Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 316 Biyan'er Gets Discouraged

Wu County, in the study of Marquis Wu's Mansion. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Sun Quan sat on the main seat, and Lu Su sat beside him.Sun Quan had an expression on his face, but near a pair of emerald green eyes, there were bloodshot eyes, blood red and blood red.

Lu Su's complexion was also not good-looking.

Both of them spoke in silence, and the atmosphere was very tense.

The loss of Moling was both expected and unexpected.

It is expected because the city is too big and there are too few guards, and Zhuge Jin is not a fierce general and has no cohesion.

So it was expected to lose it, but it was unexpected that Jiang Qin did not show up.

The news of Moling's loss has not been spread in Jiangdong, but news will spread sooner or later. The gentry in Jiangdong have their own sources of news.

In the north and south of the Yangtze River, several cities and ferries were breached and burned.This is more serious than losing the four cities of Jiujiang.

If the news of Da Qiao being kidnapped spreads again.Sun Quan, the Marquis of Wu, might really have no face to live on in this world.

Inheriting the foundation of his father and brother, he couldn't even keep his brother's wife in the end.What do you do, what kind of general do you call.

The loss of Moling had too much impact.It was so big that Sun Quan couldn't bear it, he didn't dare to bear it.

Think about it, it has only been a few days to intercept Liu Feng's merchant ship, less than a month.At the beginning, I was greedy for a while, relying on the tyranny of the navy, and wanted to monopolize the waterway.

Now this retribution is the loss of numbers, cities, ferries, ships, civil servants, generals and widows.

If there is retribution in this world, it will come too fast, too harsh, and too sudden.

Do you regret it?I do regret it.Why did Jiang Qin discover the merchant ship in the first place?Just let Liu Feng's merchant ships sail silently on the sea and sell horses with Liaodong.

There would not be such a big loss today.

Both Sun Quan and Lu Su were filled with regret in their hearts at this moment.

It's just that Sun Quan has anger besides remorse.

"Jiang Qin, why didn't Jiang Qin show up?" Sun Quan let out a deep growl with bloodshot eyes. This roar seemed to have exhausted Sun Quan's strength, causing Sun Quan's chest to heave violently, and heavy gasps came from his mouth and nose. Sent like a wounded beast.

Lu Su was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but he felt that if he didn't expose it, he would sooner or later.He couldn't help but sighed, raised his fist and said, "My lord, I'm afraid General Jiang won't be able to come back."

"Can't come back? What does this mean?" Sun Quan asked without realizing it.

"The sea is very stormy. Except for some coastal fishing villages, few people go to sea. Even if General Jiang is on a Liaodong warship, there are still risks. It has been so long since General Jiang went to sea, but General Jiang still I'm afraid I haven't come back." Lu Su tactfully said.

It's not that Lu Su never thought about Jiang Qin meeting the army at sea, but that was ridiculous.How could there be troops stationed at sea?

There were 1000 soldiers taken away by Jiang Qin. How many soldiers would it take to wipe out Jiang Qin?

thousands?ten thousand.impossible.

Therefore, Lu Su felt that Jiang Qin might have encountered a storm at sea, causing the entire army to be wiped out.

Sun Quan was stunned, really stunned.Although Sun Quan is known as the Marquis of Wu, he is also very watery.But he has never been out at sea, and he doesn't know much about the sea.

All I know is that the sea is very stormy, enough to swallow ships.

However, Sun Quan knew from the sailors in Liu Feng's merchant ship that Liu Feng's merchant ship had crossed the sea three times and contacted the trade between Liaodong and Jiangxia.

They were all safe three times, so Sun Quan ignored the risks at sea.

Therefore, Sun Quan never thought that Jiang Qin would be destroyed at sea. Even if Jiang Qin did not return on time, Sun Quan did not think deeply.

But now Lu Su made this possibility clear.Although Sun Quan didn't believe it in his heart, he didn't want to believe that Jiang Qin's thousand elite soldiers were lost by the wind and waves at sea.

But deep down in Sun Quan's heart, he gradually believed it.

Another thousand elite soldiers were sent away, and one wise general was lost.

At this moment, Sun Quan's mental capacity finally failed.

At this time, Sun Quan was only in his twenties, and he was not yet the famous Emperor Wu of later generations.His city is deep, but not to the point of unfathomable.His face is thick and dark, but it is not to the point where he can smile and talk when he is humiliated.

"I have to use Liu Feng's blood to wash away the shame, and I have to use Liu Feng's head to pay homage to Jiang Qin's spirit in heaven." Sun Quan stood up suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth.

It was the first time Lu Su saw Sun Quan lose his composure, and he couldn't help being startled.But he didn't understand what Lu Su was doing.

Sun Quan said word by word: "Order Cheng Pu to lead Han Dang, Huang Gai, Ding Feng and other generals, together with an army of [-], go to Yuzhang to join Gongjin and attack Jiangxia."

"My lord, don't do it." Lu Su was taken aback. The last time Zhou Yu attacked Jiang Xia, he lost thousands of dollars and defeated Pan Zhang.It's vivid.

Now Liu Feng's army has a total of 8000 people, which is already an army capable of fighting after several months of rest.In addition, it has the city of Chaisangjian.

This time, it may be another loss of soldiers and generals.

