Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 172 The Kuai family of the two nobles of Jingzhou

Chapter 170 Two of the Two Nobles of Jingzhou, the Kuai Family

"Okay. (Apex novel hand-written novel) It's not my fault, Mrs. Liu, but Cai Dang's meddling." Cai Da rolled her eyes at Huang Yueying, then turned around, leaned towards Liu Fengfu, and said softly: "The Cai family is huge, and there are many clans in Jingzhou. I don't know how many people are staring at the married daughter of the Cai family. That's why I came up with such a bad plan and gathered the sons of these aristocratic families. Master Liu laughed."

One word has exhausted Chennai.

Cai Da's life is much better than Cai Yu's. Back then, the Cai family was not as prestigious as it is now, so Cai Mao had to marry his younger sister to Liu Biao, which brought the two families closer.But now that the Cai family is already huge, the relationship with Liu Biao does not require Cai Mao to remarry his daughter to consolidate the relationship.

Therefore, Cai Da has the right to choose her husband.However, Jingzhou has not experienced war for more than ten years, making the princes of the aristocratic family more superficial and showy than the other.Cai Da didn't care much about it.

The only ones who are slightly better are Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi, his second son Liu Cong, and Kuai Yue's son Kuai Zan.Among them, Liu Qi was already married, and the Cai family could not marry the Kuai family, leaving only Liu Cong.

Cai Da wanted to marry Liu Cong, so that she could continue to strengthen the relationship between the two families, so she married Liu Cong.

However, compared with Liu Feng, Liu Cong is really unbearable.Thinking about it, Cai Da flashed a passage that Huang Yueying said.

It is better to marry a poor but ambitious man than to marry a superficial son of an aristocratic family.

After all, Cai Da is also a young lady from a family, most of them live in Xiangyang, even if they travel, they are surrounded by guards.Where have I seen any humble heroes.In the end, he could only make a choice among the sons of the aristocratic family.

But today there seemed to be another choice. Thinking about it, Cai Da raised her head and looked at Liu Feng, with a pair of wonderful eyes shining inexplicably.

Maybe Cai Da is not as good as Huang Yueying in terms of power and vertical skills, but her observation skills are amazing.

Ma's five constants, white eyebrows are the best.She had heard of it, and praised the five brothers from the Ma family in Yicheng.But Liu Feng and Ma Liang were so close, but she guessed that what Liu Feng did just now was entirely for Ma Liang, not for her.

He showed his demeanor with killing skills, and showed Jiangxia's strong soldiers with Deng Fang.From Ma Liang's expression changing from shock to admiration, Cai Da could guess that Liu Feng's solicitation was successful.

With Liu Feng's current status as the prefect of Jiangxia, he let go of his status like this, and did not hesitate to go off in person, show his ability, and hand over every detail. One may be because he values ​​Ma Liang's talent, and the other is Liu Feng's desire.

I heard that when Liu Feng came out of Xinye, there were no more than two small soldiers, and no more than two small officials in his counselors.But in the battle of Jiangxia, Liu Feng had Gan Ning under Liu Feng's tent, and Huang Zhong, a general who was not weak in ability and status, assisted him and shot Huang Zu dead in one fell swoop.Sit down firmly, Jiang Xia.

Judging from the energy Liu Feng spent in recruiting Ma Liang, Cai Da guessed that Liu Feng must have spent a lot of time and energy recruiting Gan Ning and Huang Zhong.

What is this for?It's because Liu Feng has the ambition to make progress.

For this ambition alone, Liu Feng is stronger than Liu Biao, not to mention Liu Cong, the second son of Liu Biao?Just now, Liu Feng also showed Jiang Xia's strong army, stronger than Liu Biao's army.

Ambition, ability, soldiers.The power displayed by Liu Feng is not stronger than that of Liu Biao.What's more, Cai Da guessed that Liu Feng's these were only part of his strength, and maybe he still had some abilities that she didn't know about.

Cai Da has observed so much since Liu Feng drew his sword and compared with Liu Dong.

The only thing Cai Da doesn't know now is whether Liu Feng can understand the current situation. For example, she believes that Liu Feng's ability can soar into the sky when he has the opportunity.But she didn't know whether Liu Feng had the forbearance to choose the second best under the unfavorable situation, abandoning his hegemony and choosing heroes.Keep a lifetime of wealth.

If Liu Feng still has this kind of forbearance of knowing how to advance and retreat.That.Cai Da found that she saw a gold mine, which was still buried in the soil, and only a little golden gold mine was exposed.

The only problem now is the relationship between Liu Feng and Liu Biao.If she marries Liu Feng, will it cause Liu Biao's rebellion?

Male unmarried, female unmarried.Why not?Cai Da thought of Huang Yueying's words again.

Although this cousin is mischievous and clever, she has an exquisite heart. She must have thought of something.Thinking about it, Cai Da was overjoyed.

There are so many things to say, but in fact, Cai Da's mental activity is only for a moment, and she can think of so many things in a moment, which shows that her IQ is directly proportional to her beauty.

After listening to Cai Da's words, Liu Feng wanted to laugh dryly and apologize to Cai Da.But seeing the inexplicable gleam in Cai Da's eyes, her pretty face seemed a little springy.

The smile faltered, and the heart skipped a beat.He repeatedly waved his hands and said: "This forest is huge, and there are all kinds of birds. The young lady is from the famous Cai family, and it is really Nai to be stared at by those young masters. How can I laugh at you? No, no."

"I'm still busy, let's take a step first." As he spoke, Liu Feng winked at Deng Fang who was still by his side, turned around and left.

However, Liu Feng had some bad premonitions in his heart, and decided to avoid as far away as possible.

