Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 168 Kicked to the iron plate

Chapter 160 Kicked to the iron plate

Seeing the change in Ma Liang's expression, Liu Feng knew that the introduction of inducement and hard work had been placed. (Apex novels hand-made novels) will no longer be too aggressive.For the time being, focus on the field.

At this moment, Liu Cong, who was only 16 years old, made a speech and was being read aloud by his attendants.

After listening to a passage, Liu Feng couldn't help feeling amazed.In the three years in Xinye, although Liu Feng couldn't write lyrics, he could understand them.If you only talk about this kind of talent and learning, Liu Cong can be regarded as a brilliant man in Jingchu.

Liu Biao has been in Jingchu for more than ten years, making the literary style flourish. His son Liu Cong has such talents and learning, which can reflect the prosperity of literature in Jingchu.

"It seems that Cai Da is destined to marry Liu Cong." Liu Feng thought to himself.

Of course he knew that the people in the courtyard were all foils, and the real protagonists were Cai Da and Liu Cong. There is no doubt that the Cai family is approaching the Liu family. In history, Cai Yu married Liu Biao and became Liu Qi, Liu Cong. Brother's stepmother, while Cai Da married Liu Cong.Therefore, while the Cai family was approaching the Liu family, they were also approaching Liu Cong. Gradually, Liu Qi was forced to leave, and after Liu Biao's death, Liu Cong was established as the heir.

It's a pity, no matter how good the literary talent is.However, his ability was not enough to deter the officials. In the end, this kid gave Jing Chu to Cao Cao under the advice of Cai Shi, Kuai Shi and others.

So far, the world has been divided into three parts.

Liu Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Because they haven't shown it for a long time, Liu Feng and Ma Liang are almost people interested in it.Almost no one noticed that Liu Feng was shaking his head, but one person saw it.

Seeing Liu Feng's subtle shaking of his head, Huang Yueying's eyes almost lit up.Originally, she was looking forward to the birth of Liu Feng, which would bring a shocking change to the party that had already decided its ending.But what disappointed her was that Liu Feng didn't seem interested in Cai Da.

On the contrary, talking with Ma Liang beside him seemed to be very pleasant.

This made Huang Yueying a little unhappy and depressed.Huang Yueying is not interested in any poems and songs. Compared with Huang Yueying, she prefers more practical knowledge such as vertical and horizontal techniques, military art, etc.

Huang Yueying has a very good relationship with Cai Da, and she also knows that Cai Da is not interested in poetry and songs.But looking at Liu Cong's beautiful diction at this time, Cai Da had to show a little smile on her face.Huang Yueying felt even more upset.Strong smile ah.

Who said that my sister is destined to marry that flamboyant fist and embroidered legs.Wouldn't it be better to marry Jiangxia prefect?At least he is a man who has proved his ability and ability to the world.

How can someone rise up against the rebels and capture Jiang Xia if they don't have the ability?How can you rely on Cai's if you don't have the ability?

Since Cai Mao hid Liu Feng in the Cai Mansion, it proves that the two families are close, why not kiss each other?Anyway, now Liu Feng has divorced Fei Shu, the man is unmarried, and the woman is unmarried.Isn't it a match made in heaven?

Having made a decision in her heart, the pair of black beads in Huang Yueying's eyes couldn't help spinning around.

But they are calculating whether Cai's marriage with Liu Feng will cause incalculable consequences.

Huang Yueying is proficient in vertical and horizontal techniques, the art of war, and even specialize in power techniques.After some calculations, it is not bad.

The Cai family has Cai Yu marrying Liu Biao, and the relationship is very close.Even if Cai Da marries Liu Cong again, it will only be more kisses.It can only strengthen the relationship with the Liu family, but it will not make the Cai family go any further.

But Liu Feng was different.Liu Feng sits in Jiangxia and is currently at odds with Liu Biao.And if the Cai family marries Cai Da to Liu Feng, it will serve as a bridge between Liu Biao and Liu Feng.

