Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 161 Fei Guan trembling with fear

After accepting Liu Feng's employment, Yi Ji did not stay for long. (Apex novel hand-written novel) Instead, he took Liu Feng's letter and led his family to Jiangxia by boat.

With Liu Feng's handwritten letter, after Yiji arrived in Jiangxia, he was engaged.

He is the head of civil servants, in charge of Xu Tian, ​​Xu Zheng, and Zhang Dao.After getting the Yiji, Liu Feng felt a lot more at ease with Jiang Xia.

Although I came out this time for Huang Xu and Pang Tong, I had to stay in Xiangyang for a month or two.Liu Feng was always a little worried about Jiang Xia.

Now that there are Iraqis to help with the affairs of the county, the civil service system is no longer a problem.Huang Zhong also sat in Xiling to defend Wu general Zhou Yu.Gan Ning was stationed at Xiakou, guarding against Cao Ren who was stationed in Wancheng.

Although the foundation is still weak, it is much stronger than ordinary forces.I think that when Liu Bei relied on Zhang Fei, Guan Yu was able to fight for so long when he raised an army. Now he is no less talented than Liu Bei, and he is more powerful than Liu Bei.

Thinking of these three characters, Liu Feng's heart was more than half relieved.

The most important thing now is not Jiang Xia's affairs, but how to get Pang Tong out of Wu General Zhou Yu's hands.Thinking about it, Liu Feng focused his attention on Pang Tong.

Consider whether to get some gifts, and pay a visit to Pang Degong, a celebrity in Xiangyang, and Huang Chengyan.

Pang Tong was dull when he was young, and he was cultivated entirely by Mr. Pang De.If Duke Pang De's favor is cited, it should affect Pang Tong to some extent.

Liu Feng felt a little moved.

At this moment, not long after Yi Ji had left, Liu Feng was thinking about something in a daze again, and some servants outside the door did not dare to disturb him.Just let Liu Feng sit in the side hall.

But at this moment, a teenager appeared not far away.

This boy looks somewhat similar to Cai Mao, very handsome, about 14 years old.At this moment, he was walking towards the side hall swaggeringly.

"Young Master." The servant in charge of serving Liu Feng in front of the door immediately saluted the young man and called him the Young Master.

This boy is Cai Mao's eldest son, Cai Dang.

Cai Dang ignored the servant, and glanced at Liu Feng who was sitting in the side hall thinking, with a flash of wit in his eyes.Asked: "Is this the honored guest invited by father?"

"Report to Eldest Young Master, that's right." The servant replied.

"Well, I'll go in and pay a visit." Cai Dang didn't allow the servant to refuse, and after saying a word, he walked in.

"Dare to ask your brother's name?" Cai Dang put away his naughty face after entering the door, and saluted Liu Feng very politely.

"My surname is Kou, and my name is Shuang. I wonder who the young master is?" Liu Feng was taken aback when he suddenly heard someone speak, and when he looked up, he saw that Cai Dang's face was somewhat similar to Cai Mao's, and his heart skipped a beat.

"My name is Cai Dang, my father Cai Mao." Cai Dang said very bluntly.

"Young Master Cai is being polite." Liu Feng said with a chuckle.I didn't mind too much, I guess it was a child who was naughty, saw a stranger sitting here, so he came in to have a look.

However, Cai Dang is obviously not that simple. After thinking about it in his mind, he said, "Brother, you are from Luo County?"

"Yes. It's the Kou family in Luo County." Liu Feng was surprised. The Kou family in Luo County was not very famous, but Cai Dang actually knew about it.It can be seen that Cai Mao's education is not simple.

"Hehe, it turned out to be the prince's descendant. Disrespect, disrespect." Cai Dang clasped his fists, said disrespect twice, and then laughed: "Actually, I came here to apologize to brother on behalf of someone else."

"Oh? Not long after I first entered Xiangyang, I became an old friend. Who will apologize to me?" Liu Feng asked strangely.Cai Mao had told him that Fei Guan would come to make amends, but that should be a few days later.Besides, it is impossible for Cai Dang, the eldest son of Cai Mao, to come to make amends instead.

"Hahaha, that idiot Zhang Gu, I was worried that I offended someone and got revenge. I didn't expect that he didn't even remember his name. Hahaha." When Liu Feng said these words , Cai Dang could no longer maintain the normalcy on his little face, and laughed loudly.Laughing tears flow.

"Fu Xun's nephew Zhang Gu?" Liu Feng couldn't help frowning.The dude he met on the street actually made a deep impression on him.

"Yes, that's him. He invited some of our friends to dinner in the tavern, but when we went, he said with a sad face that he had offended his father's friends. Please let me find out. If one of them is not good, he plans to go to the countryside to hide It’s been a few months. Unexpectedly, Xiongtai has long forgotten about it.” Speaking of this matter, Cai Dang still found it quite funny, and couldn’t help laughing again.

