Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 151 Tang Dao 4 System, Heng Dao, Mo Dao, Yi Dao, Barrier Dao

Chapter 150 Four systems of Tang swords, Heng Dao, Mo Dao, Yi Dao, Barrier Dao

Perhaps Xu Zheng didn't dare to use this method when he didn't hear about Liu Feng, but he dared to do so now. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

With Liu Biao's appointment, Liu Feng's stability in Jiangxia has become a fact nailed to the iron plate. Liu Feng's ability is obvious to all. Now that he can deal with Huang Zu and Liu Biao, Cao Cao will not be able to deal with the other Sun Quan. Let's talk again.

Don't you want to recall my brother with me?I went the opposite way and went to Jiangxia to have a round with my younger brother.

Xu Zheng thought very angrily.

In fact, Xu Zheng was very transparent. Now Liu Bei's prestige is not as good as before.Of course, this is not about Jian Yong, Zhuge Liang and others, but for some small officials in Xinye.

The reason is that Liu Feng is gone.Liu Feng's accumulated reputation over the past three years is gradually becoming apparent.

In the past three years, Liu Feng has actually filled a gap in the Xinye forces, that is, the power of the prince. When Liu Bei is getting old and people's hearts are inevitably fluctuating, Liu Feng is modest, courteous, and respectful and corporal.It quickly stabilized the hearts of lower-level officials.

But it was the perfect prince who left.Regardless of the reason, the hearts of lower-level officials inevitably fluctuated.

Maybe Liu Bei would not realize it, but the officials have already realized it.

Liu Chan is too young, if something happened to Liu Bei, wouldn't they suffer together?

When Liu Bei was conceited that he was at the peak of his age and was still in his prime, he thought he could slowly cultivate Liu Chan.In the game, he didn't realize that he was actually old. He was over 40 years old. He stood up at [-]. He was not confused at [-]. He knew his destiny at [-]. After all, people who lived past [-] were a minority.

Therefore, some officials in Xinye have recently resigned.Although there are not many people, Liu Bei may not have realized it, but Xu Zhengzheng, who is also a lower-level official, has already realized it.

He also thinks that Liu Bei is relatively short, if Liu Bei's life ends.What would Xinye look like?

In contrast, Liu Feng is truly at the peak of his spring and autumn, like the sun in the sky.He is only a weak crown, but he has already commanded a county in Jiangxia, and his power and military strength far exceed Liu Bei's.

And still sit tight.

At such a time, he still has to obey Liu Bei's order and recruit a younger brother who is more promising than him?Hurry up and go to my brother together.It is more promising than following Liu Bei.

While thinking about it, Xu Zheng walked out of the prefect's mansion.He returned to his mansion in a carriage.

After entering the mansion, Xu Zheng went straight into the backyard.At this time Mrs. Xu was working as a maid in the house.Suddenly seeing Xu Zheng coming in, he couldn't help but be surprised: "What happened? In such a hurry?"

"Don't ask, don't hesitate. Prepare carefully, you take a few boys out of the mansion through the small gate, and go to the village outside the city." Xu Zheng said in an unquestionable tone.

"This?" Mrs. Xu was shocked, but seeing her husband's serious face, she hesitated for a moment, then nodded, got up and said, "I'll do it now."

"Brother, brother, I'm here to join you." Xu Zheng looked in Jiang Xia's direction and murmured involuntarily.

After stopping in the room for a while, Xu Zheng gritted his teeth and decided to do one more thing for Liu Feng.As a Jiangxia based.After thinking about it, the decisive look on Xu Zheng's face flashed, and he hurried out of the mansion in a bullock cart, heading for the treasury not far away.

Not long after, he led a group of soldiers, more than a dozen carriages, and a few dark-skinned, muscular middle-aged men back to the mansion.


The sky is sunny, and it stands to reason that such weather can make people feel cheerful.It's just that Mi Zhu's complexion is not pretty today.

Outside the warehouse door of the government treasury, Mi Zhu's face became even more ugly when he heard the results of the investigation by the petty officials.

Xu Zheng has been under his tent for two days. If it is one day, it may be because of illness or other things.I didn't have time to ask for leave.But if there is a two-day delay and no one is sent to ask for leave, there is a problem.

Mi Zhu first ordered a small official to visit Xu Zheng's mansion today, but the news that the small official brought back surprised Mi Zhu.

Xu Zheng's mansion was already empty, leaving only the servants.According to an old servant, Xu Zheng took his whole family to live in Zhuangzi outside the city.

The little official was also quite clever, and he didn't come back immediately to report to Mi Zhu, but asked the old servant Xu Zhengzhuangzi's location, went to check it out himself, and then came back to report to Mi Zhu.

Xu Zheng disappeared.The whole family evaporated.

Xu Zheng is an important assistant officer under his account, with great authority and very important.Mi Zhu did not dare to neglect, and ordered a thorough investigation.

