A burst of laughter from Shi Chang made Zhuge Jin sigh even more. (Apex novel hand-written novel) The Junhou was full of joy, and the Junhou knew that he was right to report this important information.

"Take me there." After laughing for a while, Shi Chang put away his laughter, and spoke to the military lord in an unquestionable tone.

"Promise." Junhou suppressed the joy in his heart, promised, and then led the way.

"Five hundred people will follow me, and the remaining 500 people will take Mr. Zhuge to the prefect's mansion." Shi Chang turned around and ordered his deputy to say.

"No." The deputy responded, expressing his understanding.

"Let's go." Immediately, Shi Chang ordered the soldiers to follow and head to Da Qiao's place.

Big Joe.During the march, Shi Chang's eyes flashed a little fiery.As one of Liu Feng's important ministries.Shi Chang knew far more than ordinary people.

Perhaps, some people thought that Xiao Qiao's life in Liu Feng's house might not be good.But Shi Chang knew that Xiao Qiao was very favored by Liu Feng.

Taking away Da Qiao was a slap in the face of Sun Quan, and dedicating Da Qiao to Liu Feng is another kind of credit.

Under the leadership of the Marquis, Shi Chang quickly led his troops to the outside of a house.

The gate of the house is closed, which is nothing. If there is a war, no matter whether it is a big family or a small family, they will choose to close the house door at the first moment.

What you should pay attention to is the plaque "Qiao Mansion" hanging above this house.

"General, this is the house of Mr. Qiao, Sun Ce's father-in-law. Mrs. Sun went home to visit her relatives a few days ago, and Mr. Zhuge sent a young man to escort her, so I know." Junhou pointed at the front of the house and flattered him.

"Yeah." Shi Chang hummed, looked at the plaque, and immediately ordered: "Front, back, left, right, surround."


Groups of soldiers behind Shi Chang immediately dispersed, starting from the left and right directions, and surrounded the mansion.

After a long time, when the soldiers reported, they were all surrounded.

Shi Chang took a step forward and reached out to knock on the door.Surprise flashed in Junhou's eyes. He thought Shi Chang would break down the door violently, but he didn't expect to be treated so courteously.

"Dong dong dong." With three knocks on the door, the door was opened a little.

One eye was exposed, and someone was looking out through the tiny crack in the door.But these eyes were immediately shocked when they saw Shi Chang in full armor and the soldiers behind Shi Chang exuding murderous aura.

But after a while, the man reacted.

"Touch." With a loud noise, the door was violently closed.

"Master, master, something is wrong, a group of military masters has come to the door." Immediately, a howl sounded like being raped.

The voice ranged from near to far, apparently to report.

"It's enough for the general to break the door, why should he be treated so courteously?" Junhou couldn't help but said.

"No need." Shi Chang shook his head and said, jokingly, regardless of Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao is good with Liu Feng.

Who knows if Da Qiao was violently captured today, there will be any sequelae in the future, it is always right to treat him politely at this time.

There were many soldiers outside, and the murderous atmosphere made the area quiet.

In the courtyard, it became chaotic because of the pitiful howling of the gatekeeper.

Mr. Qiao stood in the front yard with a few servants, and in front of him was the concierge.

Qiao Gong's face turned pale, and he asked tremblingly, "Did you really see a group of soldiers knocking on the door?"

"That's right, a team of soldiers, no less than a hundred people." The porter also trembled, his eyes full of fear.

The concierge is not stupid, he also heard the sound of the horn just now, and Mr. Qiao asked the servants to close the door of the house tightly.It is guessed that the sergeants outside are all bad comers.

What the concierge can think of, there is nothing that Duke Qiao can't think of.

I couldn't help feeling dizzy, Moling was actually broken?It was breached in just a few quarters of an hour?

While crumbling, Duke Qiao thought of his eldest son, Da Qiao.

There is no doubt that the purpose of those sergeants is probably his precious daughter.

"Quick, help me to the backyard." Originally, Mr. Qiao was in good health, but the dizziness made Mr. Qiao stand unsteadily.

Moling was broken, and the strong city, Moling with the Yangtze River natural moat, was actually broken.Duke Qiao couldn't face this reality.

Under Qiao Gong's order, several servants supported Qiao Gong and walked quickly to the backyard.

Soon came to the yard where Da Qiao was.

After arriving here, the dizziness in Gong Qiao's mind eased a little, and he immediately remembered an important thing.

"Go, send someone to check the back door, the small door, and see if there are soldiers guarding them." Qiao Gong ordered to a servant behind him.

"No." The servant was shocked and hurried away.

After the servant left, Qiao Gong looked at the yard in front of him, took a deep breath, and after he managed to calm down, he walked in.

After Qiao Gong entered the yard, he quickly came outside Da Qiao's house.

