Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 310 Breaking Biyan'er's Heart

Under Xiangzhang City, the two armies are still facing each other. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The coalition forces of Pang Tong and Huang Zhong arrived at the foot of Yuzhang City smoothly all the way, and then they took a three-day rest to build up the camp.

On the contrary, in Yuzhang City, under Zhou Yu's order, there is still a steady stream of equipment for defending the city.Wait for Pang Tong to come.

A strange peace was formed.

The sky is clear and cloudy today, which is a rare good weather.

In the large camp that stretched for several miles, Pang Tong and Huang Zhong each took their cronies to inspect the barracks.

"It's been three days. I'm afraid General Gan has already entered Jiangdong, and our mission has been completed." We can retreat in the evening. Pang Tong said with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Retire now? Don't buy more time for General Gan?" Huang Zhong said in surprise.

Twenty-eight thousand troops were dispatched, such a big battle, just to buy Gan Ning three to five days?Huang Zhong originally thought that he would at least fight Zhou Yu a few times.

"Hehe, staying for one more day is more dangerous. I heard that Sun Quan has broken the technique of Chu Dao." This time Zhou Yu may have some Chu Dao in his hand, so he has to guard against it. " Pang Tong said with a chuckle.

"Chu Dao?" Huang Zhong was taken aback, he didn't know about it.But he has heard about the power of the Chu knife. It is said that it is light and narrow, and it is as fast as lightning when used.

"Well, Chu Dao." Pang Tong nodded solemnly.

Pang Tong also knew that Liu Feng's complete version of Chu Dao is a grade higher than Sun Quan's.But forging takes time, and there are only [-] handles.Not enough to equip an entire army.

Even small-scale equipment is difficult.

Therefore, the army should retreat as soon as possible.As long as the waters of Gan Ning and Yang Wei, Megatron Jiangdong will do.

After pondering for a moment, Huang Zhong was more moved by the withdrawal of troops.

The two coaches have reached a consensus that "the retreat of the army is nailed to the iron plate.

Early the next morning, some soldiers discovered that Pang Tong and Huang Zhong's camp was empty.

Zhou Yu, who heard the news, immediately came to check with all the generals under his account.

Looking at the empty camp, there was almost nothing left in the camp.Zhou Yu's face was as ugly as it could be.

Pang Tong, Huang Zhong came in menacingly, Zhou Yu was all excited, determined to get rid of the shame, and kept accumulating strength and accumulating strength for the past few days.

But in the end, Pang Tong and Huang Zhong left without a fight.

This gave Zhou Yu a painful feeling of punching with all his strength but hitting the cotton hut, this feeling almost made Zhou Yu vomit blood.

But a terrible thought rose in Zhou Yu's mind.

Liu Feng put on such a big battle, [-] marching, how much food will it cost?How much energy?But he only stayed for three days and left.

what is this?

"General, the army went out and then retreated like a child's play." It must not be as simple as making us nervous. I am afraid that Liu Feng's real intention is the navy. "Lu Meng also thought of the terrible idea in Zhou Yu's mind, and his face changed drastically," said.

"General Lu is worrying too much. I can't do anything else in Jiangdong, but the navy is the best in the world. There may be some chances of winning against our infantry, but the navy, hmph," Zhu Ran said disdainfully.

But Zhu Ran's words "did not extinguish the terrifying thought in Zhou Yu's heart. On the contrary, it intensified.

It is precisely because it is unexpected that it is most likely to succeed.

When Liu Feng's army arrived, did they ever think that the army was just bluffing?And Liu Feng's real goal is the navy?

Is it to break through Jiangdong's "Jiangfang" and enter the hinterland of Jiangdong?

The more Zhou Yu thought about it, the more something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more ugly his face became. After a while, Zhou Yu shouted, "Come here, send spies to the lake mouth to have a look."

Hukou is the first line of defense against the Jiangxia navy, and it may be under attack by Gan Ning.Zhou Yu must grasp the information.

But Zhou Yu would never have imagined that Gan Ning could easily break through the Jiang defense with only the advantage of the warship, and now he doesn't know where he is.

"No." The soldiers beside him immediately agreed, "Get on their horses and plan to rush to the north.

But at this moment, a fast horse rushed out from the direction of the city.

In an instant, the fast horse came to Zhou Yu and the others.The knight on the horse took a dive, got off his horse and knelt beside Zhou Yu, and reported: "Report to the general, Hukou Water General Hong Cheng sent someone to send news that dozens of warships of unknown origin broke through the lake mouth, rushing quickly To Jiangdong."

Zhou Yu only felt dizzy, but somehow he didn't fall down.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Is there any pursuit by Hong Cheng?"

It doesn't matter if you break through, as long as you can catch up.Gan Ning's naval attack was too sudden this time, Hong Cheng was a little lax, and Zhou Yu could forgive him.

"That wave of warships was too fast, one or two times faster than ordinary warships. General Hong failed to catch up." The knight continued to report.

"What?" Zhou Yu roared, and then a burst of dizziness struck.Zhou Yu's whole body was on the verge of collapse.

The mouth of the lake had been breached, and the remaining crossings must have been unguarded.If Gan Ning's warship was really that fast, he would be able to break through all the ferries along the way.

The Yangtze River, thousands of miles east of the Yangtze River, has almost become the back garden of Gan Ning.

Thinking of this possibility, how could Zhou Yu not be in a hurry, how could he not be shocked?

