Chapter 170: The Appearance of Pang Tong

When Cai Mao walked into the study, Kuai Yue was kneeling and sitting on the side seat, his posture was correct, and his eyes were not squinted. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

"Brother Yidu visited late at night, what's the matter?" Cai Mao smiled slightly and raised his fist.

"Last time you went south to Jiangxia with Wenpin, and you came back with meritorious service. I feel a little strange. A young man surnamed Kou appeared in your house. I came to ask you if you have something to hide from me." Kuai Yue raised his head, looked directly at Cai Mao, and inquired.

"The old fox's sense of smell is still so keen." Cai Mao cursed secretly in his heart, and was also considering whether to tell Kuai Yue about Liu Feng.

The Cai family and the Kuai family are closely related in private.Cai Mao has long been inseparable from each other, and Cai Mao is not afraid that Kuai Yue will take the opportunity to suppress him.

After thinking about it in my heart, if I really want to marry my daughter to Liu Feng, I still have to communicate with Kuai Yue, and Cai Yu's matter should be resolved with Kuai Yue.

It is not to share with Kuai Yue the matter of Cai Yu and Liu Feng, but to tell Kuai Yue the news of Cai Yu's death.

"I have a good relationship with Jiangxia Liu Feng. My daughter has taken a fancy to him." Cai Mao sighed slightly, took a few steps forward, and sat on the main seat.

"What?" Kuai Yue was taken aback. According to what he knew, Cai Da was basically going to marry Liu Cong. Why did Liu Feng get involved?

Wait, fancy?

"Kou Shuang is Liu Feng?" Kuai Yue couldn't hide his shock anymore, and stood up abruptly.Looking at Cai Mao in disbelief.If this guess is true, Liu Feng has entered Cai's residence, how deep is Cai Mao's sinking?

"Yes." Facing Kuai Yue's shock, Cai Mao replied calmly.

"You shouldn't be hiding it from me, you shouldn't be hiding it from me." Kuai Yue's face changed again, and he started walking back and forth in the study anxiously.

The relationship between Cai Mao and Liu Feng has reached this point, what does Cai Mao want to do?What does Liu Feng want to do?What will Kuai do?Some messy questions violently impacted Kuai Yue's brain.

"You've done too much." After walking back and forth a few times, Kuai Yue suddenly stopped, stared at Cai Mao fiercely, and said word by word.

For Kuai Yue, the mood is the same as that of Cai Mao, they both want to continue the clan in troubled times, rather than being slaughtered miserably.

So they cheated.To make the clan bigger, whether it is to continue to support Liu Biao to sit and watch the changes in the world, or to move at the right time and seek refuge with the more powerful Cao Cao, they can make the decision.

Cai Mao's concealment of his contact with Liu Feng violated Kuai Yue's bottom line.

"I have no intention of handing over Jingzhou to Liu Feng. Facing Cao Cao, I find it hard to believe that Liu Feng can block it with a piece of Jingzhou." Cai Mao knew that Kuaiyue had misunderstood him, so he couldn't help explaining.

Kuai Yue only felt relieved, as long as Cai Mao didn't have a feverish head, that's fine.After calming down, Kuai Yue immediately realized what Cai Mao wanted to do.

"How many escape routes do you want?" Kuai Yue sat down again and asked.

"Yes, there are many ways out. You don't need to believe it or not. When I first contacted Liu Feng, I didn't think about any way out. It was only because of some personal reasons that I came into contact with Liu Feng." Cai Mao knew The explanation was pale at the moment, but he chose to explain it, and then said: "But now I think he is a good back, capable and ambitious. More importantly, he occupies Jiangxia. In the future, if Cao Cao goes south, if there is If there is an opportunity, he can take advantage of the momentum, if there is no opportunity, he can be the vanguard to attack Jiangdong and make great achievements."

"I personally think that when Cao Cao went south, he didn't have any chance at all. All he can do is to join Cao Cao and become a general under Cao Cao's account. He is capable, and if he is capable, he can grasp greater power. When we are old, It is impossible to protect the clan for too long, and he might not be a choice. At that time, we will support each other and take root on the soil of the Cao family."

Most of Cai Mao's remarks were borrowed from Cai Da's guess.Plus your own subjective consciousness.

Kuai Yue was a little moved by what he heard. Kuai Yue didn't see whether Liu Feng was capable or not, so he couldn't draw conclusions.But Cai Mao took a fancy to Liu Feng and gritted his teeth to marry his daughter. Based on this alone, Kuai Yue believed that Liu Feng was capable.

Kuai Yue has a high IQ and a very active mind.He thought for a while along Cai Mao's train of thought, and it was really a good suggestion.

Combined with the Liu family, then their Cai family and Kuai family will have an extra flank.Mutual support and upward development are just around the corner.

The land of Jingchu is too small, it can only accommodate the two behemoths Cai and Kuai.And the Cao family, which controls the world, is enough to accommodate more gentry.With the addition of the Liu family, Kuai Yue would only worry about not being strong enough, not about not having enough cake.

"Your sister is Liu Biao's wife. If your daughter becomes Liu Feng's official wife, your Cai family will be able to stand upright, and you can leave a way for the Cai family and the Kuai family. This is advisable, this is advisable." Kuai Yue The result of thinking is exactly the same as Huang Yueying's.He thinks that this matter is feasible, and it is only good for Cai and not bad.