"Is this guy interested in men?" Huang Yueying touched her chin, but there was an inexplicable light in her glazed eyes.

Cai Da is the most beautiful woman in Xiangyang, bar none.Liu Feng didn't even look at it, and left in a hurry.Apart from this idea, Huang Yueying really couldn't find any other reason.

"What's going on in such a small head? He and Ma Liang hit it off right away." Cai Da stretched out her hand and patted Huang Yueying's clean forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

hit it off?Huang Yueying curled her lips, showing some disdain.

"It is rumored that Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo also hit it off and became father and son. Later, it was not because of Diao Chan that the father and son turned against each other. In my heart, my sister is much more beautiful than Diao Chan."

Huang Yueying is like this, she has been eccentric since she was a child.The words spoken may be calculated or not.

Cai Da just pretended not to hear.

North of the city, Kuaifu.

As the only gentry in Jingzhou who can compete with the Cai family, the Kuai family has a very unusual status.The mansion, like Cai's mansion, exudes the settled aristocratic atmosphere.

At this moment, the sun in the sky had already set, and the sky was a little dark.

In the hall, a beautiful woman was crying.In front of the woman, sat a middle-aged man.In his forties, with a handsome face, somewhat similar to Kuai Zan, with plain eyes but a hint of wisdom, he is a very imposing man sitting there.

This is the current helm of the prestigious Kuai family, Kuai Yue.An important minister of Jingzhou.

Apart from this woman, Kuai Zan was also standing in the hall at the moment.He stood next to the woman with a slightly apprehensive expression.

"Brother, you are just such a nephew, and he is crazy now. You can't sit idly by." Weeping, the woman intermittently said.

This woman is Kuai Yue's younger sister, who is Liu Dong's mother.Ever since she learned that her son was going crazy, she rushed over here in a hurry.I want to ask Kuai Yue to deal with Liu Feng.

"Auntie, that Kou Shuang is an honored guest of Junshi Cai, besides, my cousin is not crazy, he is just overly frightened. It will take a while to recuperate." Although Kuai Zan's expression was a little disturbed, it was because of Kuai Yue Now, he has always been a little afraid of Lao Tzu.But it doesn't mean that he is a cowardly person. Seeing his aunt messing around, he couldn't help but speak out.

"As an older brother, you don't know how to protect your younger brother, and you still say these things." Kuai Yue's younger sister has a domineering temper, and she pointed at Kuai Zan angrily when she heard this.

"Brother, the Cai family has always looked down on our Kuai family and suppressed the Kuai family everywhere. Now even Dong'er has been driven crazy by them, you must make decisions for Dong'er." After reprimanding Kuai Zan, the woman turned her head and asked Kuai Yue cried out.

"Dealing with Mrs. Cai didn't happen overnight, let me think about it." Kuai Yue, who hadn't spoken yet, finally spoke in a very thick voice.

"I knew my brother would not let Dong'er go." The woman immediately stopped crying and smiled.After a pause, she saw that her brother looked calm, but his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Thinking that Kuai Yue was plotting against Mrs. Cai, she couldn't help but said happily in her heart: "Brother, think about it slowly, I'll go down and see Dong Er first." Saying this, the woman bowed slightly to Kuai Yue, turned around and left with joy.

"Father, there's no need to quarrel with Mrs. Cai because of my useless cousin." When Kuai Yue was talking just now, Kuai Zan never interrupted, but now he said anxiously.

"How can I accept a woman's opinion. Although we and the Cai family are fighting openly and secretly, we do it for the higher-ups to see. It's not like you don't know it all these years." Kuai Yue raised his eyes and looked at his son. Somewhat disappointed.

"Then why did father agree to aunt?" Kuai Zan was a little ashamed to meet Kuai Yue's disappointed gaze, but he still couldn't help asking.

"I can't do anything about her temper. This matter is delayed first, and the big thing is turned into a small thing, and the small thing is turned into a small thing." Kuai Yue's face flashed with embarrassment.

"I see." Kuai Zan said with a sigh of relief.Although Liu Dong is not a good weapon, he is also Kuai Yue's nephew. Kuai Yue has always been soft-hearted towards his family, and Kuai Zan is really afraid that Kuai Yue will make trouble for Cai in a fit of anger.

In recent years, the Cai family and the Kuai family have fought openly and secretly several times, but in fact they are all of the same spirit. The brothers Cai Mao and the Kuai family are both smart people.

If Cai and Kuai are harmonious and beautiful, I am afraid that Liu Biao will not be able to sleep.Cai's and Kuai's will not be allowed to grow so big.

"However, I also want to meet the person who can scare Dong Liu into a stun." Kuai Yue said softly with some doubts in his eyes.

"Father thought that Kou Shuang belonged to Liu Feng?" Kuai Zan asked with a thought.

"Not necessarily, Cai Mao's mansion is deep, and he acts extremely cautiously. It is absolutely impossible to have contact with people like Liu Feng. Moreover, I heard that Liu Feng has a bad relationship with the people in the clan, and it is impossible for the Kou clan to follow him. " Kuai Yue said.

"Then why did my father want to see Kou Shuang?" Kuai Zan asked, not knowing why.

"I don't know, I just want to meet." Kuai Yue replied seriously.

"Uh." Kuai Zan said something.

In fact, he just instinctively felt that Cai Mao was hiding something from him, which made him feel a little threatened.The Cai family and the Kuai family have always been a family. If the Cai family makes any move, the Kuai family will be left behind.

It's really unreasonable for Kuai Yue not to worry

There is a power outage at home, and I am currently struggling with the Internet. Please forgive me for being late.Please rest assured that there will definitely be four chapters.It just might be later.sorry.

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