Although Fei was born in Xuancheng, his ancestral home is also in Xuancheng. (Apex novel hand-written novel) But after the development of these generations of Fei's patriarchs, Fei's power has improved, and he has squeezed into Xiangyang City.

So Fei's family also has a residence in Xiangyang City, and the facade is quite large.It is a bit bigger than Sima Wei's mansion.

After Fei Guang left the Sima Mansion, he returned to Fei's soon after.

Since Fei Guang placed under Sima Hui's door, he went out and came back on time every day.It was rare for Fei Guang to come back halfway, so the servant guarding the gate was very surprised.

But in the end it was the young master, and he didn't dare to stop him from asking.

One man servant rang a thing, though.He couldn't help reminding: "Young Master, today Miss Cai and Miss Huang are guests at the residence."

"Cai Da, Huang Yueying?" Fei Guang couldn't help but pause, and turned his head to ask.

"It is the two ladies." The servant replied.

After being confirmed, Fei Guang couldn't help frowning.

Cai Da is the eldest daughter of Cai Mao, and Huang Yueying is the daughter of Huang Chengyan.Huang Yueying's mother is Cai Mao's older sister, so they are cousins.Let's not talk about the Cai family first, but say that the Huang family is also very powerful in Jingzhou, and he is married to the Cai family.The power is getting bigger and bigger.

Currently Fei Shi is also intensively approaching Cai Shi, so these days, her sister Fei Shu often associates with these two noble girls.

The credit for beheading Liu Feng is too great, of course Fei Guang is unwilling to share it with others.I have to find a way to separate the two, or find an opportunity to call out my sister alone.

Fei Guang made up his mind and immediately got up and went to the backyard.According to the usual experience, Fei Shu should entertain the two ladies in his yard.

Sure enough, when Fei Guang came outside his sister's yard.Not only could I hear the chuckle coming from inside, but there were also two maids standing outside the yard.

"Third young master." Seeing Fei Guang approaching, the two maids couldn't help but bow and salute.

"Go find my sister and tell her that I have something important to report to her." Fei Guang ordered.

"Yes." After the two maids heard the words, one of them turned around and entered the courtyard.

After the maid went in, Fei Guang was thinking outside the door.Currently, his father, Fei Guan, is taking his second brother, Fei Chang, to patrol the Yangtze River at the police station.The eldest brother Fei Piao is far away in Jiangling.There are only him and his sister in the house.

If he wanted to mobilize private soldiers at home, he might not have enough prestige.My sister must be called out.As long as my sister is willing to do it.The great credit for this day fell into Fei's hands.

Fei Guang was very proud of himself.

I was secretly complacent, only to hear the sound of footsteps.A woman in pink came out.

This woman is tall and slender, with fair skin, and there is a certain charm between her eyebrows, which is very attractive.

"Why did you sneak out? You know, it took a lot of work for my father to send you to Sima Hui. If you mess up, let's see how my father will teach you." When Fei Shu saw his younger brother, he scolded him.

However, her eyebrows were charming, and this round of scolding was more like flirting.Especially after Fei Shu finished speaking, he seemed to feel a little sore in his waist, so he couldn't help stretching and yawning.

This stretching made Fei Shu's plump chest more vivid.Fascinating.

Although Fei Guang is young, he has already tasted the taste of women.Although she knew that the person in front of her was her own elder sister, a sense of anger still rose from her heart and rushed straight to the top door.

"Gulu." He stretched his neck unconsciously and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Hehehe. I didn't expect my younger brother to grow up too." Fei Guang showed his ugly face, but Fei Shu didn't take it seriously, giggled, stretched out his green hand, and tapped Fei Guang's forehead.

Fei Guang only felt a burst of fragrance rushing towards his face, and he was a little confused.

Only after losing control for a short time, Fei Guang regained his sanity because of this major incident.At the same time, he couldn't help trembling in his heart, but he knew that the sister in front of him seemed presumptuous, but was actually the most conservative. Once a servant looked at her a few more times, beat her twenty-five times, and was expelled. out of the house.

"Sister, don't tease me. I'm here to tell you one thing. It's very important." Fei Guang hurriedly said to Fei Shu, emphasizing the three words very important.

It was also because of Fei Guang's words that Fei Shu put away the obsequiousness on his face.Turning his eyes, he said coldly to the maids beside him, "You all go down."

"Yes, miss." The maids replied in a low voice.And back down slowly.

"What's the matter, you can talk about it." After the maids left, Fei Shu rolled his eyes at Fei Guang with a look of disdain.Just now she was really teasing this younger brother, and she didn't like any of the men in the family.Both feel uglier than.

If Fei Shu's attitude was normal, Fei Guang would definitely get angry, but at this time, he still had to rely on Fei Shu a lot.Fei Guang couldn't help suppressing the anger in his heart, and said in a low voice, "I might have seen Liu Feng."

"What?" Fei Shu screamed, his tone full of disbelief.

"Silence, silence." There are still Cai Da and Huang Yueying in this yard, if this news is obtained by outsiders.It's like a cooked duck flying away.Fei Guang couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Why, you want to deal with him?" Fei Shu knew this younger brother best, and he was vicious.With a turn in his mind, he already guessed what he wanted to do.

