassed he feels, the more he wants to save face.

Hearing this, Liu Biao looked up at Cai Mao, and said word by word: "Order Wenpin to lead [-] elite soldiers to go south to Xiakou and take Jiangxia back. As a military adviser, you will personally supervise."

Fortunately, at the critical moment, there was no confusion.Cai Mao listened to Liu Biao's order.He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although Liu Feng currently occupied Jiangxia, he must have lost a lot in the battle with Huang Zu.Supporting its current foothold is not stable, the chance of breaking through is the greatest.

What's more, there are [-] elite soldiers, and the leader is General Wenpin.The elimination of Liu Feng is almost nailed to the iron plate.

"I'll let Wenpin prepare immediately, and try to set off within three days." Cai Mao cupped his fists at Liu Biao.

"Depart within a day." Liu Biao said even more harshly.

"Here, the soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first." Cai Mao couldn't help being slightly stunned.It will take at least two or three days to assemble the army and mobilize food and grass.

"Wherever the army goes, they will eat food. Jingzhou is rich, no matter which city it is, it can supply food for an army of [-]. Order Wenpin to retake Jiangxia within ten days. Don't let the princes of the world underestimate Jingzhou. Strength." Liu Biao said coldly.

Quite domineering, and proud.It also shows the prosperity of Jingzhou.

"No." Cai Mao was shocked, and said in command.

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