Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 149 Liu Bei's Little Actions

Chapter 140 IX Liu Bei's Small Actions (The third update, ask for a monthly ticket)

Inside the prefect's mansion of Xinye City. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

On this day, Liu Bei summoned Zhuge Liang, Jian Yong, Sun Qian, Mi Zhu and others to have a banquet.

A few days ago, Liu Feng broke through Jiangxia, and news of Huang Zu's shooting and killing spread to Xinye.It's just that Liu Bei didn't think Liu Biao would let it go, so he didn't care much.Later, another news came that Wenpin and Cai Mao led [-] elite troops to the south.Liu Bei was even more relieved.

The purpose of the banquet today is to introduce his son Liu Chan to the ministers.After a period of regulations, Liu Chan's physique has become much stronger, and it can be said that he has broken away from his weak image.

Liu Bei considered that it was time for Liu Chan to come out to Zhuge Liang, and Jian Yong waited to calm people's hearts.So he held a banquet and invited all civil servants including Xu Shu.

In fact, Liu Bei's purpose was just to appease Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu, the two important ministers.It's just that although Zhuge Liang joined in, Xu Shu didn't get out of his illness.

As for generals, Liu Bei didn't care much.Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Chen Dao, etc. are all loyal figures.

Although during the banquet, Liu Bei hugged Liu Chan and passed everyone's eyes, but because the other protagonist Xu Shu hadn't arrived, although Liu Bei's face did not change, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Liu Bei's mood was not very high.

Sitting on the main seat, Liu Bei looked deeply.It's the last chance, but I still don't want to accept it, Yuan Zhi, Yuan Zhi, do you really care about that abandoned child so much?

While Liu Bei was disappointed with Xu Shu, he also regretted why he asked Xu Shu to be Liu Feng's teacher in the first place.

It's really a wrong step, every step is wrong.Liu Bei sighed in his heart, raised his bronze wine glass with some depression, and drank with his head up.

It can be seen that Liu Bei's mood is not high, and everyone is very depressed and whispers.Even Zhuge Liang is more cautious, unwilling to run into trouble at this time.

A good wedding banquet has turned into this dull look.

"Report to the lord." At this moment, a guard entered the hall and reported.

"What's the matter?" The mood was not high, and Liu Bei's tone was a little bit cold.It's just that Liu Bei's city is deep enough for ordinary people to detect it.

"There is a report in Xiangyang, saying that Liu Jingzhou has appointed Liu Feng as the prefect of Jiangxia, replacing Huang Zu, and guarding the east."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a thud, but the bronze wine glass in Liu Bei's hand fell to the ground.

"I'm a little drunk, I'll go down to rest first, you wait to continue." Liu Bei's concealment skills are very good, he smiled, glanced at his ministers, got up and walked out.

"This." Jian Yong was left behind, Sun Qian and the others looked at each other.I don't know what to do.They had a good impression of Liu Feng, and they knew somewhat why Liu Bei indulged Tang Song.

Therefore, it is not easy to talk about Liu Feng being the prefect of Jiangxia.

Mi Zhu also pretended to be at a loss on the surface, but he was overjoyed in his heart, this nephew is really promising, after a few days out, he became the prefect of Jiangxia.

However, Mi Zhu also knew a little bit about Jiang Xia. Among the three neighbors, Liu Feng was capable of handling Liu Biao, but he might not be able to handle Sun Quan and Cao Cao.

There is worry in my heart, and the joy is hidden.

Originally, I wanted to tell my sister Mi the good news, but I also saved it, so I didn't plan to tell her anymore.

Among them, only Zhuge Liang looked a little unpredictable.But he remembered his good friend Xu Shu once when he and Liu Bei were not optimistic about Liu Feng, he firmly believed that Liu Feng could occupy Jiangxia, and even stabilize Jiangxia.

Now Liu Feng really has a firm grip on Jiang Xia.It proves that Xu Shu's vision and Liu Feng's ability are superior to others.At this moment, Zhuge Liang suddenly thought that if Liu Feng inherited Liu Bei's family business, it would be a good thing.

This idea just came up, which shocked Zhuge Liang, and then he blamed himself, as a minister, he should be the mastermind.Now that Liu Bei had made up his mind, he drove Liu Feng away.

Even if he didn't follow Liu Bei's wishes and regarded Liu Feng as an enemy, he couldn't have such thoughts.

After blaming himself for a moment, Zhuge Liang got up and clasped his fists at the crowd and said, "Stop with me, everyone, continue." After speaking, Zhuge Liang left in the direction Liu Bei left.

The wedding banquet held by Liu Bei to show off his son Liu Chan broke up unhappy.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and then left one by one.

After Zhuge Liang left the hall, Liu Bei disappeared.After he asked the passing maid, he learned that Liu Bei was in the study.Then I got up and went to the study.

In the study, Liu Bei's expression was not the same as when he was in the hall, only slightly strange.But it's really ugly.

Just as Liu Biao thought, Liu Bei saw Liu Feng's current power, and the territory was bigger than him.I felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

It's just uncomfortable, not jealousy.Liu Bei once served as the governor of Xuzhou, and spent the rest of his life in battle. He was very open to temporary honor and disgrace.

Just like most people always feel a little uncomfortable when their abandoned stepson climbs on top of their heads, and Liu Bei is of course no exception.

His face was ugly, and Liu Bei's chest heaved violently, and his breathing was heavy.

