Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 159 Everyone Has to Bow Their Heads in Front of Power

After Liu Feng and Yi Ji left the tavern, they went to Cai's mansion under the escort of Cai's housekeeper. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Kneeling on the carriage, Liu Feng was lost in thought.

The previous scene was a bit inexplicable, he had a meal in a tavern for the first time in his life, but he met a dandy who cleared the place, which can be regarded as luck.

It was only from Zhang Gu's body that Liu Feng was able to get a glimpse of Cai's strength.

Dong Cao's Fu Xun, this character Liu Feng has some impressions, the official position is not big, but the power is heavy, which is much more important than being engaged in Fei Guan.

After all, there are as many jobs under Liu Biao's tent as a cow's hair, but there is only one in Dongcao.

However, such a person had to give up seven points when meeting Cai Mao. From the reaction of Fu Xun's nephew Zhang Gu, Liu Feng came to this terrible conclusion.

Cai's power is not simply huge, but also a kind of power that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Under such a behemoth, people retreat when they meet others, and retreat when gods meet gods.Even Zhang Gu, such an arrogant dude, dare not touch the tiger's whiskers.

Estimating Cai's power and influence.Liu Feng couldn't help but feel his heart pounding. There is something called taking advantage of the situation.

Use Cai's power to boost his own power.After returning home, it's time to consider getting Xu Tianduo into contact with the Cai family. He doesn't need Cai's superficial help, and only needs Cai's influence in all aspects.

By the way, there is one thing that can just be planned.

Liu Feng is well aware of the major events that happened in this era, but he knows very little about natural disasters.However, there was one thing that Liu Feng remembered clearly.

In the summer of the 12th year of Jian'an, a very large-scale drought occurred in Jingzhou, and even the entire south of the Yangtze River.

After the drought, there was a flood.

This matter is actually not a big deal in Jingzhou.Because under the governance of Liu Biao, Jingzhou has gradually become prosperous and more than rich.The number of granaries in various places.Therefore, this natural disaster in history did not affect Jingzhou.

The reason why Liu Feng remembered this was because Cao Cao went south in the 13th year of Jian'an.This natural disaster happened on the eve of the Chibi War, in the 12th year of Jian'an, so Liu Feng vaguely remembered it.

In the past, Liu Feng had no power, resources, or territory.So these things are unimaginable, but now they can be used.

Earn Liu Biao's food and Liu Biao's money.

With the influence of the Cai family.

A smile flashed in Liu Feng's eyes.When he has power and conditions, he can do these businesses.

While thinking about it, Cai's mansion gradually arrived.

Contrary to Liu Feng's expectations, Cai's mansion is not very luxurious, and it is about the same size as Sima Hui's mansion in terms of size.The vermilion gate in front of this gate also seemed a little dim.

Three generations of nobles, the Cai family has been in Jingzhou for hundreds of years.Naturally, they will not make the mansion magnificent like the nouveau riche.

Liu Feng knew it in his heart, so he was not so surprised.

"My lord, please get off the carriage." Steward Cai walked to the side of Liu Feng's carriage from the front, and bowed to salute.

"You're polite." Liu Feng nodded, got up and got off the carriage.At this time, Yi Ji, who was only a few steps away from Liu Feng's carriage, also got out of the carriage with Liu Feng.

"The butler, please take this lord to wait in the side hall." Since Cai Mao wanted to find him, Liu Feng would not leave Cai Mao alone and talk to Yi Ji.Naturally, he met Cai Mao first, and then recounted the past with Yi Ji, so he said to the housekeeper.

"Don't worry, my lord, the old slave will naturally send someone to take care of him." Butler Cai cupped his hands.

"Brother Yi, please wait a moment. I'll go see Mr. De Gui first. After I get back, I'll have a drink with Brother Yi." Seeing that Butler Cai agreed, Liu Feng raised his fist at Yi Ji with a smile.

Yiji was looking at Cai's mansion at the moment, when he heard the words, he turned around and smiled and said, "Brother Kou, do as you please."

Seeing this, Liu Feng's eyes lit up, and if he wanted to take Yiji with him, he might have to borrow the power of the Cai family.

Thinking about it in my heart, but on the cover of Liu, it was very natural, raised his fist and said: "Please also ask the housekeeper to take me to see Mr. Degui."

"Sir, please."

Liu Feng followed Steward Cai into Cai's mansion, turned a few corners, and came to another door.Butler Cai stopped in front of this room, bent over and said, "Master is right inside, please, my lord."

"Thank you." Liu Feng nodded before walking in.

After entering the house, Liu Feng felt his eyes light up.But it turned out to be a study room, but it was different from ordinary people's study rooms. This study room was full of exquisite feeling from the decoration to the structure.

Liu Feng admired for a moment, and then turned his attention to the one kneeling in the middle.

The man was looking at Liu Feng with a naive look.

"I've met my uncle." Liu Feng smiled slightly and bowed down to meet him.This person is Cai Mao.

"Do you know how dangerous Xiangyang is?" Cai Mao couldn't help feeling a little annoyed when he saw that Liu Feng was not guilty when he saw him, but had a smile on his face.

Cai Mao was horrified to death when his daughter came back with the news that Liu Feng appeared in Xiangyang city.He quickly dispatched his confidant officials to meet him.

