Chapter 170

Khan, it's really dark. (Apex Novels Hand-Typed Novel) Got the chapter title wrong again.This chapter continues the next chapter, scaring him out.


If it was said that Liu Cong's literary talent was superior to the crowd just now, then what is displayed in front of the young masters is the amazing swordsmanship.

Just walking a few steps can scare people to death.

Literary talent and so on, these young masters have seen it all.I can also make some beautiful words.But in Jingchu, this killing technique is rare.

So even more shocking.

The first one to turn around was Kuai Zan, his face turned pale, and he rushed towards the place where Dong Liu was at the end.After rushing to Liu Dong's side, Kuai Zan quickly bent down to check Liu Dong's situation.

"There's still breath, it's not the rumored death from a broken heart." The result of the investigation made Kuai Zan heave a sigh of relief.He clasped his fists gratefully to Liu Feng and said, "Thank you Brother Kou for your mercy."

"I did my best." Liu Feng shook his head.What Liu Feng said was the truth, if he hadn't tried his best, Director Liu would not have fainted on the spot.

Kuai Zan just glanced at Liu Feng gratefully. He could see clearly just now that Liu Feng just cut the air at the last moment.It didn't mean to hurt Liu Dong.

At this time, the attendants behind Kuai Zan also followed. He took a deep look at Liu Feng, then bent down, picked Liu Dongheng up, nodded to Kuai Zan, and walked out.

It was about the consolation of his cousin, Kuai Zan didn't have the heart to stay here any longer, he clasped his hands to Liu Feng, apologized to Cai Da, turned around and walked out.

Liu Feng turned around and returned to his seat.At this moment, Ma Liang was looking at Liu Feng with a look of seeing a ghost.

"Look around, who dares to underestimate us? As a human being, we have to fight." Liu Feng took a deep look at Ma Liang and said in a low voice.

After Ma Liang heard the words, he realized that the eyes around him had changed from contempt to seriousness, even admiration.It was obvious that Liu Feng's stunning killing technique was respected by everyone.

"To be a human being, you have to fight." Ma Liang wrote down these words deeply while his heart was surging.Liu Feng smiled slightly when he saw this, but he knew that basically Ma Liang was already in his hands.By the way, he can also abduct the other four brothers of Ma Shi Wuchang.

It just seemed too compelling.Liu Feng glanced around, and felt that these gazes were a bit thorny.

With a grunt, Huang Yueying swallowed her saliva.This action was too vulgar, Huang Yueying was a little embarrassed.Fortunately, the veil was covering it, otherwise everyone would be able to see Huang Yueying's pink and delicate face that was flushed with blush.

It's just that the embarrassment in Huang Yueying's heart was quickly diluted by the excitement.She couldn't wait to turn her head and asked Cai Da: "How is it? Sister, this Jiangxia prefect is different?"

Cai Da didn't answer Huang Yueying, she just looked at Liu Feng deeply.Looking at Liu Cong again, he only felt the difference between cloud and mud.

In prosperous times, Chinese talks about heroes, but in troubled times, it is different.

If Liu Cong was left outside, he would definitely die tomorrow.But Liu Feng was different. He captured Jiangxia and became a hero from scratch.

Today, Liu Feng's performance made Cai Da wake up from her dream.With the ability shown by Liu Cong, the Liu family may not be reliable.On the contrary, Liu Feng, whose family background is not very good, without the blessing of his father, is more reliable.

Although she didn't wait for Cai Da's answer, Huang Yueying could guess some of Cai Da's thoughts from Cai Da's expression.He couldn't help but bend his eyebrows and eyes.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were on Liu Feng.But there were also people watching Cai Da.

Seeing Huang Yueying and Cai Da whispering softly, their eyes drifted towards Liu Feng from time to time.Involuntarily, an evil fire rose in his heart.

I thought Liu Feng would get rid of that bastard Liu Dong by borrowing a knife to kill someone.But unexpectedly, he still lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

Liu Feng's amazing killing skills just made the poem he wrote just now serve as a foil.

She is mine, and only if I get her, will I have a chance to get my hands on Jingzhou, which originally belonged to my eldest brother.Liu Cong clenched his fists tightly and stared at Liu Feng viciously.

It's just that the viciousness is hidden deep in Liu Cong's eyes. From outsiders' perspective, Liu Cong is still so polite.

"Brother Kou is really impressive, but that Dong Liu is too unbearable to let Brother Kou show amazing swordsmanship. It's really a pity." Liu Cong smiled slightly, raised his fist and said to Liu Feng.

At this moment, some people were whispering, and some people stood still on the spot.Liu Cong's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Liu Cong smiled viciously in his heart.On the face, he was very calm, raised his fist again and said to Liu Feng: "I have a soldier who is also proficient in swordsmanship, and he is a veteran of hundreds of battles. It is just right for Brother Kou to show his swordsmanship."

"It's vicious enough." Several people cursed Liu Cong in their hearts. If Liu Feng ended up competing with Liu Cong's followers, he would lose his status.In the shape, Liu Cong's identity is highlighted.

If you lose, you will lose your life.

If Liu Feng didn't end the contest, it would make people feel that he lacked courage, and would only bully Liu Dong and other sons who knew a little bit of swordsmanship.

