Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 167 The Immature Ghost, Ma Liang

It's really getting more and more interesting. (Apex novel hand-written novel)" Huang Yueying whispered to herself with teasing eyes. She saw the coldness that flashed in Liu Feng's eyes just now.

Let alone Huang Yueying, even Cai Da couldn't laugh or cry.Someone actually dared to scold Liu Feng in front of Liu Feng, and even called the Kou family a bandit.It can be regarded as the greatest joke in the world.

You know, Liu Feng is indeed inferior to these people in terms of family affairs, but in terms of power, even Liu Cong present is nothing more than respected status.

"Who is that person?" Liu Feng glanced at Kuai Zan and asked in a low voice.

"That's Kuai Yue's second son, Kuai Zan, and they are cousins." Cai Dang glanced at Kuai Zan, showing a trace of fear in his eyes. The only one in Jingzhou who can fight against the Cai family is the Kuai family.Then Kuai Zan is nothing, but Kuai's is a gold-lettered signboard.

Kuai?There was a solemn look in Liu Feng's eyes, but there was no sign of retreating in his heart.That Liu Dong's mouth was so cheap that he even scolded his unborn son.

If you don't take action to teach me a lesson, what will I do in the future.

"That's just a reckless man. If it wasn't for Kuai's protection, I don't know where he died. Such a character, why should you care about it?" Suddenly a low voice sounded from the side.

When Liu Feng heard this, he looked and saw that the person who was speaking was the person sitting on the right seat of Cai Dang.About 20 years old, fair complexion, sharp eyes, very extraordinary.

In particular, a pair of eyebrows are white.

Suddenly, Liu Feng's mind was shocked, and he vaguely remembered a sentence, Ma's Wuchang, white eyebrows are the best.This is a sentence describing Ma Liang, a loyal scholar of the Shu Han Dynasty.

Rumor has it that the Ma family is a clan in Yicheng, Xiangyang, and the five brothers in Ma Liang's generation are all talented and famous, and are highly praised by the village.Among them, the white eyebrow is the best, referring to Ma Liang.

Because Ma Liang was born with white eyebrows.

Liu Feng was familiar with some important ministers of the Shu Han. When he thought of Ma Liang, the records of Ma Liang immediately came to mind.

This person has a great reputation, but there is only one thing that can sum up his achievements.Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, and Liu Bei launched an army to take revenge.Ma Liang entered the territory occupied by the barbarians in Wuling Wuxi alone. With only his three-inch tongue, he persuaded the barbarian leaders to accept Liu Bei's seal and sent troops to attack Jingzhou with Liu Bei.And it's not the kind of half-hearted, but wholeheartedly helping Liu Bei.

Like ghosts and gods.Moreover, this person and Zhuge Liang are called brothers and sisters, and he is also respected by Sun Quan.It is a pity that Liu Bei defeated Yiling and Ma Liang was killed.

According to the records of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Liang Zhenshi was a good minister of the Shu Han Dynasty.

Although Yi Ji was also a temporary choice, he was far inferior to Ma Liang.Shocked in his heart, Liu Feng's eyes flickered and he restrained himself.

He cupped his hands towards Baimei and said, "Brother?"

At this moment, Director Liu disappeared automatically from Liu Feng's heart.Compared with Ma Liang, then Liu Dong is nothing.

"Yicheng Ma Liang." Ma Liang saluted Liu Feng and said with a smile.

"Sure enough." Liu Feng's heart immediately surged with ecstasy. First there was Yi Ji, then Ma Liang, and if Pang Tong, Huang Zhong, and Gan Ning were counted, no matter in power, ability, or resources, he had more talents than others. Liu Bei is strong.

Fighting Jiangxia and entering Xiangyang alone.What is it?One is that when a man is alive, he cannot have power for a day.Otherwise, you will die in troubled times.Second, it was to raise troops to take back the Gan family.Three, Liu Feng has to prove to the world that he is stronger than Liu Bei.One day, he will make Liu Bei regret it.Regret pushing him away.Let Liu Bei understand Fei's pain today.

His heart was shaken, but Liu Feng remained calm, smiled slightly, raised his fist and said, "So it's Ma Liang and Ma Jichang who are known as Ma's Wuchang and the best white eyebrows."

"Hehe, the so-called white eyebrows are the best, it's just a joke and an exaggeration of the villagers." Ma Liang said very modestly.

"The so-called cause must have an effect. Under the reputation, although there are vain people, most of them are also famous. Brother Ji Chang, don't be too modest." Liu Feng laughed.

Although Ma Liang is talented, he is only 21 years old at the moment.There is no such ghostly power as in later generations.Liu Feng praised Ma Liang a little bit.

