Chapter 150

The sketch that this group of blacksmiths were pondering was exactly drawn by Liu Feng according to the image of the horizontal knife in his memory. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It's just that the shape is out, but the most essential part is the manufacturing process of the horizontal knife. Liu Feng also has a little understanding of this aspect.I decided to hand over all my brains to the blacksmiths for research today, and set off to Xiangyang tomorrow to find talented people.

As for whether the Hengdao can be successfully developed, Liu Feng has no doubts.The horizontal knife also came from the Han people, and it is the pinnacle of the Han people's pursuit of making cold weapons for thousands of years.

Although there is still a long time before the Tang Dynasty, Liu Feng does not doubt that this group of blacksmiths can develop a horizontal knife.

With so many skilled blacksmiths grimly thinking about how to forge this weapon, the workshop was naturally silent.

The sound of Liu Feng's entry was particularly loud.

The blacksmiths raised their heads together, seeing that it was Liu Feng, Qi Qi's eyes lit up, and one of the blacksmiths who reacted the fastest quickly rushed to Liu Feng with a sketch and asked impatiently: "My lord! Ah, this knife is too small, even though it is forged with the method of smelting steel, it is too easy to break when fighting on the battlefield."

The blacksmith was gray-haired and thin.However, Liu Feng had a little impression that his name was Chen Gang, commonly known as Chen Tiejiang, he was the leader of this group of blacksmiths, and he was also the most skilled blacksmith.

"Yes, yes, my lord, I also know about the local quenching you mentioned yesterday, but burning knives covered with soil, clad steel, clamped steel, what exactly are they?"

"Yes, yes, we don't understand Ben."

The rest of the blacksmiths didn't react too slowly, they all rushed to Liu Feng's side and asked miscellaneous questions.

This group of blacksmiths are highly skilled, and at the same time, they all have an unusual dedication to making swords.There are even some who are ignorant of the world.

So if you have any questions, just ask.

"Cough cough. Come one by one, come one by one." Liu Feng was unwilling to neglect these precious blacksmiths at the same time, so he coughed heavily and raised his hand.

"Go, go, old man, I'll come first." Chen Tiejiang, who was the first to ask a question just now, glanced around. In terms of seniority, Chen Tiejiang was the highest, and in terms of technology, Chen Tiejiang was the best.So after Chen Tiejiang drank, the surroundings immediately became quiet.

Seeing this, Chen Tiejiang was very satisfied. Holding the sketch in his hand, he looked at Liu Feng eagerly.

Looking at Chen Tiejiang's longing eyes, Liu Feng smiled wryly, saying that Chen Tiejiang himself is an expert in technology.

But Liu Feng knew that in order for these people to be ruthless and study the Hengdao for him, he had to prove that the Hengdao was indeed an advanced cold weapon.

After thinking about it, Liu Feng couldn't help saying: "Compared with our ring-headed sword, this horizontal sword is indeed narrower and smaller. The two kinds of swords cut against each other, and it seems that the horizontal sword is at a disadvantage. But you didn't think about the sword. The hardness and sharpness of these two kinds of knives. If the horizontal knife is sharper and harder than the ring-shou big knife, if the two knives are cut against each other, the one that is broken into two must be the ring-shou big knife."

"But it is too rigid and easy to break. If the knife is made too hard, the blade of this knife is so small that it is easy to break." Chen Tiejiang frowned.

The problem seems to have returned to the original, the so-called horizontal knife is too easy to break when fighting on the battlefield.

However, Liu Feng had his own countermeasure in mind.He smiled and said, "That's why we need the techniques of covering soil and burning knives, and wrapping and clamping steel."

"If a knife is hard and sharp on the outside, soft on the inside, and tough in the middle, do you think this kind of knife will be easier to break than steel?" Liu Feng laughed again.

"If it is true as your lord said, the problem of the narrow and easy-to-break blade is really solved." Hearing this, Tiejiang Chen fell into deep thought, but then shook his head violently and said: "Impossible, how can this forged weapon be soft inside? , the middle is tough, and the outside is hard?"

"That's right, that's right. When we forge weapons, the structure of the inside and outside is always the same, and the hardness is the same." Blacksmith Chen's words immediately resonated with the blacksmiths around, and they all protested.

