Chapter 140 Six Internal Injuries

When the defenders reported, Cai Mao was still in the prefect's mansion, discussing with Wenpin how to quickly and effectively break through the important city of Xiakou and enter the hinterland of Jiangxia. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

When the defenders said that there was a ship approaching the water village, they claimed to have Liu Feng on board.

Cai Mao was in high spirits, and gave up negotiating with Wenpin, and asked the defenders, "There is only one ship."

"There's only one." The defender who came in and reported was sure.

"How? Go out and meet him?" Cai Mao turned his head and asked Wen Pin.

"You want to meet me by name. If you don't meet, it will be bad for the morale of the army." Wenpin didn't consider this matter from his personal preference, but from the perspective of the army.

"Prepare a boat of about the same size and go see him." Cai Mao immediately ordered upon hearing this.

"No." The followers on the left and right responded immediately.

Cai Mao and Wenpin waited for a while before setting off for the water village.He boarded the warship prepared by his entourage, ordered the defenders to open the gate of the village, and drove the warship out.

Ever since Liu Feng sent Kou Shui to shout, he has been quietly waiting for the other party's response.

The opening of the gate of the village was not small, and Liu Feng immediately noticed it.He couldn't help but went out of the cabin himself and looked ahead.

After the gate of the village was opened, a warship about the same size as the one he was on sailed out.After walking forward for a while, it stopped in front of Liu Feng's warship.

The distance between the two ships was no more than twenty paces.They looked at each other from a distance, but kept a little distance.

There are two people standing on the other side's bow.A man with a white beard, dressed in scholarly clothes, with a bit of a celebrity demeanor.The other is a military commander with a stern face and a charm of his own.

It should be Cai Mao and Wenpin.Liu Feng thought to himself.

While Liu Feng was sizing up each other, Cai Mao and Wenpin were also sizing up Liu Feng and Gan Ning who followed Liu Feng.

Coming from the intuition of a general, Wen Pin first looked at Gan Ning, while Cai Mao looked at Liu Feng.

I just feel that Liu Feng, who is standing upright, looks heroic, with sharp eyes, and is definitely a character.He couldn't help but praise: "I heard that my little friend was so heroic in the past, that's why Liu Bei picked him up and chose him as his stepson. Seeing him today is really extraordinary."

There is no trace of sarcasm in the words of admiration.In conjunction with Cai Mao's extraordinary appearance, it is really majestic.

Liu Feng often heard Cai Yu talk about Cai Mao, and knew that Cai Mao was not an easy person.Seeing him today raised my evaluation a few notches.

Not to mention whether Cai Mao is extremely intelligent or not, this kind of generosity alone is heartbreaking.People couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and praised him as the patriarch of the largest clan in Jingxiang.

"Mr. Degui was born in a wealthy family and has extraordinary cultivation, but he also made up his mind." Liu Feng said with a smile.

Judging from the scene, the two did not seem to be hostile at all, but were talking like ordinary friends.

"This must be Wenpin, General Wen." Liu Feng immediately turned his attention to Wenpin, raised his fist with a smile.For this general, Liu Feng was quite coveted. Liu Biao used this general, but he controlled him like a dog, while Cao Cao used this general to keep Jiangxia safe for more than ten years.

I only sigh that after Wenpin surrendered to Cao Cao, Cao Cao had already had a cloud of good generals, and Wenpin could only guard one side.

If he can successfully get Wenpin, wouldn't it make Wenpin from Megatron to Megatron the world?This thought only swirled in Liu Feng's mind once, but he couldn't let it go.

Because when Liu Feng thought about it, he felt that it was not impossible.When he came out of Xinye, who would have predicted that he would kidnap Jiang Xia?

Difficulties in the world are only for those with a heart.

He turned a few corners in his mind, thinking about how to make a move, and when to make a move to get this general into his pocket like winning Jiang Xia.But Liu couldn't see it at all on the cover, and instead had a smile on his face.

