Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 163 The pattern is "Flying Dragon in the Sky"

At this moment, strong regret even replaced the worry about his wealth and life in his heart. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Liu Feng seemed to be aware of it, so he stopped involuntarily, turned his head to look at Fei Guan, frowned and said, "May I ask Mr. Fei if there is something wrong with me?"

But it was a tepid tone, making it difficult for people to detect joy or anger.

Fei Guan has only seen such a voice in three people, Liu Biao, Cai Mao, and Kuai Yue.It is difficult for people to perceive emotions and anger, the more difficult it is to figure it out.

Of course, Fei Guan also sensed what Liu Feng meant.

Feeling guilty, I squeezed a cold sweat at the same time.With a forced smile on his face, he raised his fist and said: "My lord is normal, there is nothing wrong with it." After speaking, Fei Guan smiled and said: "I just saw that your lord is very handsome, so I took a few extra glances. "

Although Fei Guan was smiling on the surface, he was crying in his heart.Thinking that the two may become Weng's son-in-law, it's just a difference of thought, but now it's this kind of life-and-death enemy relationship.

Who can not cry.

Although Fei Guan flattered him a little, he made a hasty slip of the tongue.

"Sir, my surname is Kou, and my name is Shuang. I am an honored guest of Junshi Cai." Liu Feng frowned again, why is this view so unbearable.

Where is Fei Guan's determination to attack him with the water thief's yellow shot?

To be honest, Liu Feng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.I thought that Jingzhou was also a person who was engaged in Feiguan. Although he came to apologize, it shouldn't be the case.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, but Liu Feng remained calm, and went straight forward a few steps, and sat opposite Fei Guan.

"I've made a slip of the tongue, I've made a slip of the tongue." Fei Guan was startled when he heard this, and said again and again.But suddenly woke up, Liu Feng's identity is really impressive, if the word Liu Feng gets into Liu Biao's ears, Cai and Fei will be in trouble.

"Yeah." Liu Feng just sat down now, and nodded upon hearing this.

Fei Guan, on the other hand, looked at Liu Feng with trepidation.This expression eliminated the last resentment in Liu Feng's heart. Maybe Fei Guan was also a seasoned character, but at this moment, he lost the will to resist.What's the point of reckoning with characters who have already surrendered.

Humiliated in the future, humbled today.To be honest, Liu Feng felt that this humiliation was paid back to Fei Guan.

While making a decision in his heart, Liu Feng said: "You and I have a grudge. The marriage is a misunderstanding, or you did it on purpose. Today, for Cai Junshi's face, it can be written off. But my mother's three You have to return the gift of a thousand gold to my mother. Remember, just send it to Xinye."

Liu Feng is currently short of food and goods under his tent, three thousand gold is quite a lot.But Liu Feng didn't want to owe Liu Bei anything.The dowry was originally Liu Bei's, so just give it back to him.

"Okay, okay, I promise." Seeing that Liu Feng was not aggressive, Fei Guan couldn't help being overjoyed, and nodded repeatedly.

"In addition, my lord sent a foreign steward, colluded with water thieves, and Huang She wanted to harm me. It can also be written off, it's just a matter of life and death. My lord should express it a little bit." After a pause for Fei Guan to digest, Liu Feng spoke again. road.

"Should be, should be." At this moment, Fei Guan was completely submissive, nodding incessantly.

"I know about your collusion with water thieves, and I also know that your grain business is very big. I don't need much, I only need grain of [-] shi." Seeing Fei Guan nodding again, Liu Feng said.

"One hundred thousand stones, yes." Fei Guan was more cautious this time, he calculated his granary in his mind before nodding.

But there was a wry smile in his heart, he thought that he would just have to prepare the gold to apologize to Liu Feng.I didn't think it was food, but I thought of the farmhouse that was about to be sold for gold.Fei Guan vomited blood depressedly.

"Okay, so our grievances and grievances will be written off. Don't worry, although Liu Fengxing's matter is not open and aboveboard, but what I say is ironclad evidence, and I will never go back on my word. If you don't believe me, sir, just wait here for half a day, waiting for Cai Junshi When you come back, let him testify." Liu Feng said.

"No, no need. I trust Mr. Kou." Fei Guan waved his hands again and again, joking that it was time to ease the relationship, so how could he make trouble out of nowhere and make Liu Feng angry.

"Okay, so I'll take my leave first. For the food, you can send someone to transport it to Xiling County, Jiangxia, and hand it over to the Iraqi staff." Liu Feng nodded and planned to get up and leave.

This is the end?Fei Guan suddenly felt empty in his heart.Some couldn't believe it, the hurdle that I thought would be difficult to pass, actually passed it like this.

Liu Feng is completely different from the kind that Ben and he imagined, who would hit him as much as he wanted.He prepared fifteen thousand gold.It's just a down payment, and the price in his heart is actually [-] to [-] gold.

But now Liu Feng only needs to buy [-] shi of grain, which may be very expensive in the north.But in Jingzhou, it is relatively cheap, and the price of one hundred thousand shi of grain is only ten thousand gold.

In comparison, his imagination was simply too nasty.Liu Feng obviously wanted to reconcile, and he was not the kind of snob who cares about everything.

