Chapter 150 Three

After Brother Xu Zheng left, Liu Feng got up and went to Huangfu. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The predecessor of this Huang's mansion is the same as Xu Tian's mansion. It was the former mansion of Deng Long, a confidant of Huang Zu's account. After the First World War in Xiakou, Huang Zu was shot and killed. Deng Long, Lei Guan and others have also disappeared and disappeared. .The mansion remained.

Because Huang Zhong made great contributions to the battle in Xiakou, Liu Feng gave this Deng Long's mansion to Huang Zhong's family to live in.

However, Huang Zhong is currently leading 5000 soldiers for Liu Feng, and they are all living in the barracks, so it is Mrs. Huang and Huang Xu who really live in this mansion.

After Liu Feng came to Huang's mansion, he didn't put on the posture of a master.Instead, Kou Shui went up to call the door, and then asked his servants to report.

It's the normal procedure.Even in front of ordinary people, Liu Feng would not show off, let alone Huang Zhong.

Not long after the servant left, Mrs. Huang came out with Huang Xu.Although Mrs. Huang didn't feel much about Liu Feng's identity as the lord, she couldn't respect Liu Feng, a person who could help his son cure his illness.

"I've met you, my lord." Mrs. Huang said with a dignified bow to Liu Feng.Huang Xu, who was with Mrs. Huang, also bowed to Liu Feng obediently.

"Ma'am, you're very polite." Liu Feng smiled and reached out to help Madam Huang.Then he turned his attention to Huang Xu, and Liu Feng frowned at the first sight.

I saw that Huang Xu's face became even more ugly, and his figure seemed to be even smaller.Although Liu Feng hadn't seen Huang Xu since he injured himself that day, he was confident that he would remember.

If there is one thing that remains constant in Huang Xu, it is a pair of bright eyes and a stubborn expression.

It's just that Liu Feng could feel that if he didn't give treatment, his bright eyes would gradually dim, and his thin body would gradually turn into a skeleton.

"Is the condition more serious?" Liu Feng looked at Huang Xu a few times, then turned to ask Mrs. Huang.

"Yes, he has had chest pains these nights." As soon as the question came to Huang Xu, Madam Huang's dignity disappeared, and she said with tears.

"Mother, didn't you tell me not to tell others?" Huang Xu's dissatisfied voice rang out. The young man was in his youth, but he felt a little ashamed of his body.

"If you don't think of a way, you will really, really..." Mrs. Huang gave Huang Xu a rare sideways glance, but she couldn't say the second half of the sentence.

Liu Feng guessed that maybe you were really waiting to die.Mrs. Huang couldn't say such a thing.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I just want to take my son to Xiangyang this time." Looking at Mrs. Huang, Liu Feng thought of the Gan family in Xinye, both of whom were amiable mothers.Liu Feng quickly stated the purpose of this visit, so that Mrs. Huang could feel at ease.

"Really?" Mrs. Huang looked at Liu Feng with teary eyes, but suddenly hesitated again, and asked: "Jiangxia has just been pacified, is it okay for the lord to leave Jiangxia?"

"It's okay, I also have something to go to Xiangyang." Liu Feng said with a smile.

Of course there is something wrong, Jiang Xia is so close to Chaisang, where Jiangdong general Zhou Yu is stationed, if Zhou Yu has malicious intentions, he will end up fighting with swordsmen.

However, if Liu Feng can't find a civil servant to help him handle the affairs of the county in a short period of time, coordinate various resources, train troops, stockpile food, forge weapons, etc., it will be very troublesome.

In comparison, Zhou Yu's threat is a little less.And there is another point, with Huang Zhong guarding, Liu Feng is also more at ease.

"Then when will we leave?" Mrs. Huang was ecstatic when she heard Liu Feng's words, and asked impatiently.

Liu Feng originally decided to leave tomorrow, but looking at Huang Xu's face, he felt that a day's delay would be more dangerous. If Huang Xu had any accident, what would he do to keep Huang Zhong.

Can't help but change his words: "Just today."

After a pause, Liu Feng said again: "Madam, help me prepare. I will set off together in the prefect's mansion in an hour."

"Yes." Liu Feng took her son to see a doctor, Madam Huang would not complain, she nodded repeatedly.

"So, I'll take my leave first." Liu Feng smiled, nodded to Huang Xu, turned and left.

After Liu Feng left, Mrs. Huang remembered that Liu Feng didn't even enter the mansion, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.He cared so much about his son that he even forgot how to treat guests.

After stopping for a while, Mrs. Huang glanced at Huang Xu and said, "Go, I hope you can be cured this time. I am so confused that I have lost even etiquette."

With that said, Mrs. Huang raised her sleeves and wiped away her tears.

"Yeah." Huang Xu nodded heavily.I have great expectations for the trip to Xiangyang.

After Liu Feng returned to the prefect's mansion, he became busy. He was originally scheduled to leave tomorrow, but now it is a day earlier.Some things must be explained.

First of all, at home, Liu Feng called Cai Yu, and Huan'er and the two asked them to take good care of the house.And specifically told Cai Yu not to make trouble.

