After standing for a long time, Liu Feng finally got up, went to a small table in the room and sat down, while writing the divorce letter, he also wrote a letter to Cai Yu. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Let her send someone to bring back Fei Ting, Fei's concubine daughter.Now the grievances have been written off.Liu Feng even let Fei Shu go, and the daughter of Fei's concubine who didn't even bother to see her, naturally had no reason to stay.

The divorce letter and a letter from Liu Feng to Fei Shu were quickly delivered to Fei Shu.

In the Fei mansion, in the boudoir.

Holding two letters written in cotton cloth.Fei Shu's eyes contained disappointment and surprise.The reason for the surprise was that her younger sister was unexpectedly in an extremely dire situation than she had imagined.

Liu Feng had already written it very clearly. On the wedding day, Liu Feng ordered Fei Ting to be placed under house arrest without even looking at Fei Ting.Delicious and delicious, no different from staying at home.

The reason for the loss was naturally Liu Feng's measure.When she thought that Liu Feng was the most tolerant man she had ever seen, Liu Feng gave her another surprise.

Thinking that he missed such a person, how could Fei Shu not be disappointed?

Hope to see you again.Fei Shu tightly held the letter in his hand, feeling very disappointed in his heart.

As the sky gradually darkened, Cai Mao's car, surrounded by dozens of guards, drove slowly towards Cai's mansion.

In the carriage, Cai Hao's face was a bit solemn. He received the news that Fei Guan vomited blood, and his son Fei Biao asked Liu Biao for leave on behalf of his father.

As an employee in Jingzhou, Fei Guan has a high status, but his specific rights and responsibilities are not great.Therefore, Liu Biao expressed his condolences, and granted sick leave, allowing Fei Guan to recuperate at home.

"Could it be that we can't agree?" Cai Mao thought about Liu Feng's blood, and couldn't bear it.He couldn't help feeling even more dignified in his heart, if they really failed to agree, for the sake of his sister, Fei would have to be kicked out of Jingchu.

The hostility in his eyes flashed away, Cai Mao thought to himself.

Soon, the carriage drove to the gate of Cai Mansion.Cai Mao got out of the carriage and walked to the front yard. After finding out that Liu Feng was in the study, he hurried to the study.

In the study room, Liu Feng was looking at a scroll of bamboo slips, which was a volume of biography of knight-errants in the Warring States period.It's time for Liu Fengquan to pass the time.Hearing movement outside the door, Liu Feng put down the bamboo slips.Looking up, seeing that it was Cai Mao who came, he couldn't help calling: "Brother Uncle."

"Did you fall out with Fei Guan?" Cai Mao asked solemnly.If they really fall out, it is a big deal for Fu Shi to arrange means, but how to send Liu Feng out of Jiangxia without anyone noticing is also a top priority.

"No, it's a reconciliation." Liu Feng asked a little strangely.

"Then why did Fei Guan vomit blood?" Cai Mao's face softened, but he still asked.

"I really don't know about this. Forget it, I'll talk to my brother-in-law about the terms of our settlement." Liu Feng was also surprised. Although he didn't let Fei Guan get his wish, Fei Guan wouldn't vomit blood either. .But seeing Cai Mao's questioning, Liu Feng still told what happened.Including the conditions of reconciliation, the [-] shi of grain.

"That's strange. I received news that Fei Guan vomited blood in front of the mansion, and the Fei manor was in chaos." Cai Mao was also very surprised after hearing this.

However, since the two have reconciled.Cai Mao didn't care too much about these small details.

Thinking that Liu Feng actually knocked Fei's [-] shi of grain, Cai Mao smiled slightly: "Then Fei's grain business has been in business for several generations, and the business is very big, sometimes I feel jealous. That's right."

The speaker has the heart, but the listener has the heart.Liu Feng's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking: "Is there no food business under the Cai family?"

"Yes, but it's not big. It's not on a large scale." Cai Mao shook his head and said, the so-called specialization in art. Although the Cai family is huge and has many industries, it is impossible to get involved in every business.

Cai's industry is more inclined to fields, warships, and even arms trading.

In the 12th year of Jian'an, there were many natural disasters. In the south of the Yangtze River, there was a drought first, and then a flood.It is impossible for Liu Feng to let such a powerful opportunity go unnoticed.Although there is a lot of food for [-] shi, it is really a drop in the bucket for the millions of people in Jingzhou, Yangzhou and other places.

In other words, even if Liu Feng prepares 100 million shi of grain, someone will buy it from him.

According to Cai Mao's words, it seems easier to buy food from Fei Shi.But Liu Feng didn't want to have any more entanglements with people like Fei Guan.Therefore, I still want to trouble Cai Mao.

"If I give 50 gold, I wonder if my uncle can help me buy [-] shi of grain?" Liu Feng thought about it. Although Jiangxia County is short of money, it is crowded, and he has his own private house. Money, can still make up [-] gold.

Cai Hao was taken aback and asked, "Didn't you already buy [-] shi of grain? That's enough grain for [-] troops to use for three months."

"There are not many people under Jiang Xia's rule, but there are [-] in the army. This number may increase. I want to prepare more money for emergencies." It's not that Liu Feng is unwilling to explain to Cai Mao, but neither Maybe he told Cai Mao directly that he knew that there would be a natural disaster sweeping the south next year, and that was the only explanation he could make.

