Chapter 140 Five

It was really guessed by Zhang Gu. What he thought was unlikely was the purpose of Liu Feng's trip, to take Wenpin away without bloodshed. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Speaking of sitting in Jiangxia, Liu Feng has many enemies, Cao Cao and Sun Quan are definitely listed first.But Liu Biao is definitely not an enemy.This man has a good face, and his writing is stronger than his martial arts.The generals under his rule are Wenpin and Huang Zu who can stand on the stage.Now that Huang Zu had been killed by him, even if Liu Biao sent someone to wipe him out, he still couldn't think of anyone to guard Jiangxia and guard against the Jiangdong Sun family.

The existence of Liu Feng can just make up for this shortcoming.He has the ability and confidence to resist the Sun family, and even the Cao family.

The so-called three-way zone must not go its own way, at least one must be chosen as a backer. Compared with Sun Quan, who cannibalizes people, and Cao Cao, who is too cruel, Liu Feng still prefers Liu Biao, who looks like a sheep.

In other words, Liu Feng was willing to help Liu Biao resist the pressure from the Cao family in the north and the Sun family in the east before the Battle of Chibi.

Even if this trick is too soft, Liu Feng still has a tough one.Three, no matter the region, Liu Feng has no problem turning to anyone.If Jiangxia is dedicated to the Cao family or the Sun family, Liu Biao will lose the east barrier and will directly face the Cao and Sun family's attacks.

Compared to this tragic price, Liu Feng believed that Liu Biao would consider it in detail, and finally agreed to give him a title to guard Jiangxia.

So, for this war, although Liu Feng was not [-]% sure that Wenpin would be forced to retire without bloodshed, he was still very sure.

"Tell Gan Ning to prepare the army. I will go to Hanyang and Wenpin for a while." Liu Feng said without hesitation after listening to Zhang Gu's answer.

"My lord, is this too dangerous?" Zhang Gu was shocked after hearing this, and asked immediately.

"It's not in the way. When I went to Hanyang and returned to Jiangxia, I went down the river. Even if Wenpin wanted to stay, I couldn't." Liu Feng waved his hand to indicate that he was in trouble.

"No. This subordinate is going to prepare now." Zhang Gu thought about it, so he stopped insisting and bent down to walk, but after walking a few steps, he turned back again.

"By the way, my lord, my wife told my subordinates that if my lord returns to Xiakou, I will go see her." Zhang Gu said before going down to prepare.

lady?Liu Feng was a little puzzled at first, and then he understood who the wife Zhang Gu was talking about.

Although Huan'er was loved by Liu Feng, she was not a wife.Liu Feng's nominal wife, Fei Ting, was grounded again, and ordinary people couldn't see her.

The rest is also Cai Yu.

Liu Feng never underestimated this woman.There is no doubt about whether she is really here with him.Therefore, I heard Zhang Gu say that Cai Yu took the initiative to look for him.

Not daring to be negligent at the moment, he got up and walked towards the prefect's mansion.

Although Zhang Gu was ordered to garrison the prefect's mansion, but in the backyard lived Liu Feng's female relatives.

At this moment, in the backyard, Cai Yu was stretching while chatting poorly.

Since following Liu Feng, Cai Yu's personality has gradually returned to the crispness of her girlhood, and her every move is full of atmosphere and informality.

Hearing footsteps not far away, Cai Yu looked at the sky for a while, it was about noon.Thinking it was almost time for lunch, he sighed and said, "Warning all day long, this Jiangxia is not fun at all."

When Liu Feng attacked Xiling, Cai Yu wanted to go out to hunt and play, but was stopped by Zhang Gu firmly. Just kidding, Jiangxia is still in chaos at the moment. If Cai Yu is taken captive in a blink of an eye, it will be a big trouble.

So Cai Yuleng couldn't go out, full of chatter and resentment.

But she didn't know how alluring her resentful appearance was at the moment, even though her body was already covered by the heavy winter clothes.But looking at her, Liu Feng's mind immediately came up with her moving body.

However, Liu Feng quickly eliminated the tempting images in his mind.

"You're looking for me." Liu Feng came to Cai Yu and asked softly.

Suddenly seeing Liu Feng standing in front of her, Cai Yu was taken aback, but then a surge of joy rose from her heart.I haven't seen Liu Feng for a long time, and I'm really thinking about it.

But Liu Feng's words that you are looking for me are really clumsy, which makes Cai Yu feel a little unhappy.

But fortunately, Cai Yu is not the kind of little woman who cares about every detail, she is very general most of the time.

Turning a blind eye to Liu Feng, Cai Yu posed in a random pose and twisted a bit, as if to exercise his muscles and bones.Then he opened his mouth and said: "My brother has already called to the door, of course I want to discuss with you."

"Your brother?" Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then lost his voice and said, "Cai Mao?"

"It's not my brother who is a military adviser, who else is qualified to supervise Wenpin, the general of Jingzhou." As if he despised Liu Feng, Cai Yu couldn't help but cast a blank look at Liu Feng again.

Cai Yu didn't know that Liu Feng lost his voice because of joy, and that Wen Pin was a general after all, and it was rumored that he was an extremely strict general who showed no signs of emotion or anger.Talking about politics with such a person can lead to chicken and duck talking.In the end, it will result in the breakdown of negotiations.

