Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 179 Let the military division work

Chapter 170 IX Let the military division work (fourth more)

The city was no different from when Liu Feng left, but when Liu Feng entered the city, he felt very different. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It is not the right way for Liu Feng to raise troops with bandits.The occupied Xiling County and the people in Jiangxia all thought Liu Feng was a bandit from the bottom of their hearts, and they were a little more on guard.

Even after Liu Feng was formally appointed as the prefect by Liu Biao, these precautions were deeply hidden in his heart.The people in the city come and go in a hurry, and there are few smiles.

This is the so-called non-attachment of the people.

But after Liu Feng entered the city this time, he found that the people on the streets along the way were all smiling, calm and natural.Even if they saw their menacing men and horses, they just avoided them, and they didn't show a look of panic.

Liu Feng knew that Yi Ji, Ma Liang and others must have contributed to it.

The transformation from the non-attachment of the people's hearts to the initial determination of the people's hearts.

Liu Feng also knows that this transformation may be limited to Xiling, and most areas in Jiangxia are still in a state of unattached popular support.After all, even if Ma Liang and the others are talented, they cannot make all the people in Jiangxia depend on him in such a short period of time.

But even if the changes were limited to Xiling County, it was enough to surprise Liu Feng.

One who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.Some people may sneer at it, but it does make sense.If the hearts of the people are not attached, how can we gain a foothold, how can we hold on to it?

The military generals set the country, and the civilian officials Anbang.With Ma Liang, Yi Ji and others governing the state and county, there is indeed a huge gap.

Liu Feng was very happy.

With joy, Liu Feng brought Pang Tongli to the prefect's mansion.Instead of going in first, he sent someone to send Huang Xu home with the prescription he got from Zhang Zhongjing.

Immediately, he ordered people to look for Ma Liang, and Yiji came over, and then brought Pang Tong into the prefect's mansion.

Soon, Ma Liang and Yi Ji entered the prefect's mansion.

The two looked a little tired. Ever since they found out that Zhou Yu planned to raise troops, the two of them had been leading Zhang Dao, Xu Tian, ​​Xu Zheng and others day and night, dispatching food, ordnance, supplies, and so on.

Although Xiling County is the top priority, Xiakou and Wuchang City are also key care objects.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going in the carriages delivering the supplies.

After entering the prefect's mansion, the two soon came to the hall.

"Master." Seeing Liu Fengduan sitting on the main seat, the two of them bowed together.

Although Ma Liang's talents and achievements are higher than Yi Ji's, the ranking is not like this. Yi Ji arrives first and then works, while Ma Liang has no official position.Therefore, after the two entered the hall, Yi Ji took a step forward and Ma Liang took a step behind.

However, in Liu Feng's heart, the status of these two people is the same, they are right-hand men.Govern Jiangxia, or an indispensable talent.

Seeing the tired faces of the two, with bloodshot eyes slightly, Liu Feng sighed and said, "It's been really hard for you these days."

The two looked at each other, and Yu Yiji took a step forward, saying: "Thank you, my lord, for your compassion."

"Hehe, what kind of sympathy is this? It's just casual. To be sympathetic is after the war. At that time, I will definitely hold a big banquet for you heroes." Liu Feng smiled slightly.

Originally, the two of them didn't know much about this war. After all, Jiangdong was too strong and Jiangxia was too weak. Even if they defended to the death, their chances of winning were not great.But seeing Liu Feng's confident expression, his words became more confident.

They also thought that Liu Feng's banditry would be able to fight against Jiang Xia, and it might not be impossible to deal with Zhou Yu.I couldn't help letting go of some worries in my heart.

There was some smile on Ma Liang's face, he took a step forward, raised his fist and said, "Then I would like to thank my lord for the banquet first."

"Hehe." Several people glanced at each other and laughed, and the atmosphere couldn't help but relax a little.

Immediately, Liu Feng also introduced Pang Tong to Yiji and Ma Liang, just like in Xiakou.These two were natives of Jingzhou, and they were more familiar with Pang Tong's reputation than Gan Ning.

The two of them did not expect that Liu Feng would be able to recruit this phoenix chick who was praised by Sima Hui as the crown of Nanzhou scholars in Xiangyang.In addition to being pleasantly surprised, the two became more confident about this war.

Seeing the change in the expressions of the two, Liu Feng was not jealous at all, but was very happy.The more talents there are, the more heroes there are, the more mutual confidence in this force will be, and the cohesion will be stronger.Good thing.

In addition to being overjoyed, Liu Feng also asked about how the two managed Xiling County.

The two also said exactly that when Liu Feng entered the city, it was because he occupied the city for the first time.Therefore, some officials under Huang Zu's account were not dealt with.

Even corrupt officials are the same.When Huang Zu was old, there were many slanderous officials and corrupt officials.

With a thought in his heart, Yiji convicted several corrupt officials and beheaded them at Caishikou for public display.It made the people happy, which led to the initial attachment of the people now.

After explaining, Yi Ji also pleaded guilty to Liu Feng.In this matter, Yi Ji actually exceeded his authority a bit, after all, he did not report to Liu Feng.

This crime can be big or small.

How can Liu Feng be such a narrow-minded person that it's too late to appreciate Yi Ji's determination.Not only did he not punish him, but he praised him fiercely.

It wasn't until Yiji felt a little blushing that he stopped talking.