"It's true, you have so many troops under your rule. It can be regarded as a military force, and you can't afford to rely on Jiangxia." Cai Mao had no doubts about Liu Feng's explanation.After he paused and considered for a moment, Cai Mao shook his head and said, "Even Fei's family can hardly come up with such a large amount. Let alone our Cai family. I can only use my contacts in private to help you raise 20 shi." , if you want to continue buying the remaining 30 shi, you have to buy it from Liu Biao."

"Buy from Liu Biao?" Liu Feng couldn't help frowning. As a thorn in Liu Biao's side, Liu Biao couldn't possibly sell him the grain.

"Yes." Cai Mao nodded, looked at Liu Feng with a smile, and said, "The weather in Jingzhou has been good all these years, causing the grain to pile up like a mountain, and the official warehouses in some places can't put it down. There is a lot of grain because it is placed under the sky. , rotted. Liu Biao has been suffering a lot recently and wants to expand official warehouses in various places to store grain."

Liu Feng understood what Cai Mao meant.Since Liu Biao had so much food that he couldn't put it down.It is better to buy directly from Liu Biao than to buy privately.It is better to sell than to let it rot.Presumably Liu Biao is not a fool.

"Forget it. After a while, I will send someone to pay Liu Biao enough." Liu Feng nodded.It is definitely not easy to buy 50 shi of grain. Among other things, at least a granary must be built in Xiling County first.This is basic.

"That's right." Cai Mao nodded with a smile.

Since the two families have reconciled, rather than coming on the way, Cai Mao thought that there was no agreement.Cai Mao was also very relaxed. After talking a few words with Liu Feng, he also had dinner with Liu Feng.

In the next few days, Liu Feng also stayed in Cai's mansion peacefully, waiting for Pang Tong's return.

There is no big deal in mind, planning.These days, it has become a rare peaceful day for Liu Feng.

Today, it is noon.

Liu Feng was still sitting in Cai Mao's study, reading a book, with two maids waiting beside him.In his hand was a scroll of Guiguzi's Art of War, which fascinated him.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and within a moment, Cai Dang's small face appeared in front of Liu Feng's eyes.

Since meeting once last time, Liu Feng also met Cai Dang occasionally, but when the two met, they either had a meal or passed by in a hurry.Did not say a few words.

Seeing that Cai Dang's breathing was rough after running, his little face was flushed.He couldn't help but put down the bamboo slips in his hand, and asked strangely, "Why are you in such a hurry, sir?"

"Is it because of you?" Cai Dang wondered if it was because of you, a cheap brother-in-law, that I would work so hard?Thinking that Liu Feng is his cheap brother-in-law, Cai Dang couldn't help being anxious.

"For me?" Liu Feng asked strangely.

"Don't talk yet, come with me." Cai Dang didn't answer Liu Feng's question, but stepped forward and grabbed Liu Feng's hand and pulled it away.

As strong as Cai Dang is as a young man, Liu Feng can pull this reckless guy over with just a light tug.But seeing the seriousness on Cai Dang's little face, Liu Feng thought that something big had happened, so Cai Dang pulled him over.Quickly went out.

Cai Dang took Liu Feng's hand and walked towards a yard in the front yard at an extremely fast speed.Liu Feng has also been to that courtyard, it is the largest courtyard in the Cai Mansion, it is very exquisite, usually Cai Mao's meetings are held there.

Just when Liu Feng wondered if Cai Mao was looking for him.

Cai Dang grabbed his hand and walked in.

What appeared in front of Liu Feng was a huge and exquisite courtyard.There are pavilions, rockeries, and of course ponds.

It's just that Liu Feng seems to have come at the wrong time.

Because in the center of the yard, on a large piece of ground paved with stone slabs, there are more than ten desks, and more than ten men and two women are sitting.

These people are all good-looking and slender.Wearing brocade clothes, with a sword hanging from his waist.The sitting posture is elegant, and he looks like a son of an aristocratic family.

It's just that in this yard, these men seem to be a foil.It was the two women who really stood out.

One of the two women was dressed in red and the other in white.The one in red is fair-skinned and tall.What surprised Liu Feng was that his appearance was three points similar to Cai's.Liu Feng guessed that this woman should be the owner of the house, that is, Cai Tao's only daughter Cai Da.

The other one was dressed in white and was slightly petite. His face was covered with a veil, so he couldn't see his face clearly. The only thing that stood out seemed to be his long golden hair that shone slightly in the sun.

Why are the other young masters acting as foils?Except for these two women who are very dazzling, the other seats are scattered on the left and right of these two women, forming a rectangle, and seated down one by one.

Liu Feng was looking at them, and they were also looking at Liu Feng.

The eyes are either probing, full of hostility, or curiosity.And so on.

"What's going on?" Liu Feng lowered his head and asked Cai Dang.

Cai Dang showed a resentful expression on his face, glared at Liu Feng, and said, "These people are going to rob you of my sister. My sister told me that after this banquet, it's time for my sister to decide who to choose as her husband. gone."

Cai Dang's voice was not too loud.

"What does it have to do with me?" While Liu Feng was ashamed, the hostile eyes all around instantly soared.

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