Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 164 Not Satisfied, Not Satisfied at All

"Hehe, Mr. Kou. (Apex novel hand-written novel) Now that the grievances between the two families have been wiped out, can the little girl also pass the door?" Fei Guan suppressed the disgust in his heart, and put on a smiley face.

What a joke.A write-off is a write-off of past grievances.Of course, Fei Shu was sent away with a letter of divorce.

Seeing Fei Guan's strange expression, Liu Feng couldn't figure out what Fei Guan was thinking.Can't help feeling unhappy.His eyes also turned cold.

Seeing Liu Feng's face turning cold, Fei Guan secretly screamed in his heart.At this time, Liu Feng cannot be allowed to refuse. If Liu Feng refuses, this last chance will be gone.

"I also know that I offended you very deeply before. I really feel ashamed to talk about the marriage between the two families. It's just that although the little girl didn't go to Xinye to marry the young master in person, she already belongs to the young master in name." Fei Guan Try to be as tactful as possible, and raised his head to look at Liu Feng when he said this, and when he saw that Liu Feng's expression did not continue to turn cold, he said in a low voice: "Let's talk about the son. With the ability of the son, the future achievements will definitely not be good. Low, but at present he is only Jiangxia prefect, and his status is embarrassing. If the little girl is divorced, it will be difficult to find a suitable marriage partner for a while. This big man is born in the world and has a concubine. It is really embarrassing."

Fei Guan's words were sincere and sincere, starting from the interests of both parties.

After Liu Feng thought about it carefully, what Fei Guan said was also the truth. Gan's choice of a wife for him was so troublesome that he chose Fei's daughter.Now his reputation is even worse, and he is at odds with Liu Biao.How could any family in Jingzhou marry their daughter to him?

What this era pays attention to is to start a family first and then start a career.If a man is a man without a wife in his family, he will be laughed at.Even if there are groups of concubines, they cannot take the place of wives.

If it is Liu Feng's wife, it will have a negative impact on future development.

Liu Feng was also a little embarrassed, but Liu Feng also knew that although he said that he had canceled his grievances with Fei Shi, at most he would not trouble Fei Shi in the future.This grievance has already been branded in his heart, and it is impossible to truly eliminate it.In other words, it was impossible for Liu Feng to live with Fei Shu.

Fei Guan was good at observing words and expressions, and saw a slight change in Liu Feng's face.I was overjoyed, knowing that there was a door.

This is his last chance. Now almost no one realizes Liu Feng's huge potential, so no one shows favor, and no gentry is willing to marry his daughter to Liu Feng. This is his chance.

After all, Fei is also a gentry, isn't he?

"Don't worry, my lord, my daughter has an extraordinary appearance. If you like it, you can help him make the quilt and warm the bed. If you don't like it, just treat it as a decoration and sit in the house." Fei Guan said with a smile on his face.

Even with Liu Feng's determination, Fei Guan had to be ashamed.Forget everything else, but there is a saying that the poison of a tiger does not eat its children.

Selling her daughter, and telling people that it can be used as a decoration.

Even though Liu Feng's heart was a little moved, most of it was dissipated because of Fei Guan's words.It's just that it's really bad for reputation that there is no big woman in charge at home.

Liu Feng thought about it for a while, and came up with a good idea.

"Is it beautiful or not? You will know after seeing it. You should bring your daughter here first." Liu Feng said lightly.

"You don't need to bring it, you don't need to bring it. I have already brought my daughter here, and it's in the small room next to me." Fei Guan said with a smile on his face.And pointing to a small door next to him, feeling a little complacent.

"You wait, I'll go and have a look." Although Liu Feng was surprised, he reacted quickly, nodded and said.

"Okay, okay. My lord, please." Fei Guan nodded repeatedly.It seemed that when Liu Feng wanted to complete Zhougong's ceremony with his daughter inside later, he would also guard outside the door.

I felt ashamed in my heart.Liu Feng nodded lightly, and walked towards the small door next to him.

After Liu Feng entered the door, he took a little look at it.The room is not big, only a bed and a small table.

At this moment, a resentful woman was sitting on the bed.

This woman really caught Liu Feng's eyes, with outstanding facial features, fair skin, and a tall figure.She is a rare beauty.

The most outstanding thing is the somewhat coquettish look between the woman's eyebrows.Even with resentment on his face at this moment, it is difficult to hide it.

"Miss must have heard what was said outside?" Liu Feng approached with a smile.

"It looks like a dog, but it's not a good thing." Liu Feng's eyes lit up when he saw Fei Shu, so Fei Shu was not.Perhaps the shock in her heart was much greater than that of Liu Feng.

