"Father, Xiangyang is here. What should we do?" Fei Biao, who was riding his horse near the carriage, asked loudly.

"Go back to the mansion first. Get ready, since you have come to make amends in person, you must not break your etiquette." Fei Guan said without hesitation.

"Okay." Fei Biao agreed with a nod, but his heart was full of bitterness.

Fei Guan had never met Liu Feng, but he had brought someone to Xinye to discuss marriage with Gan.I met Liu Feng once, but I didn't see that Liu Feng would have such an opportunity now.

If Fei Guan regretted that he didn't see Liu Feng and made a rash decision, thinking that Xianyu couldn't stand up, then he had eyes.

With two kinds of regrets, the father and son hurried back to Fei Mansion in Xiangyang City with the same mood.

Fei Guan's return to Xiangyang was such a big event that immediately made Fei's house jump up and down.

After Fei Guan entered the mansion, he immediately ordered the maid to prepare hot water, and both he and Fei Biao had to take a bath and change clothes.Mrs. Fei Guan, the second son, the youngest son Fei Guang and Fei Shu waited in the lobby after hearing the news.

"What's the matter, why did you come back suddenly without any news?" Mrs. Fei, who is Fei Shu, Fei Biao, Fei Guang's biological mother, asked in confusion.

Fei Chang, the second son of Ru Fei Guan who didn't know the truth, had a puzzled look on his face.Fei Guang, who knew the situation, had a pale face, with fear hidden in his eyes.

Fei Shu's pretty face was cold and he sneered endlessly.

"Shu'er, do you know the situation?" Seeing Fei Shu's sneer, Madam Fei couldn't help asking.The voice is gentle, Mrs. Fei is a well-known lady in Xiangyang, known for her gentle personality.Without the snobbery of Fei Guan, Fei Piao, Fei Guang and others.

Fei Shu respected her very much.

Hearing this, he also restrained the sneer on his face a little bit, but his tone was still not very good, and said softly: "The disaster is imminent, of course I panicked."

She looked at her daughter who was standing there beautifully, but who was out of place with her surroundings.Madam Fei felt a headache.

But she didn't blame her daughter very much in her heart. If she was used by her father as a tool to make money, she could be sold to others casually.She is also angry.

Mrs. Fei had no choice but to turn her attention to Fei Guang.The strange look on Fei Guang's face did not escape her eyes.

"Mom, don't ask too many questions. The less people know about this matter, the better. If word gets out, our family will really suffer from bloodshed." Fei Guang said with a wry smile.

Liu Feng is a thorn in Liu Biao's side, but the Cai family has a close relationship with Liu Feng.Only Mr. Fei knows about this matter. If it gets out, Mrs. Cai will definitely report and retaliate against Mr. Fei. At that time, there is no way to save her.

When Mrs. Fei saw what the youngest son said, her face immediately turned pale.

"Mother doesn't have to worry, Fei will be fine with Father here." Fei Shu looked soft-hearted and persuaded softly.

"Yes, yes. Your father is still there." Mrs. Fei nodded repeatedly as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.Although Fei Guan is snobbish, his ability to exploit is beyond doubt.In his generation, Fei's power has increased a lot.

In the hall, everyone's expressions were tense, and even Fei Chang, the second son of a concubine who didn't know it, was very worried.The dignified atmosphere is almost overwhelming.

When Fei Guan and Fei Piao came out after bathing and getting dressed, what they saw was the dead faces of their family members.

It's just that Fei Guan's complexion is not much better, and of course he won't scold his family.It's just regretful in my heart, this step is wrong, every step is wrong.

Looking at the faces of his wife, eldest son, second son, youngest son, and daughter, Fei Guan smiled wryly in his heart and said, if I use my life to exchange for a safe home, it will be considered a victory.

Having made up his mind, Fei Guan had a look of death in his eyes. "Piaoer, go and prepare ten thousand gold. It will be returned later."

"[-] gold is so much?" Fei Biao was startled and lost his voice.

"Although gold is good, you have to live to enjoy it." Fei Guan thought that his son was stingy, his face sank, and he said angrily.

"No." Seeing that Fei Guan was angry, Fei Biao was a little panicked, and quickly waved his hands.Immediately, he hurriedly said: "That's not the case. It's just that father, you said that putting money in the warehouse is the practice of a miser. Only by spending money can money be made. So our family's money has always been small. There are a lot of fields, houses, food, and shops."

There is no doubt that Fei Guan is a greedy person.But Fei Guan's methods of raising money are even more sophisticated. After he took charge of Fei's family, his wealth has shrunk, but his power in fields, houses, shops and food centers has increased dramatically.

Fei Guan was in a dilemma when he heard the words, he had to sell the farm, and it would be fine to exchange for gold to make amends.But where to go to buy for a while.

Even if you find a buyer, if you sell in a hurry, the other party will definitely suppress the price.You will lose a lot of money.

With a heartache in his heart, Fei Guan felt that the three thousand gold dowry from the Gan family was the worst business he had ever done in his life.

But in the face of fate, Fei Guan gritted his teeth and said, "Sell it, sell it cheaply. Get together [-] gold as soon as possible. No, first gather [-] gold."

Fei Guan suddenly felt that [-] gold was not safe, and it would be safer to make up [-] first.Antiques are not prosperous in this era, and Fei's family does not have any family heirloom treasures, otherwise Fei Guan would definitely present them.

