Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 147 The New Brother-in-Law

Chapter 140 Seven

Just as Liu Feng expected, after hesitating for a moment, Cai Mao turned his attention to Liu Feng again, and sighed: "If you have made up your mind, you really plan to dedicate Jiangxia to Cao Cao or Sun Quan as a threat to force me to wait for you." Retreat. (Apex novel hand-written novel) can only be decided by the lord."

"Mr. Degui, please tell Liu Jingzhou exactly what happened. If I were the prefect, I would reject Cao Ren in the north, resist Zhou Yu in the east, and defend the right wing of Jingzhou." Liu Feng sincerely raised his fist and said to Cai Mao.

"What if you are allowed to march into Jiangdong to conquer Sun Quan?" Cai Mao asked calmly, not being fooled by Liu Feng's sincere expression.

"I don't listen to the tune, and I don't listen to the announcement." Liu Feng said frankly.

"I'll tell Liu Jingzhou the truth. However." Cai Mao glanced at the young and energetic Liu Feng, and said, "There is a word, I want to advise my friends, it is a good thing for young people to be vigorous, but if they are too rigid, it will be easy. break."

Liu Feng shook his head indifferently, and said, "How could you know it was just before it was broken?"

"Hehe." Seeing Liu Feng's stubbornness, Cai Mao chuckled, stopped arguing, raised his fist and said, "So, please wait for two days, my friend. After two days, it will be clear whether it is a war or surrender. Farewell."

Cai Mao and Liu Feng met, and the two reached a certain degree of reconciliation.This should be the case, and each will go its own way in the future.But Liu Feng didn't think so.

Now that the official business is over, it's time to talk about private matters.

Liu Feng has always kept his promise to Cai Yu, and will not use her to force Cai Mao to do something.Liu Feng did it.But what needs to be talked about must still be talked about.

Not to mention anything else, if Cai Yu doesn't show up for ten days and a half months, there will be no problem, but if he doesn't show up in February and March, what will happen to Liu Biao?What will happen to the Cai family.It's hard to say.

To solve Cai Yu's problem, we still have to communicate with Cai Mao, the head of the Cai clan.

"Wait." Therefore, Liu Feng stopped Cai Mao.

"What else is there, little friend?" Cai Mao stopped, turned around, and looked at Liu Feng.

"I want to talk to Mr. Degui about some personal matters. I wonder if Mr. Degui is willing to go for a walk in the river with me?" Liu Feng raised his fist and laughed.

The invitation was generous and positive.

Cai Mao had no reason to refuse, so he smiled and said, "Okay."

"Pull the boat." Liu Feng was overjoyed, and turned to Kou Shui.

"No." Kou Shui responded, untied the rope, and put down a small boat tied to their warship.And picked up the bamboo pole and became a boatman.

Liu Feng and Cai Mao set foot on the boat one after another.

Regarding Cai Mao's actions, Wen Pin didn't say anything.Cai Mao has a respected status and can be said to be Liu Biao's most trusted person, so it is impossible to engage in any conspiracy with Liu Feng to threaten Jingzhou.

Cai Mao was also proud of this, and dared to be alone with Liu Fengzhou in full view.

"I don't know if my friend invited you, what's the matter?" After the two of them traveled a distance in a small boat, Cai Mao asked, a little curious.

In other words, what should be discussed has already been discussed.Cai Mao was naturally curious about Liu Feng's invitation at this time.

"Madam Cai is with me." Liu Feng glanced at Cai Mao and said.

The soft voice sounded like a bolt from the blue to Cai Mao's ears.

"What did you say?" Cai Mao's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Liu Feng with a gloomy expression.

If a person has Ni Lin, then Cai Yu is Cai Mao's Ni Lin, and his son and wife must lean behind.Because Cai Yu was a pain in his heart, Cai Yu married Liu Biao, an old man, for the clan at a young age.To strengthen the relationship between the two.

Cai Yu didn't agree to it at the beginning, Cai Mao begged privately, and Cai Yu married him.

So for Cai Yu, Cai Mao felt more guilty.Up to now, Cai's power has become strong enough to match, and Cai Mao feels more and more guilty.

So Cai Yu was in a bad mood, so Cai Mao sent the best building boat in the family to let Cai Yun go south to the Yangtze River to relax.

Even now, Cai Yu has been out for more than a month, Cai Mao rarely sends people to inquire about the news.Indulge Cai Yu.

In Cai Mao's view, Liu Feng's words proved that Cai Yu was actually caught by Liu Feng.Let Cai Mao keep calm again.

What Cai Yu said is true, Cai Mao's weakness is her.

Seeing Cai Mao's reaction, Liu Feng nodded inwardly.The favorability of Cai Mao in my heart undoubtedly increased a lot.

From a strategist, a politician, to a good brother.

