Indeed, as Lu Su thought, Gan Ning's navy destroyed several rivers crossing the east along the way.After that, we came to the vicinity of Moling.

No ship can match the speed of the ship, which also means that the front does not know the tragedies that are happening behind.


On a warship with the handsome flag of "Gan", the fire in Gan Ning's eyes flashed away.

Gan Ning was very clear about Moling's status.This city is Jiangdong's frontier base for the Northern War.Hoarding weights.

There are huge walls, but the guards are not very sufficient.

Because of the existence of the Yangtze River, no one in Jiangdong would think that the Yangtze River would be breached.As for Moling, which is located south of the Yangtze River, there is no need to station too many troops.

But with Gan Ning, it is different.Now Gan Ning is floating on the Yangtze River in style, causing the monarch of Jiangdong, Sun Quan, to suffer great humiliation and loss.

Now that we have come to Moling, how can we return empty-handed?

Soon, Gan Ning saw the majestic Moling City.

It is five feet high, two feet thick, and stretches for more than ten miles.Moling is suspected to be a giant in the Jiangdong area of ​​the world.

"It's so big, Jiangling City may not be as good as Moling." Looking at the huge city in the distance, Gan Ning praised.

What Gan Ning didn't know was that this city along the river would be Jianye, the capital of Soochow in the future.

Without a little strength, how can the capital of Soochow be done?

Gan Ning admired the majesty of Moling on the one hand, but on the other hand he was very relaxed.The bigger the city, the harder it is to guard, and the more soldiers and horses it needs.

Otherwise, how can the city that stretches for more than ten miles be defended.

And Moling City should be at a time when soldiers are scarce, and the guard is Zhuge Jin, a literati.

That man, Gan Ning, has heard that he is a good hand in logistics and managing cities." But it is absolutely impossible to let him fight.

Just relaxing, the ferry of Moling City arrived.

Every big city along the river must have a ferry.Where there is a ferry, one can prosper.All kinds of merchant ships come and go in an endless stream.

Xiangyang is one of them, and so is Jiangling. The same is true for this city of Moling.

At this moment, there are several merchant ships moored in the ferry, either unloading or loading cargo.Or simply a traveler, playing on the Yangtze River.

"Hey, what a strange warship." Someone discovered the fifty warships that were approaching rapidly, and made a sound of surprise.

"This ship is really fast." Another old sailor with eyes and experience looked at the ship with shock and horror in his eyes.

"The banner. There is no general named Gan in Jiangdong who can command dozens of warships." Someone exclaimed.

"Jiang Concubine Gan Ning?"

Finally someone lost his voice.

Suddenly, the entire ferry was in chaos.

Jiangxia's warship appeared in the place controlled by Jiangdong, which is really appalling.It has always been heard that Jiangdong's navy is bullying Jingchu's navy, but no one has ever heard that Jingchu's navy can show off its power in Jiangdong.

Judging by this posture, I am afraid that the city will be attacked again.

But no matter how horrified, many people clearly felt that the war was coming.

In a panic, several warships set sail urgently, trying to escape from this ferry. "I don't care about the cargo that is being loaded and unloaded. Although the cargo is important, a warship is even more important.

If it gets in the way, it will be destroyed.Several people are about to go bankrupt.

Soon, a large vacant space was released.The people on the case also retreated to the sides.

But the Sun family has occupied Jiangdong for three generations." The hearts of the people must not be underestimated.

Gan Ning had already seen many people riding their horses towards Moling.I believe it was reported.

"Dock." Gan Ning smiled slightly, and the group of people were quite acquainted.I glanced at the empty space, "It can accommodate fifty warships.

Can't help but order.

Immediately, fifty ships approached the shore in an orderly manner.

After docking, the soldiers on board lowered the gangplank.

"Lift down the ladder and assemble it." There was a distance of about 700 meters from the ferry to Moling, and someone rode a horse to report the news, and a sneak attack was impossible.

Gan Ning planned to attack directly.

With such a long city wall, it is no problem to deploy all 6000 people to attack.And the defenders are probably less than [-]." It's too easy.

As for the assembly, it was because the walls of Moling City were too high, eight feet long.The ladder Gan Ning brought was only four feet high.

You can only connect two" to reach the height and carry out the siege.

Gan Ning was assembling the ladder near the ferry, but Moling City was in disarray.

The few people who rode their horses from the ferry to Moling had already spread the news of Gan Ning's arrival to Moling.

At the first moment, Sima, the army guarding the city, chose to close the city gate.

And ordered the trumpets to be blown.Then quickly send someone to the prefect's mansion to report to Zhuge Jin.

"Woooooo." When the melodious horn sounded, Jun Sima felt a little more at ease.But then he stared nervously ahead again.

Jun Sima is a man in his 30s. He has been in the army for five or six years. With a little ability, he became the gatekeeper of the north wall of Moling.

Army Sima couldn't believe that there would be a war in Moling City, which belongs to the rear of Jiangdong.

This one is the rear, the ferry in front, the generals of the navy all eat dry food?

But Jun Sima couldn't help but believe the few common people who risked their lives to report.You must know that those who cross military newspapers indiscriminately will be beheaded.

No common people would joke about such things.

Gan Ning really came to the prefect's mansion of Jimoling City, and the prefect Zhuge Jin was dealing with official duties.Zhuge Jin's face was somewhat similar to Zhuge Liang's, but softer and more peaceful than Zhuge Liang's.The eyes are also more ordinary.