But Cai Mao is different. He is a born politician.As a strategist, it is much easier to talk about politics with such a person, and to explain the fact that his replacement of Huang Zu in Jiangxia will do more good than harm to Jingzhou.

In other words, contacting Cai Mao can greatly avoid this war.

However, Cai Yu quickly guessed something from Liu Feng's expression.He couldn't help curling his lips and said: "Don't try to use me to get close to my brother, he is very concerned about the clan, and he will not release water secretly, because that may lose Liu Biao's trust."

"Hehe, when it comes to the intrigue of the gentry, I can do it without you. But when it comes to how to defend Jiangxia, you can't do it with me. Besides, am I the kind of person who will use you to negotiate terms with your brother? Even if it is me and you My brother will meet in private, after the designer has retired from the civil service." Liu Feng chuckled, wrapped his arms around Cai Yu's slender waist, lowered his head and whispered in Cai Yu's ear.

Cai Yu's eyes were blurred by the soft voice and strong manly breath.She just likes Liu Feng, he is young, strong, and more capable of defending her.

"I'll go to Hanyang to get Wenpin away, and I'll be gentle with you when I come back." But Liu Feng had something important in his heart, and after a while, he let go of Cai Yu and said a little apologetically.

"I didn't stop you." Although Cai Yu was reluctant in his heart, he rolled his eyes at Liu Feng fiercely and said.

"Hehe." Liu Feng chuckled, squeezed Cai Yu's buttocks heavily, then turned and left.Only Cai Yu was left behind, clutching her buttocks and blushing to the point of bleeding.

It's a pity that Liu Feng failed to see this touch of style.

After leaving the prefect's mansion, Liu Feng immediately took Kou Shui and other personal soldiers and went straight to the water village in the north of the city.There, Gan Ning had already prepared a medium-sized boat. After Liu Feng boarded the boat, he immediately set off for Hanyang.

Xiakou and Hanyang are only separated by the Yangtze River, and the big ship that Liu Feng was on soon came to the edge of Hanyang.Hanyang is basically a city similar to Xiakou, half of the water village and half of the city.It's just that the direction has changed.Water village in the south, city in the north.

At this moment, a general flag with the word "Wen" is planted on the Hanyang water village, and there are sailors patrolling the water village from time to time.Imposing.

The only thing that was a little discordant was that a medium-sized warship that Liu Feng and Gan Ning were on was swaying towards the Hanyang Water Village.

And quickly aroused the vigilance of the defenders on the water village.

"Is there really no need to send a small boat in to test it out?" Inside the boat, Gan Ning said to Liu Feng with some reluctance.

Zhang Gu didn't believe that Liu Feng had the ability to force Wenpin away without bloodshed, but Gan Ning believed it. He had read some classics from the Warring States period, and had thought about Liu Feng's current environment in detail within the past five days.

The results showed that Liu Biao was the best for the three neighbors to deal with.

Therefore, Gan Ning not only did not stop Liu Feng from negotiating with Wenpin and Cai Mao, but cooperated very well.But unexpectedly, Liu Feng was so bold that he dared to drive to the gate of the opponent's water village with only one warship.

It's not that Gan Ning doesn't have the guts, it's just that Liu Feng is now the lord of Jiangxia, and he is a general in Liu Feng's tent, and he is in a different position, so he doesn't want Liu Feng to take risks.

"What's wrong, if only Wenpin is here, I'm still a bit suspicious, but Cai Mao is here, I believe he won't do anything casually." Liu Feng said confidently.

Just kidding, if you don't even have this confidence, how can you force Wenpin to quit.

"Go." After Liu Feng finished speaking, he instructed Kou Shui.

Kou Shui nodded, and came to the deck from the cabin.Together with several soldiers, they shouted towards the water village: "My lord Liu Feng is here, and please invite Mr. Cai, the military adviser of the Great General of Zhennan, and General Wenpin to come out for a while."

This shout immediately caused a commotion among the defenders on the water village.

In fact, this ship has already aroused the vigilance of the defenders, and it is speculated that it may be a probe ship from Xiakou.There are two reasons for not taking any action. One is that they will conquer Gongcheng tomorrow. Wenpin's agreed goal is to break through Xiakou within one day and reach Xiling within two days.

So there is no need to care about the enemy's temptations.

The second reason is simple. If the ship escapes, it will go downstream, and they will not be able to catch up even if they want to.So just ignore it.

But they didn't expect that the person sitting in this boat was actually that Liu Feng. Together with the thieves and bandits, he broke through Xiakou, shot and killed the famous Jingzhou general Huang Zuyu Jiangxia, and shocked Liu Feng in Jingzhou in one fell swoop.

But no one in the defenders thought that meeting Liu Feng was actually here, in front of their own water village.

A thief leader with an important status is actually suspected of being here.No one will believe it.

However, the quality of Wenpin's army is still very good. After a brief commotion, someone immediately shouted at the warship under the water village: "Please wait a moment, my lord."

"Thank you." Kou Shui clasped his fists in the direction of the water village and said loudly.

Then, it’s time to wait for the other party’s response.Kou Shui stood there for a while, then went in to report to Liu Feng.

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