Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 175 Be aggressive and ready to win love

Chapter 170 The fifth chapter is aggressive and ready to win love (Chapter 4, ask for a monthly ticket)

Liu Feng's request to Sima Hui to quote Pang Tong was very urgent, and Sima Hui could feel it, so he asked his servants to prepare the carriage without even wearing formal clothes. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It only took half a quarter of an hour before Sima Hui and Liu Feng headed for Duke Pang De's residence in a carriage.

Pang Degong is actually named Degong and named Xiu.He is famous because of his nephew Pang Tong, and because Zhuge Liang treated him as a teacher.

Think about it, the characters who can educate Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong are so imaginative.

The Ponzi can also be regarded as a big family in Xiangyang, with a large number of industries.It's just that Mr. Pang De doesn't like noise, but likes quiet.Therefore, he lived in Zhuangzi outside Xiangyang City all the year round.

Although Pang Tong was only the son of Duke Pang De, and Pang Tong's father had already separated the family from Mr. Pang De, Pang Tong's talents and learning were very popular with Mr. Pang De, so Mr. Pang De kept Pang Tong by his side to teach.

Therefore, most of Pang Tong's life was spent by Mr. Pang De's side.

Sima Hui told Liu Feng these things on the way, and also told Liu Feng some news he knew by the way.

Gu Qian who returned with Pang Tong and others was a friend of Pang Tong's friend Gu Shao, and Gu Shao was the one who invited Pang Tong to Jiangdong, in order to recruit Pang Tong for Zhou Yu.

Pang Tong is known as the crown of Nanzhou scholar and has a great reputation. Zhou Yu took a fancy to him.

According to Sima Hui's news, Pang Tong seems to be a little hesitant now.

"This is where you can take advantage of the opportunity." Sima Hui said to Liu Feng with a smile as two carriages drove side by side on the road.

"Please teach me, sir." Liu Feng's heart moved, and he humbly asked for advice.

"Hehe, although Zhou Yu has a lot of authority, he is a foreign general, Pang Tong. His ambition is to assist the king, not Zhou Yu." Sima Hui said with a smile.

Liu Feng's eyes lit up, but he knew the elegance from the sound of the piano.He has already thought of a way in his heart, how to steal love from Zhou Yu's eyes.

"Thank you sir for teaching." Liu Feng clasped his fists gratefully.Without Sima Hui's reminder, this trip would have been a little more difficult.

"Hehe, children can be taught." Sima Hui said with a chuckle.

The so-called helping relatives and not helping relatives, Sima Hui is also a human being. He received a letter from Xu Shu to take care of Liu Feng.Since Liu Feng wanted to recruit Pang Tong as his adviser, he naturally wanted to add fuel to the flames.

While speaking, the carriage slowly approached a Zhuangzi.

There are two red gates with a plaque hanging above them.The two characters "Pangzhuang" are written on the plaque, and the characters are flying like dragons and phoenixes, showing the appearance of taking off.

"How about these two characters?" The chariots and horses stopped slowly, and Sima Hui stood in front of Pangzhuang Gate, pointing to the two characters on the plaque with a smile.

"Flying dragons and flying phoenixes." Liu Feng replied after standing for a moment.

"Hehe, these two words are the source of Fengchu. Pang Shiyuan is so proud, and even the lines in the words show the appearance of taking off. It's just that the opportunity is a little bit worse, so he is called Fengchu." Sima Hui explained with a smile.

On this point, Liu Feng agreed.Pang Tong's chances are really not good, and he has been famous for a long time.Tied with Zhuge Liang.But Zhou Yu was chosen as the meritorious Cao.

After Zhou Yu's death, he was still only a meritorious service.At that time, Zhuge Liang, who was juxtaposed with him, was already Liu Bei's right-hand man.A big difference.

After Zhou Yu's death, Pang Tong joined Liu Bei.

After a period of time, it is reused.After being reused, he followed Liu Bei into Sichuan. As a result, the man died before his reputation was revealed.

