Although he nodded in agreement, Liu Feng did not follow the servant's lead to take a bath and rest. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Instead, he returned to the side hall of the front yard. He did not forget Yi Ji.

In the side hall, Yi Ji was kneeling and sitting on a side seat, with some wine and food on the table in front of him.There are also a few maids around to serve.Liu Feng went in and didn't come out for a long time, and it didn't make Yi Ji feel anxious, and he still had a calm demeanor.

"Brother Kou is back." Hearing the movement, Yi Ji raised his head and saw Liu Feng walking in, and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Yi has been waiting for a long time. You should punish yourself with three cups as an apology." Liu Feng laughed, walked to the seat opposite Yi Ji and sat down. His own maid refilled Liu Feng's drinks and served some cold dishes.

After the maid filled the wine, Liu Feng drank three glasses in a row without leaking a single drop.

"Haha, refreshing." Yiji said with a laugh.

As the saying goes, a thousand cups of wine is less than a bosom friend.After the men sat down with each other and drank a few glasses of wine, the relationship was naturally different.

After putting down the wine glass, Liu Feng thought about it for a while, and then asked, "From what I said earlier, I can tell that brother Yi should be working under Liu Jingzhou's tent now?"

"Young official." Yi Ji said with a smile, but the loneliness flashed in his eyes, but it did not escape Liu Feng's eyes.

Liu Feng's heart moved, and he became more sure of pulling Yiji away.Jingzhou is a place with a prosperous literary style, and Liu Biao is an eccentric person. He can use talents like Kuai Yue and strategists like Cai Mao.You can even use some bombastic characters.

Liu Biao uses all messy people.This also resulted in a large number of talents under Liu Biao's account. Although Yi Ji was capable, he was buried like Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others.

According to historical records, Yiji will gradually move closer to Liu Bei in the future, and eventually reach General Zhaowen.Together with Zhuge Liang and others, Shuke was built.

This person has no sense of belonging to Liu Biao.

This kind of extraordinary person buried among many mediocre people, Liu Feng has met, what he has to do now is to dig out and take away.

"Hehe, I don't know what brother Yi thinks of Jiangxia Liu Feng?" Liu Feng continued to test with his confidence increased.

"Those who can take advantage of the momentum are not ordinary people. No matter how unworthy Liu Feng's character is in the rumors, this ability is unquestionable." Seeing this brother who met for the first time, he suddenly mentioned Jiangxia Liu Feng, and Yiji didn't know what he meant , I can't help but take it lightly.

It's just that Yiji has some doubts about Liu Feng's origin in his heart.

The time has come.Liu Feng thought to himself, then raised his fist with a smile and said, "Liu Feng, thank you brother Yi for your compliment."

"You are?" Although Yiji was extremely witty, he was really shocked at the moment. "Ding Ding." The chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground.

"Hehe, this is Liu Feng who Brother Yi said is not a mortal." Liu Feng smiled slightly and raised his wine glass.Said: "In the previous tavern, there were too many people talking, so it's not easy to speak frankly with Brother Yi, please forgive me."

"Hehe. Master Liu was joking. If this matter happened to me, I would not even admit that I am Liu Feng, the prefect of Jiangxia. You must know that this is Xiangyang." Yi Ji said with a wry smile.

He was really shocked.He could meet Liu Feng when he went to a tavern to have dinner at will, and Yiji also thought it was really, really incredible that this happened.

In fact, this is not bad, what shocked Yi Ji even more was that Liu Feng actually admitted his identity.

What a magnanimity this is.Yi Ji raised his head, looked at Liu Feng's clear eyes, and couldn't help but be impressed.

Liu Feng didn't know that admitting his identity had such an effect.He just believed in the characters of Yi Ji and others, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu, Zhuge Liang, Sun Gan, Yi Ji, who wandered with Liu Bei and never rebelled or abandoned them.They are all moral people.

I believe Yiji will not sell him to Liu Biao.

It was only because of this that Liu Feng dared to reveal his identity.It's just foresight, not magnanimity.

It's just that in Yi Ji's eyes, Liu Feng has become a more open-minded person.

Seeing Yiji's eyes flashing with admiration, Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment, but then his expression remained normal, and he didn't explain.What to explain at this time, it is better to hit by mistake.

"I saw that brother Yi has a bold personality and clear eyes. He is not a villain, so he revealed his identity. I don't know how to talk about ordinary people." Liu Feng laughed.

"Thank you, Lord Liu, for your trust. Don't worry, my lord. Although I, Yiji, am just a small person, I also know the word loyalty. Since my lord has met Yiji frankly, Yiji will never reveal his whereabouts." Yiji heard the words solemnly. He raised his fist at Liu Feng.

"Don't talk about this." Liu Feng smiled and shook his head and said, let Yiji misunderstand this matter.But the biggest expectation is to take Yiji away.

"I mentioned earlier that Brother Yi was an official under Liu Jingzhou's tent, and there was a trace of loneliness in Brother Yi's eyes. It can be seen that Brother Yi is not in a good situation." Liu Feng raised his head and looked at Yi Ji, who had already realized that Liu Feng wanted to What to say, can't help but straighten the body, listen to the following.