"There's no need to tell him to apologize. Just stop putting on that kind of bully posture when you go out in the future." Liu Feng waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry, brother, this time you scared him a lot. I don't think you will dare to be presumptuous again in the future." Cai Dang cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Cai Dang was entrusted to come to apologize, but the target didn't even remember it.That's the way it was supposed to be.

But Cai Dang was not ordinary smart, he began to look at Liu Feng.And his eyes are getting brighter.

I saw Liu Feng's appearance was heroic and powerful.And because he took the initiative to recruit Yi Ji just now, his self-confidence is almost revealed.The combination of all the above forms a special charm.

"My lord, is there anything else?" Liu Feng can be considered to have experienced a lot of wind and waves, but he still got goosebumps from Cai Dang's secretive gaze, and he couldn't help raising his fist.

"Cough, it's okay, it's okay. Brother, go on, go on." Cai Dang woke up immediately, coughed lightly, and laughed.

With that said, he bowed his hands to Liu Feng again, kicked his feet and walked out.

After being interrupted by Cai Dang, Liu Feng didn't have much time to think about how to conquer Pang Tong.I also feel the smell of sweat on my body.

He couldn't help but said to the door: "Come here, take me to the room. And prepare hot water, I want to take a shower."

"Yes." The servant outside the door responded.

In an aisle not far from the side hall, Cai Tang walked briskly.A strange smile flashed on his face, "Hey, my father is really cunning and cunning. It was clearly rumored that my sister's marriage has not yet been settled. As a result, there is such a guy hiding in the house."

As he said that, Cai Dang said with a gleam in his eyes: "I don't believe it even if I beat him to death, this person is not my default brother-in-law."

"But having said that, my father's vision is really not bad. The man named Kou Shuang looks tall and straight. His skin is slightly bronzed. He must be a legendary warrior. It can be said that he is sharp and compelling. Those flamboyant fists and embroidered legs are much stronger. Um, uh. Not bad, not bad."

Cai Mao's eldest daughter, Cai Da, grew up gradually, and she was first-class in Jingxiang both in appearance and family background.Naturally, several people stared at it.

Cai Mao also once let out the word that his daughter's marriage had not yet been settled.But in fact, Cai Dang was a little skeptical. His father had made a decision, and that was Liu Biao's youngest son, Liu Cong.

After all, the Cai family is already big enough.If Cai Mao chooses another son-in-law from an extraordinary family.It will only increase Liu Biao's suspicion, which is not good for the development of the family.

On the contrary, marrying his daughter to Liu Cong is more conducive to getting closer to Liu Biao.But now Cai Tang feels that the person Cai Mao is hiding at home is his brother-in-law.

Of course Liu Feng didn't know that Cai Dang, a brat, would have so many gossips in his mind.Under the service of the maid, after bathing and changing, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

On this day, it was cloudy and rainy.

On an avenue outside Xiangyang City, more than a dozen knights surrounded a carriage and galloped on the road. Because of some small stones on the road, the carriage appeared in various dangers from time to time.

But the owner of the carriage didn't care.This is constantly urging the coachman to hurry up.

The owner of the carriage is a man, about 30 years old, with a good face and a tall figure.Looking at the clothes on his body and the high crown on his head, it stands to reason that he should be a well-known big shot.

But the big man's face was sweating now, and his eyes flashed with astonishment, astonishment, and a little fear.You know it's just spring, and the weather is still a bit cold.

He was sweating coldly in this kind of weather, which showed how much pressure this person had in his heart.

Of course Fei Guan broke into a cold sweat. After receiving Fei Guang's message, he immediately put down his errands and brought his eldest son Fei Biao to come overnight.

He never imagined that in just a few months, Liu Feng would go from a reptile who could be bullied to the current big dragon who can be so arrogant that he can bully Liu Biao.

You must know that the reason why he married his daughter to Liu Feng in the first place was indeed for the dowry gift.But it is not without the idea of ​​marrying Liu Bei.

Everyone said that Liu Bei was the dragon among men, Fei looked at such a huge power of the Cai family, of course his eyes were hot, and he felt that marrying his daughter to Liu Feng might be an investment.

And you can also earn a lot of dowry gifts, killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.

Originally, the situation was developing as expected, and Liu Feng's performance was even more gratifying. He led his troops to wipe out many water thieves. It is said that he has gained a lot of prestige among the forces in Xinye.

At that time, Fei Guan was secretly delighted, if Liu Bei could really soar to the sky one day, then Liu Feng, his stepson, would also rise to the top.

But the joy comes quickly, and the blow comes even faster.