At this time, Zhuge Liang was outside the door and said, "Master."

Liu Bei didn't answer right away, but adjusted his breathing, collected his face, and then said softly, "Come in."

When Zhuge Liang came in, there was no abnormality on Liu Bei's face.

But even so, Zhuge Liang could guess the discomfort in Liu Bei's heart.

"I don't know what my lord thinks about this matter?" Zhuge Liang asked after he sat down.

"If I were Liu Biao, I would order Jingzhou to be taken back." Liu Bei replied without hesitation.Liu Bei is a person with a strong desire to control. If he is the governor of Jingzhou, he will definitely not allow Jiangxia, the barrier of Jingzhou, to be controlled by someone other than himself. This will cause many changes.

"But Liu Biao is not you after all. Firstly, he has no courage, secondly, he is not powerful enough, and thirdly, the elite soldiers are not prosperous. Fourthly, there are few generals under the tent." Zhuge Liang stepped on Liu Biao first, and then smiled and said: "If the lord's heart is not going well, my lord You can personally take back Jiang Xia after taking over Jingzhou."

Euphemistically, if you occupy Jingzhou, this Liu Feng is just a minor problem, so you don't need to worry about it.

Sure enough, Liu Bei also felt better after hearing this.Although it didn't go smoothly immediately, at least I was able to calm down.

This person is afraid of comparison.

Liu Bei compared Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu in his heart, and found that Xu Shu was inferior to Zhuge Liang in terms of talent. Zhuge Liang could tell the general trend of standing on top of each other, but Xu Shu could not.

Zhuge Liang is more considerate than Xu Shu.

"Thank you Kongming for your good words." Liu Bei felt that Zhuge Liang was more pleasing to the eye, so he couldn't help but smiled slightly.

Seeing that Liu Bei is already in a good mood, it seems that there is nothing serious.Zhuge Liang also let go of his heart, but Zhuge Liang still spent some time getting along with Liu Bei.It wasn't until he found out that Liu Bei was strange that he left with peace of mind.

When Zhuge Liang first left, Liu Bei was indeed completely relieved.

But not long after Zhuge Liang left, Liu Bei couldn't help thinking of Liu Feng again.

When I saw Liu Fengyingwu at the beginning, I accepted him as my stepson.Not long after, Liu Feng's modesty and politeness were gradually revealed.He was hailed by Xu Shu as a polite and virtuous corporal.Later, let Liu Feng worship Xu Shu as his master.When Cao Cao set up a trick to force Xu Shu to go north.Liu Feng asserted that Xu Shu could be persuaded to come back, and in the end he really persuaded Xu Shu to come back.

These things flashed through Liu Bei's mind one by one.In the end, Liu Bei thought of the cruel method of killing Tang Song when Liu Feng left the city.I just felt a slight chill in my heart.

At the beginning, Tang sent the design to pour all the dirty water on Liu Feng's body.And then, Liu Feng left Xinye to confirm his notoriety.

Therefore, although Liu Feng's method of killing Tang Song was cruel, hanging Tang Song's body on the city gate showed his break with Liu Bei.

But Liu Bei didn't take it seriously. Think about it, a man with a stench of reputation who is only twenty years old.A stinky salted fish with less than six hundred soldiers.How could Liu Bei take it to heart.

But this salted fish turned over so fast that Liu Bei couldn't keep his eyes open.Liu Feng defeated Jiangxia's five thousand sailors, beheaded Huang She and became enmity with Huang Zu.Liu Feng attacked Xiakou brazenly.Liu Feng shot and killed Huang Zu.Liu Feng took the position of prefect firmly.All happened within a month.

Whether it is turning over or expanding power, it is very fast, very fast.

When Liu Bei woke up, he found that Liu Feng was already more powerful than him, with more troops and resources than him.

Breaking with Liu Feng on the spot, Liu Feng's ruthlessness was not a trivial matter for a moment.It is a major event that can make Liu Bei feel cold.

Even Liu Bei felt that Liu Feng hated him even more than Cao Cao hated him.Cao Cao hated him, but it was also because of political differences that led to wars.There are many people like Liu Bei in the world.

And what about Liu Feng?

The more this person attaches importance to a certain person, the more he can dig out the original bit by bit.At this moment, Liu Bei was shocked to realize that he was really cruel to Liu Feng back then.

But now Liu Feng is sitting in Jiangxia, and his power is not small.He is already capable and has the capital to settle accounts with him.The mistake of letting the tiger go back to the mountain has been made, and it can be redeemed.

Liu Bei was thinking about how to weaken Liu Feng's power.Let him die in Jiangxia.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei couldn't help thinking that when Liu Feng left that day, there were only two confidants in his tent.At this moment, sitting in Jiangxia, there must be a lot of support.

Zhang Dao himself was a small official under Zhang Fei's tent. He raised his eyes in Xinye, only his wife and children, and he left with Liu Feng.impeccable.

But the other Xu Tian remembered that his elder brother Xu was an important assistant official under Mi Zhu's tenure.

There are only two officials in Liu Feng's account.It is indispensable to rule the huge Jiangxia.If Xu Zheng was used to recall Xu Tian at this moment, it would probably break Liu Feng's arm.

Delay the time for him to sit firmly in Jiangxia.So that Sun Quan could take advantage of it.In Liu Bei's heart, he was looking for a way to suppress Liu Feng.

His eyes turned cold and he made a decision.

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