Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 150 The Rebellion of the Little People

Chapter 150 The Little People's Resistance (Fourth Sent)

These days, Xu Zheng's mood is not very good. (Apex novels hand-made novels) The news from the front made him startled, from Liu Feng's battle against Huang She in Hengjiang, to Liu Feng's shooting of Huang Zu, to Liu Biao's attack on Jiang Xia.

Every news made Xu Zheng tremble with fear. You know, his younger brother Xu Tian was an official under Liu Feng's tent. If Liu Feng was defeated, wouldn't Xu Tian suffer?

Xu Zheng loved this younger brother, otherwise he would not have given Xu Tian to Liu Feng, who was a major general.It's just that I don't want to, the situation has changed suddenly, and Liu Feng's defeat is too fast, too fast.

The quick Xu Zheng didn't have time to react, and Liu Feng left Xinye with Zhang Wenwu.

On this day, Xu Zheng didn't even go to the yamen, but just sat at home with a worried look on his face.

"Uncle is a man of great fortune. He will surely turn bad luck into good fortune. Husband, don't worry too much." Seeing that her husband didn't even go to the yamen, Mrs. Xu just sat at home, worrying about her brother's safety, she couldn't help comforting her.

"My younger brother is the most clever and experienced. I don't have to worry about ordinary things, but this is a military matter, the most common. How many famous generals have been lost on the battlefield, let alone him?" Xu Zhengzheng was upset, listening Seeing his wife's consolation, he couldn't help but become more annoyed, and said impatiently.

"But the Major General is not an ordinary famous general. He knew how to fight at a young age, wiped out the number of water thieves, defeated Huang She in one battle, and killed Huang Zu in one battle with arrows. It can be said that he has won every battle. He defeated Wenpin." Seeing her husband curling his lips, Mrs. Xu couldn't help but said aggrievedly.

"What do women know?" Xu Zheng was amused. This famous general is indeed victorious in every battle, but there are not a few famous generals who lost in the first battle.Defeated in the first battle, I will lose my fame for the rest of my life.Die on the battlefield.

The husband and wife were talking when they heard sudden footsteps outside the house.Then a male voice rang out, "Master, the lord sent someone to summon you."

"My lord?" Xu Zheng was startled, with a bad premonition.Although he was an important assistant official under Mi Zhu's tenure, he was also a low-level official and had never been summoned by Liu Bei alone.

What is the reason for this sudden summons?It must be Xu Tian's business.

Xu Zheng kicked in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay.Ask his wife to prepare formal clothes, put on the Han crown, and then go out neatly.

There are few new Mustangs, and only important people have horse-drawn carriages.As a petty official, Xu Zheng has an ox cart.

Liu Bei is a banner and a signboard.He didn't need territory or power, and he was able to gather a group of backbones with his reputation, such as Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang and other intelligent and high-level courtiers, such as Mi Zhu, Jian Yong, Sun Qian and other middle-class people, as well as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others. An enemy who has proven his abilities on the battlefield.

Xu Zheng was not Liu Bei's former subordinate, but followed Liu Bei halfway.I have never met Liu Bei several times in my life, so I thought I would meet someone like Liu Bei alone.Or it might be because of his younger brother Xu Tian's affairs.

Xu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it, feeling uneasy.

With this feeling in mind, Xu Zheng rode an ox cart to the outside of the prefect's mansion.After getting off the bullock cart, Xu Zheng humbly revealed his identity to the guards guarding the gate.

It seems that it has already been explained.As soon as the guard guarding the gate saw Xu Zhengliang's identity, he bowed to invite Xu Zheng to enter, and he needed to be notified.

This is the treatment that only Liu Bei's close ministers will enjoy, such as Zhuge Liang, the former Xu Shu, and Sun Qian Jianyong and others.In the past, Xu Zheng was still a little envious of this kind of treatment, but when it really happened to him, he became uneasy.

Coupled with the previous anxiety, Xu Zheng felt even more uncertain.

Maybe they also know that Xu Zheng entered the prefect's mansion for the first time, and the road conditions are not familiar.Among the guards in front of the door, a person came out to lead the way for Xu Zheng. Along the way, Xu Zheng lowered his head, looked at his toes humbly, and walked forward.

Soon, Xu Tian was led to Liu Bei's study by the guards.

"My lord, please." The guard stopped outside the door, bent over and led the way.

"Thank you." Xu Zheng clasped his fists to the guard, then looked up at the study room, feeling full of unknowns.

Extending the head is also a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife.After stopping for a moment, Xu Zheng gritted his teeth and walked in.

In the study, Liu Bei was waiting for Xu Zheng to arrive, when he heard slight footsteps, he couldn't help but look up.Seeing Xu Zheng walking this way cautiously, he couldn't help but nodded.

Just be a timid one.

"Xu Zheng, an official under Mi Zhu's tent, pays his respects to the lord." After entering the study, Xu Zheng didn't even have the courage to look up at Liu Bei, but bowed his head and bowed.

"Please, sir."

"Promise." Liu Bei's generous voice sounded next to his ear, Xu Zheng felt relieved for no reason, and after making a promise, he straightened his body and looked at Liu Bei.

I saw the person sitting in front with a generous and peaceful expression.But the strange thing is that with such a generous expression, he exudes an aura of calmness and prestige.It makes people feel awe-inspiring.

Xu Zheng's eyebrows twitched, and after taking a look at Liu Bei, he quickly lowered his head.

"Mr. has been in my tent for several years, and I often hear Mi Zhu praise Mr. for being rigorous and talented." Sensing the awe in Xu Zheng's heart, Liu Bei couldn't help but look at Xu Zheng generously, and said with a smile.

