Chapter 170 Eight Arms (Third)

In the study room in the front courtyard of the Cai Mansion, Cai Mao held a scroll of bamboo slips in his hand and smiled wryly. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

This is the letter Cai Yu sent to reply, with only a few words.Cai Yu is dead.It means that Cai Yu is dead, even if Cai Mao marries Cai Da to Liu Feng, nothing will happen.

However, Cai Mao just got the news that Liu Feng had already left for Jiangxia.

"It was hard to make up my mind to marry my daughter to him, so as to strengthen the relationship. I missed it just like that." Cai Mao thought with a wry smile.

After a wry smile, Cai Mao thought for a while and decided to hand over this matter to Cai Yu.Immediately, he immediately wrote a letter to Cai Yu.And send it to Jiangxia quickly.

On the Xiangjiang River, a large ship braved the waves.There are many guards on board, looking alert.

There are several people standing on the bow, one of them has a handsome face and a tall and straight figure.A face is ancient, very strange.The last one is a boy, this boy is thin and skinny, but there is a healthy blush on his face.

These three people are naturally Liu Feng, Pang Tong, and Huang Xu.

Going down the Xiangjiang River, only two days after setting off from Xiangyang, the big boat that Liu Feng and others took was already approaching Xiakou.

He looked at Pang Tong beside him, Huang Xu, who had a ruddy complexion and recovered well, and Yi Ji, Ma Liang and others who had already gone to Jiangxia to take up their posts.It stands to reason that this goal should have been successfully completed.But Liu Feng couldn't be happy in his heart.

Zhou Yu.

Thinking of the famous Zhou Lang, Liu Feng felt very heavy.

Zhou Yu is too difficult to deal with.Liu Feng sighed, turned his head and glanced at Pang Tong, thinking in his heart that the only one he could rely on was him.

While thinking about it, Xiakou Shuizhai had already appeared in front of him.Looking up at the handsome flag with the word "Liu" erected on the water village, Liu Feng only felt a breath of his own territory rushing towards him, and he couldn't help but feel at ease.

After all, it is his own territory, and the feeling is different.Liu Feng thought to himself.

"Hang up the flag." Liu Feng ordered.Liu Feng had already sent someone to inform Gan Ning that he was coming back. The handsome flag with the word "Liu" is a signal.

As soon as the words fell, several soldiers immediately took out a flag and hung it on the big ship.Under the wind of the river, the flag bared its teeth and waved its claws, very fierce.

A soldier in charge of guarding the water village saw a ship with a "Liu" flag flying towards this side.Immediately picked up the small horn hanging on his waist, put it in his mouth and blew it.

"Woooooo." The melodious sound of the horn was clearly heard by the entire water village.

At this moment, in the water village, there are densely packed warships, several large and small warships.Arranged in an orderly manner.

On the deck of a large ship, Gan Ning was wearing heavy armor and holding a spear.Hearing the melodious sound of the horn, his face flashed with joy, and he ordered loudly: "Beat the drum."

"Boom, boom." Following Gan Ning's order, drums roaring like thunder immediately replaced the sound of horns, resounding through the sky.

Under the leadership of the Shangguan, the soldiers stood on the deck with spears in their hands.

Just as the drums roared and the soldiers greeted them.The big boat that Liu Feng was on sailed into the water village.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Liu Feng was very relieved to hear the roaring drum beating in his ears, and looking at the navy standing at the bow.

This is what Liu Feng arranged for Gan Ning to do it. Although the time is short, Liu Feng also wants to see if his navy has changed from a miscellaneous army to a usable army.

From the looks of it now, the mentality of this naval army, as well as the degree of military integrity, are much stronger than they were a month or two ago.

You must know that the composition of this water army is very mixed, including water bandits and Huang Zu's soldiers.It only took Gan Ning such a short time to sort out this army, which was no easy feat.

In addition to wanting to see his own army, Liu Feng also wanted Pang Tong to see his own army, so as to formulate a strategy against Zhou Yu.

Pang Tong also looked at this army with a little surprise in his eyes. This army was much more useful than he had imagined.

It seems that the rumored Jinfan thief Gan Ning is a good general.

But in the end, Pang Tong still told Liu Feng the truth: "You can stick to Xiakou, and don't go out to fight."

Liu Feng smiled wryly, raised his fist and said, "Mister's evaluation is very pertinent."

Whether the army is effective or not, Liu Feng may be better than Pang Tong, after all, he is an orthodox general.This army looks like an army from the outside, but its composition is too mixed, and the time for mixing is too short.When it comes to war, Gan Ning may not be able to command.

And the strength of the Jiangdong navy is almost known to the world.If Zhou Yu advances by water, it may be difficult for Gan Ning to fight with him.Can only be trapped.

Fortunately, food and grass are plentiful.Liu Feng thought with some joy that the [-] shi of grain he had knocked from Fei's side had already been transported to Xiakou one after another by Fei's.In terms of food, there is no problem.

Liu Feng also ordered Yiji to gather the bows and arrows needed to defend the city.