It didn't take long for news that Liu Bei had a parent-child, and soon there was news that Liu Feng had an affair with the Gan family.Fei Guan, who had spent most of his life in the officialdom, immediately noticed something unusual.

Make a decisive decision and change the prostitute daughter who was going to marry into a concubine daughter.To pass the test by fooling around, while cutting off the relationship with Liu Feng, at the same time, so that the prostitute Fei Shu can remarry.

When making the decision, Fei Guan didn't regret it at all.The situation also developed according to his expectations. It didn't take long for Liu Feng to kill Tang Song and leave Xinye.

But Fei Guan didn't expect that when Liu Feng left Xinye, he set up a trick to let his daughter confirm the name of Mrs. Liu.

Of course Fei Guan was trembling with anger, you, a stinky salty fish who can never stand up again, actually wanted to get involved with my daughter of the Fei family.What's the difference between being a stinky beggar and messing with the princess.

In a fit of rage, Fei Guan dispatched foreign stewards and gave Liu Feng a few ways out.The worst plan is to join hands with water thieves and Huang She to kill Liu Feng in Dongting Lake.

The plan is very good. With five thousand sailors against Liu Feng's hundreds of soldiers, there is such a big gap in strength.It stands to reason that Liu Feng should be dead.

But in the end, Liu Feng used this to almost turn over, kill Huang She, occupy Xiakou, and shoot Huang Zu.When Jin Yi crossed the river, he retreated Wenpin's [-] troops without spending a single soldier, confirming the reputation of Jiang Xia's prefect.

All kinds of shocking changes, like lightning.It's blindingly fast.

At that time, Fei Guan admitted that he had some regrets. He knew that Liu Feng was so promising, so it would be fine to marry his prostitute daughter.

But to be honest, although he regretted it, Fei Guan didn't take it too seriously.

Liu Feng is a martial artist, occupying Jiangxia, and has a bad relationship with Liu Biao, so he is doomed not to have much development.Although the two families had feuds, most of Fei's property was in the Jiangling generation, which had nothing to do with Liu Feng's cattle and horses.

Even if you walk your single-plank bridge, I will walk my Zhuang Kangdao.

But the news brought by Fei Guang, the youngest son, made Fei Guan really regret it, so much regret.

This kid occupied Jiangxia and owned a county.Ten or twenty thousand soldiers and horses.Not to mention, he even hooked up with the behemoth Mrs. Cai.There will definitely be something in the future.

If he had known today, Fei Guan would have been willing to marry his concubine daughter, not to mention marrying his concubine daughter together.

The prostitute's daughter is the main wife, and the concubine's daughter is the concubine.The sisters went into battle together to win over Liu Feng.

But it's a pity that now Fei Guan has no chance to change, instead he can't get close to Liu Feng.There is also a great threat.

A prostitute becomes a concubine.It's a personal shame.Use tricks to contact Huang She, and the water bandits attack Liu Feng together. This is a life and death enmity.

Thinking about the sins he had committed, sweat kept streaming down Fei Guan's forehead.

Because Fei Guan is very aware of the gap between Fei's family and Cai's family, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of allies.As well as Liu Biao's degree of favor, Fei's and Cai's are far behind, and it can even be said that the difference is cloud and mud.

If Cai Shi was really determined to deal with Fei Shi, instead of Cai Shi doing it himself, all the gentry, big and small, who had fawned on Cai Shi would join the battle and tear Fei Shi to pieces.Then he raised his tail, ready to claim credit.

"Father is right. If you want to really know someone, you can't rely on rumors. You must observe the person, listen to his words, and watch his actions. Don't be dazzled by the rumors all over the world. Be sure , I’m optimistic about it, and then decide to invest in another person.”

"I heard rumors that putting treasure on Liu Bei was the first mistake. After putting treasure on Liu Bei, I didn't observe Liu Feng. I only listened to the rumors and thought Liu Feng was a salty fish who would never turn over. This It's the second error."

The years have been so smooth.He left behind all the experiences his father had given him.Damn it.Fei Guan's face was filled with tears, bitterness, regret and other emotions, like watching a lantern on a horse, constantly changing.

In the end, Fei Guan didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Seeing that Xiangyang City was getting closer and closer, the pressure in Fei Guan's heart increased sharply, almost crushing him.If he could commit suicide and apologize, he would commit suicide and apologize.

But the problem is that you can't commit suicide. There are still a lot of people in this family.Family members are not counted, there are hundreds of clan members.If he doesn't handle this matter well, he will commit suicide.

There is bound to be chaos in the clan, and under the pressure of the Cai family, there is no room for them to live on.

"It's really a crime." The dignified Jingzhou is engaged, a party member.At this moment, Fei Guan's face was full of mourning, full of his former majesty and prestige.

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