In any case, Liu Feng chose everything wrong.

Some people present immediately cast a sympathetic look at Liu Feng.

Only one person applauded in his heart.That is Huang Yueying.Liu Feng is the prefect of Jiangxia, and the most indispensable thing under his command is soldiers.Just find someone to deal with it.If Liu Feng's men won the battle, Liu Cong might not have the face to stay here anymore.

Liu Feng smiled slightly, but didn't answer right away.Instead, he turned his head to Ma Liang, and said softly: "Brother Ji Chang is very smart, he must already know why I said that to Brother Ji Chang. At this time, I will let Brother Ji Chang see me, Jiang Xia Xiongbing."

Liu Feng has been under Xu Shu for three years, learning literature and practicing swords, and it is definitely not a fluke that he has achieved today.Just ask Xu Shu's disciples, how can they be superficial people.

One person, one sword, showing the killing technique.To frighten the audience, but Liu Feng's intention was just to frighten Ma Liang.This good minister of the Shu Han Dynasty is worthy of Liu Feng's juggling use of killing skills to compete with others.

It's just to hint to Ma Liang that if he wants to gain the respect of others, he must fight for it himself.In other words, it was a hint to Ma Liang, come, come to me, Jiang Xia.I will give you a chance to show your talents, and if you continue to wander around Jingzhou, it will only sink you.

How could Ma Liang's IQ not know about that kind of action with strong hints.

"Ma's Wuchang, Baimei is the best." If Ma Liang was still living in Yicheng, he would definitely feel complacent about these reputations, but since he came to Xiangyang, he has hit a wall everywhere.

In this city of Xiangyang, which is particular about aristocratic families and family status, Ma Liang realized that he was just a little-known little man.

And no matter how thieves Liu Feng is, he is still Jiang Xia's prefect.One party princes.With such a low profile, he would not hesitate to compare swords with others.Wouldn't Ma Liang be moved?

"No, no need. If Brother Kou doesn't mind, I would like to be a small official and follow Brother Kou." Ma Liang shook his head again and again.

"That's not possible." Liu Feng shook his head with a smile, "If it were someone else, I wouldn't bother to show off my tricks, but Brother Ji Chang is different. I not only want Brother Ji Chang to follow me willingly, but also to you Ji Chang Show off the elite soldiers under my account. I also want to let you know what I want to do in the future."

Liu Feng's voice was so low that only Ma Liang could hear it.Hearing Liu Feng's words, Ma Liang was shocked, and looked at Liu Feng in surprise.

"The snake swallows the elephant." Looking at Liu Cong who was full of composure, Liu Feng smiled slightly and said softly.

The guess in his heart was confirmed, Ma Liang was shocked, and the snake swallowed the elephant?Will Jiang Xia swallow Jingzhou?

"What are the two big men muttering about? Second Young Master's proposal, do you agree or not?" Huang Yueying couldn't help being a little annoyed when she saw Liu Feng deserting and talking intimately with Ma Liang.out loud.

"Who is this?" Liu Feng couldn't help frowning. From the beginning to the end, he never asked who this veiled guy was.

"Brother Kou, don't you know?" Although Ma Liang was still shaken by Liu Feng's words just now, he didn't calm down.But still couldn't help being surprised.

Huang Yueying was quite famous in Jingxiang, Liu Feng didn't even know her.

"I don't know." Liu Feng replied honestly.

"This is Miss Huang's family, named Yueying. Her father is Huang Chengyan, who is as famous as Mr. Pang De, Sima Hui, etc., and is a cousin of Miss Cai's family." Ma Liang sighed for Liu Feng's knowledge. explained.

"Huang Yueying?" Liu Feng was very surprised.

It's just that some people didn't give Liu Feng too much time to be surprised. "Brother Kou, what do you mean?" After being stared at by Liu Feng for a long time, there was a trace of anger in Liu Cong's voice, and his expression was no longer calm.

Liu Feng smiled slightly at Ma Liang, then raised his head, but instead of looking at Liu Cong, he just looked at Cai Da.He raised his fist and said, "Miss Cai, please send someone to the front yard to find one of my attendants named Deng Fang."

After finishing speaking, Liu Feng turned his head and said to Liu Cong with an unnatural expression: "Although the Kou family in Luo County has been ruined, there is no reason to personally end up competing with the second son's attendants." At this point, Liu Feng paused Dun, with a slight smile, said: "I have a follower, surnamed Deng, named Fang, whose swordsmanship is no less than mine. If the second son does not dislike it, let this strong man compete with my follower."

As he said that, Liu Feng pointed to the attendant who had accepted Liu Cong's order and stood on the field.

Liu Cong sneered in his heart, the Kou family in Luo County, how could that dilapidated family find another entourage comparable to the elite soldiers in our army?While sneering, Liu Cong winked at his attendant.

The attendant immediately understood, raised his head, looked down at Liu Feng, and said in a strange way: "I'm afraid ordinary people will lose ugly in front of the little one, Mr. Kou."

"Don't worry about strong men. I'm also a veteran in the battlefield, and I bought it with great difficulty." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

"Hmph." The attendant snorted coldly, expressing his disdain.

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