After Fei Guang left in a hurry, Fei Shu stood there for a moment, then let out a long breath, laughed at himself and said, "Sure enough, the father's debt is paid by the son, and the old man is greedy and unrighteous, so I still have to pay the debt. ( Vertex novel hand-written novel)" After laughing at himself, Fei Shu was determined, everything in this family is disgusting, but my mother treats me well.For the sake of my mother, even if Liu Feng's mansion is really full of swords and flames, I will go through it.

"Miss, the two ladies sent servants out to ask Miss what happened here." At this time, a maid came out from the courtyard and asked Fei Shu in a low voice.

"It's okay, I'll go and explain to the two ladies myself." Fei Shu waved his hand and walked towards the yard.

No matter what, this matter must always be explained to Cai Da.No matter what relationship Liu Feng has with the Cai family, they look very strong.Liu Feng had to be notified when he entered Xiangyang in such a grand manner.

Thinking, Fei Shu walked into the yard.

The yard is full of spring scenery, young trees with green buds, and green grass everywhere.Exudes a strong fragrance of grass and trees.

In an open space in the center of the yard, there are thick paved stalls.There are three cases in the shape of "Chengpin" on the stand.

At this moment, the theme is suspended.But there were two people kneeling on the two side seats.To be precise, it was two women.

One was dressed in black, with a graceful figure, a slight smile on his face, but his eyes were a little cold, and he sat there with a dignified appearance.

Judging by her looks, Fei Shu could be considered a beauty in a crowd, but she was still slightly inferior to the woman in black.Let alone, this temperament.

The other woman was dressed in white, with a veil covering her face, her hair was slightly blond, and her face could not be seen clearly.But judging from the fair skin exposed on the neck, she must be a beauty.

The woman in black is Cai Mao's daughter, Cai Dale.Regardless of family background or beauty, the children of several noble families are overwhelmed.

As for Huang Yueying, Huang Chengyan's daughter, logically speaking, she should be a beauty.But her father, Huang Yueying, spread rumors that her daughter had yellow hair and black hair.In addition, Huang Yueying's hair is indeed golden, so most of them are dubious.

Compared with the busy traffic in front of Cai's gate, several people stepped on the threshold and wanted to ask Cai Da to be his wife.Huang Yueying's house was deserted in the hallway, and people cared about it.

However, although these two women seem to outsiders to be one heaven and one earth.But the relationship is very good. The cousins ​​walk around each other, travel together, and travel together.

The sound of Fei Shu's approaching footsteps immediately caught the attention of the second daughter.

Looking at each other, Cai Da slightly turned her white neck, looked at Fei Shu, and asked, "I heard my sister scream just now, what happened outside?"

Although the Cai family is very powerful, there is no saying whether it is noble or not among the gentry.Fei Shu is 16 years old this year, and Cai Da is [-], so they are called sisters.

"Liu Fengwei has entered Xiangyang." With bitterness in his eyes, Fei Shu smiled wryly.

"What?" Cai Da was also shocked by the news, her mouth opened slightly, and she lost her voice.

"This Liu Feng is so bold?" Huang Yueying did the same, but she was covered by a veil, so outsiders could not see her face, but she could still hear a slight shock from her voice.

"I have asked my younger brother Fei Guang to send someone to notify my father, and my father will be back soon. I think he will also take measures to repair the relationship with Liu Taishou." Fei Shu sighed softly.

"Sister, did you tell Fei Guang everything I told you?" Although Cai Da's voice was still flat, there was a trace of displeasure on her face.

In fact, Cai Da didn't know what the relationship between Cai Shi and Liu Feng was. She just received orders from her father a few days ago to get close to Fei Shu and warn Fei Shu not to trouble Liu Feng again.

This matter was never brought to the fore. After all, Cai Mao was Liu Biao's military advisor, and Liu Feng was Liu Biao's thorn in his side.Naturally, the fewer people who know, the better.But now Fei Shu told Fei Guang about it.

It's an outlier.

"If you don't tell him, he will take someone to kill Liu Feng. It will be out of control." Fei Shu sighed with bitterness in his eyes.

The delicate body shook again, Cai Da and Huang Yueying looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes. If something happened to Liu Fengzhen, it would really be out of control.

Cai Da knew that if she followed her father Cai Mao's temperament, she would be fierce and Fei would die.A bloodbath is inevitable.

"Foot grounding, locked up for two or three years." Cai Da frowned slightly, and said softly.

"It's time to calm down. According to his temper, it will lead to disaster sooner or later." Fei Shu had no opinion on this matter, and nodded.

"Forget it, this matter is like this, and we will deal with it when Fei Guan comes back. I will also report to my father and ask him to see this Liu Feng. I have to ask him why the good Jiang Xia prefect doesn't do it. Is it fun to come to Xiangyang?" Cai Da's tone was filled with resentment, and her face was warm and angry.

"I heard that Liu Feng is very courageous, maybe he really thinks it's funny." With a smile in her eyes, Huang Yueying joked.

"Whoever he is, I don't know him. This matter is none of my business, and I'll let my father handle everything." Hearing the strangeness in her cousin's voice, Cai Da felt a headache, He couldn't help stretching out his white jade-like fingers, stroked the center of his eyebrows, and said.

