Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 166 That's my niece - -! ! !

While the surrounding hostility was soaring, Cai Da, who was sitting in the first place, blushed and looked at her younger brother with some reproach. (Apex novel hand typed novel) There is no big or small, how can the private words between siblings be spoken in public.

Huang Yueying, who was sitting next to her, looked at Liu Feng secretly.Seems to be very interested.

"Cough, excuse me." Facing many gazes, Liu Feng coughed lightly and said with cupped fists.

"What are you bothering me, why don't you come in soon?" Cai Dang pulled Liu Feng into it.There is still a vacant seat at the far end on the left, which must be Cai Dang's seat.

"Why don't you add a seat quickly?" Cai Dang ordered Liu Feng to his seat, and ordered to the serving maid next to him.

"Yes." After the maid answered, she went down immediately. After a while, she led a few servants and came in with a case and a cushion.

Liu Feng, who had been baffled until now, could only look at Cai Dang helplessly at this moment, and sat down.

From the beginning to the end, Cai Da didn't say anything to stop her.Cai Dang was right, this party was an important basis for her decision to get married.

No matter how many people chased her before, as a woman, she must make a decision.

Originally, according to Cai Mao's intention, Cai Da made her own choice, because Cai Yu's lessons learned there, Cai Mao didn't want her daughter to follow Cai Yu's old path.

But Cai Da is very calm, but she knows that if she marries Liu Cong, it will strengthen Cai's power.What's more, there are so many young masters, all of them are similar.

Oily hair and pink noodles, beautiful fists and embroidered legs, it doesn't matter who you marry?

With this in mind, Cai Da decided to make a decision today to discuss with Cai Mao and discuss marriage with Liu Biao.

"I didn't expect the prefect Jiang Xia to intervene, and this matter finally became interesting." Huang Yueying turned her head and said in a low voice.His eyes are full of joy.Very naughty.

"He is indeed outstanding, but it is impossible for me, Mrs. Cai, to marry him." Cai Danai replied.

Cai's power is huge, and Liu Feng is a thorn in Liu Biao's side. If Cai and Liu Feng marry, they will only be feared by Liu Biao. Although Cai is not afraid, it is not a good thing.

What's more, Liu Feng has a wife.Although she divorced, this became one of the reasons why Cai Da could not marry Liu Feng.

"Well, it makes sense. But what I'm watching is the excitement." Huang Yueying nodded approvingly, turned her head to look at the field, and joy immediately climbed into her eyes.

Cai Da was so focused on talking to Huang Yueying just now that she didn't pay attention. Seeing Huang Yueying's eyes at this moment, she couldn't help turning her gaze back to the field, and she was a little speechless.

As Cai Da herself admitted, Liu Feng is outstanding.Wherever you go, you can attract attention.

But at this moment, Liu Feng's appearance doesn't work anymore. He is heroic, but lacks softness.Among the people present, no less than five fingers surpassed Liu Feng in appearance.

But even if his appearance is a little more ordinary, Liu Feng's entry cannot be ignored.

That's momentum, that's confidence.All the young masters present are good at playing swords and archery.Almost no one has been able to lead an army, let alone fight.

When Liu Feng walked in, it was like a sharp sword, piercing straight in.Make this group of sons eclipsed.

Some people feel ashamed and withdraw.But there are also some people who become angry from embarrassment.What's more, Cai Dang's words just now made several people's blood surge.

Cai Da actually admitted in private that this party was the basis for her choosing her husband.This is what makes the young masters excited.

The Cai family is so powerful, what would it be like to be on the list?Several people's blood boiled in their hearts.

Of course, there is also Liu Cong sitting on the left side of Cai Da.He thinks differently.

In terms of appearance, Liu Cong was the best among all the people present.

Although he is not very old, only 16 years old, he perfectly inherited the good looks of his father Liu Biao, and he was born very tall.

As the lord of Jingchu, Liu Biao had the faint idea of ​​raising his son as a prince.Therefore, Liu Cong's upbringing is also very good, and when he sits there, people will feel a sense of grace and grace rushing towards him.

Liu Cong clenched his fists as he thought about his father Liu Biao's confession.He looked at Liu Feng with more hostility.

What Liu Biao told him was to marry Cai Mao's daughter.One is to consolidate the relationship between Cai and Liu.The second is to prevent the Cai family from sitting down again.In particular, it is necessary to guard against the alliance between the Cai family and the Kuai family.

As a son of man, he should relieve his father's worries.What's more, Miss Cai's family is really beautiful.

After all, she is not very old, but Liu Cong secretly glanced at Cai Da at this moment, and only felt that she was very beautiful.If you take it as your wife, it is also a great joy in life.

It's just that Liu Feng's existence made Liu Cong feel threatened.After glancing at Cai Da, Liu Cong looked at Liu Feng again, a hint of vague hostility flashed in his eyes.

In addition, Kuai Zan, the son of Kuai Yue, can best compete with Liu Cong.This man is the second son of Kuai Yue.He also inherited his father's good looks and Kuijie's physique.

Sitting on Huang Yueying's right side at the moment, she also has an extraordinary bearing.