"This is what I'm talking about including steel-clad, steel-clamped, and soil-covered knives." Liu Feng said with some frustration.

"Baogang? Baogang? It means to wrap the steel? Clamping means to clamp the steel?" Chen Tiejiang muttered a few words to himself, and then his eyes lit up, and said.

"Yes, yes, this is it." Of course Liu Feng didn't understand, but seeing that Chen Tiejiang seemed to have thought of something, he couldn't help but nodded repeatedly.

"But how should the steel be wrapped? How should it be clamped? Why is it covering the soil and burning the knife?" But Chen Tiejiang seemed to have only a little inspiration, and then he shook his head again, full of doubts.

"Hehe, it's up to everyone to develop it. I've only heard people talk about these methods. It is said that they are forging techniques from the Western Regions." Liu Feng has already told Chen Tiejiang and the others what he knows, and those who go in are professional Liu Feng knows nothing about technology.The only excuse is that I heard it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Tiejiang's eyes lit up after listening to it, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Is there a finished product?"

"No." Liu Feng simply shook his head.

Chen Tiejiang immediately became dejected. If there was a finished product, they would definitely get twice the result with half the effort, but unfortunately they didn't.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, you just need to settle down and study it. I believe that with your technology, you will be able to develop this horizontal knife." Liu Feng couldn't help cheering up when he saw that Chen Tiejiang was discouraged.

"It's not impossible, but it's hard to say at this time." Chen Tiejiang raised his head naively and said, and then seemed to be afraid that Liu Feng was expecting too much, so he couldn't help adding: "Maybe the little old man is buried. This knife has not been developed yet.”

"It's okay, what I have is patience." Liu Feng shook his head and smiled.

Immediately, he raised his head and glanced at the group of blacksmiths, and said loudly: "Besides, I won't miss you a penny of the wages. It's delicious and delicious, and it's good for you. If you develop this horizontal knife , I will reward each of you with another [-] mu of land."

The ancients had a strange attachment to the land. Although these blacksmiths were highly skilled, they were actually from poor families. Generally, families with fields at home would let their children learn to blacksmith?

Therefore, Liu Feng's last sentence, five hundred acres of land, almost touched their hearts.Each one's eyes are bright.

Seeing this, Liu Feng smiled inwardly. If he could develop the Hengdao, the mere [-] mu of land per person would be too cheap.

The cheering was over, and he explained all the craftsmanship of making horizontal knives that he knew.Liu Feng will not stay here anymore, to disturb these blacksmiths.

After a few words of encouragement, he took Kou Shui and left.

After leaving the blacksmith workshop, Liu Feng thought about it, and planned to order Kou Shui to drive the carriage to Huang Zhong's mansion, meet Mrs. Huang, and discuss taking Huang Xu to Xiangyang.

At this moment, Liu Feng saw a carriage galloping in front of him.

Kou Shui and other soldiers immediately became alert, drew their long swords around their waists, and guarded around Liu Feng's carriage.

"My lord, my subordinates have something urgent to report." Xu Tian's voice sounded, making Kou Shui and the others' expressions slightly relaxed, but they did not relax their vigilance.

Until the carriage stopped not far away, Xu Tian got out of the carriage and walked towards the side.Only then did Kou Shui and the others feel relieved, and put their swords back into their sheaths.

"What is so anxious?" Liu Feng frowned.

"My brother, my brother Xu Zheng has come to Jiangxia." In a hurry, Xu Tian arrived around Liu Feng, a little panting, and after taking a few breaths, he calmed down a little, and raised his fist at Liu Feng.

"Xu Zheng?" Xu Zheng's figure immediately appeared in Liu Feng's mind. He had a good and deep impression of this assistant officer under his uncle Mi Zhu's tent.

"Yes, brother, he brought five hundred strong bows, as well as several craftsmen, and it came from Tuoer's mouth." Xu Tian said.

"What?" Liu Feng said movedly, he thought that Xu Zheng was here, either sent by Liu Bei or Mi Zhu, but he didn't expect to talk about it.

He also brought five hundred bows and a craftsman?