See also Liu Feng calling himself Biaozi.Quickly asked: "Just now I only heard Xiongtai's self-reported name, I don't know if there is a name?"

It stands to reason that in this era, as long as people of certain status have a reputation.Liu Feng should be no exception, but he saw that Liu Feng's head was wrapped in a cloth scarf, which didn't seem to reach the crown, so he was a little uncertain.

In ancient times, when the ancients reached the crown at the age of 20, they would be bestowed with watch characters by the elders.Of course Liu Feng didn't, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "I haven't reached the crown yet, so there's no sign."

"Hehe, then I'll call Xiongtai Brother Kou." I had already guessed in my heart, so Ma Liang was already prepared, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, whatever you want is fine." Liu Feng also smiled slightly.

The two seemed to hit it off and had a good chat.But it annoyed Cai Dang.He said angrily: "Hey, this is not a place to make friends. Didn't you hear that just now? My sister is going to choose a husband-in-law from among you."

"Hey, I actually already have a wife at home, this time I was just brought here to join in the fun." Ma Liang's face flashed a bit of embarrassment when he heard this, and he cupped his hands.

"What?" Cai Dang's face was full of dissatisfaction. He already had a wife at home, so why did he come here.

Ma Liang's so-called friends are the descendants of the Dong family, a rich family in Yicheng. This party is also an examination of the school's family background. The seats in the row, in terms of family background, the Dong family is in the third row.It is only one row away from Kuai Zan.

But the Yicheng Ma family is not in the mainstream, so Ma Liang is almost at the bottom.On the right is an unfamiliar son of an aristocratic family, and on the left is the little guy Cai Dang.Sitting alone, he couldn't help but speak to Liu Feng.

"Don't mess around, I don't know how you call me brother-in-law. But I and your father Cai Mao are brothers, how can I take your sister." This is a good opportunity to explain clearly, Liu Feng couldn't help but sullen, and said to Cai Dang Road.

"What?" Cai Dang's small face suddenly turned, and he stared blankly at Liu Feng.I thought this was the default brother-in-law, but I didn't expect such a big oolong.

"It's absolutely true." Liu Feng nodded seriously.

"It's too embarrassing, I don't care about it." Cai Dang seemed a little annoyed, muttered, and left angrily.

Cai Dang was here to make up the numbers and make trouble.His departure did not attract the attention of others.

Liu Feng also took the opportunity to sit in Cai Dang's seat, next to Ma Liang.The two sat together, and Liu Feng deliberately made friends again. For a while, the two felt like they hit it off.

At the moment, the venue is very lively, those who make friends by writing make friends by writing, and those who write poems write poems.If someone writes a stunning poem, it will definitely attract applause.

Compared with the lively atmosphere around, Liu Feng and Ma Liang's side was a bit dull.The rise of the two talking about everything.

The more in-depth the discussion, the more Liu Feng felt that Ma Liang's talent was unfathomable.

Among Chen Shou's annals of the Three Kingdoms, Shu has the least length, and Ma Liang's record is only a few dozen lines.Legend has it that there were no official historians in the Kingdom of Shu at the beginning, so when Chen Shou wrote the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, many words, deeds, and experiences of various characters in the Kingdom of Shu were not passed down.

Liu Feng felt that Ma Liang might also be one of them. According to Ma Liang's talent, he had a lot of authority in the Shu Kingdom, and it was impossible for him to only persuade the Wuxi barbarians to surrender in his life.

In terms of talent and learning, Liu Feng felt that only Ma Liang present was worthy of Cai Da.Unfortunately, he already has a wife.

Contrary to what Liu Feng thought, all the princes present, including Liu Cong, were no longer interested in Liu Feng.

Except for the stunning aura that Liu Feng showed when he first came in, other things are really mediocre.So mediocre.

Some people saw Liu Feng talking with Ma Liang.The family backgrounds of the two are not well-known.I couldn't help but sneer in my heart, the two pieces of shit complement each other perfectly.

From time to time, some contemptuous glances glanced at Liu Feng. After all, Ma Liang was younger, and a bit of embarrassment and anger flashed across his face from time to time.Unlike Liu Feng, he dealt with it very calmly.

How can a group of people who are full of poems and poems be compared with him and Ma Liang?

"Don't pay attention to them, whether the husband can succeed or not, we will know in the future." Seeing Ma Liang's embarrassment from time to time, Liu Feng couldn't help persuading him.

This scene is very interesting. When Ma Liang talked to Liu Feng for the first time, he persuaded Liu Feng not to pay attention to Director Liu.