Moreover, Liu Feng spoke extremely calmly, and the rules were clear.Obviously, he had thought about it for a long time, and Fei Guan also guessed that Liu Feng Hejie's purpose was mostly for food.

Huang Zu served as the prefect of Jiangxia for more than ten years. He didn't know how to govern and was aggressive.Money and food are scarce.When Liu Feng won Jiangxia from Huang Zu, the war was even more chaotic.There is no time to govern, and food is definitely not enough.

Fei Guan's heart suddenly enlightened.

The so-called watch their actions, listen to their words, and then watch their behavior.You can see the person's future achievements and abilities.

From the time Liu Feng entered the door, the demeanor he showed let Fei Guan know that Liu Feng would achieve a lot in the future.But now Fei Guan tripled his opinion of Liu Feng.

Act with purpose.Not sloppy at all.

Fei Guan had never met Liu Bei, but he was a little bit moved by hearing the rumors, and wanted to invest in Liu Bei, peeking at the opportunity for prosperity.

But Liu Feng was different. Fei Guan saw it with his own eyes, watching his words, deeds, and the aura they displayed.

The flying dragon is in the sky, it really is the flying dragon in the sky.

Fei Guan yelled in his heart, what is luck, Fei Guan thought Liu Feng was luck, when he didn't face Liu Feng, Fei Guan only thought Liu Feng was just a hero.

Kill Huang Zu, and retreat Wenpin's courage, general strategy, and determination.At most, they are superior to others.

But when he met Liu Feng, Fei Guan realized that Liu Feng was a person with a very purpose in his actions, and he had ambitions when he had a purpose.

Ambition alone is not enough, you need resources to make things happen.Although Liu Feng is sitting in Jiangxia, there are at most [-] people in a county, which is far behind the heroes of the world.

However, Liu Feng was still relying on Cai Shi behind him. Judging from Cai Mao's intervention to mediate their relationship, the relationship between Cai Shi and Liu Feng was definitely not trivial.

If a person is capable alone, let's say Liu Bei.The ability is enough, but the bigger the worse.It doesn't work if you have resources. For example, Yuan Shaoba has more resources and contacts than Cao Cao, and there are many advisers and generals under his account.It stands to reason that if you are wiser, you can kill Cao Cao and seize the Central Plains.But Yuan Shao still failed.

So just having resources is not enough.

A person is apart from ability and resources.Opportunity is also needed.Just like when Sun Ce raised his army, there were only a little over 2000 soldiers and horses.But it encountered chaos in Jiangdong.Break them down one by one.Achieved the dominance of Jiangdong.

If there is no chance, no matter how powerful Sun Ce is, it is impossible to capture Jiangdong with more than 2000 soldiers.

These add up to luck.And Liu Feng felt to Fei Guan now that he had strong luck.

Seizing Jiangxia is Liu Feng's ability, relying on the Cai family is Liu Feng's resource, but what about opportunities?Fei Guan immediately thought of Liu Biao. He was old and seemed to be suffering from minor illnesses recently.

It adds up to luck.The flying dragon is in the sky, it really is the flying dragon in the sky.

Everyone says that Liu Bei is the dragon among men, and sooner or later he will soar into the sky.But that's just hearsay.After personally experiencing Liu Feng's words and deeds, Fei Guan only believed that Liu Feng could truly be a flying dragon in the sky.

Looking at Liu Feng, Fei Guan's eyes were excited. It was really like an investment. The sooner Liu Feng was tied up, the more he would be able to get a huge return after Liu Fengfei and Huang Tengda achieved a career.These rewards include wealth, status, and prestige.

While being excited, a huge, huge regret swept Fei Guan's heart.

He had a chance to become Liu Feng's father-in-law and the first happy person to grab the cake.But he personally destroyed this opportunity.

Let Weng and son-in-law turn against each other and fall into the abyss.This is not bad, Liu Feng let out the words, and the rumor made Fei Shu confirm the three words Mrs. Liu.

At that time, he was still Weng's son-in-law anyway, as long as he was a bit more stern, he could still restore the old good.

But then he turned the relationship between the two to a freezing point, and sent people to collude with water thieves to kill his son-in-law.It's just the finishing touch.

The regrets in Fei Guan's heart were not limited to these.Just now, he still had a chance to redeem it. Even when Liu Feng said that he would withdraw the dowry, as long as he had a little courage, he would have a chance to send his daughter up in a shameless manner.

Fei Guan is very greedy for money, really greedy for money, one wrong step, one wrong step.Everything that I have created makes the wealth and glory that was at my fingertips slip away.

Fei Guan's heart felt as if it had been hacked into pieces, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt so much.

However, he is not without a chance.Although he missed several opportunities, there is still another opportunity in front of him.

This opportunity was not given by Liu Feng, nor was it given by God.It is an opportunity that he asks for, and he needs to be self-reliant to get it.

Huge regret, distressed.Let Fei Guan make a decision in an instant.

"Young Master Kou, please go slowly." Fei Guan squeezed out a smile, got up and cupped his hands towards Liu Feng.

"Is there anything else?" Liu Feng just stepped out of the side hall at this moment, frowned and retracted his foot, turning his head and asking.

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