Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 144 Saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are coming

Chapter 140 Four Said Cao Cao Cao Cao Will Arrive

After Cai Mao received Liu Biao's order, he immediately went to see Wenpin in a big camp hundreds of miles south of Xiangyang City. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

This big camp is located in the east of Hanchuan, with Hanchuan in the west and Xiangjiang in the east. If there is a large army coming from the north, they will have to fight Wenpin to the death before they can reach Jiangling County in the middle of Jingzhou.

The soldiers and horses of Wenpin's battalion can be said to guard the dangerous points, one man guards the gate and ten thousand men can't open it.It was a checkpoint set up by Liu Biao in order to prevent the northern army from suddenly going south, Xiangyang could not be guarded, and the government moved to Jiangling County.

Cai Mao, as a military adviser, held Liu Biao's warrant in his hand, and the soldiers guarding the gate did not dare to stop them, so they ordered someone to go in to inform Wenpin, and at the same time invited Cai Mao to go in.

Soon, Cai Mao was welcomed by the soldiers into the vicinity of the large tent of the Chinese army. Along the way, Cai Mao only felt that the momentum was imposing and the military appearance was good.

To say that the number one general in Jingzhou is Wenpin.On this point, Liu Biao really knew people, and handed over the most elite [-] infantry under his account to Commander Wenpin.

Just as Cai Mao was admiring, a man walked quickly from the front.This man is in his thirties, and his figure is not considered burly, but his face is stern, and his eyes are full of vigor.It was General Wenpin.

"Greetings to the military advisor." Wen Pin hurriedly came to Cai Mao's body and bowed down to pay homage.

"There is no need to salute inside the barracks." Cai Mao gently helped Wenpin up and said.After a pause, Cai Mao explained again: "Jiangxia has been breached. I am here under the order of my lord to assist you to lead the troops south and take Jiangxia back."

"The army can start at any time." Wen Pin was startled when he heard that Jiang Xia was breached, but he quickly calmed down and bowed in a deep voice.

"It's so good." Cai Mao said with satisfaction.This is the general, calm in every situation, waiting for orders at any time.

Wenpin bowed, and immediately went down to make arrangements.But for a moment, drums were beating loudly in the barracks, and groups of soldiers gathered in the camp.

Wen hired Cai Mao to give orders on the stage, and after a quarter of an hour, the army went south.

Xiling County is the seat of Jiangxia and the old nest of Huang Zu.But after Huang Zu's master died, no matter how impregnable the lair was, it was just an empty shell.

On the second day after the Battle of Xiakou, Liu Feng led hundreds of elite soldiers, and arrived here with Huang Zhong, Zhang Gui, Zhou Shun, Chen Da and others carrying a few soldiers.

The guard surrendered without a fight.

This is the fifth day of Liu Feng's occupation of Xiling County. During these five days, Liu Feng dispatched his subordinate Marquis Zhang Gui to lead an army of more than 100 people from his headquarters, as well as hundreds of soldiers.

While appeasing the people in Xiling County, they disrupted the original civil service system, installed Xu Tian, ​​and Zhang Dao entered.

Later, Xu Tian was ordered to issue an order, and the county magistrates of various places remained appease people.

Finally, the soldiers were counted and quickly incorporated.

Liu Feng used Xu Tian, ​​Zhang Dao, Zhang Gui, Deng Ai, Huang Zhong, Zhou Shun and others to quickly pacify Jiangxia within five days.

Although it will take a lot of time to fully control it, in name, Jiang Xia is now Liu Feng's.

The recruitment of the army went smoothly, this time Huang Zu was completely dead, Jiangxia's soldiers had no intention of resisting and were recruited by Liu Feng.

A total of more than 7000 soldiers were sent down.

Gan Ning guarded Xiakou and trained the navy.It turned out that Huang She's five thousand soldiers were killed, and the remaining soldiers after defending the city, as well as Zhang Gu's remnant soldiers, were all handed over to Gan Ning when they were in Xiakou.A total of 3000 people.

Of the 7000 people recruited by Liu Feng this time, hundreds of them followed Zhang Gui to Wuchang.

Of the remaining 6000 people, Liu Feng divided 5000 into commander Huang Zhong.Hundreds of people were given to Deng Ai, enough for a battalion of 1000 people.In addition, he ordered Chen Da to select the elite and expand the army camp to 800 people.

Calculated in this way, Huang Zhong has five thousand troops.Gan Ning's 1000 sailors, Deng Ai, and Zhang Gui each had 800 men, and 200 men from the broken barracks.There are [-] soldiers in Zhoushun.

Liu Feng's army expanded to 3000 in a short period of time.

However, Liu Feng knew that these [-] soldiers were just a lump of mud, and anyone could clean them up.It must take time to accumulate, let Huang Zhong, Gan Ning, Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, Chen Da and others train into an army.

