Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 171 Ma Liang Goes to Jiangxia

Chapter 170 Ma Liang Goes to Jiangxia

While speaking, Cai Da had already ordered people to go down to find the entourage that Liu Feng said. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Cai's mansion is very large, and there is some way from here to the rooms where the attendants live in the front yard.As a result, there was another burst of silence in the courtyard.

But this does not hinder, the young masters present speculated in their hearts.In this next competition, who will win.Logically speaking, there is no doubt about this.Liu Cong is not Liu Dong, Liu Cong is the core of Jingchu forces, and his attendants should be top-notch in Jingchu.

But for some reason, some people had some confidence in Liu Feng.

It was Liu Feng's performance that was so amazing that it could scare people into a coma.So what is impossible?

There are many people with this kind of thoughts, and there are many eyes looking at Liu Feng.Cai Da, who was supposed to be the protagonist of this party, seemed a little overshadowed by Liu Feng's astonishment.

"Sister, don't tell me that you still choose Liu Cong's embroidered pillow after this time, and consider him. The man is unmarried, and the woman is unmarried." Huang Yueying secretly laughed, but she still pretended to be serious and said softly.

"Troubleshooting." Cai Da rolled her eyes at Huang Yueying, and then spit out these two words from Tan's mouth.

However, Cai Da did not deny that her heart was indeed shaken, it was not that she fell in love with Liu Feng's killing skills.Instead, he felt that Liu Cong was a lump of mud compared to Liu Fengyi.

Let me ask, why would Cai Da want to marry Liu Cong again?

"Hee hee." Faced with Cai Da's accusation, Huang Yueying just smiled.

While everyone was whispering, the Deng Fang that Liu Feng was talking about was brought.This time Liu Feng went to Xiangyang with his own soldiers as guards.

And there are also soldiers from the broken barracks among the soldiers to improve the combat effectiveness of Liu Feng's soldiers.Although this group of people has left the broken barracks, the training methods of the past have been passed down. The strength of this group of people has not weakened, but has become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

And this Deng Fang is one of them.

When Deng Fang walked into the courtyard, the doubts in the hearts of the sons and brothers were also revealed.Even if they don't know how to fight, they can tell at a glance that Liu Feng has won again.

That Liu Cong's attendant is not Deng Fang's right at all.

The first is the figure. Deng Fang's figure is stronger than Liu Cong's attendants by more than three laps.

Secondly, Deng Fang's expression was full of indifference, and there was an aura of indifference in his bones, which made several people feel terrified.

But Liu Cong's attendant obviously couldn't do this.

Several people can stand out, and so can Liu Cong.He looked at Deng Fang, then at his attendant, his heart sinking.

"The Kou family, which is still dilapidated, how could there be such an amazing figure besides Liu Feng?" Liu Cong thought frantically.

"My lord." After entering the yard led by the servants of Cai's mansion, Deng Fang immediately came to Liu Fengfeng to pay his respects.

"That strong man wants to compete with you, so you can come down and learn his swordsmanship." Liu Feng pointed to Liu Cong's attendant off the court.

"Subordinates don't know how to compete, and subordinates can only kill people." Deng Fang said indifferently.

Liu Feng, who knows how to break the barracks, knows that Deng Fang is not joking.Liu Feng didn't mean to be joking either.

"Go down, use your means, and solve it as soon as possible." Liu Feng nodded.As he spoke, he untied the saber from his waist and handed it to Deng Fang.

"No." Deng Fang took the long sword handed over by Liu Feng and nodded.

Deng Fang's words are exactly the same as Liu Feng said just now that his sword skills are used to kill people.But Deng Fang's words were more straightforward, and the indifference on Deng Fang's face made him even more murderous.

Make no one doubt what he said.

At this moment, Liu Cong's attendant had lost the arrogance he had just now, and his face was covered with cold sweat.He looked at Deng Fang who was approaching him step by step in surprise.

He is not Liu Dong. He weighed it in his heart and felt that he was not an opponent.Wouldn't it be unfair to be killed here?

"Second Young Master." The attendant called out to Liu Cong.

At this moment, Liu Cong is like a gambler who has lost everything. In terms of ability, Liu Feng has a killing technique that can beat him, and in terms of deployment ability, Liu Feng seems to be better than him.

Doesn't it mean that he lost to Liu Feng in everything?

Looking at Cai Da who was watching closely off the court, Liu Cong could no longer maintain his demeanor, and let out a roar from the depths of his throat, "If you can win, I will reward you with five hundred gold."

Liu Cong's expression was telling the attendants that he had no way out.While terrified, a murderous aura emerged from his heart. With a roar, he rushed towards Deng Fang with his sword.

This is the difference between veterans on the battlefield and brothers like Liu Dong.

"It's a pity." A trace of pity flashed in Liu Feng's eyes. If he was facing an ordinary elite, this servant would still have a chance to win, but it was a pity that he was facing Deng Fang, who was an outstanding figure even in the broken army camp.

"Bang bang bang." The long swords of the two sides collided only three or five times, and the attendant was stabbed in the abdomen by Deng Fang and died on the spot.

"Hmph." Liu Cong's face was almost purple, he snorted coldly, and walked away.

Blood has already been seen here, and the nature of the party has already deteriorated.Those sons and brothers also felt that it was not very interesting to stay, so they got up and said goodbye.Of course, there are also some people who want to make friends after seeing Liu Feng's ability and Deng Fang's ability.