It's just that Kuai Zan's thoughts on Cai Da are much smaller. He is a smart person and knows that Kuai's marriage with Cai's is not suitable, which will lead to instability in Jingchu.

Kuai also had no ambition to join forces with Cai to replace Liu Biao.

Other than these two, the competition ability of others is much less.Therefore, Liu Cong is actually the only one who has the best chance of marrying Cai Da as his wife.

But there are also many other people who boast of extraordinary family background.Especially those people who feel good about themselves.

"I don't know who is your brother?" No, just as Liu Feng sat down, someone raised his fist and asked.

This person's question is also what everyone wants to know except Cai Da and Huang Yueying who know Liu Feng's identity, so their eyes are all on Liu Feng.

"This is Wang Du, the son of Wang Can. His father is very famous and talented. But he is not very good, and his appearance is even more ordinary. Therefore, he is the least threatening, and my brother-in-law can rest assured." Cai Dang volunteered to introduce Liu Feng. road.

"You little guy, you and your sister should be my nephew and niece." Liu Feng couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but since he came, there was no reason to retreat halfway.

Liu Feng couldn't help raising his fist when he heard the words: "I am the descendant of the Kou family in Luo County, named Shuang."

"It turns out that they are the descendants of princes, disrespect and disrespect." Although Wang Du called him disrespectful in his mouth, he did not take it seriously in his eyes.The Kou family in Luo County was indeed extraordinary in the early Han Dynasty, but now.Just a little rich man.

There are not a few people who think the same as Wang Du.

Those present were either from one of the big clans, or from important ministers under Liu Biao's account.Which one of the father's generation is not famous, they really don't take Liu Feng seriously.

Including Liu Cong, most people breathed a sigh of relief.Once this person is no longer a threat, the hostility will be gone.Why make an enemy of a person who is not competitive, and hold on when you are full?

Although those present were all incompetent, their kung fu of adapting to the wind was first-rate.All of them quietly suppressed the hostility in their eyes, and suddenly became more gentle than a gentleman.

"Hehe, Mr. Wang Can is a well-known celebrity in the world. I have admired him for a long time. It is a great honor to meet his son today." People call him the descendants of princes, and Liu Feng of course also complimented Wang Du's father.

However, having said that, Wang Can's name is indeed very famous. Among the seven sons of Jian'an who are well-known in later generations, there is Wang Can, and he is still the crown of the seven sons of Jian'an.First-rate literary talents.

Although it was a compliment, Wang Du was still overjoyed after hearing it.The eyes that looked at Liu Feng immediately became a little closer.

However, some people could not understand the closeness of the two of them, so they snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, descendants of princes and princes? That is the old Huangli calendar hundreds of years ago, and now the Kou family is just a small clan huddled in Luo County. The gentry are not counted. A few days ago, there was Liu Feng, who was a bandit in Jiangxia, causing trouble. He is a bandit clan."

This man's words made Wang Du unhappy immediately.He just wanted to get close to Liu Feng, so this guy picked out the bones in the egg, which is really unreasonable.

"Although Liu Feng was a bandit at the beginning, he is also the prefect of Jiangxia personally appointed by Liu Jingzhou at this moment, and he is a senior member of the party. Mr. Liu's words are a bit biased." Wang Du said coldly.

"That's Liu Xian's dog, Mr. Liu. It's nothing but a stinky fart." Cai Dang introduced again, with a weary face, obviously not very interested in Mr. Liu.

Don't talk about Cai Dang, just say that Liu Feng is also a little unhappy with this guy.Anyway, Liu Feng thought in his heart that the Kou family was his root, and in the future he would change one of his sons' surname to Kou and recognize his ancestor as his ancestor.Calling the Kou family a family of thieves, isn't that the same as calling his son a thieves?

Liu Feng's eyes immediately turned cold.

"What does it have to do with you if I talk to this guy?" Dong Liu's character was very anxious, and he immediately cursed after hearing the words.

"You bastard." Wang Du said from embarrassment at being humiliated in front of everyone.

"What's the matter? Am I wrong? Fight me if you have the ability." Hearing this, Dong Liu glanced at Wang Du contemptuously, and slightly pulled out the long sword at his waist, full of provocation.

This era still has some remnants of the Warring States period, and there are times when there are disagreements and swords drawn.

But whoever is present is not a son who has enjoyed all the glory and wealth, and he cherishes his life.The long sword on the waist is for the sake of looking good, no one is for fighting.

And Liu Dong is a well-known warrior who can kill people, and has killed people.Naturally, Wang Du didn't dare to fight with him, but let it go, and fell into prestige again.I couldn't help but my face turned red and blue, and I couldn't get off the stage.

"Shut up." At the critical moment, it was Kuai Zan who reprimanded Liu Dong, and then raised his fist to Wang Du in apology: "He is impatient, and I hope my good brother can't blame him."

Under Kuai Zan's sharp gaze, Liu Dong was obviously timid.Resentfully, he pulled out a little long sword and returned it.

As for Wang Du's side, Kuai Zan was also able to step down because of his personal apology.He nodded with a sullen face.

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