"Mr. Degui, don't get angry, Mrs. Cai is willing to be with me. If Mr. Degui doesn't believe it, you can take a boat alone at night and go to Xiakou to meet Mrs. Cai." Facing Cai Mao's eyes who were on the verge of rampage, he couldn't hide it. Liu Feng said.

Looking at Liu Feng's clear eyes, Cai Mao suppressed the anger in his heart.He nodded, but his expression was still cold, "If you let me know what wronged my sister, even if you want to protect Jiang Xia, you won't be able to."

Feeling the hostility in Cai Mao's tone, Liu Feng's heart shuddered, but he was also ashamed that he did not let Cai Yu be wronged.He nodded and said, "I don't doubt it."

"It's good to know yourself." Cai Mao was very suspicious of Liu Feng, and said coldly.

It was time for the conversation to end, and what Cai Mao could really trust was after meeting Cai Yu at night.Liu Feng thought to himself.

He was very knowledgeable and ordered Kou Shui to row the boat and return to the warship.

Immediately, the two broke up unhappy.Each left in a warship.

Liu Feng is wearing a pure white brocade robe today, with a long sword hanging from his waist.Standing on the boat, facing the river wind.Really like a fairy.

On the way back to Xiakou, Gan Ning seemed rather excited. He looked Liu Feng up and down for a while, and said with a smile, "If Wenpin really retreated because of this, there must be rumors in the market that the prefect of Jiangxia crossed the river in brocade clothes." , Resignation with one word."

Although Gan Ning is not afraid of Wenpin, nor is he afraid of fighting.But it is still a very gratifying thing to be able to defend the current Jiangxia without fighting.

"Wen Pin, Cai Hao is a character. I don't deny it. But Liu Biao is too different. Compared with Cao Cao and Sun Quan, he has too many worries and too little power. It's nothing to make him hesitate." Liu Feng shook his head. After speaking, he got up and came to the stern, looking in the direction of Xiangyang.

He knew in his heart that it was not Wenpin and Cai Mao who retreated, but Liu Biao.

Although Liu Feng said so, Gan Ning only admired Liu Feng in his heart.When the troops are weak and have an absolute disadvantage.Dare to threaten, and dare to threaten on the spot.This made Cai Mao fearful and dare not make trouble.

This is a very refreshing thing.

It's just that Gan Ning was a little puzzled, Cai Hao's face was pretty good, but after being alone with Liu Feng for a while, he became gloomy.

What exactly did Liu Feng say that made Cai Mao throw away his self-cultivation skills to the horizon.

Amid Gan Ning's doubts, the warship returned to Xiakou.Liu Feng ordered to continue vigilance in Xiakou, and don't slack off just because things have turned around.Afterwards, he entered the prefect's mansion to look for Cai Yu.

This matter must also be discussed with Cai Yu.

It was already dead of night.

A house in the prefect's mansion was still lit.

Inside the room, Liu Feng and Cai Yu were sitting opposite each other.In front of the two of them was a small case with a plate of peanuts and two bronze wine glasses.

It's just that neither of them moved.Just quietly waiting for Cai Mao's arrival.

Not only Liu Feng was calm, but Cai Yu was also calm.According to Cai Yu's words, she has an advantage in front of Cai Mao, and she can speak louder than Cai Mao.Let Cai Mao succumb.

This stems from the fact that she couldn't stand Cai Mao's begging and married Liu Biao.

Because of this, Cai Yu believed that he would find a new man in a fit of pique and add a green hat to Liu Biao, so Cai Mao would not say anything.

After waiting for a while, he heard footsteps outside the door.Kou Shui's voice followed. "My lord, people are here."

"Please come in." Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Cai Mao didn't miss the appointment.Can't help opening the mouth.

"No." Kou Shui answered outside the door, then turned and left.After a while, he took Cai Mao outside the house.

Tonight Cai Mao was dressed in black with a long sword at his waist.His face was still gloomy.

"Please." Kou Shui opened the door for Cai Mao, and bent over to lead the way.

Cai Mao walked in without saying a word.After entering the room, Cai Mao's pupils shrank sharply, the scene in front of him was beyond his expectation.

The younger sister was safe and well, and she was sitting opposite Liu Feng.So dead of night, lonely men and widows.It's not that Cai Mao is dirty, anyone who sees this scene will think badly.

After a long time, Cai Mao took a deep breath.

Forcibly calming down her restless heart, Cai Mao sat beside Cai Yu and said in a deep voice, "Sister, don't you have anything to tell me?"

"As you can see, I abandoned Liu Biao and found a new brother-in-law for you." Cai Yuhun didn't care how shocking what he said was, how unbelievable Cai Mao was.After saying this, she said to Liu Feng with a smile: "Haven't you seen my brother-in-law yet?"

Liu Feng couldn't bear Cai Yu's appearance, she really spoke more seriously in front of Cai Mao and had more advantages.more brazen.