"This is what I'm worried about. My sister was in danger near Dongting Lake and died." Cai Mao knew that it was time to show off with Kuai Yue, and said word by word.

impossible.Kuai Yue's first reaction was impossible, how could Liu Biao's wife be in danger in Dongting Lake.But seeing Cai Mao's serious expression, Kuai Yue dismissed this idea.

died?Kuai Yue was calculating what changes this fact would bring.In the end, there was nothing, Cai's foundation was already solid, even without Cai Yu by Liu Biao's side, there would be no change.

But it does not represent the changes brought about by Cai Mao marrying his daughter to Liu Feng.Without Cai Yu's mediation, Cai Mao's marriage of his daughter to Liu Feng was suspected of collaborating with internal and external enemies.

"Liu Biao will be suspicious." Kuai Yue shook his head.

"Of course I know this, and I dare to conclude that after Liu Biao knew that I married my daughter to Liu Feng, the first order would be to remove my post of Zhangling prefect. And change you to Zhangling prefect. "Cai Mao was not too shocked, but calmly said.

Cai Mao is not only the military advisor of the Great General of Zhennan, but also the prefect of Zhangling. Zhangling is an important city in Jiangling, very close to Jiangxia.If Cai Mao married his daughter, with Liu Biao's personality, he would definitely be suspicious of Cai Mao's motives, so as to guard against Cai Mao's collusion with foreign enemies.The post of prefect of Zhangling will naturally be removed.

Although the Cai family and the Kuai family were of the same spirit, they fought endlessly on the surface.They all take turns to sit in the village, or Cai's sits at the top, or Kuai's sits at the top.

It made Liu Biao feel that Jingzhou was still under his control.

Now the Cai family is in charge, but if Cai Mao marries his daughter to Liu Feng, Cai Mao can be sure that the Kuai family will replace Cai's position and become the largest family in Jingchu.

Now the power in Jingzhou is like this. On the surface, the Cai family and the Kuai family are incompatible, and Liu Biao has direct descendants, balancing each other, and controlling Jingzhou.

But in fact, Jingzhou is in the hands of Cai and Kuai.Whenever there is a major event, Cai Mao and Kuai Yue will communicate with each other.

That's why Cai Mao assured Cai Yu back then that the current Cai family is no longer something that Liu Biao can move at will.Therefore, Cai Hao can also be proud, and he no longer needs to marry his daughter to Liu Cong to consolidate his relationship with Liu Biao.

"If you really want to be silent for a while, I won't object anymore." Kuai Yue thought for a while and said.

"Okay, that's it for now." Cai Mao nodded.

Although there was a cover-up about the injury of his nephew Liu Dong, but Kuai Yue was still not going to stay in the Cai Mansion for a long time, so the two talked for a while.Kuai Yue got up and said goodbye.

After Kuai Yue left, Cai Mao did not immediately send someone to inquire about Liu Feng's tone, but sent a letter to Jiangxia.This matter is still the same sentence, Cai Yu first needs to agree.

Of course Liu Feng didn't know that Cai Mao's mood would undergo such a drastic change, so he would marry his daughter to him.

He still reads in the study every day, almost staying at home, waiting for the news of Pang Tong's return.

Finally, fifteen days later, news came from Sima Hui that Pang Tong had returned together with Meng Jian, Shi Tao, Cui Ding and others.Currently living in Pang's Zhuangzi outside Xiangyang City.

Gu Shao's cousin Gu Qian came back with him.

When receiving Sima Hui's letter, Liu Feng was filled with joy, how could he notice Gu Qian.

Although there are reasons for Huang Xu to enter Xiangyang alone, there are more Pang Tong.Even though he has already got the talents he can use in Xiangyang, the combination of Yi Ji Ma Liang can also govern a county, and even Ma Liang's talent can be qualified for the governor of a state.

But they are only good talents, and they are the mainstay.There is no Pang Tong who said, "On the secret strategy of the emperor, the most important thing is to rely on him. I seem to have a long day." This kind of ability can support Liu Feng and skyrocket.

Holding the letter in hand, Liu Feng asked Kou Shui to prepare the carriage without delay, and went straight to Sima Hui's mansion.

I haven't been here for more than [-] days, and there is no change in Sima Hui's mansion.The gate was open, guarded by two servants.

"I'm Kou Shuang. I need to see Mr. Sima." Liu Fengren clasped his fists and said loudly before getting out of the carriage.

"The master has already ordered that if Mr. Kou Shuang arrives, you can go straight to the mansion. The master is waiting for you in the study." The servant immediately said respectfully upon hearing this.

Sima Hui really knew him well, and knew that he would definitely come as soon as he got the news of Pang Tong's return, so he was waiting in the study.

Liu Feng laughed, got out of the carriage, and entered Sima Mansion under the leadership of his servants.

In the study, Sima Hui was sitting on his knees, reading a book quietly.Hearing the hurried footsteps outside the door, Sima Hui smiled slightly and put down the bamboo slips in his hand.

It is worthy of Xu Yuanzhi's praise, he has the style of courteous and corporal, and he is also thirsty for talents.

"Sir, can you introduce Pang Shiyuan to me." Liu Feng was not humble after entering the door, and directly bowed and bowed.

"It's okay to lead, but Pang Tong seems to intend to go to Dong Wu Zhou Yu's place. Whether you can stop him depends on your ability." Sima smiled slightly.

"What?" Liu Feng was taken aback. The first time Pang Tong became an official in history, he was working under Zhou Yu's account.Liu Feng knew this, but Liu Feng didn't expect it to be so soon.

Zhou Yu?Even if Sun Quan hired Pang Tong, I would snatch it over.

Liu Feng clenched his fists, very confident.This is the self-confidence accumulated after recruiting Yi Ji and Ma Liang.

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