So that the two have the opportunity to get close.Trust each other more.It not only solved Liu Biao's troubles, but also solved Liu Feng's troubles.At the same time, Cai, as a bridge, can also have more say.

It is a tripartite benefit.In other words, if Cai Da marries Liu Cong, it will be a loss for all three parties.

"Sister, Jingzhou's literary style is at its peak, and I see a lot of people with outstanding literary talents. It's a bit boring. I think all the people present here are from noble families, dressed in brocade clothes, wearing ancient crowns, and practicing swordsmanship. They should have some research on swordsmanship? Why don't you compare your swordsmanship." Huang Yueying turned her head slightly while her eyes were shining, and said to Cai Da.

The voice is neither high nor low, just enough for everyone to hear.

Liu Cong was writing a beautiful poem that shocked the audience, and he was smiling all over his face at the moment, Huang Yueying's words undoubtedly slapped him.What does it mean to be a little boring?

Liu Cong was furious, but with the beauty by his side, he couldn't lose his grace.He couldn't help but forced a smile, and said: "Since you practice swordsmanship, you naturally have some research on swordsmanship. But playing with swords and swords is an insult to gentleness. I think it's better than swordsmanship."

Huang Yueying was quite disdainful when she heard the words, would it be insulting to be polite to play with swords?You idiot, if you can't do swordsmanship, you can't do it. What excuses do you have?The excuses are still so bad, now is the troubled times, and the one who protects you young masters is the sword that you despise.

How can Jingzhou be so stable like a sword?

Not to mention Huang Yueying, even Cai Da felt a little disgusted with Liu Cong.But as the owner of this place, Liu Cong is basically her husband-in-law nailed to the iron plate.She couldn't speak well either.But doubts arose in her heart, did she really want to marry this son who didn't even understand the world?Thinking about it, Cai Da couldn't help feeling a little sad in her heart.

Jingzhou's literary style is at its peak, and most of the ladies from aristocratic families are dancing and writing.Liu Cong also thought that Cai Da was an ordinary person, so he couldn't help raising the level of his writing and belittling Wu Fu.

But he didn't expect that Cai Da and Huang Yueying were in the middle of the magic.Instead, he was self-defeating, lifting a rock and shooting himself in the foot.

"Hmph, the second son was joking. In today's troubled times, there are swords and soldiers everywhere, and literati practice swords for safety. How can this sword technique be said to be insulting to gentlemen?" Liu Dongping is most proud of his swordsmanship. Hearing Liu Cong belittle swordsmanship, he said without thinking.

"This cousin's brain really isn't working." Kuai Zan's face turned green.No matter how Liu Cong is, with his status, it is not easy to ridicule him in public.

Kuai Zan raised his head and glanced at Liu Cong. Sure enough, Liu Cong's expression was very ugly.

Liu Cong has a deep scheming mind and a sinister personality.It can be seen from his alliance with the Cai family and forcing Liu Qi away.And Liu Dong's mouth is cheap, and people are even more cheap.

It's fun for the two to pinch each other.Liu Feng watched the joke completely as an outsider.I just don't know how Kuai Zan ended up with his cousin's recklessness.

Liu Feng couldn't help turning his eyes to Kuai Zan.

Dong Liu is currently proud of himself, how could he notice his cousin's expression.He got up and came to the middle, and drew half of the long sword around his waist.

With a smug expression, like a king, he glanced majestically at the audience.When his eyes caught Cai Da's stunning face, Dong Liu did not hide the greed in his eyes.

Seeing Liu Dong's unrestrained eyes, Liu Cong's face turned green.It's just that he has deep scheming, knowing that this is not the time to settle accounts with Liu Dong, if he compares swordsmanship with him, he will definitely lose.

So Liu Cong slowly restrained his expression, hid the murderous intent in his eyes, and sat down.

"Let him make trouble. At most, he will be sent to the countryside after the incident, locked up for a year or so, to sharpen his character." Seeing Liu Cong retreating with hatred, Kuai Zan also knew that even his persuasion would not be able to resolve this grievance, so he couldn't help it. thinking.

