Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 311 Capture Xu Sheng Alive

Although he didn't know it just now, Xu Sheng knew it when he saw fifty strange warships approaching with a murderous look.

The banner is "Gan".Especially after seeing the opponent's banner, Xu Sheng's complexion changed drastically. "Gan", "Jiangdong may have a general with the surname Gan, but it must be unknown. The only person who can command fifty large ships is Jiangxia Ganning.

Although I know that this is the hinterland of Jiangdong," Jiang Xia's navy can't kill here.

But Xu Sheng forced himself to believe this absurd fact for the first time, Jiangxia navy general Gan Ning actually killed him in the hinterland of Jiangdong.

"Gan Ning is coming. Hurry up" and blow the horn. "I threw away the fishing net in my hand," Xu Sheng roared.

The dozens of soldiers who followed him were a little dazed, they were looking at this new type of warship.No one thought that Liu Feng's army would appear here.

But Xu Sheng's roar brought the soldiers back to their senses.

Xu Sheng had a high prestige, subconsciously a soldier took out the horn from his waist and blew it.

Suddenly, the calm air was replaced by the melodious sound of horns.

"What's the situation?", "Enemy attack?" In Xu Sheng's camp, it was as if a pot had exploded, and the soldiers walked out of the camp and gathered on the school field.

"Let's go back to the camp." The moment the horn blew, Xu Sheng ordered, and personally held the wooden paddle, "shaking the boat to the shore.

As soon as Xu Sheng moved, the soldiers present followed suit.Soon, several small boats immediately leaned against the shore.

Xu Sheng was the first to jump off the boat, and hurried towards the camp.

At this time, Gan Ning's warship had arrived and was slowly docking.Before the boat was moored, the soldiers who put on couldn't help but put down the gangplank.

Groups of soldiers walked off the ship.

"Come down to 2000 people, follow me. The rest prepare siege equipment" and prepare to attack Wuhu City. "Looked at Xu Sheng who was rushing back to the camp with dozens of soldiers." Gan Ning was keenly aware that it might be a big fish.

With a yell, the order was given.

Immediately, several soldiers got off the boat and lined up behind Gan Ning.Half swordsman, half archer.

"Kill." Looking back." Gan Ning pulled out the Chu knife from his waist and said loudly.

"Kill." The swordsmen imitated Gan Ning and pulled out the Chu swords, all roared loudly, and followed Gan Ning to kill towards the camp.

Since Gan Ning entered the hinterland of Jiangdong, this was the first hand-to-hand battle, and there might be a siege battle, and the soldiers were a little excited.

Along the way, several crossings were burned. "Battleship" camp.But there was never a real fight.

Jiangdong people.There was a green light in the eyes of the soldiers.

Xu Sheng, who rushed towards the camp, naturally felt the momentum of the enemy behind him.The body couldn't help but pause slightly, and a bit of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Go to the city and issue an order to close the city gate." Xu Sheng turned his head and said to a soldier behind him.

"No." The soldier promised, and immediately strode towards Wuhu City not far away.

After the soldier left, Xu Sheng glanced at the dozens of soldiers around him, drew out the long sword on his waist, and shouted: "You have received the favor of Marquis Wu, now is the time to serve you.Follow me if you have the guts, get out if you don’t. "

After a loud roar, Xu Sheng continued to go straight to the camp, intending to "resist Gan Ning" with hundreds of people from Camp Ran.

The dozens of people around him quickly followed without hesitation.

From this point of view, "Although he is still in the growth stage, Xu Sheng's leading methods are already quite extraordinary.

The place where Xu Sheng fished was not far from Daying.What's more, Xu Sheng had already run a long way when he started.

After a while, Xu Sheng entered the camp.

It is said to be a big camp, but it is actually a camp of 500 people.So it is relatively small.But the five internal organs are complete, and the layout is quite organized.

Because of his smallness, Xu Sheng quickly came to the school grounds.

At this moment, there are more than 400 people standing in the school grounds, each of them is burly and calm. After a short correction, this group of soldiers has quickly escaped from the panic.

When Xu Sheng appeared, the mood of the soldiers became more stable.

The "young general" in front of me once led them to defeat thousands of Huang Zu's men. How brilliant it is to break through thousands of men with 200 men.

When he was in Wuhu, this man led them to fight east and west, making Wuhu bandits extinct and defending one side.

In the minds of the soldiers, Xu Sheng is the pillar of the army.

After arriving at the school grounds, Xu Sheng didn't talk nonsense, and immediately boarded the low-level general platform.He shouted: "If there are enemy troops coming, the number will never be less than a few thousand. Let's kill south and lead the enemy away.

Buy time for Wuhu City.follow me. "

When the last word was spoken, Xu Sheng immediately jumped off the platform.Turned on the horses moved by his subordinates, and headed south first.

Xu Sheng knew that they were "fallen" this time and had almost no power to resist. If they chose to flee to Wuhu City, they might be caught up and defeated by Gan Ning. Then they took advantage of the situation to attack the city.

Only go south and separate from the city.There are two targets at once. If Gan Ning chooses to destroy them, he will temporarily give up attacking the city. If he chooses to attack the city first, then they can escape.