"Sister, let's take our leave first." Said, Cai Da saluted Fei Shu slightly, got up and said.Seeing this, Huang Yueying also stood up.

"I'll see off my two younger sisters." Facing the two noble girls, Fei Shu of course didn't dare to push him too hard, and hurriedly got up and said.

The second daughter nodded, and then Fei Shu sent the second daughter out of the main entrance.

Just before going out, Cai Da remembered something, and said softly: "Sister, don't worry, I heard that Liu Feng is a very generous man, and it's not your fault for the absurdity of a concubine becoming a concubine."

Cai Da didn't have a good impression of Fei Shi, but she had a deep sympathy for this involuntary woman, and she couldn't help comforting her.

"No matter how magnanimous a man is, he can't stand that kind of humiliation. Father, he does ridiculous things, and people always have to pay the price. At most, it's just a life. My sister doesn't have to worry about me." Fei Shu said with a self-deprecating smile.But he didn't really believe it, if his father Fei Guan really cleaned her up and sent her home, Liu Feng would not let her go.

In fact, the two didn't have much friendship, Cai Da only dated Fei Shu to warn Fei Shi, so it's hard to persuade Fei Shu after a word of persuasion.I could only sympathize in my heart, and led my sister Huang Yueying away.

Of course, Liu Feng didn't know that his trip to Xiangyang, which he thought would be no problem at all, was guessed by an ignorant kid with just a few words at Sima Hui's mansion.Of course, I didn't know that things had turned so many corners.

He was in a depressed mood now, which he hadn't thought of when he was in Sima Hui's mansion just now.

After leaving the mansion, Liu Feng thought of it.Meng Jian, Shi Tao, and Cui Ding all went to Jiangdong with Pang Tong. If all of them intend to go to Jiangdong to serve Wu, it means that all the talents in Jiangdong have been wiped out.


With Liu Fengben's gentle personality, he couldn't help but want to spit and scold him for eating alone.

At noon, Liu Feng felt that his stomach was empty, so he ordered Kou Shui to find a restaurant and have dinner first.And sent people to the surrounding area to inquire about the situation of the house.However, Liu Feng also asked not to buy a good one, just buy a small house.Xiangyang City is prosperous, every inch of land is expensive.It's a waste to buy expensive ones for only one or two months.

After going to the restaurant, Liu Feng found a safe place.Ordered the shopkeeper to serve a few Xiangyang delicacies, and drank some wine to eat and drink.

This meal can be regarded as turning grief and anger into appetite, and it took a lot.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from the direction of the gate, but someone came in for dinner again.

Liu Feng didn't pay much attention, and planned to eliminate the meals on the case first, and then asked the store to pack some meat and drinks for the soldiers waiting outside.

"Excuse me, brother, can I sit here and have a meal together." A gentle voice sounded from the side.

Liu Feng raised his head, but his eyes lit up.Standing in front of him was a man in gray. This man had a majestic appearance, a slender figure, and exuded a strong demeanor.

Especially a pair of eyes, bright and energetic.

After Liu Feng glanced at the man, he raised his head and glanced at the hall, only to find that at some point, the hall was already full, but there were no seats left, only half of his seat was left.

It's just that there are three or four personal soldiers around Liu Feng, including Kou Shui, so ordinary people dare not get close.Let alone come up and ask Liu Feng for a seat.

Of course Liu Feng is not a bully, he stretched out his hand and said, "Seat."

Then he ignored the person in front of him and continued to bury his head in his meal.There are many good-looking and well-educated people in this world, not necessarily talents or celebrities.

Liu Feng didn't really believe that he could meet anyone while walking on the street.If you really meet, it will be a pie in the sky, your character is too good.

"Seeing the heroic figure below, the momentum is extraordinary. I don't know where the general came from?" It was this man who asked Liu Feng.

Liu Feng couldn't help but raised his head, and saw the boldness of wanting to make friends flashed in the eyes of this dear man.I couldn't help being taken aback, the man in front of me seemed to be a little familiar.

"Cough, I forgot to introduce myself. This is Sanyang Yiji." Yiji said a little ashamed, but his face was very calm.

"Are you Yiji?" Liu Feng said with a bit of a dumbfounded expression.

This is pie in the sky?There are so many taverns in Xiangyang City, but Yi Ji chose this tavern.Among so many seats, Yi Ji sat with him.

Although he couldn't believe it in his heart, Liu Feng also knew that Xiangyang was rich in talents. Although the probability of meeting someone like Xiang Yiji was small, it was not impossible.

So he quickly regained his composure, raised his fist with a smile and said, "County Luo, Kou Shuang."

But he made up a name at random.

"The Kou family in Luo County? A while ago, Liu Feng, the prefect of Jiangxia, came out, and today I saw Xiongtai again. He is also a person who supports another person. If there is a chance, he must go to Luo County to see and see." Yi Ji was stunned for a moment, then laughed on the road.

These days Liu Feng's reputation is illustrious, and Yi Ji is quite clear about Liu Feng's ancestral home.

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