Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 148 The Legend of Brocade Clothes Crossing the River

Chapter 140 The Legend of Brocade Clothes Crossing the River

"Blacksmith? There are a few." Cai Mao was taken aback for a moment, and then said frankly.

In today's troubled times, the Cai family is so huge that they even have weapons, family soldiers, retainers and so on.Blacksmiths, of course.

"I want to borrow ten skilled blacksmiths from my uncle." Liu Feng was delighted. To be honest, he was very impressed with some very powerful knives, but they must not be blacksmiths.Only in the hands of a skilled blacksmith can an impression become a reality.

Liu Feng thought about it, and asked for ten.Not too little, but too much.

You know, although there are many blacksmiths in this era, most of them are forging farm tools.There are very few who actually forge weapons, let alone skilled ones.It would be great if Cai Mao could lend him ten.

What Liu Feng thought was right, Cai Mao didn't have many skilled blacksmiths, only about twenty.It is used to forge excellent weapons and forge armor for generals.

Liu Feng begged for ten at once, and Cai Mao couldn't help pondering for a moment.But his love for his sister still prevailed.After pondering for a moment, he raised his head and said, "Okay."

"Thank you, uncle." Liu Feng thanked him.

"Okay, just pay more attention to things here. I can't stay here for too long, so I'll take a step first." Cai Mao said a little tiredly.

Don't underestimate the pressure on Cai Mao brought by the meeting with Liu Feng tonight. Just talking about how to explain Cai Yu's whereabouts to Liu Biao is enough for Cai Mao to be busy.

This point, Liu Feng can also guess a little bit.

He couldn't help saying: "I don't know what uncle wants to arrange, Mrs. Cai...Cai Yu?" Liu Feng thought it would be inappropriate to call Mrs. Cai again halfway, so he couldn't help changing his words.

"One step at a time is counted as one step at a time, but this matter is not easy to fool." Cai Mao sighed.

"I have a solution in my heart, what does my uncle think?" Liu Feng raised his eyes to look at Cai Mao and asked.

"Say." Cai Mao said.

"Cai Yu was attacked by pirates from Dongting Lake on the Yangtze River, and almost died in the Yangtze River." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Bring the water to the east?" Cai Mao's eyes lit up, this is a way.

"Dongting Lake water thieves are a serious disaster. The reason why Liu Biao tolerated their existence in the past was probably because he was afraid that it would cost too much to wipe out these water thieves. Now Zhang Gu, who occupies half of the power of Dongting Lake water thieves, has become my general, and the remaining Li Ran has already threatened him. Great. If Liu Biao hears that his wife was killed by water thieves, he will definitely launch an army to attack Li Ran. This will not only solve the water thieves disaster, but also cover up the matter of Cai Yu." Liu Feng nodded and said, he thought about it For a long time, I still thought it would be better to let Cai Yu "die".And the best targets to blame are those water thieves on Dongting Lake.

Moreover, those water thieves once really dispatched troops to rob Cai Yu, and the half-truth and half-false lies were also the most credible.

After thinking for a while, Cai Mao raised his head, glanced at Liu Feng calmly and said, "If Liu Zheng begs the water thief, and the water thief loses and escapes, they will definitely go to Jiangxia, right?"

"Cough." Liu Feng's face flushed slightly, he really thought so, but it's hard to say about it, the water thief was not prepared to wipe out Liu Biao.

"Don't worry, if Liu Biao sends troops to attack, I will definitely accompany him. At that time, I will kill the leader of the bandits, Li Ran, and the rest of the people, if they can release water, I will waterproof them. Then you just pay attention to gathering them." Cai Mao didn't care. , on the contrary, he was very happy. Liu Feng even calculated this water thief to increase his strength.It means that he has been thinking about defending Jiang Xia all day long, and he is really relieved to leave his sister here.

Afterwards, the two said a few words.Cai Mao stood up and left, and Liu Feng personally sent him on board.

When Liu Fengzhe returned to the house, he found that the lights in the inner room were still on.I saw Cai Yu wearing a coat, sitting on the bed, looking out of the door from time to time.Like a little wife waiting for her husband to return.

After seeing Liu Feng coming in, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

Liu Feng's heart warmed slightly, and he took off his clothes.They hugged Cai Yu and lay down together.

Letting Liu Feng hug her, Cai Yu leaned her head slightly against Liu Feng's chest.Relying on her man's strong and powerful chest, Cai Yu quickly fell asleep.