When speaking, Liu Feng's gaze remained the same, his expression unchanged.

"After all, it's because I don't have enough self-restraint, and I can't deal with it calmly like Brother Kou." Ma Liang felt admiration in his heart, but also felt ashamed. Seeing Liu Feng's calm appearance, his words of persuasion were really superfluous.

"Hehe." Liu Feng chuckled.

After such an interruption, Ma Liang was able to maintain his composure under the eyes of all around.

"By the way, I saw that when Brother Kou entered the courtyard just now, he had a faint murderous aura on him. I don't know where Brother Kou is the general?" Ma Liang suddenly asked curiously.

Seeing Ma Liang asking such a question, Liu Feng was not too surprised.A few days ago, Yiji also asked him the same question.

However, how to answer Ma Liang's question.Liu Feng had an idea in his mind.

"Jiang Xia." Liu Feng spit out two words calmly, his voice was so low that only he and Ma Liang could hear.

"What?" Ma Liang suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at Liu Feng in disbelief.

Jiang Xia?Isn't that occupied by Liu Feng?How could Liu Feng's general appear in the Cai Mansion?Wait, Kou's surname?Cool?Just as Ma Liang calmed down, he shook again.

He suddenly raised his head, and looked at Liu Feng carefully for a moment, with more and more disbelief in his eyes, until finally, he didn't trust his guess anymore.

But there was a voice in his heart telling him that his guess was right, not at all.This person in front of him is actually Liu Feng?

Besides Liu Feng, among the Kou family, who else can have Liu Feng's momentum?No wonder, no wonder the aura he displayed was so amazing when he first came in.

It's no wonder that he can deal with the contemptuous eyes of these young masters calmly.With Liu Feng's current achievements, the ability to start from scratch.Compared with him, the so-called young masters in this courtyard are not mediocre.

Like a nobleman, and a commoner.When a commoner shows contempt for a nobleman, the nobleman can only laugh in his heart, so why would he care?

Looking at Liu Feng's slightly smiling face, Ma Liang confirmed his guess more and more.The shock caused by this speculation continues.

It must be him, it must be him.The prefect of Jiangxia, Liu Feng.

And Liu Feng's appearance here, what does it represent?It means that there may be an earthquake-like change.The powerful Cai family and the powerful army in their hands.The powerful Liu Feng.

With distracting thoughts in his mind, Ma Liang felt his throat was dry and his heart was filled with horror.This state lasted for a long time.Only then did Ma Liang return to normal, raised his fist and said, "I'm sorry."

His voice was hoarse, showing that Ma Liang hadn't fully recovered from the shock.

This is the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

"It's my honor to meet brother Ji Chang here today." Liu Feng smiled slightly and raised his fist.

He knew that his strategy had succeeded, and the title of Prefect Jiang Xia was not worth mentioning to some people.For example, the more powerful Cao Cao, Liu Biao, Sun Quan, etc., or those noble families who looked down on Liu Feng's origin.

But for people like Ma Liang who don't have the habit of some gentry who think highly of themselves, the words Jiang Xia Taishou Liu Feng are already imposing enough.

Especially this character, where he should not have appeared.A shock was enough to pry open the door in Ma Liang's heart.

At this time, Ma Liang's heart was a blank sheet of paper, and he hadn't formed a clear idea of ​​who to be loyal to.In other words, it is the best time to make a move.

Ma's five constants, white eyebrows are the best.It is possible to wipe out the five Ma brothers in one go.

"It's my honor." Ma Liang said with a wry smile.He didn't understand why Liu Feng was so calm after he guessed his identity, and he claimed to be from Jiangxia.

"Hehe, Brother Ji Chang and I are honest with each other now. There is a question I want to ask Brother Ji Chang." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

"What's the problem?" Ma Liang asked.

"I'm afraid Brother Ji Chang will not forget the gazes of these people today?" Liu Feng turned his head slightly, glanced at the people in the field and said.

"Yes." Ma Liang did not deny this, although after Liu Feng's persuasion, he felt better.But still can't fully let go.

The smile in Liu Feng's eyes grew wider, and he said with a smile: "There is a way to make these gazes disappear completely, and that is status. To gain a higher status than their father, to gain a reputation that everyone in the world recognizes. At that time , this group of people will only look at you with admiration and awe."

Liu Feng already had a deep understanding of these words from Fei's body, so he said them with a strong emotion.It can resonate with people, especially Ma Liang, who is under the contemptuous eyes of everyone.

Hearing Liu Feng's emotional words, Ma Liang felt his blood boil slightly.

Isn't it for this purpose to study hard, visit famous teachers, and learn all kinds of talents?

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