However, Liu Feng couldn't help feeling a little pain in his heart. Being forced to marry Liu Biao back then was really a big blow to Cai Yu.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so many years, still remembering Cai Mao's hatred.

Compared with the calmness of the two, Cai Mao's expression was much more exciting.Crying, laughing, Chennai, all on the face.

"Cough. My wife and I met by chance." Seeing Cai Mao's face that seemed to be crying, smiling, and naive, Liu Feng coughed lightly, and briefly explained the circumstances of his encounter with Cai Yu.

He also vaguely mentioned the depth of his current relationship with Cai Yu.

Cai Mao listened to Liu Feng's explanation verbatim.In the end, the expression on Cai Mao's face was mostly a smile.

"Since it's your own choice, I won't stop you as a brother." Cai Mao said to Cai Yu, then turned to Liu Feng and said, "Take good care of her."

Cai Mao didn't threaten if you don't take good care of her, what will happen in the future.Just a word to take good care of her.It shows the brother's love for his sister.

"I knew you would say that. Since that year, you have never spoken louder than me." Cai Yu said to Cai Mao with some sarcasm.

However, Cai Yu still has deep feelings for the Cai family in his heart, and he can't forgive Cai Mao.After saying a word, he couldn't help asking: "Is there no problem with Liu Biao?"

"The Cai family today is no longer the Cai family who needed to wrong you and rely on that one. Even if he wants to move Cai, he has to weigh it. You can live here with confidence." Cai Mao raised his head and said thoroughly. The arrogance of the patriarch of the Cai clan with huge power.

"This is the best. I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed." Cai Yu nodded, stretched recklessly, yawned, and turned to enter the back room.

That crisp look made Cai Mao's eyes a little moist, her sister back then had this look.Refreshingly scruples.Since marrying Liu Biao, Cai Yu has learned to read words and deeds, and has learned all the tricks a woman can learn.

Only Cai Mao knew that this younger sister hated men's affairs the most and didn't want to hear about them.

After Cai Yu left, the room fell into a brief silence.

After all, the relationship between the two suddenly changed.From Liu Biao's army division, and Jiangxia bandits.turned into in-laws.Liu Feng was prepared, so he was able to accept it soon.But Cai Mao needs to adapt.

"During the day, you did a good job. I'm sure that Liu Biao will endure the matter of you stealing Jiang Xia, and will send a letter to formally appoint you as the prefect. It's just a premise. You will really help Liu Biao guard it as you said during the day. In the east, reject Cao Ren in the north and Zhou Yu in the east." After a moment of silence, Cai Mao looked up at the young brother-in-law and said softly.

Thinking of Bai Ri, Liu Feng's determination, courage, and strategy.Cai Mao couldn't help showing a smile on his face, remembering that when Cai Yu was a young girl in Huaichun, she fantasized about her future husband-in-law like Liu Feng.Now it's getting what it wants.

"I mean what I say, Zhou Yu, if Cao Ren comes to attack, he will definitely fight back." Liu Feng promised.Jiang Xia belongs to him, no one can get his hands on it.As for guarding the east for Liu Biao, it was just incidental.

Seeing Liu Feng's self-confidence, Cai Mao didn't say a lesson or say anything.

Liu Feng killed Huang Zu, which proved that his ability was stronger than Huang Zu.Even Huang Zu was able to guard Jiangxia and competed with Sun Quan many times.Liu Feng should be no problem.

The only thing that worries Cai Mao is that Liu Feng's current power is too weak and its foundation is not stable.

"Although you are Liu Biao's foreign general in name, you don't listen to the instructions, and you don't listen to the announcement. So don't expect Liu Biao to give you much help. As Liu Biao's military adviser, it is impossible for me to advise Liu Biao and give you weapons. Baggage. How to sit firmly in Jiangxia, everything depends on yourself." Time is short, he can't stay here for too long, so Cai Mao told Liu Feng all the worries in his heart.

"However, you are my brother-in-law. The power of the Cai family can still support you in a small area. Weapons, food, and various supplies, I will transport them little by little. Don't worry." Cai Mao's words made Liu Feng I am overjoyed.

What he lacks now is exactly these, he has a lot of troops.But he has few weapons, supplies and food.In the battle with Huang Zu, too many weapons were lost.

Cai Mao's help is suspected to be timely.

After being overjoyed, Liu Feng inevitably had some other thoughts.

"I don't know. Cough, do you have a skilled blacksmith?" Liu Feng looked at Cai Mao expectantly and said, but he remembered that he wanted to equip the broken barracks on the battlefield that day.

Now it is no better than Xinye, his territory is larger than Liu Bei's, and his resources are wider than Liu Bei's.There is Cai's support behind him.It is time to develop some super-era weapons.

And what Liu Feng wanted most were knives.Ratio of sharpness, it is suitable for the knives that break the barracks and soldiers to cut down people.

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