But Liu Feng kept his eyes open and couldn't sleep no matter what.

Judging from the current situation, the war between him and Liu Biao is absolutely impossible.In addition, with Cai Mao around, no matter what tricks Liu Biao used, he could receive the news as soon as possible.

Just as Liu Feng thought, Liu Biao is definitely not a threat, but a good backing.

Compared with Liu Biao, Cao Cao, Sun Quan is more aggressive.Both are ambitious, shrewd and decisive characters.

Of the two, Cao Cao is not as threatening to Jiang Xia as Sun Quan.

Zhou Yu stationed troops in picking mulberries, and it only took two or three days for the army to be dispatched to reach the city of Wuchang, a major city in Jiangxia.

I hope Zhou Yu can give him time to prepare.Don't be impatient like Liu Biao.Liu Feng hoped so.

In Xiangyang Zhennan General's Mansion, Liu Biao had breakfast as usual that day, and then dealt with official duties before going to study in the study.

Liu Biao is one of the Eight Horses.I have learned from others.It's because he is eager to learn and often doesn't let go of the book.So, Liu Biao spent most of his time reading books.

It was the same even if she later became the queen shepherd of Jingzhou.

Not long after sitting down, a guard came in to report that it was the letter from Junshi Cai who had arrived.And submitted the form.

Liu Biao was overjoyed, and Jiang Xia took it back.Calculate the time, exactly four or five days.Wenpin is really amazing, let him break through Jiangxia within ten days, unexpectedly within five days.

While accepting Biao Wen happily, Liu Biao was thinking about how to reward Cai Mao and Wenpin.And who should take the position of the prefect of Jiangxia, which is even more troublesome.

It's just that Liu Biao opened the table and read it word by word, but his complexion became darker and darker.At the end, Cai Mao mentioned that if he was used as the prefect, he would not listen to the announcement.Couldn't help but slapped the case, and called a slap in the face.

He wanted to order Cai Mao immediately to attack Jiang Xia recklessly.It's just that Liu Biao found out that he didn't have the courage to issue this order.

In the study, Liu looked as sinking as water.The table in front of him was in a mess, with scattered bamboo slips everywhere.You must know that Liu Biao is a book lover, and he cherishes the bamboo slips even more than women.

This kind of temper tantrum towards the bamboo slips has almost never happened, which shows the depression in Liu Biao's heart.

Like Cai Mao, Liu Biao never thought that Liu Feng would be so decisive.Since you want to dedicate the acquired city to Cao Cao or Sun Quan, then what is the purpose of taking the city so desperately?The so-called dedicating the city to Cao Cao and gaining glory and wealth?What a joke.Liu Biao would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.Although Liu Feng's family wealth is quite a lot, it is enough to spend the rest of his life in peace. For the so-called prosperity and wealth, he put his own life on the line and fought Huang Zu to the death.

No fool would do such a thing.

The only answer is that Liu Feng wanted Jiang Xia, so he would fight Huang Zu.

This was also one of the reasons why Liu Biao did not hesitate to order Wenpin to attack Liu Feng, and he wanted Wenpin to go out within one day and attack Jiangxia within ten days.

The purpose was to take down Jiang Xia and behead Liu Feng before Sifang could react when Liu Feng was still greedy for Jiang Xia.

But the development of things is often unexpected. Judging from Cai Mao's statement, Liu Feng intends to occupy Jiang Xia, but if he is pushed, he can decisively dedicate Jiang Xia to Sun Quan or Cao Cao.

Cai Mao also praised Liu Feng in his statement.It is said that it was courageous to attack Huang Zu when the soldiers were few and few generals, and it was a strategy to kill Huang Zu.

Really a momentary figure.

It's just that such a character is someone who wants to oppose him.No matter how you look at it, Liu Biao feels uncomfortable.Especially in the end, Liu Feng acted like a good boy when he got the cheap, saying that if he appointed Liu Feng as the prefect of Jiangxia, he would not listen to the tune or the announcement.

what is this.

It stands to reason that Liu Biao should immediately order Wenpin to attack the city and seize the territory, smashing Liu Feng to death.But Liu Biao didn't dare to act rashly.

Liu Feng's threat was bloody every sentence, every word was like a knife.