Soon, Director Liu scanned the audience with his eyes.Seeing people dare to compete with him, I can't help but compare myself.

Thinking of Cai Dang saying that today is the time when Cai Da decides her husband, his heart can't help but become even hotter.The way of civil and military has always been equal.

Today, there is Liu Congwen who beats all the heroes, and he is the number one in swordsmanship.It should be half a catty.Have a chance to marry this daughter of the Cai family?

The more he thought about it, the more satisfied Liu Dong was.However, Dong Liu suddenly thought of a problem.Liu Cong's literary skills overwhelm all heroes, and he has proved it to others.But his sword skills are not.Always find someone to test the sword, let everyone know that he is a superb swordsman?

Thinking, Liu Dong opened his eyes and scanned the audience again.His eyes turned from top to bottom, slowly moving towards Ma Liang.

Those present are all from extraordinary family backgrounds, otherwise how could they step into Cai's mansion.Only Ma Liang is not popular.It is inevitable that you will be injured in the swordsmanship competition. The few smart cells in Liu Dong's brain let him know that you can't just joke about the life of the nobleman present.Ma Liang was different, even if he was injured or even died, it didn't matter.

It's not that Dong Liu has never thought about Liu Feng, it's just that Liu Feng looks a little stronger.In his mind, he should have some skills.And what he wants is to overwhelm the crowd with skill, it is best to kill the opponent in seconds, so as to have the effect of shocking the audience.

If Liu Feng can resist two or three moves, wouldn't it be a big loss?Therefore, he chose Ma Liang.

"I heard that the Ma family once produced a knight-errant. The family has a long history. Brother Ma's swordsmanship must be superb. Please teach me a few tricks." Dong Liu drew his sword out of its sheath and laid it across his chest, very domineering road.

Liu Feng sensed the murderous intent in Dong Liu's heart, and his eyes flashed coldly.This guy is really looking for his own death, Ma Liang's finger is worth more than a mediocre person like you.

But before Liu Feng made a move.An angry voice sounded. "Dong Liu, you have to be arrogant. If you want to compete in swords, go to those knights. Brother Ma, he doesn't know any swordsmanship at all." The one who spoke to help Ma Liang was the friend who brought Ma Liang into Cai's mansion, surnamed Dong son.

The power of the Dong family is not small, and Liu Dong hesitated when he heard the words.This soft persimmon is a bit hard and cannot be pinched.Then change it.Dong Liu set his sights on Liu Feng.

"Brother Kou." Interrupted by Liu Dongyi, Ma Liang recovered from Liu Feng's words.Seeing Liu Dong cast his gaze on Liu Feng, he couldn't help but jump in his heart.

To be a general does not necessarily mean superb swordsmanship.Some Confucian generals also said that when Liu Feng entered the courtyard, although he was very imposing, he might not know any swordsmanship.

"Brave man, finally kicked the iron plate this time." Seeing that the fire finally reached Liu Feng, Huang Yueying felt very happy.Her eyes were shining, her father Huang Chengyan was friends with Sima Hui, so he naturally knew something about Liu Feng. Liu Feng studied under Xu Shu as a teacher, not only learned literature, but also learned swordsmanship.

And Xu Shu was a knight-errant back then, killing people with a sword.The swordsmanship practiced is of course not a juggling juggling trick by young masters like Liu Dong, it is a real killing technique.

Didn't Liu Dong hit the iron plate?But things can be regarded as developing as expected, let everyone see your ability.Also let my sister know that only a man with real skills can be relied on.That's the one you should marry the most.If you want to choose a husband and son-in-law, you must also choose you, the prefect of Jiangxia, not the second generation ancestor like Liu Cong.

"Do you dare to compete swords with me? The descendants of bandits." Liu Dong's mouth was still so cheap, and he pointed the tip of the sword directly at Liu Feng insolently.

Look contemptuous.

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