In Luoxian County, he was only 36 years old when he died, and was buried in Luofengpo.

Compared with him, although Zhuge Liang also had twists and turns, it was smooth sailing.Bad luck.But this is only before meeting him, if Pang Tong goes to Jiangxia with him.Liu Feng is sure that Pang Tong will become a famous adviser in the world.

After thinking about it, Sima Hui took Liu Feng into Pangzhuang.

It was learned from the servants guarding the gate that Pang Tong was behind the hall.There is no need to notify at all, just walk in from the main entrance, and then go straight into the hall.

At the moment, there are five people sitting in the hall.

In the center, sitting on the main seat is a young man, this young man has a peculiar face, he can be called ancient.The eyes seem stable at first glance, but upon closer inspection, there is a kind of sharpness like a blade hidden.

It was Feng Chu Pang Tong.

Sitting on Pang Tong's right hand is also a young man with a generous face and elegant breath.It's Pang Tong's friend, surnamed Cui Mingding, styled Zhouping.

There is another person under it, this person has a majestic face and sharp eyes.He is also a good friend of Pang Tong. His surname is Meng Mingjian, and his style name is Gongwei.

Sitting on Pang Tong's left hand is a fair-faced, somewhat modest young man, Gu Qian, a descendant of the Gu family in Jiangdong, with the word Jingye.

There is also a person sitting under it. This person has a fair complexion and peaceful eyes. He is also one of Pang Tong's friends. His surname is Shi, his name is Tao, and his style name is Guangyuan.

Shi Tao, Meng Jian, Cui Ding and Pang Tong have been friends for many years and are familiar with each other.And Gu Qian traveled to Jiangdong with these people, and the relationship is also harmonious.

Therefore, when Liu Feng and Sima Hui came in, these people were talking and laughing in harmony.

"Mr. Sima." Seeing Sima Hui stepping in, Pang Tong and the others showed surprise on their faces, and stood up to greet him.Although Gu Qian didn't know Sima Hui, he had heard of the famous name, so he followed Pang Tong to welcome him.

"You don't need to be too polite." Sima Hui said first, then faced Pang Tong, cupped his fists and said, "Hahaha, this time I came here without warning, and I became a bad guest."

"Hehe, this evil guest is also a guest, not to mention Mr. Sima Shuijing. Come here, serve wine, and drink a glass to show your congratulations." Pang Tong laughed, and then walked outside the door.

After giving the order, Pang Tong looked at Liu Feng who was one step behind Sima Hui, smiled and cupped his fists and said, "I don't know who this is?"

Liu Fengxiang is handsome and powerful, with a tall and straight figure.As he walked, he was heroic.It's hard not to be noticed.

Sima Hui smiled slightly, and was about to seduce.It's called Kou Shuang.Not wanting Liu Feng but having his own plans, he smiled slightly, stepped forward, clasped his fists at Pang Tong and said, "Jiangxia Liu Feng has met Mr. Pang."

When he saw Sima Hui talking to Pang Tong just now, he guessed that this person was Pang Tong.

"Liu Feng?" Even if the people present were all extremely intelligent, they couldn't help being stunned by the name.It's not that they haven't heard of this name, but it's like thunder.

Raised troops with thieves and shot the prefect.And there are not many people in the world who can secure the position of prefect.And Liu Feng is one of them.

It's just that the people present are very knowledgeable, and Liu Feng's name doesn't make them stunned.What made them a little stunned was that Liu Feng appeared in a place where he shouldn't be, and he still went straight to his name.

Let alone Pang Tong and the others, even Sima Hui was taken aback.But then he showed a smile, very confident.

Since you dare to announce your name, you are not afraid of leaking the news.It means that Liu Feng is sure to take Pang Tong away at once, and then leave Xiangyang quickly.

However, Sima Hui looked at Liu Feng's confident face, and was still a little puzzled in his heart, since he hadn't seen him for several days, how did he get this confidence.