Liu Feng looked up and saw that although Yi Ji blushed a little, but there was a little excitement in his eyes, he couldn't help smiling.For Yi Ji, who has been a petty official for many years and has not been promoted, there may be nothing more motivating than the praise of his boss.

After praising Yiji's achievements, Liu Feng turned his head to Ma Liang. Although the governance of Yiji in Jiangxia has made great contributions, it would not be possible without Ma Liang's assistance.

Considering that Ma Liang has no official position yet, Liu Feng thought for a while, and said, "Ji Chang, you are very capable, but your experience is still inexperienced, so why don't you be the master bookkeeper and help me manage the management documents?"

The responsibility of the master book is really just to manage the documents.But it's definitely not as simple as Liu Feng said, the power is very heavy.

Ma Liang was taken aback, a feeling of being valued spontaneously arose.Then he nodded without hesitation and said, "As long as the lord appoints me, no matter how big or small the official position is, I will try my best to do it."

"If there are more officials like Ji Chang, it will be easy for me to be the prefect." Liu Feng laughed and said.

Ma Liang was still young and lacked experience. He was so thin-skinned and blushed when Liu Feng praised him so much.

Liu Feng smiled, and didn't continue to take any more action on these matters.After all, it is the eve of the war, and more importantly, the army.

Therefore, Liu Feng encouraged the two of them a few words, and then let them go down.

"What does Shi Yuan think of these two people?" After the two left, Liu Feng asked Pang Tong with a smile.

Just now when Liu Feng and Ma Liang were talking, Pang Tong was watching and observing.

"Ma's Wuchang, Baimei is the best, I have heard of it, and Yiji is also a little famous. Now it seems that they are all real materials. Under the lord's tent, the fullness of the wings is beyond my expectation Outside." Pang Tong thought for a moment, then smiled.

Pang Tong didn't lie, he thought that Liu Feng's tent only had Gan Ning and Huang Zhong who were slightly famous.But Gan Ning was born as a water thief, no matter how famous he is, Pang Tong still has no idea.Huang Zhong is old again.

As for civil servants, Pang Tong heard that Liu Feng had only a few minor officials.Unexpectedly fullness.Gan Ning's man Pang Tong observed it himself again and thought he was a general.

It's not that there are broken tiles and houses, and there is no foundation at all, but some foundation is there.

Just as Pang Tong looked down on Liu Bei's possession of the pill, if Liu Feng's tent had no talents, Pang Tong would also have a headache, but now, he feels much more relaxed.

"Hehe, I conquered Jiangxia and governed Jiangxia. I didn't want to build a grassroots team, but I really wanted to do something. The civil servants and the navy have seen it. I'm afraid Shi Yuan knows how to use these resources to fight Zhou Yu. But these are not the most elite part of me. Let's go, first go and see the battalion of soldiers and horses I rely on the most, and a mighty old general." Liu Feng laughed, got up and said.

From Xiakou to Xiling, from Ganning to Maliang.Liu Feng was always introducing soldiers, generals, and civil servants to Pang Tong.Let the military division have a rough idea of ​​the situation.

The quality of the army, the ability of the generals, and the ability of civil servants.If a strategist cannot understand these situations, you can't expect him to win the battle.

And the soldiers and horses that Liu Feng relied on the most can also realize what Pang Tong designed. To kill or defeat the soldiers and horses of the Jiangdong Vanguard Army, of course it must be broken barracks.

As for Huang Zhong, I haven't seen him in January or February, so it might bring some surprises.

Pang Tong knew that Liu Feng's mighty old general was Huang Zhong, the former Zhonglang general, but he didn't know about the so-called battalion of troops he relied on the most.

However, judging from Liu Feng's facial expression, Pang Tong had some expectations in his heart.

Jiangxia's army numbered 1000 men, of which Gan Ning was in charge of the water army, and Huang Zhong's army had 5000 men.The rest Deng Ai and Zhang Gui each had 1000 people.Chen Da has 800 people.

Each of these generals is very independent, has the right to lead the army on its own, and has the task of stationing, and is only controlled by Liu Feng.

The broken army camp led by Chen Da was stationed on a flat ground in the south of the city.After Liu Feng took Pang Tong out of the city together, he soon came to the south of the city camp.

The team could clearly hear the shouts of killing coming from the barracks hundreds of meters away.

These shouts of killing were full of spirit and fierce.Hearing these shouts of killing, Liu Feng's eyes showed a hint of nostalgia. He remembered that he personally led these people to train and fight.

Now, he has jumped from a school lieutenant to a prefect, and he is in charge of too many things, so he can't come here often if he breaks the barracks.

Full of energy, Ling Lie's unusual killing sound seemed to have caused some kind of change, making the air filled with murderous aura.

Pang Tong's face was moved for the first time. Pang Tong praised Gan Ning as a general, and Ma Liang, and Yi Ji was also a good talent.But never showed any emotion.

If this army is really powerful, it will be directly proportional to the voice they shout.Then doubt is the world's first-class elite.

Pang Tong felt that the odds in his heart had risen to another level after meeting Gan Ning, Ma Liang, Yi Ji and others.

From Xiakou to Xiling, Pang Tong saw too many resources and means in Liu Feng's hands.The odds in my heart are already great.

This is still in the situation where Pang Tong has never met Huang Zhong, so I hope there will be some surprises.Pang Tong thought expectantly.

In this expectation, the carriage slowly entered the barracks.

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