Compared with the many talents Liu Feng accepted in terms of military strength, Liu Feng's strength in civil servants is much weaker.Xu Tian's talent was mediocre, and Liu Feng kept him under his tent only because of his extensive knowledge, while Zhang Dao himself was born as a small official in the army, so his talent was also very mediocre.

The two worked together, from day to night, and spent five days, but they still couldn't complete the statistics of Jiangxia's current affairs, let alone various personnel appointments, and Liu Feng's inspection of talents in the future, and the placement of county magistrates in various places. up.

Liu Feng could only go out in person and direct the two to deal with the affairs of the county.There is no time at all to be busy with things in my mind, such as developing powerful weapons.And arrange to build iron armor.

In private, Liu Feng missed his teacher Xu Shu very much. With Xu Shu's talent, let alone governing a county, even if he governed a big state, he could be orderly and stable.

I really want to write a letter, asking Xu Shu to come and sit here.But after Liu Feng thought about it, he gave up this idea. Let alone whether Xu Shu would like to come, Liu Feng didn't want Xu Shu to be scolded by the world, saying that Xu Shu was a minister who betrayed the master. When it was time for Ansheng, it was justifiable to invite Xu Shu over.

Compared with civilian officials, Huang Zhong, Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, and Chen Da are either veterans in the army, or extremely intelligent.It's quick to get started, and within five days, the army has been basically integrated and can be trained in a decent manner.

It's a pity that the momentum is insufficient.

On this day, Liu Feng was in a small military camp in the south of the city.

This military camp is very small, just like the small military camp that Liu Feng had when he was in Xinye.This is a battalion led by Chen Da.

That is, the barracks.

The people guarding Xiling County now include Huang Zhong, Zhou Shun, Deng Ai, and Chen Da.

Among them, Zhou Shunwei's army has only 200 troops, and there is no barracks itself.Huang Zhong led five thousand soldiers and horses, and they are currently stationed along the Yangtze River in the north of Xiling.

Deng Ai led a thousand soldiers and horses to station in the east of Xiling.

The remaining Chen Da led [-] troops and stationed here.

In the camp, Liu Feng and Chen Da stood on the podium together, frowning and looking at the soldiers below.

There are a total of 800 people, of which nearly 200 are troops, standing solemnly and orderly, like a rainbow.The other [-] or so people looked listless, and looked at the [-] imposing soldiers with fearful eyes from time to time.

It is also rare for Liu Feng to take the time today to take a look at the trump card he used to break the barracks.But now this group of soldiers obviously cannot satisfy Liu Feng.

Although there are more people, the combat power is definitely not as good as the previous 300 people.

In fact, the [-] surrendered soldiers in front of them had to be selected to enter the broken barracks, and they were considered elite in the old army.But compared with the broken army soldiers who eat meat every day and train hard every day, they are like phoenixes and pheasants.


As for the soldiers and horses of this battalion, there are 800 soldiers, not 1000 like Deng Ai.It was because Chen Da's eyes were very tricky, and only these 600 people fell into his eyes.

It's not that Liu Feng has any evil intentions in his heart, for example, he wants to imitate the [-] camps led by Lu Bu's general Gao Shun who are almost enemies in the world.

Liu Feng's goal of setting up a broken barracks is unbreakable. Even if the camp is resurrected, Liu Feng can imagine defeating it by breaking the barracks.

"Hey, it will take at least half a year to become an army." Liu Feng looked at it for a while, then shook his head at Chen Da.

"Yes, this group of people is the elite of Jiangxia's army. They have their own fighting troops. They need to eliminate water thieves to boost their courage. As long as they train hard and eat well, they can restore their former splendor within half a year after breaking the barracks." Chen Daddy agreed with Liu Feng's judgment and nodded.

Even with Chen Da's approval, Liu Feng still felt a headache.Jiang Xia's current army is really like a pile of shit.At the most vulnerable time, the neighbors such as Cao Cao and Sun Quan are not as cruel as wolves.As soon as they mobilized troops, Liu Feng would be seriously injured.

Hope to give me three months.

Liu Feng sighed in his heart.

Let's not talk about finding a well-known civil servant who can preside over Jiangxia's government affairs within these three months, and restore the vitality of the army within these three months.

There is a good saying, which is called Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

Just as Liu Feng was thinking about how to restore the vitality of the army, a few soldiers rode into the barracks, entered the barracks gate, and went straight into the school grounds.Came to Dianjiang under the stage.

After arriving at the general's platform, the rest of the people waited quietly, only one of the leading soldiers hurried up to the general's platform.

"My lord, Sima Gan from Xiakou reported urgently that Wenpin led an army to Xiakou, and I'm afraid they will arrive today."

Liu Feng's expression changed, this time it was really unexpected, Liu Feng knew that he captured the important land of Jiangxia, Liu Biao would definitely not let it go.However, Liu Feng calculated from Liu Biao's slow-moving personality, and believed that Liu Biao would take at least 20 days to dispatch the army before he could react.