"Cough, it turned out to be Lord Liu, the prefect of Jiangxia. Disrespect, disrespect." Pang Tong was the first to recover. He coughed lightly and clasped his fists.

The others also came back to their senses, clasped their fists one after another, and said they were disrespectful.

Saying disrespect, in fact, no respect.

After some disrespect, Pang Tong asked: "I don't know why Master Liu is here?"

He wouldn't think that Liu Feng came here by chance.There must be something.But with Pang Tong's mind, he didn't expect Liu Feng to say these words directly.

"This time I want to hire Mr. as a master planner and a military counselor." Liu Feng said with a smile.Sima Hui's guess was correct, Liu Feng was indeed sure of taking Pang Tong away at once, especially after hearing what Sima Hui said about Pang Tong's ambitions, and hinting that there was his chance.

"This." Although Pang Tong was used to seeing the world, he was also overwhelmed by Liu Feng's straightforward words.Even if Zhou Yu wanted to hire him, he still sent Gu Shao, first to invite him to travel to Jiangdong, and then to show friendship and sincerity.There is no such thing as Liu Feng, who directly came to the door and said that he was going to be hired as a mastermind.

Gu Qian frowned, slightly angry.He was ordered to return with Pang Tong and others, and persuaded Pang Tong to go to Jiangdong. Although Pang Tong seemed to be a little hesitant, he was confident that he would never leave.Unexpectedly, Liu Feng, a stunned young man, was killed.

"Lord Liu came a step too late. Mr. Pang has already been hired by General Zhou of the Central Guard Army to serve as an official in Caichaisang." Gu Qian raised his fist neither humble nor overbearing.

"This must be Gu Qian, Mr. Gu?" Liu Feng met Gu Qian first without losing his etiquette.

"But I heard that Mr. Pang seems to be a little hesitant. Hesitating means thinking about it. That is, he hasn't made up his mind." Then Liu Feng smiled slightly, and then smiled again: "However, even if you have made up your mind, as long as you don't If I go to Chaisang to take up the post, I have a chance, don’t I?”

"It's Gu Qian." Seeing Liu Feng's sneering posture, Gu Qian frowned, reluctantly paying respects.Immediately, he said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency is joking, even if Mr. He hesitates, he will not hesitate to go to Jiangdong or Jiangxia."

Holding the reason that fighting for talents is as important as fighting, Gu Qian took the lead in striking the sword.

Gu Qian puffed up his chest, looked at Liu Feng proudly and said, "Jiangdong has six counties and 81 prefectures, with a vast territory and dozens of cities. Jiangxia only has more than ten cities. Why did Mr. Pang abandon Jiangdong and go to Jiangxia? "

With that said, Gu Qian also made a broad gesture.

"Jiangdong led a million people, while Jiangxia only had a hundred thousand. Why did you abandon Jiangdong and go to Jiangxia?"

The more he said, the more confident Gu Qian became.His expression was even more proud.

"Jiangdong has been established for the third time since General Sun. The people who defeated Wuyue were called Marquis of Wu. The soldiers were fine and the food was sufficient. However, the adults occupied Jiangxia for only two months, and the hearts of the people were not attached. The army has not yet been determined, and the wealth is scarce. Why did you abandon Jiangdong? And go to Jiangxia?"

As he spoke, Gu Qian's voice became louder and louder, and in the end it was even more impassioned and powerful.

Comparing the three, Jiang Xia has no advantage.

"In the land of Jiangxia, there are enemies on three sides. One day, General Cao Ren, who is guarding Wancheng, will raise troops to attack Jiangxia. I think my lord should not waste time, return to Jiangxia early, and see how to defend."

In the end, Gu Qian replaced Pang Tong and spoke out.

Gu Qian spent so much experience and time to win over Pang Tong, the crown of Nanzhou scholars, and he was about to get it, but he killed Liu Feng.

It's just too annoying.

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