In the north of the city, in a magnificent treasure. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

&nbPale and wrinkled.

But it can be vaguely seen that he is a little handsome, and he was obviously a handsome man when he was young.

This is the father of Big and Little Joe, Mr. Qiao.

And Da Qiao was clasping his hands tightly, crying. In front of his father, all the stubbornness in Da Qiao turned into weakness.

At this moment, Mr. Qiao's face was full of distress, looking at Xiao Qiao who was opposite, he didn't know what to say.

It has been several days since Da Qiao came to Moling.But it is like this every day, thinking too much, resulting in extremely unstable emotions.

It would be nice if the child was here.Looking at the sobbing Da Qiao, Mr. Qiao sighed.Angry, I miss Xiao Qiao very much.

The two sisters have a good relationship, and they are similar in age, so the two sisters don't talk about it.

But damn Sun Ce, damn Sun Quan.

Mr. Qiao has a good personality and is very gentle.But at this moment, he scolded the two sons-in-law in his heart.

A dead ghost is ruthless, and the other is incompetent and brave, and Xiao Qiao is lost.

"Don't cry, as a father, I must save the child. Then I will find a way to help my grandson out of the sea of ​​suffering." Qiao Gong comforted Da Qiao, but he didn't even have confidence in himself.

Xiao Qiao is in Liu Feng's hands, how can I save him?The nephew Sun Hao is the eldest son of Sun Ce and has a lot to do with it." There is no way.

"Forget it, my sister. She fell into Liu Feng's hands. It is a gift from heaven to survive. If she is rescued, Zhou Yu will hate her to the bone, and she will die sooner or later." Da Qiao sighed, reaching out to wipe the tears on her face ,road.

"Hey." Qiao Gong sighed, "Old man, these two precious girls." He vaguely recalled how innocent and evil Qiao and Qiao were back then.But until that damned Sun Ce, Zhou Yu led the troops to break the city, especially Sun Ce. He used strong means to marry Da Qiao and gave Xiao Qiao to Zhou Yu by the way.

The suffering begins.

One died early, and the other had a bad fate.It's fine for the two sisters to be widows, but the problem is that they can't even be widowed.

"Father, you go to rest, my daughter is fine." Da Qiao suddenly said to Qiao "Weeping for a while, but my heart felt much more comfortable.

I took a closer look at Da Qiao's face. Although it was not radiant, it was indeed much better.Qiao Gong nodded and said: "Then I will go first as a father."

Just as he was about to get up, a horn sounded in the air.

Qiao Gong's complexion changed, and he hesitated: "The sound of the horn should mean that there is a war, and an enemy is coming? Impossible, this Moling City is the rear."

Da Qiao didn't know much about how to distinguish the sound of the horn.But he also knew that Moling City is the rear area and should be fine, so he couldn't help but said, "Maybe it's for training soldiers, it should be fine."

"No, I'm still worried as a father, I have to go out and have a look." After saying that, Qiao Gong shook his head, got up and went out.

Da Qiao hurriedly got up to see him off.

I don't think so about the war Qiao Gong said." Although I hate Sun Ce, Da Qiao still has a little confidence in the Jiangdong that Sun Ce conquered.

The rear has always been solid.

The rear that Da Qiao thought was solid was in chaos at this moment.

Near the prefect's mansion, Zhuge Jin wore a set of "light armor" and led [-] soldiers on horseback to the north of the city, intending to support them.

But it is at least a few miles from the prefect's mansion to the north of the city, and it takes time even to run.

The rest of the "cities on the southeast, west and west sides" also divided 100 troops respectively, intending to support the north of the city.

There are also some domestic slaves of the rich families in the city.

It caused chaos in the originally peaceful and prosperous Moling City.

Zhuge Jin is not a person who is good at adapting to changes at all, and he is not mentally prepared for the Jiangxia people's surprise attack in the rear.

The command is okay, but the messy people are forgotten.

For a while, the speed of rescue was as slow as a turtle.

In the north of the city, Gan Ning finally set up a ladder.Several soldiers, carrying the eight-foot-long ladder, charged towards Moling City mightily.

There are six thousand people, but poor Moling City has only 200 people.

On the top of the city, the army Sima's palms were covered with sweat, looking at the thousands of people rushing up from the bottom of the city, he was also thinking about whether to run away.

But it's completely impossible. Zhuge Jin is fine. Although he has a higher status and will be punished for escaping, he must be able to save his life, but he can't.

If a small pawn escapes, he will definitely be chopped off by Marquis Wu.

Just as nervous as the army Sima were two hundred soldiers, half of whom were archers and half were spearmen.

In such a short period of time, Jun Sima couldn't raise any rolling stones or logs at all.You can only defend the city with archers.

They guarding the rear never thought that they would participate in bloody city defense battles.And the numbers are so disparate.

Under the city, Gan Ning was slightly behind, while charging, he looked up at the city.

Looking at the sparse guards on the top of the city, he smiled slightly.With a slight wave of the Chu knife in his hand, he raised his voice and said, "Kill, whoever rushes to the top of the city first will be rewarded with a hundred."

"Kill." The soldiers responded to Gan Ning's words with a chorus of "kill".

Soon, thousands of troops approached Zicheng.

"Let go." Jun Sima took a deep breath and roared.

Immediately, the already tense archers reflexively let go of the bowstring in their hands.

Sparse arrows shot at the thousands of troops below the city.