"That's right. During the Great War in the Central Plains, many scholars poured into Jingzhou, a treasure land beyond the chaos of war. Whether it is a well-known celebrity, or a well-deserved celebrity. Or even more famous scholars, there are so many. So many Among the talented people, it is also difficult for Liu Jingzhou to find truly useful talents for his own use."

"It's like Brother Yi. Although I don't know how talented Brother Yi is, I can see his words and deeds. But even if Brother Yi is such a character, it is difficult for him to be reused in Liu Jingzhou's tent." Liu Feng said. Looking up at Yiji again, he said sincerely: "I, Liu Feng, is different. I started too late, my family and martial arts are lacking, and my foundation is very shallow. If brother Yi has ambitions in his heart, why not come to my Jiangxia, and I will do it position, to hire Brother Yi."

After speaking, Liu Feng stopped talking.He just looked at Yiji with a smile.He had finished what he had to say, and the next step was Yi Ji's decision.

It was Ning who headed to Jiangxia.I still want to be the tail of a snake and continue to hang around in Jingzhou.Just like what Liu Feng said, if someone is ambitious, he will definitely choose to go to Jiangxia for a try.

There is a big difference between Jiang Xia's career and that of a petty official.

However, although the face is calm.But Liu Feng's heart was unconcealably excited, he felt his blood flow was slowly accelerating.

No matter what, this is Liu Feng personally recruiting a civil servant.

Although Yi Ji is not as famous as Pang Tong, he is also a famous figure in history books.Liu Feng felt that if he successfully recruited the Iraqi nationality, it would help him cultivate his self-confidence so that he could recruit the more prominent Pang Tong.

This is a kind of self-confidence cultivation.Liu Feng believes that if this self-confidence can be developed to the highest level, it is a kind of charisma.In form, he can convince others to work for him.

It is also commonly known as "the air of the king."

In fact, Liu Feng still underestimated himself. During the battle of Jiangxia, his name has already been initially revealed to the world.Just like Cai Mao commented on Liu Feng, it was courageous to take advantage of the momentum to attack Jiang Xia, and it was a general strategy to kill Huang Zu in the summer.Can cross the river in brocade clothes, retire and hire ten thousand troops.It is decisive.

Even Liu Biao couldn't do anything about it, and Liu Bei had already begun to face up to this stepson he abandoned.Presumably other Sun Quan, Cao Cao and others have also noticed Liu Feng more or less.

Once a person's fame rises, the so-called "bad air" has already begun to appear.This is the reason for the name of a person and the shadow of a tree.

It's just that Liu Feng has never been confident, and has been humiliated by Liu Bei, Fei Guan and others, so he didn't realize it.

As for Yiji, he also studied Liu Fengfa's family history with all his heart.At the beginning, after the news that Liu Feng captured Xiakou came, he also commented that Liu Feng would definitely die in Xiakou.

But what was jaw-dropping was that Liu Feng captured Jiang Xia with lightning speed and secured his position as Jiang Xia's prefect.

Afterwards, Yi Ji found it incredible, thinking that even if this matter were placed on Cao Cao, the hero of the whole life, he might not be able to do better than Liu Feng.better.

Liu Biao's personality is not easy to evaluate from Yiji.But Liu Feng's ability is beyond doubt.Going to Liu Feng's place may not be the head of a gangster, it may be the head of a snake.

And staying with Liu Biao, he might be a petty official for the rest of his life.

How to choose, Yiji did not hesitate for too long.

"Your Excellency, thank you Yiji. It's just that I have only been a minor official, and the position is too important. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it." Yiji's eyes flashed with determination, and he raised his fist and said.

But like Liu Feng, he has no self-confidence.

Seeing Yiji's lack of confidence, Liu Feng felt a sense of pride in his heart.He laughed and said: "You can only know if you are competent. Just like me, Liu Feng, when I first left Xinye, I had no more than five hundred soldiers, and no more than three generals. Who would have known that I could capture Jiangxia? Sit on the seat. And you can sit still."

"Can't you?" Liu Feng looked at Yiji encouragingly and asked with a smile.

Under Liu Feng's gaze, Yi Ji felt his heart beating.It's really Liu Feng's words, it's so beautiful.Whether it works or not, you will only know if you have done it.

Why can't he do it if he hasn't sat down before?

Yiji is intelligent, but has always lacked self-confidence.With Liu Feng's words, he felt that he had regained his confidence.

"Your Excellency, if I refuse again, it's wrong. I'll just sit and watch Jiang Xia's position." Yi Ji solemnly bowed to Liu Feng.

The two looked at each other, only to feel that there was a lot of confidence in the eyes of both sides.

Yi Ji's self-confidence is only because he is confident that he can sit in the position of employment, while Liu Feng's self-confidence is because he feels that it is no longer difficult for him to recruit civil servants.

Liu Feng felt that at this time, even Pang Tong had been hooked away by the people from Jiangdong.He is also confident that he can use his own advantages to poach Pang Tong.

Liu Feng thought it was very good to meet Yi Ji before meeting Pang Tong.

Liu Feng's face at the moment said that he was confident, but in fact he had already shown a bit of majesty. In Yi Ji's eyes, it was already a kind of charm.

The domineering aura that didn't exist in the first place gradually spread out from Liu Feng's heart.

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