Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 309 A piece of red, like a broken bamboo

With the merger of Pang Tong and Huang Zhong, the mighty behavior brought by the [-] army almost attracted the attention of people all over the world. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It also attracted the attention of the most powerful force in Jiangdong, Yuzhang's [-] troops led by Zhou Yu.

Jiangdong's navy is very strong, which is well known in the world.Almost none of the princes can easily break through Jiangdong's Jiangdong and penetrate into the hinterland of Jiangdong.

Cao Cao can't do it, and neither can Liu Biao.Many people think that Liu Feng's navy can't do the same.

The battle of the army in this war is the most dazzling.

And just when the high-level leaders of the Jiangdong forces set their sights on Yuzhang.Liu Feng's navy set off quietly.

Xiakou Ferry.

Fifty ships gathered in the middle of the river. Gan Ning planned to lead his army to break through the defense of the Jiangdong Navy, which is the largest navy in the world, drive the army to the hinterland of Jiangdong, and burn the war into the major cities north and south of the Yangtze River.

Fifty ships have an average of 120 soldiers stationed, and half of these soldiers are archers.The biggest means of water warfare is bow and arrow.

But these archers are not pure archers, they can still fight with weapons.

120 soldiers were killed and 100 of them held the full version of Chu Dao, which made their combat effectiveness skyrocket.

The rest are one hundred dings, the strength of the recruits.Each ship has fifty pedal positions, and 100 people can be divided into two shifts to ensure the speed of the ship.

On the deck of one of the fifty ships with the general flag of "Gan", stood the murderous Gan Ning.

He was dressed in golden armor" with a Chu sword hanging from his waist, a big bow in his hand, and a quiver on his back. Gan Ning, who was fully armed, looked at Jiang Dong with murderous aura, and his eyes were full of strangeness. Determination.

Back then, when Zhou Yu came to attack the "Jiangdong Navy", he suppressed the Jiangxia Navy with absolute power, forcing Gan Ning to hide in Xiakou City, watching the Jiangdong Navy show off their power and domineering in the waters of Jingzhou.

Gan Ning was not a gentle person who hated fighting.On the contrary, "Gan Ning's character is more irritable" and a person who is aggressive and ruthless.

Being a coward once, Gan Ning hated the Jiangdong navy for a long time.

Now, his army has fast warships and ships that can break through the river defense.With the Chu Dao that is full of lethality, it can assault the Jiangdong camp.

It can be said that all the conditions are met.

Wash away the shame, just this time.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Gan Ning shouted, "Let's go" to sack Jiangdong. "


It is not necessary to use any horns to give orders, but the howls of the soldiers responding in unison are the best luck for starting a war.

Gan Ning's naval army is very mixed, including water bandits, Jinfan bandits, and the original Jiangxia army.

The water thief and the Jinfan thief are brave and ruthless.It turned out that Jiang Xia's army also had unspeakable hatred for Jiang Dong.The last time Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai led the water army to rampage through Jingchu.

Gan Ning is aggrieved." They were also aggrieved.

In the howling sound, there was abnormal excitement.

At first there were only 120 soldiers on Gan Ning's boat howling, but in the end it was all [-] soldiers howling.

The war has not yet started, but the momentum of the navy has already risen.

Following this roar, the fifty people in the boat all roared and stomped on the pedals vigorously.Under the hard work of the feet, "the outer paddle wheels of the fifty ships slowly moved." After a simple acceleration, the speed immediately increased sharply.

Flying to Jiangdong.

"It's as fast as an arrow." Sensing the speed of the paddle steamer again, Gan Ning couldn't help sighing.

I am even more confident in my heart. With such a warship, it is too easy to break through the Jiang defense.

&nbAfter reaching the vicinity of Jiujiang in a day, Gan Ning became much more cautious." However, being cautious is not a decrease in speed, but an increase in speed.

Speed ​​is the advantage. Only by relying on speed can we break through Sun Quan's first line of defense at Hukou. It's getting late now.But the "bright moon hanging high" in the sky can be very high.

Inside the boat, fifty people climbed up vigorously, their arms holding the handles in front were bulging, and their feet were turning at a very fast frequency.

The heavy panting sound and the strong smell of sweat permeated the inside of the boat.The speed of the ship is completely strong and the speed of the ship is the limit.

And now these fifty feet have reached the limit of what they can achieve.

Under the full force of these fifty people, the fifty ships were really sailing to Jiangdong.Soon" Under the illumination of the lights, the very bright Jiangdong Hukou Ferry appeared ahead.