It seemed a little ridiculous for Liu Feng to say these words to Cai Yu, but it was not funny at all.Now Cai Yu is like a bird out of a cage, running wild everywhere.

Riding horses and shooting archery.Practice practicing fencing.All do not play.

For Liu Feng's instructions, Cai Yu wholeheartedly agreed, but as to whether to implement them, he was ordered.

Liu Feng was reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.Apart from this shortcoming, Cai Yu is in good health from top to bottom. Not only does the house run in an orderly manner, but even Liu Feng's housekeeping is properly managed.

Monthly odd numbers live in Cai Yu's room, and even numbers live in Huan'er's room.impartial.Very virtuous.

After appeasing the family, Liu Feng began to explain the affairs of the county. Xu Tian had a day off, so Liu Feng had to hand over all the responsibilities to Zhang Dao.

This is politics.As for the military affairs, Liu Feng wrote a letter and entrusted the full authority to Huang Zhong, a veteran.

After doing all this, it was almost an hour.After the Huangfu's carriage arrived, Liu Feng set off with him to Xiakou.

At Xiakou, he met Gan Ning, who was training the navy, and then took a boat to Xiangyang.

Of course, the speed of going upstream by boat cannot be compared with that of going downstream. It took Liu Feng several days to go south, but ten days to go north.

No. On the 11th, the boat that Liu Feng and others took arrived in Xiangyang.

Although Liu Feng had lived in Jingzhou for three or four years, it was his first time visiting Xiangyang, a big city in Jingzhou.Of course, he is also interested in seeing how prosperous this city, which has developed to the extreme under Liu Biao, is.

But it is more important to take Huang Xu to see Zhang Zhongjing first.Therefore, after getting off the boat, Liu Feng immediately ordered Kou Shui to drive to a village thirty miles south of Xiangyang.

According to the information obtained by Liu Feng, Zhang Zhongjing lives here.I usually make a living by seeing doctors for the villagers in the village.Looks like a country doctor.

But Liu Feng knew how important this seemingly native doctor occupied an important position in the history of Chinese medicine.

The village is called Zhuangcun, with a population of about 300 people.And Zhang Zhongjing lived in a Zhuangzi in the east of the village, and there were servants at home.

In the name of seeking medical treatment, Liu Feng asked the surrounding villagers, and soon came outside Zhang Zhongjing's village.

Zhuangzi is not big, and there is a plaque on the gate with the word "Zhang's House" written on it.After Kou Shuishang knocked on the door, a servant opened the door to receive him. Hearing that Liu Feng came to seek medical treatment, he politely invited Liu Feng and others to wait in Zhuangzi's side hall.

On the way, the servant took a few glances at Huang Xu, who was thin and sallow, with a strange twinkle in his eyes.

The servant who greeted Liu Feng came to the outside of a house after arranging Liu Feng and others.

"Master, someone is here for medical treatment." The servant bowed and shouted into the room.

"Oh? Is it some intractable disease?" A surprised male voice sounded in the room, with a strong and powerful voice.

"Yes, looking at the young man's appearance, it seems that there is something wrong with his lungs." The servant replied.

If an outsider sees this scene, they will be shocked. A servant can actually know everything about seeing, hearing, asking, and asking. After a few glances at Huang Xu, he can tell that he has hurt his lungs.

"Lungs? What's wrong?" The people in the room murmured and walked out of the room.

The man's face was very friendly, with a hint of kindness between his brows.His hair is gray, but strangely, his face is full of red light. This red light is not like Huang Zhong's. As a warrior, he is full of energy and blood, but he has a healthy luster because of his good health and proper conditioning.

This is the master here, the medical saint in Liu Feng's heart, Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing has studied medicine for decades, and his medical skills can be said to be unrivaled in the world.However, Zhang Zhongjing is close to the people, and he treats common people widely, but rarely treats the powerful, so his reputation is not obvious.

In the past few years, Guiyinzhuang Village has concentrated on studying the plague, intending to eliminate the disease that spread due to the brutal fighting in the troubled times.

Therefore, Zhang Zhongjing seldom practiced medicine anymore.Ordinary people come to seek medical treatment, but he always asks his servants to practice medicine instead.The servants in Zhuangzi also practiced medicine overnight because they had followed Zhang Zhongjing for a long time.

General illnesses are nothing to worry about.

However, since the servant came to him for help, the illness was not an ordinary illness, and the lung injury was not an ordinary minor injury.

As a doctor, Zhang Zhongjing has a compassionate heart.After leaving the house, he immediately started to walk towards the side hall.

At this moment, Liu Feng just sat down for a long time, casually looking at the layout in the side hall, it is not magnificent, but it is also full of exquisiteness.

After looking around for a while, Liu Feng heard footsteps outside the door.Unable to be overjoyed, he raised his eyes and looked towards the door.

I saw an old man walking into the side hall, but after entering the door, the old man immediately cast his eyes on Huang Xu who was sitting next to Liu Feng, and after a glance, his brows furrowed deeply.

Liu Feng guessed that this person should be Zhang Zhongjing, the rumored medical sage. Seeing him take a look at Huang Xu, he frowned, and couldn't help being shocked.

Could it be hopeless?

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