Now leaning over the table, a bit of lament flashed in his eyes.

Moling is a big city and a big county.The territory is vast.The Shanyue War captured hundreds of thousands of Shanyue, and tens of thousands of them were sent to Moling.

The original prefect was not capable enough, so Zhuge Jin was temporarily sent here.

Speaking of Zhuge Jin, maybe everyone's first impression is that he is very capable.Zhuge Liang's elder brother, he will be a good official in the future.From official to general, Yuzhou Mu.

But in fact, his ability is very average, and it is okay to let him be a general.It's okay to let him be the governor, and he can also be competent if he joins the army.

Maybe he can manage the floods with difficulty.

It is Jiangdong's famous panacea.If something goes wrong in Jiangdong, Zhuge Jin may be transferred by Sun Quan to guard one side.

But Zhuge Jin also has strengths, that is, he is good at communicating between the local gentry and Sun Quan.

The gentry in Jiangdong was strong and prosperous, and Sun Quan's rule was often not very smooth.From time to time, some conflicts will occur, and Zhuge Jin can appear on the stage at this time.

Zhuge Jin is from Langye, he does not belong to Jiangdong, and has no roots in Jiangdong.Ability has" status is also high, handle things smoothly.

Everything can be done anywhere.Therefore, being able to gain the trust of both Sun Quan and the Jiangdong gentry made a great success.

So Zhuge Jin can be said to be the most inconspicuous, but most indispensable person in Jiangdong.

"This group of Shanyue is so rebellious and unruly, it's really difficult to arrange." Zhuge Jin shook his head as he said, "The lament in his eyes became stronger.

&nbIt takes a lot of manpower and material resources.If they were scattered among Han Chinese villages, it would lead to all kinds of disputes.

If only arrangement, not management.These Shanyue people will flee to the mountains in groups.

Difficult, difficult.

Zhuge Jin felt a headache.

At this moment, the sound of horns from the north of the city was heard in the prefect's mansion.

Zhuge Jin's complexion changed from the previous lament, and became hardened.

"What happened?" Zhuge Jin suddenly stood up and strode out of the prefect's mansion.

Zhuge Jin's ability is average, but it doesn't mean mediocre, on the contrary, every item is considered outstanding.Another advantage is "very calm.

Although it lacks the potential to adapt to changes, it can respond to all changes with the same.

There are two guards outside the study, after Zhuge Lian left the study.Immediately said to the guard on the left: "Ride the horse and go to the north of the city to find out the news."

"No." The guard promised, "and immediately left.

Moling City is a very large city, and it takes some time to ride a horse from the center of the city to the north of the city.Therefore, after Zhuge Jin appointed the guards.

He let out a long breath, and stood calmly outside the door, waiting for news.

But it was not the guards sent by Zhuge Jin who sent the news first, but the messengers of Sima of the Northern City Army.

When the messenger was brought in front of Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Jin immediately asked, "What happened?"

"Report to my lord, Jiangxia Ganning has arrived, there are no less than dozens of warships, and Lord Sima is preparing to defend." The messenger was sweating." said.

"What?" At this moment, Zhuge Jin was struck by lightning.Almost crumbling.Even someone as calm as Zhuge Jin couldn't accept that Moling City would welcome Gan Ning, a general of the Jiangxia navy.

Fortunately, Zhuge Jin's spirit was relatively strong, and after a brief shock, he recovered immediately.

But after recovering, Zhuge Jin's expression became a little hesitant.

There are two roads before Zhuge Jin's eyes, one is to give up the city and escape.Dozens of warships, probably all of Gan Ning's navy came out. 6000 people.

However, Moling City had only 1000 people, 800 of whom were scattered within the four walls.

In other words, there are only 200 people in Beicheng now.The remaining 200 people were stationed near the prefect's mansion.

For a city more than ten miles long, 200 people are not enough to fit between teeth.

There is a high chance of losing.So escape is the first choice.

But what about after escaping?The guard escaped in battle.Zhuge Jin had already thought that if he escaped, he might no longer have a foothold in Jiangdong.

Zhuge Jin came to Jiangdong alone, and has worked hard for so many years in the complicated Jiangdong.How can you give up willingly?

That is to say, there is only the second way left, defend, defend to the death.Wait for reinforcements.

Zhuge Jin still remembered that there was a stone hill a hundred miles to the south, with about a thousand sailors.Qu'a, which is hundreds of miles away from Moling, has thousands of sailors.

As long as you stick to it for an hour or two, you can wait for reinforcements from Shitougang.

In an instant, Zhuge Jin made up his mind.

"Come here, send people to Shitougang, and Qu'a ask for reinforcements respectively." Zhuge Jin quickly issued an order.Immediately, he said again: "Borrow slaves from the big families in the city to guard the city."

"Respectively draw a hundred guards from the three gates in the southeast and west and head to the north of the city."

"Then mobilize the [-] guards in the prefect's mansion, and I will personally lead the troops to defend the city."

Almost instantly, Zhuge Jin gave the order.

"No." The guard responded, and quickly gave Zhuge Jin's order.

"I hope I can get through this." Zhuge Jin looked up at the sky, clear clouds, but Zhuge Jin's heart was full of dark clouds.

Can you hold on?


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