Liu Feng has seen many beauties, among which Cai and Mi are the most outstanding.Compared with the Cai family, although Fei Shu has some outstanding features, he is still a step behind.So Liu Feng just had a bright spot in his eyes.

And in Fei Shu's eyes, Liu Feng's appearance is not the best, not to mention others, just Liu Biao's eldest son, Liu Qi, is a handsome man who inherited his father's good looks.

If you insist on Liu Feng's excellence, it may be his heroic spirit.

Logically speaking, Fei Shu shouldn't feel so shocked.But Liu Feng has an aura that Liu Qi, the second generation ancestor, absolutely does not have.

His body is a combination of heroic spirit, self-confidence and superior momentum.And formed an momentum.No one can compare to those princes of the aristocratic families in Jingzhou.

But no matter how good the image was, it was destroyed by Liu Feng himself.Fei Shu heard Liu Feng's words outside the door just now, whether it is beautiful or not, you have to see it to know.

I couldn't help saying in my heart, Deng Tuzi.

Therefore, the sentence "People look like dogs, but they are not good things." blurted out.

"Miss may have misunderstood. I didn't mean to force Miss." Liu Feng touched his nose and said with a wry smile.

But Fei Shu's pretty face was still tense, as if you were an apprentice.

"Cough. It's actually like this. What your father said just now makes sense. I need a woman to guard the house. It is very urgent. But, your father is too snobbish and shameful. Naturally, he can't let him do what he wants. Now, I leave this choice to you. If you are willing, you can enter my door. If you are not willing, I will give you a letter of divorce and let you go out." Liu Feng said sincerely.He does not deny that he needs a woman to sit in the house.At the same time, he didn't want Fei Guan to get what he wanted, so he left this issue to Fei Shu to make a decision.

At the same time, Fei Shu's character is still being tested. If Fei Shu agrees without hesitation, she is also a snobbish woman.Such a person took it home as a decoration, and Liu Feng would not feel any guilt.

If Fei Shu refuses, it proves that she is a woman with good character.Liu Feng gave her a letter of divorce and let her go out.Completely end the entanglement with Fei Shi.

Liu Feng didn't know how much his words shocked Fei Shu.

What is the gap, this is called the gap.Fei Guan has never looked at her directly since he was a child.Her marriage can be measured in gold and silver.If you say sell it, you will sell it.

But Liu Feng, the person she met for the first time, gave her a choice.Comparing the two, there is no difference between Feiguan and mud.

For a moment, Fei Shu felt that it would be good to agree to him.She has good looks, ability, and status, and can give her status.Where can I find such a man?

But at the same time as he thought this way, a strong emotion surged in Fei Shu's heart.If he really agreed, wouldn't it make him look down on himself?

So by chance, Fei Shu shook his head, and said: "Young master, please give me a letter of divorce and let me go out."

A smile flashed in Liu Feng's heart, she was indeed a woman with good character.Thinking about it this way, Liu Feng also felt that he should help her.

He smiled and said: "Your father is too snobbish, he might sell you out in the future. But, he is very afraid of me. You just use me to threaten him. How to do it, you know?"

"Understood." Fei Shu's eyes lit up, and he nodded frantically regardless of reserve.

"Hehe, I'll take my leave now." Seeing that Fei Shu is not only good-natured, but also very smart.A smile flashed in Liu Feng's heart, he nodded, turned and left.

Looking at the back of Liu Feng who smiled and left in a cool way.Thinking of Liu Feng's generous face and soft voice just now.

Fei Shu suddenly had strong regrets in his heart, why didn't he agree when he was so close to him just now?

If you miss this, in Jingzhou, how can you find someone like Liu Feng who has such a prominent position without relying on the legacy of his father's generation?

It's just that the matter has already been said, so what face does she have to chase after her?His hands were clasped tightly, even if his fingers were turning white, Fei Shu still didn't realize it.

When Fei Guan walked in from the outside, he saw Fei Shu's look of despair.

When Liu Feng went out just now, he smiled at Fei Guan.But he couldn't wait to ask each other, so he went out.Seeing Liu Feng smiling, Fei Guan thought it was a great success, so he didn't chase after him.

After waiting outside for a while, and seeing her daughter come out, she came in to have a look.

"Okay, go home, wait a few days, and send you to Jiangxia for your father. From now on, you will be the magistrate's wife." Fei Guan didn't like to see his daughter at first, but now he said with a smile on his face.

"You think I chose to follow Mr. Kou?" Fei Guan's words woke Fei Shu up, she felt that Fei Guan was extremely glaring, she couldn't help but sneered, and then said: "I chose to let him divorce me."

