Wuhu City is a relatively large county seat. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It is also well-known among the 81 states in the six counties of Jiangdong, but now on the gate tower of this city, the general flag with the word "Xu" has already been taken down and replaced with "Gan".

Although it was only a brief occupation, Gan Ning's strong possessiveness still planted his banner on this city.

At this moment, except for the change of the flag outside the city gate tower, it is hot.

There were constant soldiers holding torches and burning cities, granaries, and treasuries.

In this battle, Gan Ning never thought of taking prisoners, food, or gold and silver, for the purpose of destruction.

Especially food, that was the death order issued by Liu Feng.must be implemented.

Although those soldiers were ferocious, they did nothing to the people in the city.Burning the treasury, the official warehouse is nothing, it will not tarnish the reputation.But if the houses are burned down, it will seriously affect the reputation.

Cao Cao slaughtered many cities in Xuzhou, causing Xuzhou people to hate Cao Cao to this day.The consequences of this are very serious.So Gan Ning absolutely did not do it.

But this does not mean that the soldiers did nothing to everyone, and the government office where Gan Ning is now was breached.

Gan Ning captured Xu Sheng's wife and children.

In the hall, Gan Ning knelt on the main seat, lost in thought.

Judging from Xu Sheng's resume, this person's parents died early, and his family consisted of wives, concubines, and children.

If Xu Sheng's family members were captured together with Xu Sheng, the probability of taking Xu Sheng down would increase.

Gan Ning admired Xu Sheng very much due to the extremely disparity in strength. Gan Ning may have something to do with his age, and his strength is not very outstanding.But the decisiveness is extremely strong.

If Xu Sheng can be subdued, Jiang Xia's background can be strengthened.Old and strong veterans, generals in their prime, and young players with outstanding abilities.One power" There must be no fewer generals in these three stages.

No matter which stage is missing, it will put a force in crisis.

But now Jiang Xia's background is still too weak.

However, Gan Ning also knew that now was not the time to think about these things, he should escort these captives to upload as soon as possible, and then rely on his speed to continue attacking Jiangdong City.

"Is everything settled?" Gan Ning shouted towards the door.

"General Who Raised the Army" Xu Sheng's wife and children, all of them were found. " Immediately a soldier came in and said respectfully.

"Okay, escort to the warship. Then set sail and move towards the next goal as soon as possible." After speaking, Gan Ning suddenly stood up and immediately walked towards the door.

"Promise." The soldiers responded, "following quickly.

As Gan Ning retreated, the soldiers in the city also withdrew from the city like a tide.Of course, Gan Ning did not forget the flag with the word "Gan" inserted on the top of the city gate.

All that was left was a burning city with black smoke.

……………, "Bastard, bastard. Hong Cheng, that trash, deserves to be killed, deserved to be killed."

"There are still three mountain guards" Hengjiang guards, all of them are trash. "

Wu County, in the study of Marquis Wu's Mansion.A sound of anger and roar came out of it.

The maids passing by all around were all trembling with each other.I was afraid that if I was a little careless, I would be pulled out and chopped by Sun Quan who was on the verge of breaking out.

That's right." The person in the study who raised his head to the sky and let out a roar was none other than Sun Quan.

&nbGenerally fly to Wuhou Mansion.

Large, medium and small crossings. "The city. Wherever Gan Ning went, it was like locusts flying by, burning, burning, burning. There was no loss of troops, but the huge economic loss was enough to make Sun Quan angry.

In particular, some people came to report that Xu Sheng, the magistrate of Wuhu County, was captured and taken away by Gan Ning." Xu Sheng's wife and children were also taken away together.

This matter is what Sun Quan is most angry about.

Xu Sheng, Ling Tong, and Ding Feng are the most outstanding young generals promoted after Sun Quan succeeded to the throne. In the past, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, etc. were all Sun Ce's old troops, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and others were Sun Jian old department.

After Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, he never wanted to weaken Sun Ce's influence.But now his most important Xu Sheng was taken away.

Moreover, the whole family was captured, Sun Quan is not a fool, how could he fail to see Gan Ning's sinister intentions.

If he still controls Xu Sheng's family, Sun Quan still has the confidence to keep Xu Sheng's loyalty, but now even the family has been taken away.

Sun Quan didn't have much confidence in keeping Xu Sheng's loyalty.In other words, his most valued young general was actually used by others.

Nothing made Sun Quan more angry than this result.

All kinds of anger, in the end, Sun Quan blamed it on Hukou guard, Sanshan guard, Hengjiang guard and a series of useless hands.