He couldn't imagine what kind of impact Liu Feng would have on Jingzhou if he dedicated the city to Sun Quan or Cao Cao when he jumped the wall in a hurry.

Not only lost a barrier, but also lost a strategically deep place.It directly burned the flames of war to the inside of Jingzhou.

At this time, Liu Feng was like a child holding gold, with three adults beside him.Among them, Cao Cao is the strongest, Sun Quan's second son, he is the weakest.

He is also the one who can't wait to get the gold, but when he reaches out to grab the gold.The child pretended to hand over the gold to the stronger Cao Cao and Sun Quan.

Liu Biao found that he had no other way to snatch the gold except good words to appease him.That is to say, there is nothing to do with Liu Feng.

Wenpin was ordered to attack with all his strength, but in exchange for this result.Liu Biao only felt chest tightness and wanted to vomit blood.

Why take back Jiangxia, why consider who will continue to be the prefect of Jiangxia.After Cai Mao's statement was delivered, it became empty talk and a joke.

While Liu Biao was gloomy, he couldn't help thinking of Liu Bei, Liu Feng's nominal father.Compared with Liu Bei, Liu Feng is even more difficult to deal with.

The site is bigger and the location is better.There is also a lot of courage, ability, and determination.

Suddenly, Liu Biao felt better again.It is said that Liu Bei drove this scourge away with his own hands, and now this abandoned son is more powerful than Lao Tzu.I wonder if Liu Bei will be more depressed than him after hearing the news?

In Liu Biao's heart, he didn't like Liu Bei either.Liu Bei established benevolence and virtue in Xinye to buy people's hearts.For Liu Biao, it's like a sharp edge.The current Liu Biao has already regretted taking in Liu Bei in the first place.

So Liu Biao took pleasure in Liu Bei's misfortune, and took pleasure in bitterness.It can be regarded as alleviating the depression in my heart.

Afterwards, while Liu Biao was dissatisfied with Liu Feng with his face sinking like water, he also gritted his teeth and wrote an appointment document, ordering Liu Feng to be the governor of Jiangxia.After writing down the document, Liu Biao did not send it out immediately, but held it in his hand and sighed softly, "I hope you can keep your promise, resist Zhou Yu in the east, and reject Cao Ren in the north."

Now the only thing that comforts Liu Biao is this.Liu Feng killed Huang Zu and proved his ability.If he can sincerely guard the east, Jingzhou will be even safer.

Feeling inexplicably relieved, Liu Biao looked a little better.Only then did he distribute the documents in his hand to his followers.Order it to go east and send it to Jiangxia.

After doing all this, Liu Biao stopped thinking about Jiang Xia.What he has to do now is how to appease the prefects all over Jingzhou. Huang Zu was killed, but he couldn't avenge him. Instead, he wanted to appoint the murderer to be the prefect.This incident might cause turmoil in Jingzhou, so Liu Biao had to be cautious and cautious.

At the same time, Liu Biao's document soon arrived in Jiangxia, and Wen Pin and Cai Mao also withdrew.The mighty army will go back as it came.It's just that when he went out, he was full of energy and momentum.When I went back this time, I was somewhat gloomy.

In the hall of Xiakou Prefect's Mansion, Liu Feng received the documents from the officials sent by Liu Biao.Facing Gan Ning who was sitting on the side seat, Zhang Gu smiled and said, "Release this news."

Liu Feng knew that when he occupied Jiangxia, he was a thief.But now because of Liu Biao's appointment, his status is an official.

There is nothing more reassuring than this identity.

It's just that when Gan Ning released the news, he added a little bit of embellishment.Put all the halo on Liu Feng.It is said that Liu Feng crossed the river with one person and one boat, and retreated [-] elite Wenpin.

There is a legend about Jinyi crossing the river that has been passed down by several people.

But in addition to this, it also added a lot of prestige to Liu Feng, and to a certain extent covered up the negative image of Liu Feng who left Xinye in embarrassment.

Paved the way for Liu Feng to rule Jiangxia

Fortunately, there was no delay, and this chapter was coded before 01:30.

Sanqi did what he said, and the second update will be delivered.

Well, I washed up and went to bed. I was really sleepy and it was hard to struggle. In the two chapters of NO.11 at night, Sanqi will go to the network code tomorrow.Hope brothers can understand.

In the end, seeing that Sanqi on the monthly ticket list is about to be trampled.Ask your brothers for help.

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