"According to what my brother said, it was Liu Bei who wanted to use my brother as a deterrent to make me abandon my lord and go back to Xinye. My brother was very hard-hearted, but he abandoned Liu Bei and came to join my lord." After speaking briefly, Xu Tian then explained to Liu Feng what had happened.

After Liu Feng finished listening, he didn't express anything, but his eyes were deep.

Liu Bei actually used this method to deal with him.Is this important?Or feel threatened?Liu Feng felt that his body and mind were lifted, and the blood flow was accelerating.

"I only occupy Jiangxia now, so you react like this. If I occupy Jingnan, what will you do?" Liu Feng felt a surge of joy in his heart, and he couldn't wait.

"Let's go and meet your brother. Now Jiangxia is short of civil servants, and he came at the right time." After a long time, Liu Feng put away his wish and said to Xu Tian.

"No." Xu Tian happily agreed, and went to the prefect's mansion together with Liu Feng.

In front of the gate of the prefect's mansion, more than a dozen carriages were neatly placed at the moment. The carriages were loaded with materials, but they were wrapped in cloth, so it was hard to see what was inside.

Five hundred strong bows?In fact, the current Liu Feng doesn't care much about these supplies. Sitting in Jiangxia, he is absolutely incomparable with Liu Bei who is trapped in Xinye in terms of resource control.

Five hundred bows may have hurt Liu Bei, but to Liu Feng, it was just icing on the cake.

So after Liu Feng glanced at it, he ordered Kou Shui to take all these strong bows to the treasury.Didn't do much asking.

At this moment, Xu Zhengzheng was sitting alone in the hall, looking a little nervous.When I came, I was very determined.But after arriving in Jiangxia, Xu Zheng felt a little uneasy.He didn't know what Liu Feng would think of him, after all, his identity was different now, Liu Fenggui was the prefect of Jiangxia.

The sound of footsteps of varying degrees of severity immediately lifted Xu Zheng's spirits outside the door, he quickly tidied up his appearance, and sat down.

Not long after the footsteps sounded, Xu Zheng saw Liu Feng leading Xu Tian and Kou Shui walking in.He couldn't help but bowed his head and said:

"Xu Zheng pays his respects to the prefect."

Looking at Xu Zheng, Liu Feng also felt a lot of emotion in his heart.Although Xu Zheng was equally respectful at the beginning, it was more incidental because he was a major general, but now it is because he is the prefect of Jiangxia.

Respect is the same, but the feelings brought about by the starting point are absolutely different.

"I've heard what happened to Mr. Ling. Mr. will stay in Jiangxia with peace of mind and help me handle government affairs." Liu Feng is not only interested in some news brought by Xu Zheng, but also a little fond of Xu Zheng himself. of.

He is currently short of civil servants in his account, Xu Zheng's arrival will undoubtedly increase his foundation in Jiangxia.

"Thank you, sir." Xu Zheng was overjoyed and raised his fist.

"Arrange Mr. with you first, and then formally enter the official office to work in a few days." Liu Feng smiled and said to Xu Tian.

Xu Tian knew that Liu Feng would definitely keep Xu Zheng. At present, Jiang Xia is too short of civil servants. Liu Bei forced Xu Zheng to flee, which is undoubtedly a timely help for Jiang Xia.

But knowing it was one thing, but it was another thing when Liu Feng personally agreed.

"No." Xu Tian happily agreed.

Liu Feng is not an unkind person, seeing Xu Tian happy, he granted Xu Tian a one-day vacation to get together with Xu Zheng.

After Xu Tian thanked Liu Feng, he brought Xu Zheng to his mansion.

Xu Zheng's mansion was the place where Master Huang lived in the past. It covers a huge area and is majestic in construction. Compared with Xu's mansion in a small place in Xinye, it is many times better.

"Your brother went south with the lord, it's true." Xu Zheng looked at the mansion with envy in his eyes, and said.

Look at my younger brother now, and then look back at myself.Xu Zheng felt that living in troubled times, in order to become rich and prosperous, one had to follow the right people first.And Xu Tian suspected that he followed the right person.

"Brother will have some in the future." Xu Tian smiled and invited Xu Zheng in.After entering the mansion, the two brothers talked about the past without mentioning it.

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