The Hukou Ferry was originally the line of defense Jiang Qin was in charge of, and it was the first line of defense against Jiang Xia.There were originally 5000 defenders.

But Jiang Qin was sent by Sun Quan to "go to sea" to find Liu Feng's remaining fifty sea ships. So the current number is only 4000.

The general in charge temporarily is called Hong Cheng, in his 30s, with a fair face, a small mustache, and a rather mighty physique.

Jiang Qin is an old general of Sun Ce, who started in Sun Ce's period.And Hong Cheng also followed Jiang Qin from that time, and has been Jiang Qin's deputy until now.

Since Jiang Qin led his troops to leave, Hong Cheng has been paying attention to Jiang Xia's situation.

Especially for Pang Tong and Huang Zhong in Yuzhang, Hong Cheng became even more cautious after his soldiers approached the city.

I have been diligent and conscientious, afraid that Liu Feng's navy will break through the river defense and rush into the hinterland of Jiangdong.

Jiangdong's navy is very strong, not a single navy.It's Jiangdong's infantry, with a little training, they can become navy troops.

It will take at least a few years for the northerners to adapt to water warfare.This is Jiangdong's unique advantage.

But now Zhou Yu led 5000 people to confront Pang Tong under the city of Yuzhang.Now Jiangdong's navy is only within the normal range, and the first line of defense has [-] people at Hukou.

Others include Sanshan, Hengjiang, Liyang, Qu'a, etc., where thousands or more than a thousand people may be stationed.Add up only [-] to [-] people.

And Jiangxia Ganning has 6000 people, if he breaks through the first line of defense.The next line of defense is dangerous.

Therefore, Hong Cheng was cautious and had to be cautious.

Inspect the river defense every two hours during the day, and three times in the evening.Hong Wei will sleep peacefully only after the daily inspections are completed.

In the General's Mansion next to the Prefect's Mansion, Hong Chengpo was in the hall, looking a little tired.

He had just returned from his tour of the ferry.

Guarding such a large ferry alone, work hard.It's tough.Spit out one.While taking a long breath, Hong Cheng couldn't help admiring Jiang Qin.

Although he was doing the same thing, the man never showed any signs of fatigue.

Hong Cheng doesn't know that the man he admires has become a "prisoner" and is now under house arrest in Luwan.

But the next moment, Hong Cheng jumped up and rushed to the water village in a hurry.Because the soldiers in charge of the watch found dozens of warships appearing in the distance on the river, and the watch soldiers made a decisive decision and blew their horns.The navy is different from the army." Due to the particularity of water warfare, some soldiers will be kept on vigil. It has the effect of temporarily intercepting the enemy.

Following Hong Cheng's order, the gate of the water village was immediately opened.

The five warships in the water village immediately sailed out of the water village.

According to the usual situation, when the soldiers found the enemy, it only took a little time for the warships of their own side to fight out of the water stronghold.

It is sure to be able to intercept the opponent, even if it is not good enough, you can follow and kill.

But when the five warships came out, the soldiers on board could only see the tails of Gan Ning's fifty warships, no "only some black spots" quickly disappeared from their sight .

When Hong Cheng arrived, he entangled the elite soldiers in the ferry at the first moment, and when he got out of the water stronghold, he saw five warships of his own side parked in the river in a daze.

At the bow of the boat," Hong Cheng said angrily, "Where's the person? "

"It's gone far away." The man in charge of the five warships was a military lord, and he replied blankly.

"Why didn't you chase?" Hong Cheng's voice was raised by three points, and his eyes were almost on fire.

Amidst Hong Cheng's sharp screams again and again, "The Junhou finally came back to his senses and realized what happened.

They actually watched dozens of warships whizzing by. You know, there is a large blank area behind them.Defense" navy.

Enemy forces can wreak havoc.How many people can sit on dozens of warships?Five thousand?Ten thousand?It's all possible.

Thinking that he might let go of 1 people, Junhou immediately turned pale.Hastily explained: "General, I misunderstood, General" It's really not a small fault" but their speed was too fast. They whizzed by almost in the blink of an eye. The small person is more than ten years above the Yangtze River. Years, I have never seen such a fast warship. It is almost twice as fast as ours, not twice."

The military marquis is eager to shirk responsibility" is basically the truth. But Naihe is too unbelievable.

The new warship may have some advantages in speed, but how can it be more than twice as fast?