In a flash, Xu Sheng made a judgment.

"Abandoning the city and leaving is really decisive." How can Gan Ning fail to see through Xu Sheng's intentions? It's just spreading out to avoid a catch. However, Xu Sheng's decisiveness still surprised Gan Ning and became more determined. , the determination to kill or capture Xu Sheng.

"Kill over there." Gan Ning chose Xu Sheng and ordered.

And take the lead and pursue quickly.

Perhaps Xu Sheng was very decisive, but Gan Ning's troops were sufficient to divide the troops.

The distance between the two parties was already very close, so Xu Sheng stopped for a while in the school grounds, which wasted even more time.

With Gan Ning's pursuit, the distance between the two sides was only dozens of paces.

"Shoot." Gan Ning ordered.

The archers walking in the middle immediately pulled out the arrows on their backs, without even aiming.Shoot straight forward.

"Swish, swish, swish." Immediately, arrows shot towards Xu Sheng like a torrential rain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" followed by screams, and many soldiers fell to the ground with several arrows stuck in their backs.

"Damn it." A ruthless look flashed in Xu Sheng's eyes.

He knew that escaping like this was not the way to go, he might as well go back to the army and fight Gan Ning to the death.Anyway, Gan Ning chose to pursue them, which should have bought some time for Wuhu City.

The time of closing the gates.

Thinking about it, Xu Sheng didn't hesitate any more.Showed the momentum of defeating Huang Zu's thousands of people with 200 people.Tightening the reins of the horse, he turned his head and shouted mournfully, "Today either I die or he dies. Whoever has the guts will come with me."

The powerful aura that erupted in an instant made the soldiers around all excited.A determination to follow to the death rose in the hearts of the soldiers. ,


Qi Qi gave a loud roar, and the soldiers followed Xu Sheng and turned to fight Gan Ning.Xu Sheng even turned his horse's head and took the lead to kill Gan Ning.The aura of hundreds of people was raised instantly.

"Courage is commendable, but use it." Looking at Xu Sheng who came to fight back resolutely, Gan Ning's eyes became more appreciative.He just shook his head in his heart.

The current equipment of the navy is not limited to fast warships and indestructible Chu knives.

"Death." Xu Sheng, who led the horse, was naturally the first to approach Gan Ning. His feet were tightly clamped on the horse's belly, and his body was bent, leaning against the horse's back.

But the "long sword" in his hand was raised very high. He prepared to kill Gan Ning with a single strike.

Gan Ning only saw a sharp long sword slashing at him.

"Drink." Without blinking his eyes, Gan Ning yelled loudly, "holding the Chu Dao" backhand and slashed at Xu Sheng. Then the explosive power brought by the "lightness" and narrowness of the Chu Dao came first.First, he chopped at Xu Sheng's long sword.

"Touch." Because Gan Ning's Chu Dao came first, Xu Sheng's sword did not show [-]% of his arm strength, maybe not even [-]%, but it is still not to be underestimated, not to mention the impact of the horse. .But Gan Ning accepted it.

Amidst the clanging of metal and iron, Xu Sheng looked at Gan Ning's motionless gesture, his eyes almost popped out.

Xu Shengcai is in his early twenties and is growing in all aspects, while Gan Ning is a fierce player with established abilities in all aspects.

In fact, Gan Ning is not as relaxed as it appears on the surface. If you can tear off Gan Ning's coat, you can see that Gan Ning's whole body is trembling slightly, and the blood in his arms is violently pulsating.

With the power of Chu Dao, Gan Ning was nothing to stop Xu Sheng, but he added a war horse.But it was really exhausting.But in the end Gan Ning accepted it.Under Xu Sheng's unbelievable gaze, Gan Ning moved." He quickly separated Xu Sheng's long sword, "Hmph. With a muffled grunt, the knee bent slightly, and the Chu knife in his hand slashed at the horse's leg.

"Pu Chi." There was a sound of a knife piercing the flesh, and the strong legs of the war horse were cut off by Gan Ning almost instantly.

"Touch." Xu Sheng on the horse was thrown out unstoppably.It fell to the ground with a bang.Just when Xu Sheng was struggling to stand up, a sharp Chu knife rested on Xu Sheng's neck. Xu Sheng's body immediately stiffened.

"Stop." Putting the knife on Xu Sheng's neck," Gan Ning shouted loudly. The loud voice immediately attracted the attention of both sides.

When the soldiers under Xu Sheng saw that Gan Ning had restrained their commander, they were silent for a while.Afterwards, they put down their weapons one after another.

The sound of the weapon falling to the ground made Xu Sheng's face turn pale.

"Squeeze him away." The young general I admire is already a prisoner." Gan Ning didn't care much, and called a soldier at random to restrain Xu Sheng.

Afterwards, Gan Ning immediately ordered to drive away those Shi Mou who gave up resistance.

Gan Ning did not intend to capture these people. As for the killing of the soldiers, it was not Gan Ning's style to drive them away.Then, Gan Ning personally commanded the army to attack Wuhu City.

Although it was because of Xu Sheng that the city had time to close its gates.But it couldn't stop Gan Ning's attack" and was broken in an instant.

A large number of soldiers poured into this riverside city.


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