Jiangdong's Jiangfang is known as the best in the world, but Gan Ning broke through so many defense lines and directly entered the hinterland.

Thinking of this kind of thing actually happened.Sun Quan was almost filled with anger in his heart.

"Bang bang bang. Damn it, damn it." In the study, Sun Quan kept smashing things, bamboo slips, and utensils.

The whole face was distorted, with a ferocious and terrifying look, no one could tell that it was the usual kind Wu Hou.

The angrier and distorted shouts in the study made the guards at the door look at each other, and they all felt a cold air rising from the soles of their feet, reaching their hearts and lungs.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and the guards looked up and were immediately overjoyed.

The person who came was Lu Su, and Lu Su was Sun Quan's most trusted counselor, and the guards all knew this.

"Mr. Zijing, my lord has been roaring for a long time." A guard who was familiar with Lu Su stepped forward and said in a low voice.

"Understood." Lu Su nodded and walked in immediately.

This battle report is different from ordinary documents, it was received by Sun Quan himself.So the first to know the news must be Sun Quan.

When Sun Quan received the news, he was barely rational.Send someone to come over to discuss with Lu Su.

In such a short period of time, Sun Quan's anger was already quite terrifying.

Because he heard Sun Quan's roar from a distance, Lu Su was already mentally prepared when he entered the study, but when he saw Sun Quan, he was still taken aback by Sun Quan's appearance.

Is this still the Marquis Wu who smiled and talked about the world in the past?

His complexion is distorted, ferocious and terrifying, and infinite anger is bred in a pair of emerald green eyeballs.

The crown on his head is crooked.

You must know that the clothes and crowns of this era are very elegant and must not be messed up.Especially Sun Quan is a prince" is more particular than ordinary people.

Now Sun Quan hardly even encourages his image, which shows how terrible Sun Quan's anger has reached.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Sun Quan suddenly turned his head, and a pair of green eyes instantly shot out an extremely strong murderous intent.

"My lord." Under Sun Quan's gaze, Lu Su seemed relatively calm." He bowed and saluted.

This voice, Lord, also reluctantly awakened Sun Quan's reason.

It's just that although his sanity recovered a little bit, his physical strength was not enough. After all, Sun Quan just smashed a lot of things and was covered in sweat.

After taking a breath, Sun Quan said, "Zi Jing is here." After speaking, Sun Quan paused, and said again: "Gu can't control his anger anymore, Zi Jing laughed."

While talking, Sun Quan stepped to the main seat, sat down, and sat down.He also felt that the crown on his head was crooked, stretched out his hands, untied the rope tied to his jaw, and straightened himself up.

Lu Su fell silent and did not speak.Afterwards, the guards Sun Quan sent to his residence gave a general account of the situation on the front line," but Lu Su did not know the specifics.

After straightening the crown on his head, Sun Quan stretched out his hand, picked up a roll of bamboo slips on the ground, and threw it to Lu Su.Said: "Look, the north and south sides of the Yangtze River are in chaos."

Lu Su picked it up, looked at it carefully, and a look of shock flashed across his face. I thought that Gan Ning's ability to lead troops was outstanding." The Hukou guard was careless, which caused Gan Ning to break through the Jiang defense.

But I didn't expect it to be like this, a new type of warship?Lu Su immediately felt a threat.

Jingchu is in the upper reaches, if there are such powerful warships, they can break through the river defense time and time again, attacking various ferries and cities along the river.

This is the greatest danger.

"Gu now regrets meddling in this matter." The damage caused by Gan Ning in this battle has reached the level that Jiangdong Fa can bear. The granaries, warships, and spokes were all burned down.There is also the lonely love general Xu Sheng. "There was no trace of regret on Sun Quan's face, but there was already regret in his tone.

Especially when it comes to Xu Sheng, Sun Quan's heart feels like it's cracked, and it hurts a lot.

A promising teenager in his early twenties.

"It's my subordinate's fault. I started a war with Liu Feng, but I didn't expect this kind of result." Hearing this, Lu Su said ashamedly.

Who would have thought that Jiangdong's Jiangfang would be so fragile? Sun Quan was confident, so he was afraid.The same goes for Lu Su.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. Now is the time to discuss how to solve Gan Ning's problem." Sun Quan shook his head and said, the matter has already happened, and it is probably meaningless to talk about it.

"The matter of Gan Ning is not a top priority. I looked at the rules of the battle report. Gan Ning is like locusts. A county and a ferry are burned. The place they pass is not burned. What I am worried about now is Moling City. " Lu Su sighed lightly.

"Impossible. Moling is also guarded by a thousand elite soldiers. The city is tall and thick. It cannot be breached easily." Even though he said this, Sun Quan's face turned extremely ugly.