"It's Wenpin." Hearing this, Wenpin pulled his eyes away from Gan Ning, and clasped his fists at Liu Feng.

"Hehe, Zhongye may not recognize him. This is Gan Ning, Gan Xingba." Seeing this, Cai Mao pointed at Gan Ning and smiled.He had met Gan Ning once before, so he recognized him.

Gan Ning nodded to Cai Mao when he heard the words, as a return of courtesy.

"Hehe, I've seen each other, everyone can take their seats, and I can speak directly when I have something to say." Seeing that they knew each other, Liu Feng said with a smile.Immediately, he slowly suppressed the smile on his face, raised his fist and said to Cai Mao: "I raised an army to kill Huang Zu, and I had a grudge against Liu Jingzhou for seizing the general. There is something to say."

Speaking of this, Liu Feng glanced at Cai Mao and saw that he was listening attentively.Liu Feng changed the subject, and said in a deep voice: "It's just that Mr. Degui doesn't think that the advantages of keeping me and leveling me up outweigh the disadvantages?"

"You want to say that you can guard Jiangxia instead of Huang Zu?" Cai Mao smiled slightly, took Liu Feng's words, paused, and sighed: "It's just that if you kill Huang Zu, my lord Instead of pursuing it, I will appoint you as a general to guard Jiangxia. How can my lord convince the public?"

"It was Huang Zu who launched an army to attack my lord." Gan Ning was proud, seeing that Cai Mao didn't say the reason, but directly said that Liu Feng killed Huang Zu, and couldn't help but say.

"Wait a minute." Liu Feng stretched out his hand to stop Gan Ning, the murder of Huang Zu had already become a fact, and anything he said now would be an afterthought, just to provoke ridicule.

After stopping Gan Ning, Liu Feng looked up at the smiling Cai Mao, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he could only use his trump card.

"If I abandon the surrender and use 3000 troops from the headquarters to guard Xiling City, which Huang Zu has managed for more than ten years, how many days will Mr. Degui be able to break the city?" Liu Feng asked.

"If so, you can't go to the city until January or February." As a general, Wenpin answered Liu Feng.Liu Fengxin smiled, looked up at Cai Mao and said, "It only takes two days for Xiling to reach General Cao Ren in Wancheng. It only takes half a month for General Cao Ren to rush to help Xiling. It only takes one day for picking mulberries, and Zhou Yu rushes to help Xiling. It only takes three to five days."

Although the words were said with a smile, every word was sharp and bloody.

From the expression on Liu Feng's face and the words of these few words, it is difficult to feel the threat of Liu Feng, but Cai Mao only feels that Liu Feng standing in front of him is like a long sword that is straight to the sky, with a murderous aura .

Cai Mao felt that it was a bit tricky. Before he saw Liu Feng, he felt that the capture might not be easy, but after seeing Liu Feng, this feeling increased tenfold.

In front of his water village, under his bow and arrow, he actually threatened him.Liu Feng's arrogance gave Cai Mao the urge to immediately order the soldiers on the water village to shoot Liu Feng with bows.

But this is obviously impossible.Liu Feng came here with a warship and threatened him.Instead, Cai Hao felt that Liu Feng had something to rely on and came here after making complete preparations.There is a trace of unpredictability.

If it is true, as Liu Feng said, he sold Jiang Xia to Cao Ren or Zhou Yu.Then their situation in Jingzhou will be ten times more dangerous than it is now.

Jiangxia is the eastern barrier of Jingzhou.

"You spent all your time and energy to capture Jiang Xia. Could it be that you gave it to Zhou Yu or Cao Ren?" Cai Hao finally put away the smile on his face and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course not, I just want a place to stand." Liu Feng said frankly.

"But if I am pushed into a hurry, I will also consider selling Jiang Xia in exchange for the rest of my life's glory and wealth." Liu Feng then added.