This investigation made Mi Zhu even more frightened.Someone saw Xu Zheng's wife taking her family out of the city five days ago, and heading east, toward the Xiangjiang River.

Two days ago, someone saw Xu Zheng heading east with a dozen or so carriages and several middle-aged men with dark skin.

After some investigation, Mi Zhu found out that Xu Zheng was going down the Xiangjiang River by boat.

But what made Mi Zhu even more terrified was what Xu Zheng took away, a total of five hundred strong bows, and the most skilled blacksmiths, bowsmiths, and cobblers under Xinye's current rule.

Listening to the statistical results of the little official, Mi Zhu felt dizzy.

Mi Zhu was confident that he would not be wrong about Xu Zheng, although he could occasionally make a decision, just like arranging his younger brother Xu Tian to Liu Feng.But more is cautious.

He would not do such a thing equivalent to betrayal for no reason, unless something happened that forced Xu Zheng to do such a thing.The irresistible thing.

Although he wanted to know what happened, Mi Zhu knew that it was no longer his decision.You must tell Liu Bei.

Those craftsmen and the five hundred strong bows were a great loss to Liu Bei who was trapped in the small place of Xinye.

Thinking about it, Mi Zhu didn't dare to neglect, and went to the prefect's mansion in person.Report to Liu Bei.

In the study room, after listening to Mi Zhu's report, Liu Bei's face remained normal, and he just said lightly, "Got it."

But Mi Zhu, who knew Liu Bei well, could tell that Liu Bei's hands were trembling slightly, and it was an emotion of rage hidden under his plain expression.

Even after losing so much, Liu Bei shouldn't have such a furious expression.Think back when Liu Bei lost Xuzhou, he was not so furious.

With this doubt, Mi Zhu withdrew.

Not long after Mi Zhu withdrew, Liu Bei suddenly stood up.He looked ferocious, but he couldn't keep his composure any longer.

"Xu Zheng, Xu Zheng." Liu Bei roared wildly, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and slashed and killed in the study frantically.

"Bump, bump. Boom, boom." There were constant sounds of things breaking in the study, but the guards outside the door did not dare to go in at all.

The protagonist seems to be in a rage.

The two guards glanced at each other, and both saw timidity in each other's eyes.

Of course Liu Bei had a reason to be furious. He knew that he could not compare to Cao Cao in talent and ability, but he was not inferior to Cao Cao in his ability to control people's hearts and control his subordinates.

This further created Liu Bei's desire to control, Xu Zheng's betrayal, the blow to Liu Bei is definitely not as simple as five hundred strong bows and a few craftsmen.

It also hit Liu Bei's confidence in whether he can control people's hearts.

But Liu Bei was worthy of being Liu Bei, after tossing around in the study for a while, he came out with a natural expression and asked the guards to tidy up the study.And until the next day, they didn't order Xu Zheng to be hunted down, and didn't mention Xu Zheng's betrayal.

He bears all the bitter fruits by himself.

Jiangxia, Xiling County.

Since Liu Feng was appointed by Liu Biao, he has changed from a bandit to an official in one fell swoop, and many things such as publishing the list and reassuring the people have become much cheaper.

Gan Ning's so-called Jinyi crossing the river with added fuel and vinegar also added a lot of points to Liu Feng, and severely shocked Huangzu's old troops in Jiangxia in the past.

Xiling is the seat of Jiangxia and the largest city.Of course Liu Feng also moved his family here.

However, although he is the orthodox Jiangxia prefect in name, his identity as Jiangxia prefect has not improved Liu Feng's current civil service system.

The only ones he could trust were Xu Tian and Zhang Dao.It is too difficult, too difficult for three people to handle the affairs of a county.

In the study room, Liu Feng looked at a roll of bamboo slips on the table in front of him, and after a while, he slowly stretched out his hand and opened the bamboo slips.

This is a letter that Liu Feng received three days ago.

It was sent by his husband Xu Shu, who briefly praised him for what he did to capture Jiang Xia, and more importantly told him to be cautious, not to spoil the great events of his life because of his momentary complacency.Let Jiang Xia sit still first.

Finally, one thing Xu Shu mentioned made Liu Feng's heart flutter.

Xu Shu mentioned that if he lacks civil servants, he can go to Jingxiang. He has already written to his friends Sima Hui, Pang Tong, Meng Jian, Cui Ding, and Shi Tao.Let them take care of Liu Feng.

If possible, Xu Shu proposed to choose an assistant officer from among these people to assist Liu Feng in handling major affairs in the county.

Liu Feng is currently short of civil servants to help manage Jiangxia, so he naturally covets the above people.

Needless to say, Pang Tong, there is a saying that is good, crouching dragon and phoenix chick alone can be safe in the world.Although most of them are exaggerated, if they get one of the two, they will be able to stand on one side.

In other words, Pang Tong is the preferred auxiliary city.