"Xu Zheng is stupid, I don't deserve such praise from Mr. Mi Zhu." Xu Zheng was cautious, and he didn't get carried away by Liu Bei's words.

"Hehe, whether you are talented or not, I naturally know it in my heart. I will reward you with your merits." Liu Bei did not allow Zheng Zheng to refuse. After speaking, he raised his head and said, "I will reward you with a hundred pieces of gold and ten pieces of brocade cloth as an example."

"Thank you, my lord." Liu Bei's performance was unquestionable, so Xu Zheng had no choice but to bend over and thank him.

"Hehe, this is what you deserve, sir, you don't have to be polite." Liu Bei said with a chuckle.After a pause, Liu Bei changed the subject and said: "I heard that Mr. has this talent, it is a family tradition. I also heard that Mr. has a younger brother named Xu Mingtian who is talented. I still lack an official in my account. The so-called virtuous and not avoiding relatives, I wonder if the master thinks that my younger brother is qualified for the job?"

On the surface, they were asking for Xu Zheng's opinion, but in fact they were forcing Xu Zheng to make a decision.

Xu Zheng's forehead immediately burst into sweat. There were only two small officials under Liu Feng's tent. Xu Zheng didn't believe that Liu Bei would not know that his younger brother Xu Tian was currently in Jiangxia and was an important official of Liu Feng.

Since Liu Bei knew it, he asked it knowingly.It seems that his younger brother has great talent and wants to recruit him.Isn't this forcing him to recall Xu Tian as his elder brother?

Xu Zheng was an official who used to be a merchant.Although he was captured by Liu Bei's aura for a while, his mind was definitely not small and his brain was active.Otherwise, when Liu Fengchu was a general, he would have passed his younger brother over.

Already realized that it is definitely not easy at this time.

If he wanted to, Xu Zheng would never recall Xu Tian as his elder brother. Although Xu Zheng loved his younger brother, he paid more attention to his own choice.When Xu Tian followed Liu Feng and left, Xu Tian concealed it from Xu Zheng.

It also represents Xu Tian's determination to follow Liu Feng.

How could Xu Zheng stop a man from following a recognized monarch and rushing towards the troubled times where heroes come in handy?

Therefore, Xu Zheng hesitated, and the more he hesitated, the more cold sweat would be on his forehead.

At the beginning, Liu Bei was unwilling to force Xu Zheng, but seeing Xu Zheng's lack of response for a long time, Liu Bei couldn't help but feel a little displeased, and said in a cold voice, "Why do you hesitate, sir?"

Xu Zheng was excited all over. Although the person in front of him was famous for his generosity, he was a generation of heroes after all. He knew that if he didn't agree at this moment, he would definitely be overwhelmed and walk away.

He couldn't help but immediately said: "On behalf of that ineffective younger brother, I would like to thank the lord for your praise." Having said this, Xu Zheng paused, and then said: "If it is an ordinary position, he is qualified enough."

"It's so good. I hope to meet Brother Dao Ling within ten days." Liu Bei's expression immediately brightened, and he said with a smile.

"I will live up to my lord's expectations." Now that he had already agreed, Xu Zheng naturally agreed.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Liu Bei will stop talking nonsense with Xu Zheng.After a few words of encouragement, Xu Zheng went out.

After Xu Zheng left, Liu Bei's face immediately turned gloomy, and after sitting for a while, he murmured: "Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu heard that you use soldiers like a god, and I will do everything for you. Go here and get the nails."

Today's Liu Feng has been taken seriously by Liu Bei, and he did not hesitate to plot to cut off Liu Feng's arm.

Not mentioning Liu Bei, who had succeeded in his conceited plot, only said that after Xu Zheng left the study.I just feel in a trance, what should I do, what should I do.

Does he really want to stop his younger brother's ambition and stop a man from starting a business in this troubled world?

He remembered that he was the one who put Xu Tian on Liu Feng's ship, and now he wanted to get Xu Tian off with his own hands.Liu Zheng only felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He loves Xu Tian, ​​and Xu Tian also respects him.He knew that if he sent a letter to Jiang Xia, his younger brother would definitely return.

After Xu Tian comes back, what face does brother have to face brother?

While in a trance, Xu Zheng suddenly heard a conversation in a lowered voice.

"I heard that the bandit Liu Feng Jinyi crossed the river, and each of them retired to hire [-] elites. And Liu Jingzhou has ordered that Liu Feng be appointed as the prefect of Jiangxia, replacing Huang Zu in guarding the east."

"True or not, didn't Liu Feng run away from Xinye because of his personal morals? And he was the one who killed Huang Zu, so Liu Biao was confused and appointed such a person as Jiang Xia's prefect?"

"Who knows if Liu Jingzhou is confused, but my news is absolutely reliable. I heard that my lord is having a wedding banquet in Japan. After hearing the news, they left in a huff."

"Sheng, we can talk about Liu Biao's affairs in our free time, but don't talk about the lord's affairs indiscriminately. It will cause trouble."

"Yes, yes. Thank you brother for reminding me."

Although it was only a few short sentences, it caused an uproar in Xu Zheng's heart.

That's it, that's it.Liu Feng is the prefect of Jiangxia, and his power is greater than that of Liu Bei. Liu Bei was vigilant and arranged methods to deal with Liu Feng.

At the same time that his heart was turbulent, Xu Zheng thought of a way, a way to get out of Liu Bei's control.

With a violent shock, he raised his head and chest, and walked straight towards the gate.

The fourth is more, ask for a monthly ticket.

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