"People in Xiangyang should know me." Liu Feng lacked confidence when he said this, but he also knew that Cai Mao would not have sent someone to pick him up if someone hadn't recognized him.

"No one knows you?" Cai Mao sneered, but told Liu Feng exactly what happened at Fei's side.

"Fei's?" Hearing these two words, Liu Feng's eyes immediately gloomy. These two words really contained unspeakable humiliation in Liu Feng's heart.

A prostitute becomes a concubine.He fought with Huang She, although he won.But it was mostly luck, if Zhang Gu was not Gan Ning's brother, he would not have enough lives to accompany him.

This is all a good thing Feishi did.

"Forget it, I will explain to you about Fei's matter later. Tell me first, what is the purpose of you, a Jiangxia prefect, entering the city alone? How long are you going to stay?" Cai Mao saw that Liu Feng's eyes flashed gloomy, A little sympathy flashed in my heart, a man is a man, it is really not a happy thing to be humiliated like that.

He couldn't help changing the subject and asked Liu Feng's reason for coming.

"Looking for someone who can help me govern Jiangxia. Uncle should know that I don't have many civil servants." Liu Feng said calmly.

"How can a civil servant allow you to take such a risk?" Cai Mao was a little unconvinced. Jingzhou is full of talents, and the most important thing he needs is civil servants.

"It depends on who." Liu Feng replied with a smile.

Cai Mao raised his head and looked at Liu Feng, trying to see some clues from Liu Feng's face, but after a long time, he still found nothing.He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Forget it, ordinary people can't fathom the thoughts of those of you who set up troops to fight, just like that Liu Bei, you don't know what you are doing in the small town of Xinye."

As he said that, Cai Mao's tone changed, and he said seriously: "I don't care what you do in Xiangyang, I must ensure that you can go back to Jiangxia with your life. To be conservative, you should live in my Caifu first. In the future, you will need a carriage. Those with carriages, don’t be seen by others at will.”

"Thank you, brother-in-law" Although Liu Feng knew that Cai Mao's actions were all for Cai Yu's sake and had nothing to do with him, Liu Feng was still very grateful.

Because he knew that Cai Mao had taken a certain risk in hiding in the Cai Mansion.After all, this Jingzhou still belongs to Liu Biao, not the Cai family.

Seeing that Liu Feng agreed, Cai Mao also heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Liu Feng would not be happy to live in Cai's mansion.Judging from the battle in Jiangxia and entering Xiangyang alone, this kid is definitely a bold person.

In fact, Cai Mao hates this kind of courageous and daring character the most.But Liu Feng was an accident. Liu Feng was his brother-in-law.

Cai Maonai thought.

After finishing talking about Liu Feng's safety, Cai Mao talked to Liu Feng about Fei's affairs, including the matter of his sending his daughter Cai Da to warn Fei.

"The grievances with Fei must be resolved. This is beneficial for you to sit in Jiangxia. Whether to accept Fei's door-to-door apology and reconciliation. Or stick to death and eradicate Fei, you make your own decision. But I personally think that I still accept Fei Good apology from Mrs. Fei, and I can assure you that after apologizing to you, Mrs. Fei will never have any ill intentions towards you again." When Cai Mao assured Liu Feng, he was full of confidence, as if Mrs. Fei He is just like a small ant in his eyes.

Liu Feng didn't doubt this either. Judging from Zhang Gu's reaction in the tavern today, Cai's treatment of Fu's was really as simple as crushing an ant to death.

"If he comes to make amends, the matter can be written off." Liu Feng thought for a while and made a decision.

This is a personal and eventual choice.Fei's and Liu Feng's grievances are great, but no matter how big they are, they are just personal grievances, which cannot be compared with major events.

He sits in Jiangxia, and the entanglement with Fei's family must be resolved.So as not to cause complications.It's easy to eradicate Fei Shi, but it takes Cai's hand to eradicate Fei Shi.

Liu Feng didn't mind taking advantage of the situation.However, Liu Feng felt that it would be inappropriate to rely on Cai's power. He didn't want to rely too much on Cai's strength to eradicate dissidents.

A personal grievance can now be wiped out in Cai's reconciliation.It's already a very good thing.

Liu Feng is not a person who knows how to advance and retreat.

Liu Feng's choice made Cai Mao's eyes flash with admiration.His perception of Liu Feng has also changed a lot. If Liu Feng launched the war to seize Jiangxia earlier, it would have given him the feeling that he was very brave and ruthless.So now, Liu Feng can be regarded as a person who knows how to advance and retreat, and who knows how to maneuver.

In a game of power, there are no enemies.As long as it is not a life-and-death enmity, the other party will give in and come to the door to apologize.Everything is negotiable.

"Hehe, that's very good. I think that old man Feiguan will come back non-stop after receiving news of his son Fei Guang. Go to the door and make an apology. Just wait to let out a bad breath." Cai Mao laughed.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhou Xuan." Liu Feng thanked.

"You and I still need to say thank you?" Cai Mao smiled slightly, pretending to be displeased.Immediately, he smiled and said: "Seeing that you are busy in the world, you must be tired. The room has been prepared for you. Go down and rest."

"Yes." Liu Feng nodded.

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