If Chaisang used to be the advance base on the east and west sides of the river, then Moling is the advance base in the north.There is a large amount of radiation stored in it, even if the grain and grass in Jiangdong are currently scarce, there are still [-] shi.

It can be said to be a huge wealth, if this wealth is lost.It was a huge blow to Jiangdong.

Exceeded, the damage caused by Gan Ning has far exceeded Jiangdong's ability to bear, and even if any waterway is in operation, it may not be able to make up for it in a few years.

"According to the battle report, Gan Ning's entire army has already attacked, about 6000 people. There are also siege equipment. With six times the number, the attack on Moling has a great chance of winning. Moreover, Zhuge Jin, the county magistrate of Moling, is not the kind who is good at using troops. Moreover, my subordinates are worried that Zhuge Jin might end up like Xu Sheng." Lu Su frowned deeply.

Lu Su has outstanding abilities, he will not speculate about the war ahead with a fluke heart like Sun Quan.

He had to prepare for the worst, if Moling was destroyed.This war they provoked was really defeated, a crushing defeat.

"Zhuge Jin?" Sun Quan's emerald green eyes bulged out without any surprise. The terrible result Lu Su said made Sun Quan unable to bear to think about it.

The reason why Sun Quan felt that he had lost Xu Sheng was because Xu Sheng was not a native of Jiangdong, but Xu Sheng was an outsider.

He has no clan, his relatives are his wife and children.

So Sun Quan felt that even if Xu Sheng was loyal, if Liu Feng held Xu Sheng's wife and children, Xu Sheng would rebel.

And Zhugejin is also of the same nature, Zhugejin was born in the Zhuge clan of Langya, and he has no roots in Jiangdong, only a wife and children.

But now his wife and children all live in Moling.

If Moling City is destroyed, Zhuge Jin may also be captured like Xu Sheng.Sun Quan knew that Jiang Xia lacked civil servants, and Zhuge Jin had outstanding abilities, if Zhuge Jin joined Jiang Xia.

It is a great help for Jiang Xia.

Now Sun Quan felt like a money bag, Gan Ning kept stretching out his hand, stealing copper coins from his pocket.

Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin.

Wait, suddenly, a light flashed in Sun Quan's mind, and he thought of another person.

Big Joe.

Thinking of Da Qiao, Sun Quan's brain almost exploded.

Da Qiao went to Moling to visit relatives a few days ago.If the city breaks, Da Qiao will be captured.

Then he was thrown into the sea, first accompanied by a few reels and food, and then he was picked up by his beloved general Xu Sheng, if Moling was broken.

The able minister Zhuge Jin and sister-in-law Da Qiao were also lost.

Without Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin is fine.If you lose your widowed sister-in-law.Sun Quan didn't dare to think about it.This war was provoked by him, if Liu Feng was furious.

Accepting Da Qiao like Xiao Qiao, everyone in the world will laugh at him all day long.

This war was first provoked by him, in order to monopolize the waterway.But instead, he accompanied the luggage, the city, civil servants and military generals, and lost his sister-in-law.

Sun Quan could no longer imagine that he could lose it himself.Lost in front of what face.

"Immediately mobilize three thousand soldiers and horses to Moling." Sun Quan said word by word.Trembling all over, the whole person was on the verge of erupting.

Lu Su smiled bitterly and said, "Looking at Gan Ning's itinerary, I'm afraid we've already arrived in Moling by this time, and the distant water can't save the nearby fire."

"Then is there any way to help Moling? Make Moling not lost?" Sun Quan stared at Lu Su firmly on the outside of a pair of green pillars, which had been replaced by blood red.

Like a gambler, the gaze of wanting to make money after losing all his money.

Lu Su pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "Didn't General Jiang go to sea? If the timing is right, I'm afraid we will meet Gan Ning in the middle of the river, and we can rush to help Moling."

The reason why Gan Ning was able to break through Jiangfang was because of his speed, and the reason why a large number of ferries were burned down was also because of his speed.

When the defenders found Gan Ning, Gan Ning burned down the ferry before they could dispatch their ships.But Jiang Qin didn't have this problem. If Jiang Qin got Liu Feng's remaining [-] ships at sea, he would go all the way down the river.Definitely meet Gan Ning.

This is the opportunity.

Sun Quan's eyes also brightened, and his hands under the case were tightly squeezed together, Jiang Qin, don't let Gu down.

Moling can't be Mao for the last few hours, and Sanqi won't open a single chapter.If any brother still has a monthly pass, he will vote for [-].

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