"However, don't think about me anymore. If you insist on marrying me to someone else, he will settle accounts with you."

Liu Feng's original intention was to ask Fei Shu to use him to threaten Fei Guan at the right time.But Fei Shu said this to Fei Guan.

The current meaning is that she doesn't want to be Liu Feng's official wife, and would rather be Liu Feng's underground lover.

But Fei Shu really thought so in his heart. "I missed you today, who else in Jingzhou can catch my eyes again? Marrying myself to those nobles, it's better to keep your figure in my heart, and let this go." Fei Shu bitterly, and Thinking determinedly.

Fei Guan was almost stunned, he let go of his old face, and this opportunity he begged for was actually wasted like this.This slut, unexpectedly, actually does not want to be a real wife, but is willing to be a mistress, something like being pointed at the spine and scolded.

"You, you." He said two words of you in succession, but Fei Guan couldn't say anything.What's the point of scolding?Hit, but can't let go.It wasn't that he was reluctant, but that he was really threatened by Fei Shu, fearing that Liu Fengqiu would settle accounts later.

"That's all, that's all. A lover is a lover. Although this status is unreliable, but now Liu Feng's situation is already in the sky, and sooner or later he will do something. When we become famous, we should not forget us Fei." Although Fei Guan almost vomited blood in his heart, he still found a reason to comfort himself.

"I'll go first." Fei Shu felt uncomfortable, and didn't want to face this animal-like father.With a muffled sound, he buried his head and walked out.

This attitude almost made Fei Guan tremble with anger.It was with great difficulty that Fei Guan suppressed the evil fire in his heart, and then reluctantly walked out.

He got into the carriage in front of the door, ordered the coachman to drive the carriage, and slowly returned to his mansion.

When the carriage stopped in front of Fei's mansion, Fei Guan put aside the unhappiness of Fei Shu ruining the big event, and felt a great deal of relief.

Finally, this grievance was resolved.Fischer kept it.It's great to be able to avoid the behemoth of Chua.It's just that this joy has just risen.I saw a person ushering in the opposite side.

It was his eldest son Fei Biao.

Fei Biao was full of joy and walked over.

"Father, I've done everything right. I sold it for a total of [-] gold. It's enough to make amends." Fei Biao saluted Fei Guan with a smile on his face.

"What? You sold [-] gold? How many fields did you sell?" Fei Guan screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"I sold the two big villages outside Yicheng and the three big villages outside Xiangyang City. In Xiangyang County, except for the property passed down from the ancestors, I sold them all. It was urgent, so I had to sell them at half price. Twenty thousand gold. Oh, because my son felt that Liu Feng had a lot of resentment in his heart, and he was afraid that fifteen thousand gold would not be enough, so he collected five thousand gold." Fei Biao didn't notice Fei Guan's face, and continued to laugh.

"Ni Zi." Feeling dizzy, Fei Guan pointed at Fei Biao tremblingly, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Before falling asleep, I really wanted to kill this prodigal son with one knife.There is also a lot of resentment, Liu Feng's tolerance is greater than most people imagine.This prodigal son met Liu Feng once, and he actually evaluated Liu Feng for being so narrow-minded.

My property is worth forty thousand gold.Sale at half price.

All the heavy blows I received today came out at this moment.After Fei Guan spat out a mouthful of blood, he quickly passed out.

"Father, father." Fei Biao turned pale with shock and called out repeatedly.Fei's mansion went wild again.

In Cai Mansion, after Liu Feng left the side hall, he did not go to Cai Mao's study to continue reading.Instead, he returned to rest in the room arranged by Cai Mao.

After entering the house, Liu Feng dismissed the maid.Standing in the room, lost in thought.

Fei Guan's groveling today did not make Liu Feng complacent, but instead made Liu Feng feel dissatisfied, really dissatisfied.

He knew that Fei Guan's groveling was only because of Cai's influence.Without Cai's influence, would Fei Guan still be so obedient?impossible.Just a prefect of Jiangxia, too unqualified.

It is his ability to take advantage of the situation.No one can refute this.

But Liu Feng really felt dissatisfied.I really hope that one day, I can use my power to subdue people like Fei Guan.

Wash away the humiliation suffered in the past.

Liu Feng clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly turned to the direction of Xinye, with a cold light in his eyes.A kind of longing completely filled his heart.

Xinye is an eternal pain in Liu Feng's heart.He was there to go to a lot, a lot, a status, a mother.fame.It can be said to be embarrassing.

Sooner or later it will be you, Liu Bei.

The tightly clenched fingers suddenly dug into the flesh.A stream of blood flowed out, but Liu Feng was not afraid.The eyes are sharper, more eager, and more dissatisfied.

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