The first wave, the second wave of arrow rain, the archers only had time to shoot the second wave of arrows, and Gan Ning's army approached the city wall.

Quickly set up the ladder and climbed up.

There were so few casualties, it was almost an itch.

At this moment, a kind of enlightenment rose in Jun Sima's heart. It turned out that this is called the mantis arm as a cart.

After half an hour.

The sound of fighting on the north city wall has completely stopped.

There are not many blood and corpses on the city wall, but there are many who surrendered.The army Sima is also one of them.

Under the personal leadership of Gan Ning, 200 people were simply not enough to fit between the teeth.

Gan Ning looked around and drew back the blood-stained Chu knife.Loudly said: "Divide 4000 people out, of which 3000 people are responsible for controlling the remaining city gates, and 1000 people capture the prefect's mansion. I want to capture Zhuge Jin alive."

"Promise." Shi Chang, who was beside Gan Ning, agreed, and led the team to disperse.

Watching teams of soldiers, scattered around, went to control the city gate.Gan Ning felt an urge to look up to the sky and laugh out loud.

As long as the Jiang defense is broken through, the vast land of Jiangdong will be vulnerable to a single blow." If you want to occupy it, you can occupy it, and you can burn any city you want.

And if his water army can break through the first time, it can break through the second time.

On the way to the north of the city, Zhuge Jin didn't know that the city was destroyed by Gan Ning in just a few moments, and he had no ability to hold on to his rescue.

"Go, go." Zhuge Jin only urged the soldiers to hurry up.

There was a lot of delay just now because there were too many people on the road.Zhuge Jin just hoped that the city gate hadn't been broken, hadn't been broken.

But at this moment, a brigade of soldiers suddenly poured out in front of them. These soldiers were all well-trained and strong.

At this moment, Zhuge Jin was not too shocked.

I just smiled wryly." "It still doesn't work, the city is too big and there are too few defenders. "

"My lord." There was an uproar among the soldiers following Zhuge Jin, and many of them exclaimed.Zhuge Jin figured it out, and he got off his horse.

Man is the knife and I am the fish.Now his life is beyond his control.

Soon, the enemy army that suddenly appeared in front separated, and a young general in golden armor stepped out of it.It was Shi Chang who was ordered to attack the prefect's mansion.Shi Chang glanced at "Zhuge Jin" who got off his horse and the two hundred soldiers. He immediately wondered what these people were doing.

After glancing around, Shi Chang turned his gaze to Zhuge Jin again.He said: "You are Zhuge Jin?"

"It's the old man." Zhuge Jin straightened the light armor on her body a little bit, clasped her fists and said in a deep voice.Shi Chang was a little surprised by Zhuge Jin's frankness.I couldn't help but look at Zhuge Jin a few more times, and felt that this man was "extraordinary."

I admire Zhuge Jin's calmness in my heart, but Shi Chang's face shows no tolerance at all.

He raised his hand and said, "Disarm all of them and take them to the prefect's mansion."

Gan Ning's order was to break through the prefect's mansion and capture Zhuge Jin and his family.Shi Chang executed it meticulously.

"Promise." There was a loud promise." The thousand soldiers behind Shi Chang quickly stepped forward and disarmed the weapons of the [-] soldiers around Zhuge Jin. Even Zhuge Jin didn't let go, and the sword around his waist was untied down.

Originally, this matter was almost over, siege.Burn the granary, the treasury.Take Zhuge Gu away again, don't take prisoners.

After one dragon, Gan Ning will lead his army and leave.

Gan Ning did this all the way.But some people don't know "They thought that after Gan Ning captured the city, he would occupy it and then defend the city.

Now is the time for a change.

"General" I have important information to report. At this moment, the two hundred soldiers were shot, and one of them, who was a military marquis, yelled and stepped forward. Zhuge Jin turned his head to look at this man, and sighed in his eyes.

This man is a military marquis under him.Zhuge Jin came to serve as the prefect not long ago, so he didn't have time to observe the character of the accept.

Let the person do one thing.Knowing this matter, it was not a big event, but something worthy of attention.

But at this moment, it turned into a huge benefit.

If you betray that person to Gan Ning, what kind of benefits will you get?Just like what Zhuge Jin guessed." The military marquis was calculating in his heart, only feeling that the blood in his body was continuously surging.

"Oh? What news?" Shi Chang took a step forward and said with an interested smile.

The Junhou in front of him looks good, but there is a bit of flattery flashing in his eyes from time to time.This kind of person is the most hated" and also the most likable.

It would be a bad thing if such a person appeared under his own hands.But it would definitely be a good thing if such a person came out under someone else's hands.

"I heard that Liu Jiangxia loves beauties, especially Jiangdong Erqiao." Junhou said with a flash of flattery in his eyes.

"You mean that Da Qiao, the wife of the late Marquis Wu Sun Ce, is in this city?" Shi Chang's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in surprise.

"En." Marquis Jun nodded affirmatively, secretly happy in his heart, seeing Shi Chang's expression, he performed very well this time, and his promotion and fortune are not far away.

"Hahahaha, good, good." Shi Chang looked up to the sky and let out a series of loud laughter.

Liu Feng's purpose in this battle is to destroy and show off his might.Beat Sun Quan's arrogance.

And what could be more embarrassing to Sun Quan than capturing Sun Ce's wife?Sitting on his brother's foundation, but he can't even keep his widowed sister-in-law.

Sun Quan, Sun Quan, you are just waiting to be ridiculed by the world.


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