After receiving the news, Da Qiao greeted him out of the room, helped Mr. Qiao into the room and sat down.Da Qiao asked strangely: "Why did father go and come back?"

"An enemy army has entered the city." Qiao Gong glanced at Da Qiao and sighed.

"Impossible, not to mention that Jiangdong's navy is so powerful. Even if they come in, it's impossible to break through Moling so quickly. How long has it been since we heard the horn?" A pair of eyes couldn't hide the shock, Tan mouth opened slightly, Da Qiao couldn't believe it.

"If the enemy army hadn't entered the city, who would dare to lead troops to block the gate of my father's mansion?" Qiao Gong said dejectedly.

"Then this is here to find your daughter?" Seeing his father's decadence, Da Qiao slowly calmed down and asked softly.

"I'm afraid it is." Mr. Qiao said with a sigh.

Since he was an enemy, how could he let go of Da Qiao, the wife of the late Wu Hou Sun Ce, with such a great name?

"Don't worry, elder son, my father has already sent someone to check the back door, and the condition of the small door will definitely send the elder brother out." Qiao Gong comforted, although he himself didn't believe it.

Now that you're here, don't surround yourself tightly.That allowed Da Qiao to escape.

Mr. Qiao knew this truth, and of course Da Qiao knew it too.Sighing, he became silent.

She was in a mess, and this time visiting her relatives was really bad.

A city of this size could be breached in an instant.Thanks to Soochow's navy, it is still known as the best in the world.

It's just that I don't know who broke Moling, was it Cao Cao's general?Or Jiangxia Liu Feng's general?

It stands to reason that it might be Jiangxia Liu Feng's general.

what will happen to meWas it taken to Jiangxia?I heard that Liu Feng is a womanizer, I will be like a younger sister, generally...

What should my Haoer do?

For a moment, Da Qiao's mind was in a mess.

In the end, it turned into hatred for Sun Ce.

The naval army known as the strongest in the world was defeated by Moling.Your useless brother lost the city and me.I don't know if you will be so angry that you will crawl out of the grave?

Da Qiao smiled, but tears flowed from his eyes.

The pear blossoms bring rain, which is full of misery.

Seeing Da Qiao so miserable, Duke Qiao hated him.Damn Mrs. Sun, the older one is not a good person, and the younger one is even more vicious, dark and ruthless.

A bit of despair rose in the hearts of the father and daughter.

At this moment, the servant sent by Mr. Qiao broke in, and he said with a pale face: "Master, the front and rear doors, even the small door for the servants to go through, are blocked. Moreover, there is no chance to climb over the wall at ten steps. "

Qiao Gong's face turned pale all of a sudden.

"Father, at this point, I have to go out to meet the visitor. In fact, it's pretty good. If it's really Liu Feng's army, I can still meet my sister." Da Qiao wiped the tears on her face with her hand, bright and beautiful With a smile.

The smile is beautiful, but Mr. Qiao can't see that he is having fun while suffering.

But what can we do now?By Sun Quan boy?

"I will go with you for my father." Duke Qiao resolutely stood up and said.

"Yeah." Da Qiao nodded and hummed.Supporting Mr. Qiao, the father and daughter went out of the backyard together and came to the gate of the front yard.

Outside the courtyard, Shi Chang waited for a long time, but no one came out.But Shi Chang wasn't impatient at all.

When the gate opened, Da Qiao helped Qiao Lao out of the yard.

Shi Chang immediately took a step forward, facing Mr. Qiao respectively, and Da Qiao raised his fist and said, "Lieutenant Jiang Xia, Shi Chang has met Mr. Qiao, madam."

"I don't know why Mrs. Shi personally blocked the door of Qiao's residence." At this moment, Da Qiao, no matter how weak she was, exuded an aura of grace all over her body.He said to Shi Chang coldly.

Shi Chang secretly praised in his heart, he had met Xiao Qiao before, but Xiao Qiao's demeanor tended to be weak, Xiaojiabiyu.But Da Qiao is graceful and luxurious.

In terms of temperament, Big Joe is better than Little Qiao.

But Shi Chang only thought about it in his heart, he even glanced away.

Shi Chang bowed his head and said: "Mrs. Qiao misses Madam and Duke Qiao very much in Jiangxia. My lord specially sent me here to pick up Madam and Duke Qiao to Jiangxia."

"Hmph, it's grand. If you want to kidnap our father and daughter, just say so." Da Qiao snorted coldly.

Shi Chang didn't take it seriously, but said more respectfully: "Madam and Mr. Qiao, please clean up the things, time is running out." After a pause, Shi Chang said again: "If there is not enough manpower, I can lend my soldiers to Madam. One use."

As he spoke, Shi Chang waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him rushed into Qiao's mansion like wolves and tigers.

Da Qiao took a deep look at Shi Chang, then nodded and said, "Wait a minute."

"It's really sensible, it saved me a lot of effort." Shi Chang secretly nodded in response to Da Qiao's reaction.