Ma Liang's friend Mr. Dong was also one of them, but these people flinched when they glanced at Deng Fang who was exuding coldness all over his body.

Deng Fang won this competition.For Liu Feng, there was nothing to be happy about.He did not forget his purpose.Turning his head, Liu Feng smiled and said to Ma Liang, "How about my Jiang Xia army?"

"Elite." Ma Liang took a deep look at the attendant lying in a pool of blood, and spit out two words.

"Hehe, follow me to Jiangxia, and I will definitely return home in brocade clothes." Liu Feng said softly with a chuckle.Just now, Ma Liang has personally said that he is willing to chase whoever he is as a small official.Now, Liu Feng told Ma Liang with the facts that it was a pity to be a petty official.

In the next day, when the army returns to Xiangyang, Ma Liang can do his job, or even stay away.

And Ma Liang didn't doubt this, Liu Feng's ability was unquestionable, and his record lay there.But now he is fortunate to be with Liu Feng to observe Liu Feng's words and deeds with his own eyes.It proved that Liu Feng's status today is definitely not a fluke.Witnessed Liu Feng's tent with his own eyes.

How can he doubt anymore whether Liu Feng has the ability to take over Xiangyang?

"I'll go home and clean up." Ma Liang said without hesitation.

"Ma's Wuchang, those brothers in Jichang's family are talented and famous, and Jiangxia is currently short of civil servants. If any of Jichang's brothers is willing, you can bring them out together, and go directly to Jiangxia by boat to find a job in Iraq." Liu There was greed in Feng's heart, and he wanted to wipe out Ma's five permanent members in one go.Can't help laughing.

"Yes." Ma Liang nodded, then stood up and bowed to Liu Feng, "See you, Jiang Xia."

"See you in Jiang Xia." Liu Feng replied with a smile.Ma Liang nodded heavily, and left.

That generous back made Liu Feng linger for a moment.Ma Liang.A good minister of the Shu Han Dynasty tried his best to finally get his hands on it.

Because of him, he didn't hesitate to end the competition, and because of him, he didn't hesitate to disrupt the party where his niece chose her husband.It's really not enough.

There was a trace of fatigue in Liu Feng's heart, but it was quickly diluted by joy.

Yi Ji, Ma Liang, even if Pang Tong cannot go to Jiangxia with him, the civil service system can already operate.Huang Zhong and Gan Ning are generals, and they have sufficient general talents.

It's just, who would dislike having so many advisers under the account.If Pang Tong can be added, Jiang Xia must be in full swing.After two years of training soldiers and horses, waiting for the opportunity, you will be able to shock the world in one fell swoop.

You can also get the military power you have longed for.Liu Feng clenched his fists tightly, with a cold light in his eyes.

At some point, Cai Da and Huang Yueying also stood up.Cai Da came to the center of the arena. Although the body of the attendant had been removed, the pool of blood hadn't been cleaned in time.

"It's a pity that a veteran soldier died in the fighting spirit of the second son." Cai Da sighed in her heart. She knew that Liu Cong's followers were all carefully selected soldiers and did not die on the battlefield. , but died in Liu Cong's vindictiveness, what a pity.

Huang Yueying wasn't very interested in that attendant, but she was quite interested in Liu Feng.

"Hey, why are you always so kind to that Ma Liang?" Huang Yueying asked, her voice was like a bird chirping, very crisp.

Huang Yueying was very satisfied with Liu Feng's performance. The only dissatisfaction was that Liu Feng was always very close to Ma Liang. Even if Ma Liang left, Liu Feng would still stare blankly at Ma Liang's back.

It seemed that Ma Liang was more attractive than her sister, which made Huang Yueying very upset.

"Shut up." Cai Da glanced at Huang Yueying majesticly, and then said to the nearby servant who was about to come up to wipe the blood on the ground: "You all go down, no one is allowed to enter here."

"Yes." The servants responded and retreated respectfully.

After doing all this, Cai Da came to Huang Yueying's side and stood in front of Liu Feng.

"My little sister is ignorant, please don't blame Master Liu." Cai Da blessed Liu Feng.

Following Cai Da's movement, a faint scent of fragrance rushed towards her face.Smelling this fragrance, Liu Feng didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

Liu Feng raised his fist with a smile and said, "I should be the one who apologized to Miss. I ruined a good party."

Liu Feng's eyes just looked directly at Cai Da's eyes, full of sincerity.Facing Cai Da, there was no greed or surprise at all.

Cai Da is so-called, she is not the kind of man who thinks she is beautiful and can fascinate all men in the world.There are always some men in the world who are not moved by beauty.

At this point, Cai Da took a high look at Liu Feng. Liu Feng felt that the woman in front of him had a good appearance.Among the women Liu Feng had met, only Cai Yu could stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

But when Liu Feng saw Cai Dan's appearance that was three points similar to Cai Yu's, he couldn't think of anything in his heart.

"It's good if you know. You should know that my sister planned to discuss the marriage with Liu Cong afterwards. It's all right now. When you messed up the situation, Liu Cong left with hatred. I'm afraid she has no face to come here again. Tell me What should I do?" Huang Yueying kept saying with a pair of teasing eyes.

"Uh." Liu Feng felt a little overwhelmed.This matter is really his fault.No, if you want to blame, you can only blame Ma Liang for being too stunning, making him unable to help but be attracted, thus ruining Cai Da's "good deed".

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