As for the rest, Meng Jian, Cui Ding, and Shi Tao are friends with Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Xu Shu, which shows that their talents are not bad.Liu Feng still remembered that Zhuge Liang seemed to have a comment on these people.

Claiming to be comparable to Guan Zhongleyi, but if you and others become officials, you can be either a county guard or a governor.

Don't underestimate these comments, if one person is the sheriff, the governor is definitely a hero.If he got one of these people, it would be much cheaper for Liu Feng to stabilize Jiangxia.

How could Liu Feng not salivate?

Plus another Huang Zhong.For Huang Zhong to help him so simply, Liu Feng was actually very clear in his heart and recognized the facts clearly. Of course there was Huang Zhong's loyalty in it, but more of it was Huang Xu's disease.

Only by curing Huang Xu's illness can Huang Zhong be left behind completely.At that time, even if Huang Zhong is allowed to be a cow and a horse, I am afraid Huang Zhong will be willing.

Of course, Liu Feng doesn't need Huang Zhong to be an ox or a horse, as long as Huang Zhong can help him guard Jiangxia.

As for Huang Xu's illness, he had to go to Xiangyang to ask Zhang Zhongjing to help him.So Liu Feng's trip to Xiangyang was almost nailed to the iron plate.

The reason why it took so long was because of the knives.

After Cai Mao left that day, he sent some supplies and ten skilled blacksmiths over as promised.

Liu Feng's ambition is not small, and he directly wants to bring the weapons of the Han Dynasty to the level of the Tang Dynasty across hundreds of years.The Tang knife is very famous, if such sophisticated weapons and equipment enter the broken barracks.

The day when the name of the Pojun will be known all over the world is just around the corner.

But technology spanning hundreds of years is not as simple as Liu Feng thought.

Thinking about the development of Tang Dao, Liu Feng couldn't help but sighed.Looking at the bamboo slips in his hand, those salivating characters can only put them aside.

He first taught the craftsmen what he knew about the Tang knife, and let the craftsmen study it before he traveled to Jingzhou.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng glanced at the sky, led Kou Shui out of the prefect's mansion, and headed towards the treasury in the east of the city.

Jiangxia Huangzu has been running Xiling City for more than ten years, not only managing the city defense, but also managing the treasury. Among the craftsmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, bowsmiths, etc. are no longer a minority.

In the end, it was all cheaper for Liu Feng.

The treasury is not only a warehouse, but also everything needed for a mature sword production process.

Including hammers, furnaces, and blacksmiths and so on.

Now those blacksmiths, together with ten skilled blacksmiths sent by Cai Mao, are studying the so-called Tang knife proposed by Liu Feng.

When Liu Feng entered the blacksmithing workshop next to the treasury, he didn't hear the sound of blacksmithing. Instead, he saw more than a dozen blacksmiths gathering together, looking at a sketch with a sad face.

On top is a knife.Japanese samurai swords look a lot like it.But both the structure, the design concept of the blade, and the thickness are completely different.

As far as Liu Feng knows, there are four types of swords in Tang Dynasty, Yi Dao, Heng Dao, Zhan Dao and Mo Dao.Among them, the role of Yidao is limited to relying on it, so Liu Feng ignored it.The practical skill of the barrier knife is relatively high, and it is also short, which is not suitable for Liu Feng's current barracks hacking, so Liu Feng ignored it.Mo Dao was another good choice, but after thinking about it, Liu Feng still gave up.According to Liu Feng's memory, Mo Dao is very expensive.Liu Feng can't afford it at the moment.

In the end, Liu Feng chose Hengdao among the four systems.

According to rumors, the horizontal sword and the barrier sword were introduced to Japan, and they were both the predecessors of the Japanese samurai sword.

However, although the Japanese sword originated from the Tang sword, it was developed and very suitable for their local warfare.Hengdao is a super-advanced knife in the heyday of Tang Dynasty.China has a lot of resources, and there are so many heart mirrors and iron armors in wars, so the function of Tang Dao is first to break defenses.Then came the beheading.

And because of the scarcity of resources in Japan, iron armor is rarely seen on the battlefield, so the samurai sword was later developed into a knife that is only suitable for cutting meat and does not break defense very much.

The final formation of Hengdao is hard on the outside, soft on the inside and tough in the middle.

The samurai sword has a sharp blade with a high hardness and a tough back.

This is the difference in the essential sense of the two kinds of knives, such as cross-cutting, Japanese knives must become two, no doubt.

However, this is what Liu Feng heard from various places, and what is the actual effect.Liu Feng really didn't know. After all, there were very few horizontal knives left in the world. It was impossible to take an antique katana and slash against a samurai katana.

However, Liu Feng still believes that Hengdao is stronger.It is also more suitable for breaking defenses and cutting people.So Liu Feng's first choice is the horizontal sword, not the samurai sword.

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