Although he didn't want to offend Da Qiao, if Da Qiao refused to leave, Shi Chang had no choice but to force her to leave.

"Wait, dare to ask Mr. Shi, how is the old man's little daughter doing in Jiangxia?" Mr. Qiao was originally supported by Da Qiao, planning to enter the mansion.But he broke free from Da Qiao's hand and asked Shi Changdao.

"Madam Qiao is very popular with the lord, and she is doing well." Shi Chang said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Qiao Gong said yes twice, with tears in his eyes.Little Joe, everything is fine, everything is fine.

Da Qiao and Qiao Gong are not unreasonable people, they are captured, and they still have a chance to clean up the weak.It is already very lenient.

Therefore, the two didn't delay for too long after entering, and they came out quickly.

Mr. Qiao only had two daughters and heirs, and his wife died early.

So when I came out, I only brought a few old servants, personal maids and so on.

Shi Chang glanced at the family in satisfaction.Iconic character.

Satisfied, Shi Chang didn't hesitate any longer, and ordered loudly: "Close the team."

After an order came down, the soldiers quickly retreated.Then go to Taishoufu.

The prefect's mansion at this moment has already been captured.It is said to be an occupation, but it is not weak to say that it is a strong intrusion, and there is no resistance at all.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Gan Ning was sitting on the main seat, and there was only one person left, Zhuge Jin, the prefect of Moling.

He won the battle, captured Moling, and captured Zhuge Jin, a famous official from Jiangdong.Gan Ning's mood is naturally good, and his complexion is quite good.

The opposite is Zhuge Jin, the city was destroyed and he became a prisoner.A wry smile on his face.

"Jiangxia's navy is far stronger than Jiangdong now. You are a celebrity, so you should know who is strong and who is weak." Gan Ning smiled at Zhuge Jin.

They are also prisoners, but Gan Ning did not say this to Xu Sheng.Xu Sheng is a martial artist, full of vigor and blood.

But Zhuge Jin is different, and now the whole family is captured.

Even if Zhuge Jin had some character, he still had to bow his head.

Zhuge Jin smiled wryly, raised his fist and said, "Now I am a prisoner under the rank, and the life and death of the whole family is only a word from Liu Jiangxia. How can I resist."

Gan Ning smiled slightly when he heard the words, Zhuge Jin is really a person who understands current affairs, and he is doing well in Jiangdong with complicated forces.

"Sir, don't worry." After speaking, Gan Ning paused, looked at Zhuge Jin who looked depressed, and said, "Jiang Xia is short of civil servants now, with Mr.'s talent, he will definitely be ranked high and will be highly valued by Jiang Xia."

"Thank you, General, for your good words." Zhuge Jin raised his hand and said.But he was noncommittal in his heart, the whole family was captured and had to be surrendered, his reputation was tarnished, and it would be good if he could live.Zhuge Jin no longer expects to be reused.

In addition, there are some factors of Zhuge Liang.

Now Zhuge Liang is a minister in Xinye, and Liu Feng and Liu Bei have old grudges.

After going to Jiangxia, Zhuge Jin planned to be a turtle.Farming and reading heirlooms.After one or two generations, the world will be peaceful, and then let the descendants become officials.

At this moment, Shi Chang walked in with a happy face.

"My lord." After entering the door, Shi Chang bowed to Gan Ning.

What did Shi Chang do? Gan Ning had already been reported by the soldiers.

Seeing that Shi Chang's face was full of joy, and he had already guessed the result, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.Asked: "What. Did you succeed?"

"Yeah." Shi Chang nodded and smiled.

"Hahaha, okay. The short-sighted Sun Quan dared to compete with Jiangxia for the waterway. He thinks too much of himself. Now I have captured several cities and dozens of ferries. I lost the cities and ships. Even the widow lost his wife." Yes. If it gets out, how can he have the face to sit in Jiangdong, hahaha." Gan Ning laughed comfortably.

This battle not only avenged, but also Yang Wei's side.

Exhale and raise eyebrows.

What a joy.

"Hehe, there are more than just a few cities. After Moling, there are still several cities and more than ten ferries. Add up to more than ten cities. In fact, I, Jiangxia, have won a big victory."

Shi Chang smiled slightly.

"It's extremely, it's extremely. It's a complete victory, haha." Gan Ning laughed loudly.

Immediately, the smile on Gan Ning's face faded, and he said calmly: "I have ordered the treasury and granaries in Moling to be burned down. First order the soldiers to rest and set out at any time."

"No." Shi Chang promised.

After Shi Chang left, Gan Ning looked up at Jiang Xia.

I secretly thought in my heart that more than ten cities and several granaries were burned.Captured Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, and Da Qiao again.This battle is more than just a simple victory.

It won't be long before Jiang Dong will surrender to Jiang Xia and beg for surrender.


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