After watching his navy, Liu Feng ordered people to find Gan Ning, and then together with Pang Tong, they came to the prefect's mansion.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Gan Ning arrived not long after Liu Feng and Pang Tong sat down.After seeing Liu Feng, Gan Ning was overjoyed, but when he saw Pang Tong, doubts flashed from his eyes.

"Meet the lord." Because I felt that there was an outsider present, it was not like when two brothers called each other brothers.Gan Ning was very arrogant, and respectfully paid his respects to Dao.

"I see that the navy is well-organized and has a good momentum. Xingba has worked hard." Liu Feng also felt that he had a good relationship with Gan Ning, but he still had to be sympathetic, so he couldn't help but smile and praised.

"The training period is still short, but the outside looks decent, but the inside is actually mud. You can't fight." Gan Ning did not accept Liu Feng's praise, but regretted it.

Liu Feng first sent people to Xiakou, Xiling and other places.Of course Gan Ning knew that a battle was coming.If it is a year or even half a year, Gan Ning dares to boast that he can train a navy that can fight against the Jiangdong navy.Just one month.It's too short.

"First-class ability, self-knowledge." Pang Tong on the side silently wrote down Gan Ning. Liu Feng said he would reuse him, and he has already entered the role. As a counselor and military adviser, one must understand the character and ability of the general.

The first time they met, Gan Ning gave him a good feeling.

A motley army, after Gan Ning's hands, changed its appearance in just over a month.Humans are also self-aware.He is a first-rate general.I also don't know how the lord, who has the identity of Xinye, recruited such people.

Pang Tong was a little strange.

"Xingba leads the army, I don't worry." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.After affirming Gan Ning's ability, he then said: "I have prepared food, arrows, and supplies. If you keep the city without losing it, you will win." Liu Feng paused and said: "In addition, I have already Rang engaged in Yiji wrote down the official document and sent people to Liu Biao. He told him about Jiangxia's situation. I think he would be very sad if Jiangxia fell to Zhou Yu. Therefore, he will definitely send people to support him. The nearby Hanyang Ferry , Shiyang Ferry, and Wulin Ferry are all friendly troops. If the situation is not good, Xingba can send someone for help."

Liu Biao is the backer of Liu Feng's strategic plan.Of course, I didn't talk about it. At critical moments, of course I need to ask for help.

"My lord, don't worry, I will definitely stabilize the city." Gan Ning replied seriously after hearing the words.

"That's great." Liu Feng nodded.The matter has been explained, and it is time to introduce the general to the military adviser.Smiling, Liu Feng pointed at Pang Tong and said, "This is Pang Tong, the crown of Nanzhou scholars. My tentative military advisor."

"Mister is Pang Tong, Pang Shiyuan who is known as Fengchu?" Gan Ning asked in surprise.He lived in Jingzhou for more than a year. Although Liu Biao didn't appreciate him, he was very familiar with many people in Jingzhou.Especially Pang Tong, who is too famous.Gan Ning didn't care if he didn't understand.

Unexpectedly, Liu Feng went to Xiangyang and invited such people out of the mountain.

"Exactly." Pang Tong smiled and nodded.A little reserved.

"This is my general, Gan Ning of Shu County, who is in charge of the navy, and his name is Xingba." Liu Feng smiled slightly, and introduced Gan Ning in turn.

After the introduction, the two said it was a pleasure to meet.

The first meeting between the general and the military division was a bit dull.But Liu Feng didn't have time to let them continue to get acquainted. Gan Ning's side was only guarding against the Jiangdong navy, and the key was Wuchang and Xiling's side.

After saying a few words, Liu Feng stood up and said, "I'm going to Xiling in a hurry, and I will hand it over to Xingba."

"The carriage is already ready, my lord is ready to go." Gan Ning said immediately.

Liu Feng nodded and left with Pang Tong and others.

Not long after, Liu Feng and others took a carriage and were escorted by Kou Shui and others to Xiling County.

On the carriage, Liu Feng was in a good mood.The navy was unexpectedly good, and with Gan Ning's ability, and there were many Liu Biao's navy strongholds around, Xiakou should not fall.

This fact made Liu Feng relieve some worries about the serious situation and let go of his heart a little.

Pang Tong in the other carriage also thought so.

Xiakou is relatively stable, even if the Jiangdong navy comes to attack, it will not be breached in a short time.In this way, the focus of the war is Wuchang and the Xiling area.If Jiangdong striker can be beheaded and the initiative can be taken, then this war can basically be won.

It's just that it's all planned and lacks change.Zhou Yu is not a simple person. If he comes up with a strange plan, I don't know if I will be able to cope with it.

The first experience of battle is also a matter of life and death.With Pang Tong's conceit, he was also slightly nervous.However, the tension didn't last long.

It was replaced by the perseverance in Pang Tong's heart, and he can take any position with whatever ability he has.Since the lord has given him such an important position as military advisor Zhong Lang, then he has to prove that he is worthy of this position.

Even if the opponent is Zhou Yu.

Pang Tong's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he quietly clenched his fists.

Because they were in a hurry, the speed of the team was very fast, and it only took an hour to reach the Xiling City.Huang Zu has been running this strong city for more than ten years.

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