But now counting the time it took for him to capture Jiangxia, it was only five days.Really fast.

Fortunately, Liu Feng was well prepared for Liu Biao's arrival.Therefore, after his complexion changed drastically, he immediately put away his expression.He ordered: "You go back and report your orders, just say that I will not enter Xiling, and go directly to Xiakou. The rest of the army don't need to move lightly."

Liu Feng's order is a general order.

"Promise." The pawn made a promise, quickly stepped down from the general platform, and returned to Xiling to return to his command.

"I leave it to you." After the pawn left, Liu Feng gave Chen Da a word and left quickly.

"No." Chen Da looked at Liu Feng's leaving back and bowed.His expression was full of calm. For him, starting a family with Liu Feng was like a dream.

With hundreds of people from the headquarters, combined with bandits, Jiangxia can be conquered.Sitting in Jiangxia.The ability shown by Liu Feng is three points stronger than that of Liu Bei.

Even if Liu Biao leads an army here, he still trusts Liu Feng to be able to withstand it.

Half a year, only half a year, the army can be formed again after breaking the barracks, and it will be the arm of the lord.Chen Da tightly clenched his fist and said silently in his heart.

After leaving the school grounds, he immediately ordered Captain Kou Shui to organize his own soldiers and go to Xiakou with him.

Since the last World War I, the number of soldiers has been reduced from 21 to more than a dozen. Liu Feng ordered the army to select and make up 50 people.

This time when Liu Feng was traveling, these 50 people also came with him.

Kou Shui has always carried out Liu Feng's orders meticulously and thoroughly.Soon, some personal soldiers moved to Liu Feng's Wu Yunju, surrounded Liu Feng out of the barracks, and headed west.

After driving non-stop for half a day, Liu Fengcai came to the outside of Xiakou City in a hurry.

The Xiakou at this moment is no longer the miserable appearance it was five days ago.

The bloodstains all over the city have been cleaned up, and the arrows and weapons have also been picked up.The bodies of soldiers who died in the battle were also buried.

It can be said to be completely new.

The city has also slightly restored its original prosperity, and the number of travelers and people who come to the city to sell is also increasing day by day.

It's just Liu Feng's misfortune that the war broke out again today.This Xiakou City is a little deserted.

Also because it was a time of war, the interrogation when entering the city was also very strict.Near the city gate stood some ordinary people, travelers, waiting for interrogation.

But to say that Liu Feng, the lord of Jiangxia, was stopped by his own soldiers, it would be ridiculous to say it.

After Liu Feng and the others approached the city, Kou Shui had already sent someone to tell the gatekeeper.Therefore, Liu Feng and his party entered the city smoothly.

Liu Feng led a large group of people into the city together, and without having to check, some bright-eyed people immediately knew which general or nobleman it was.Of course, there are also some who are not long-sighted and look hot.

You must know that it is definitely not a pleasant thing to be interrogated outside the door in this cold weather.

After Liu Feng swaggered in, he began to chatter with the gatekeepers, wanting to enter the city without interrogation.

It's just that under the cold and stern expressions of the soldiers, all of these people shut up obediently without exception.It's just that many people cursed secretly in their hearts. Compared with others, this person is really maddening.

Of course Liu Feng didn't know the little episode he had caused to enter the city quickly.After he entered the city, he immediately went to the prefect's mansion.

After reporting outside the gate of the mansion, he waited patiently.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Gu, who was fully armored, came out.Zhang Gu himself is a water thief, so he doesn't have any armor, maybe he found the armor from somewhere and put it on his body to call it a scene.

But not to mention, after Zhang Gu put on this armor, he really had the aura of a fierce general all over his body.

Zhang Gu came around Liu Feng's body, without waiting for him to salute, Liu Feng asked, "How is the front?"

Liu Feng's questioning made Zhang Gu swallow the words of greeting.He replied: "After Wenpin led the army to the south, he did not immediately attack the city, but stationed in Hanyang to repair the army and prepare ships. The Gan family...Gan Sima led the headquarters with 1000 troops, and was closely monitoring Wenpin's movements in the water village."

"The two sides haven't fought yet?" Liu Feng said with joy in his heart.

"There hasn't been a battle yet." Zhang Gu replied, and looked at Liu Feng strangely after answering. They are all approaching the city, and the battle is only a matter of time. I don't know why Liu Feng is happy because the two sides have not yet fought.

Do you still want to force Wenpin to retire without bloodshed?

Impossible, Zhang Gu shook his head in his heart, Wen Pin came in a menacing manner, he should have received a death order to take Jiang Xia back.war is inevitable

My friend Sanqi, the masterpiece "Danzhu" by historical author Thief and Three Idiots, ISBN: 1943707, has the cutest vixen in history, you must read it.

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