For Jingzhou, Jiangxia is a barrier against aggression, but for Sun Quan and Cao Cao, it is just a forward base of attack.Obviously, Jiangxia is more important to Jingzhou.This is also the reason why Liu Feng relied on being like Liu Biao, and also because he believed that Liu Biao would be weak and retreat, allowing him to take charge of Jiang Xia, and might even provide Jiang Xia with material convenience to win over him to resist Sun Quan.

Cai Mao raised his head and looked at Liu Feng, trying to see from Liu Feng's face whether what he said was true or not, but what he saw was only a smile on his face, and he couldn't tell the truth from the false at all.

Cai Mao only felt a chill rising from his heart.If what Liu Feng said is true, then he is terrible.

It is his courage to take decisive action to capture Xiakou.It is his strategy to be able to design and kill Huang Zu in an unfavorable situation.And when the situation is unstoppable, it is decisive to resolutely give up the fat in hand.

A man who is courageous, general, and decisive has such a city.And still so young.How can Cai Mao not feel cold.

Looking at Liu Feng in front of him, Cai Mao seemed to see another Liu Bei.These two people have different faces and different personalities, but they both have the aptitude of heroes.

And Liu Feng is sharper and stronger than Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is old, but Liu Feng is still young.

"If Mr. Degui is hesitant, it is not weak to send someone to tell Liu Jingzhou the whole matter. It is enough to go to Xiangyang for one day. I don't think it will prevent Mr. Degui from launching a war." Seeing Cai Mao staring at himself After walking for a long time, Liu Feng felt a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help saying.

Looking at the presence of the old god, Liu Feng seemed to be unaware of the imminent war.Cai Hao only felt depressed and vomited blood in his heart. He and Wenpin went south with Qi's army in order to wipe out Liu Feng and take back Jiangxia.That's going all out.

Looking at Liu Feng's face now, Cai Mao felt that he hit the cotton with all his strength and hit the cotton, causing an internal injury.

Wenpin also has the same feeling as Cai Mao, but he is a military commander with a stronger personality.He opened his eyes, looked at Liu Feng coldly and said, "If I don't count casualties, I can go down to Xiling City within five days, and divide a thousand troops against Zhou Yu."

"The elite under the general's tent is the root of Jingzhou. If it hurts the root, so what if Jiangxia is restored? Listen to me, tell Liu Jingzhou the whole matter, and let him decide." Liu Feng said here, After a pause, he smiled and said, "I believe he will turn hostility into friendship."

Wen Pin had something to say, he obviously knew that Liu Feng was so vicious, under the threat of outright threats, neither he nor Cai Mao could decide this matter.

And according to Liu Biao's weak personality, he must not have the courage to take Jiang Xia back at all costs.

Looking at the hesitation on the faces of Wenpin and Cai Mao, Liu Feng felt relieved. This is the three-way zone, and everyone wants to eat it, but no one is willing to pay a heavy price.

Although he was very happy, Liu Feng's back was already wet with sweat.This matter involves too much, too much.It is related to whether he can sit firmly in Jiangxia.Threats are also a double-edged sword. If people are not afraid of threats, Liu Feng will have no choice but to carry it to death.

Fortunately, Cai Mao came instead of just Wenpin.

Looking at Cai Mao who was frowning and thinking hard, Liu Feng felt that Cai Yu's elder brother was really his nobleman.Compared with Wenpin, Cai Mao has more scruples and thinks more.

However, Liu Feng also believed that Cai Mao would not hesitate for a long time, and Liu Biao still needed to make a decision on this matter.Liu Biao is the only one who can really hurt internally

Because the majority of readers miss the update, Sanqi decided to focus the update at night.Eight o'clock, ten o'clock, twelve o'clock one chapter. (It may be late, but it will never be delayed for too long. Because the speed of Sanqi codewords is fast and slow. Please be patient.) Please also consider the difficulties of Sanqi, one-time update will cause some problems.

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