"Ah." Suddenly, Zhou Yu looked up to the sky and yelled ps, a mouthful of blood gushed out, his eyes turned white, and he passed out.

"General, general."

There was chaos all around.

"Don't mess around, where are the soldiers? The soldiers stepped forward and helped the general to go to the city for treatment." At the critical moment, Lu Meng said calmly.

Four weeks ago, the guards suddenly woke up, and one of them squatted down and rushed towards the city with Zhou Yu, who was unconscious, on his back.

In an instant, only Lu Meng and Zhu Zhi were left in the empty camp. It wasn't that the two were not worried about Zhou Yu, but that Zhou Yu suddenly passed out, and someone needed to step forward to deal with the current situation.

"General, what should we do?" Lu Meng glanced at Yuzhang City worriedly, then turned to Zhu Zhidao resolutely.

In this city of Yuzhang, Zhu Zhi is the most senior in terms of seniority.When Zhou Yu fell, it was natural for Zhu Zhi to decide.

But what can Zhu Zhi do?" Jiang Xia's water army easily broke through Jiang Fang, which proved that the knight just now did not lie.

Jiang Xia's warship is one or two times faster than ordinary warships.

If you can't catch up, you can't stop it.This Jiangxia navy might run amok in Jiangdong like a wild horse running wild.

Thinking about it, Zhu Zhi and Lu Meng's faces were ugly.

"Report to the lord first, please at most the lord." His face changed for a while, Zhu Zhi could only spit out such a mediocre way.

"Hey. That's the only way to go." Lu Meng said with a sigh.

Immediately, "the two immediately found a few people" and hurried to Wu County to pass the news to Sun Quan.


Above the Yangtze River, near Wuhu.

A fleet of fifty warships sailed towards the east at high speed.

These warships are strange and completely different from the warships of this era, but their speed is extremely fast.Down the river now, almost as fast as lightning.

This is of course Gan Ning's warship.

After a day and two nights of driving.Gan Ning's warships had traveled more than a thousand li all the way from the lake to the vicinity of Wuhu, and Gan Ning attacked all the cities and water villages that could be attacked along the way.

Not long before, Gan Ning captured one of Jiangdong's large crossings, the Sanshan Ferry with [-] defenders.

Gan Ning rushed into the ferry with absolute speed, broke through the ferry almost instantly, and burned the ferry.The warships inside" then retreated quickly and continued eastward.

Just like the Lujiang county town, Wancheng that Gan Ning just passed by.The city is tall and thick, and there are thousands of defenders.Gan Ning did not choose to attack.

Gan Ning is very clear about picking the soft persimmons.

Attack if you can, and burn if you can. But if you can’t attack, don’t attack blindly. In the hinterland of Jiangdong, they don’t have any reinforcements or supplies.” Be able to endure the temptation.

"General, we are almost at Wuhu." At this time, a soldier said to Gan Ning.

"En." Gan Ning nodded." There was a gleam of danger in his eyes, like a beast meeting its prey.

Wuhu is not famous, nor is it a big ferry. It is a city surrounded by mountains.

But there is a person in Wuhu that Gan Ning must pay attention to, Xu Sheng.

Gan Ning will never forget that "his purpose this time is to destroy for the sake of destruction. To destroy Jiangdong and the entire force.

The general is naturally one of them.

Lu Meng, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, Ling Tong, etc. are rising heroes in Jiangdong, and Xu Sheng is the only one who leads the army along the river.

Xu Sheng's army was only a few hundred, and the reason why he was stationed in Wuhu was that Sun Quan ordered him to crusade against bandits in this area.

If in the past, there were so many soldiers on Jiangdong's front line, Gan Ning would naturally have no way to cut off Jiangdong's future generals.

but now?

The fierce light in Gan Ning's eyes flashed away, revealing a ferocious smile.

Wait for heartbreak, Sun Quan.

North of Wuhu Lake, near the source of the Yangtze River.A small army of about several hundred men is stationed.Xu Sheng is the commander of this small army.

Wuhu's geographical characteristics are obvious, with many mountains and forests.Naturally, there are many bandits.

Gan Ning's information is absolutely correct, Xu Sheng was ordered to exterminate bandits in this area.

On the banks of the Yangtze River" Xu Sheng was fishing with his soldiers in a small boat.

Xu Sheng is a young man in his early twenties. He looks very heroic, especially with a pair of tiger eyes, which gave birth to extremely sharp eyes.

Xu Sheng is very young, but don't underestimate him just because he is young.

He once led 200 men to defeat Huang Zu's army of thousands.Big win.Have courage and strategy.Among some rising generals in Jiangdong, Lu Meng was regarded as the number one.And Xu Sheng was only slightly second.

It is enough to foresee that in the near future, Xu Sheng will be another mainstay of Jiangdong.

History also develops according to this trajectory." After the death of a batch of generals in Jiangdong. Tong Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng, Jiang Qin, and Zhou Tai died successively in the early days of Soochow.

Xu Sheng also ushered in his glory. It was he who led the army independently and resisted Cao Pi, the great Sima of Cao Wei, for many years.Megatron Southeast.

He and the later general Ding Feng were both hailed as the mainstay of the middle and late Soochow.

And now this famous and extremely important general in the history of Soochow Wu is leisurely fishing with the soldiers.

Gan Ning, who didn't know that he was tough and strong, broke through Jiangdong's defense and went to Wuhu.

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