"Of course. Such a great achievement, how can I let it go." Fei Guang said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Hmph, young and vicious, sooner or later you will ruin my Fei's family business." Fei Shu sneered endlessly.

"Sister, don't you want to kill Liu Feng? He has ruined your reputation." Seeing that Fei Shu didn't seem to be very happy to kill Liu Feng, he couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Damn my reputation? Hehe, that's just what you men think. I think it's pretty good. Now when I go out and meet people, I'm called Mrs. Liu. My reputation has been settled. As long as Liu Feng doesn't die, I It's Mrs. Liu. Father, he can't sell me out again." Fei Shu's expression became colder and colder.

She doesn't get along well with her father Fei Guan, her eldest brother Fei Biao, and this third brother.

In Fei Guan's eyes, her daughter-in-law is a commodity for sale, and it is best to marry someone who is rich but has no status, just like Liu Feng, who earns a lot of dowry.

In the eyes of the eldest brother Fei Biao and the third brother, she is probably the bond of the family marriage, and they dream of adding her to the Cai family.

Born into this family, Fei Shu only felt sad.Another thing made Fei Shu hate this group of men even more. She had a good relationship with her concubine sister Fei Ting, but Fei Guan married Fei Ting to Liu Feng.

The daughter-in-law became the daughter-in-law.Fei Shu had almost guessed Fei Ting's situation in the Liu family.

Hearing Fei Shu's words, Fei Guang was a little dumbfounded.Fei Shu rolled his eyes at Fei Guang with disdain, and said with a sarcasm: "Also, do you know why those two unattainable noble girls come to our house often recently?"

"Why?" Fei Guang asked subconsciously as he couldn't turn the corner.

"Because those two noble girls are warning Fei to stop being an enemy of Jiang Xia's prefect Liu Feng." Fei Shu said word by word, after Fei Shu said word by word, Fei Guang's expression changed. It just turned white.

In the end, his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were full of panic and disbelief.

"How did this happen, how did this happen. Then why did Liu Feng take the line of Cai's?" Fei Guang asked in a daze.

In this Jingzhou, Liu Biao is not the most awe-inspiring thing, but Liu Biao is like a good old man who is very concerned about his reputation.The most awe-inspiring thing is the Cai family. Cai Mao, who is in power, will never be soft-hearted when he should be ruthless.

It took a lot of means to make Cai's current status.Therefore, the general gentry are more in awe of Cai Mao.Compared with Liu Biao, Cai Mao's attitude is even more terrifying.

But now Cai Da and Huang Yueying's dealings with him, Fei Shi, are actually just to warn Fei Shi not to offend Liu Feng again.

How is this going?How is this going?

"You can only ask Liu Feng how to get on Cai's line. However, their relationship does not seem to be fake. Just today Cai Da personally warned me not to offend Liu Feng again. So, if you Liu Feng has touched a hair here, and in the future, Fei's family will face the full suppression of Cai's family. Anything to take credit for Liu Feng's head, and everything to skyrocket. It's all a floating cloud." Fei Shu said with a little sarcasm, completely Fei Guang's fantasy was shattered.

In front of the powerful Cai family, Fei family is just a floating cloud.

Just like what Cai Yu said, if they want to really raise their status, Fei's support and support to Cai's is not enough.

"Then, what should we do then?" After all, Fei Guang was young and vicious, but he was weaker than himself. When he met someone stronger and stronger, he had no choice but to be helpless.

Just like what Fei Shu said, if you die, you don't dare to ignore Cai's warning, and then attack Liu Feng.

But this is still the current problem. What about the previous problems?Fei's turning his prostitute into a concubine to marry Liu Feng is one of them.In Dongting Lake, Fei designed the water quality of Dongting Lake and Jiangxia Huangshe to ambush Liu Feng. This is the second.

This can be said to be endless hatred, what to do, what to do?

"Stupid? Look at the good things you did earlier, giggling." Seeing Fei Guang's frightened look, Fei Shu couldn't help giggling coquettishly, very pleased.

I felt a lot of bad breath.

Hearing Fei Shu's laughter, Fei Guang's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped the last straw. "Sister, what should we do, what should we do. After all, you are Fei's daughter, do you have the heart to watch us Fei's ashes disappear? Think about your mother, think about your mother."

However, Fei Guang was still a little clever, he knew that the men in this sister's family cared a lot.But he cares about his mother.

Seeing Fei Guang mentioning his mother, Fei Shu's face changed slightly.It seems to be hesitating, it seems to be struggling.Finally he took a deep breath and sighed: "Hurry up and ask father to come back. Come to the door, apologize, and make an apology. Then wash me up and send me to the door to see if he wants me."

As he said that, Fei Shu's face revealed a trace of misery.

Liu Feng's humiliation may be that his wife's concubine daughter has become a concubine daughter.

So eliminating hatred, visiting the door, apologizing, and making amends are all secondary.Sending her there is the most fundamental means.

In this case, she passed.The best situation is a divorce letter to divorce her.If Liu Feng was narrow-minded, the rest of her life would be over.

"Okay, okay, I'll send someone to invite my father back." Fei Guang woke up like a dream. At this time, who else can solve this problem except his father.No one left.

It's just that before this matter is resolved, they Fei family may only be in panic all day long.

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