"No." After hearing the order, Fei Biao immediately went down to work.Fei Guan is notoriously greedy for money, this time he sold his farm and house at a low price.It will definitely cause a bloodbath in Xiangyang City.

"You come with me." After Fei Biao left, Fei Guan glanced at Fei Shu, and immediately walked outside.

Biting her red lips with white teeth, Fei Shu's eyes were full of stubbornness, but when she glanced at Mrs. Fei, the stubbornness was immediately replaced by filial piety.With a cruel heart, he followed.

There were two carriages parked outside the door, one for Fei Guan and Fei Shu.He drove slowly towards Cai's mansion.Because of his anxiety outside the city, Fei Guan ordered to advance at full speed, but inside the city, he dared not.

Therefore, the journey from my own mansion to Cai's mansion seemed very long and difficult.Ever since he became an employee in Jingzhou, Fei Guan has been regarded as powerful, and he hasn't felt this way for a long time.

In comparison, Fei Shu was more worried about how he would be dealt with.With different moods, the father and daughter walked the long road and came to the gate of Cai Mansion.

"Brother, please inform Cai Junshi that Jingzhou is in charge of Master Fei and ask to see him." After arriving at the gate of the Cai Mansion, Fei's own slaves went up to talk to the two gatekeepers of the Cai Mansion.

Cai Mao did not make things difficult for the servant, but he also explained that if Fei Guan arrives, he will be led into the side hall.

At this time Fei Guan and Fei Shu had already got off the carriage.

The two servants looked at each other, and one of them bent over to Fei Guan and said, "My master has already told me that if Mr. Fei arrives, please wait in the side hall."

"Yeah." After all, it was also Jingzhou's work, and now Fei Guan had put away his expression, and nodded lightly.Immediately, under the leadership of the servants, Fei Guan and his daughter Fei Shu waited in the side hall.

It's just that he sat in the side hall by himself, and sent Fei Shu into the small room next to the side hall.

After the servant made arrangements for Fei Guan, he immediately went to find Liu Feng.Cai Mao explained that if Fei Guan arrives, there is no need to notify him, all he needs to do is find Mr. Kou.

When the servant saw Liu Feng, Liu Feng was sitting in Cai Mao's study reading a book.

The Cai family is a rich family, so Cai Mao's book collection is much richer than Xu Shu's.These days, Liu Feng had nothing to do and spent most of his time reading in the study.

After hearing the servant's report, Liu Feng put down the bamboo slips in his hand, and his expression flickered, "Are you here?"It's just that at this moment, Liu Feng already had some calculations in his heart. After hearing the news of Fei Guan's visit, his mood didn't fluctuate much.

"Go and tell Mr. Engagement, let him wait for a while, I'll be there soon." After a moment of silence, Liu Feng said.

"No." The servant left in response.

After the servant left, Liu Feng got up and went back to his room, changed into formal clothes, and then got up and went to the side hall.

Although I have already told Cai Mao to let the past go, but personal honor and disgrace, as well as life and death.How can it be said that a single write-off can be written off with a single stroke.

At least some money should be paid by Fei Guan.Anyway, there is a Cai family behind him, and the view of air fee does not dare to be too stingy.

By the way, I just remembered a few days ago that in the 12th year of Jian'an, there will be a natural disaster that will affect the vast land south of the Yangtze River. At that time, food will be as expensive as gold.And Fei seems to have colluded with the water thieves, exchanging food for the gold, silver and jewels robbed by the water thieves.

Fei's grain business should be doing well.

The dowry gift of three thousand gold given by my mother back then must be taken back if not more than one gold, but not less than one gold.Other orders count.

While slowly walking towards the side hall, Liu Fengben's flickering eyes calmed down completely, but he had a decision.

The two of them at this moment are no longer in the state they were in when Liu Feng just left Xinye.On that day, one was a butcher holding a knife, and the other was a fish nailed to a chopping board.It's the same now, only the situation is reversed.The butcher holding the knife was replaced by Liu Feng, and the lamb to be slaughtered became Fei Guan.

As the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.It is really good words of gold and jade.If you are rich, don't bully young people into being poor.Maybe one day there will be retribution.

In the side hall, Fei Guan's mood was no different from that of a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

In front of people, Fei Guan can still maintain the majesty and expression of an engaged adult.But in the side hall where this person served, Fei Guan couldn't help showing a guilty conscience.

I don't know, can this level be passed?Can Feiguan still exist?

Just when the guilt in Fei Guan's heart reached its peak, Liu Feng walked in.

A well-fitting formal suit set off Liu Feng's tall and straight figure.Although there was no ancient crown on his head, Liu Fengyingwu's face made up for it.The eyes are sharper than black and white.All of the above just made people admire Liu Feng for his good looks.

As Liu Feng walked in step by step, an aura of calm and prestige slowly radiated out.Coupled with the fact that Liu Feng personally subdued Yi Ji a few days ago, that confidence remained.

Compatible with Liu Feng's aura, it reflects a strange charm.

Young and majestic, in the upper ranks, with real materials.Fei Guan stared blankly at Liu Feng, not to mention the regret in his heart.

He wanted to strangle himself to death, if he could go to Xinye in person and take a look at Liu Feng's appearance, words, deeds, and manners.Maybe at this moment, the two are Weng's son-in-law.

Not the difference between knife and meat.

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