"Sophistry, come and tie this guy up for me. The rest of them will follow me." Hong Cheng believed in his heart that this guy was trying to shirk responsibility, trembling with anger, and roared.

Immediately lead the warship to pursue.

Hong Cheng was lucky and hoped that he could follow. As long as the enemy warship stopped, he could stop the enemy from continuing to advance eastward.

so as not to cause major damage.

But what made Hong Cheng's brothers cold was that they chased him for nearly an hour.The soldiers in charge of shaking the oars almost changed, but there was still no trace of the enemy warship.

Is it really double speed, double speed?

If Hong Cheng was killed in the past, he would not believe that there are new warships that are superior to Jiangdong warships in terms of function.

But now that the facts were in front of Hong Cheng, Hong Cheng couldn't help but not believe it.

The number is not clear, about 1 to [-] troops broke through the Hukou Ferry and marched into Jiangdong Mansion.

God, what the hell happened.

"The warship goes down the river" is already very fast. If the enemy's speed is one or two times that of our own, it will be even faster.Maybe not even a war horse.

That is to say, when their news reached Wu Nong, Sun Quan then issued orders for martial law at various crossings in Wu Jun. It is absolutely impossible to catch up with Gan Ning's speed.

Under the dark sky, a bright moon hangs high.

On the turbulent Yangtze River," dozens of warships were moored blankly.

Hong Cheng stood at the bow of the boat, his face was pale, his expression was dull, and his whole body was ice-cold.

"Spring and summer" is cold all over.

Gan Ning, who didn't know how far away Hong Cheng was, was in another mood.

At this moment, the speed of the fifty ships is no longer as fast as before, but is slowly descending.

Just break through the mouth of the lake, there is no need to sail at the limit speed.Their foot strength cannot keep up with their strength, which affects their performance at critical moments.

At the bow of the boat, Gan Ning was facing the river wind, looking ahead enthusiastically.

Breakthrough, relying on excellent speed, breaking through Jiangdong's Jiangfang is really very simple.

&nbIt took an unknown amount of time and energy to send spies to inquire about the news in various places in Jiangdong.

Gan Ning's heart was full of fire when he thought of the Hudong who was like a lamb in front of him.

This time Liu Feng's order was to burn, first to attack the city, the ferry, and the water village.Then burn down the granary.

How many cities are there on both sides of the Yangtze River?How many crossings are there?uncountable.And what he has to do is to burn them all." Sun Quan, who was burned, felt distressed to the point of heartbreak.

How does Gan Ning feel now?That is cool, great cool.

Burn the Yangtze River, kill all the way and burn all the way.What is revenge?This is revenge.Let you think that the navy is the best in the world, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai will go out together to control the waters of Jingchu.

Let your Sun Quan have a taste of this today.

"Get your rockets ready and cheer up. As soon as you see the other side's ferry, water village, etc.," they will all set fire to it. Gan Ning roared with a surge of emotion.


The soldiers responded with extreme excitement, "touching the tiger's whiskers" and burning, killing and looting on the ground of Jiangdong, the overlord of the water. What a thrilling thing this is.

………… Jiangfeng is a small ferry and also a checkpoint.It belongs to Jing County.It is about a hundred miles away from the mouth of the lake.

There are only 100 permanent soldiers, which is a very small ferry.

There are almost no warships that come and go on a daily basis, and most of them are civilian ships.

Because Sun Quan never considered that Liu Feng's navy could directly break through the Hukou defense line, so for some water villages and checkpoints along the way.Not even an order to be alert.

Therefore, the soldiers on and off the ferry, including Du Bo, did not know that Jiangxia Liu Feng had already started a war with Sun Quan.The two sides are at war.

The soldiers almost lived a peaceful life according to the law of "working at sunrise and resting at sunset".

But tonight" they suffered a catastrophe.

The warship that came out of nowhere, fired a large number of rockets at them when the watchmen just discovered it.

You must know that this ferry is not a structure of half water village and half city, but a simple ferry, and the places where the soldiers live are just some tents.

After these rounds of rockets came down, the ferry almost became a sea of ​​flames.

"Ahhh." Several soldiers screamed and crawled out of the tent, and some soldiers who were on fire even howled and jumped into the river.

All miserable.

When the fire is extinguished, leaving a place of ruins.The escaped soldiers could only stare blankly at the Yangtze River, "The warship that attacked them had disappeared.

Dong'a, Guanghui……….

The middle and small ferry placed in front of Gan Ning. "As long as Gan Ning can see it, it is not a sea of ​​flames.

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