It would be great if Jiang Xia could be captured with a loss of soldiers, but Jiang Xia would not be able to be captured if a loss of troops was lost.That's a big loss.Moreover, Lu Su had other reasons why he could not attack Liu Feng.

"Why not? Could it be that he is only allowed to attack Jiangdong and not send troops to Jiangxia alone?" Sun Quan lost his composure at this moment.

This sentence is completely like a child's anger.But the hatred in it is as deep as the sea.

A pair of blood-red eyes, glowing with monstrous evil spirit.

"If Gan Ning breaks the Jiang defense once, he will have a second time. Secondly, Mrs. Qiao is in Liu Feng's hands. If this news spreads all over the world, the lord's face will be lost. Besides, Jiangdong has already fought again. If the army dispatch, the most important food, we are exhausted." Lu Sunai said.

Jiangdong's food was scarce, and it sold a lot to Liu Feng.It took a lot to suppress Yamakoshi.Now Gan Ning set fire to it and burned down countless cities and ferries.

In particular, there were [-] shi of grain stored in Moling, all of which were burned.

The embarrassment in Jiangdong now is that there are elite soldiers, but there is no food.

"So Guqi doesn't want to swallow this humiliation alive?" Sun Quan was stunned for a moment, and said decadently.

It's like a deflated ball, full of strength.

"No. This humiliation cannot be washed away today. But it does not mean that it will not work in the future." Lu Su shook his head firmly.

"What does Zijing mean?" At this moment, Sun Quan had completely lost his ability to think. Lu Su's words were like a life-saving straw. Sun Quan stared at Lu Su firmly, waiting for the next sentence.

"The strength of Liu Fengshui's army depends entirely on the advantage of the warships. And the shape of the warships is too obvious, as long as the shipbuilder is invited to develop it. If it doesn't work in one year, it will take two years. If it doesn't work in two years, it won't work in five years. If it doesn't work in five years, it won't work. ten years."

"As for us, although we don't have food today, we will have it next year. By then, the horse infantry will be well-equipped and we will have plenty of food and grass. Just go out and order Jiang Xia."

"When these two things are fully developed, we can eliminate Liu Feng and wash away the shame."

Lu Su put forward two development outlines, with clear thinking and clear adjustments.

Sun Quan gradually calmed down after hearing the words, and after thinking for a while, he nodded deeply.

Lu Su is right, there are only two difficulties now.As long as these two difficulties are overcome, Jiangdong's power will still be higher than that of Liu Feng.

Fighting with it has a great chance of winning.

"Five years, ten years, I can afford to wait alone." Sun Quan hid the shame in his eyes, deeply hidden in the depths, nodded and said.

Seeing that Sun Quan finally calmed down, Lu Su breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, whether these two points can be realized depends on the sky. Whether Liu Feng's warship can be imitated is one, and the second is that the Shanyue rebellion should not break out.

The Shanyue people who can't be beaten and wiped out are the biggest factor restricting the development of Jiangdong.

I don't know what to do.But at this moment, Lu Su knew that the key was to cheer for Sun Quan.Lest Sun Quan be decadent in World War I.

Completely lost the confidence that Marquis Wu should have.

After seeing Sun Quan calm down, Lu Su thought about how to persuade Sun Quan to resolve the war as soon as possible.

Now Liu Fengqiang, the water army goes down the river, and can conquer cities at will.They are weak.It must be subdued.

Although the words are high-sounding, the tone is very thick.What's in the future.But it can't change the fact that Jiangdong is weak now.

On this point, Lu Su is very sensible.

"For the sake of the future, first of all, we must be patient." Lu Su thought for a moment in his heart, and used the euphemistic word "forbearance".

In fact, it is soft.

"Our warships are too weak. If nothing else, as long as Gan Ning goes down the river once a year, we can't bear it. But if Liu Feng gives up this advantage, it is the waterway. We give him the right to let his merchant ships Cross Jiangdong and go to Liaodong. Continue to trade. To persuade Liu Feng not to use the army to attack Jiangdong. This is our only advantage. Because the new type of warship without sails cannot go by sea." Lu Su caught them. One side's only advantage, Dao.

It's pitiful to say that Jiangdong has been beaten by Liu Feng's navy and only a little bit of power is left.

Control such a large territory.But there is no territory and no ability to collect taxes.Seeing such a big business opportunity, Liu Feng was even cheaper.

Since Sun Ce dominated Jiangdong, Jiangdong's situation is now the most pitiful.

"Isn't this lowering your head? Then this battle, why fight alone." Under the case, Sun Quan clenched his fist and said unwillingly.

At the beginning, Liu Feng sent Jiang Wan to discuss the trade with Liaodong with them.But he claimed to be sick, and Lu Su dismissed him.

At the beginning, he relied on his strength and did not take Liu Feng seriously.

Now that the war is together, it is clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak.At this time, they wanted to humbly send envoys to Jiangxia to discuss the waterway.

this is not.this is not.Do you make a fool of yourself?

"In ancient times, Gou Jian, the king of Yue, lived hard and tasted courage. My lord should learn from the sages. For the future." Lu Su said earnestly.

Sun Quan's face turned blue and white, and his fists were tightly squeezed, his nails almost inserted into the flesh.After a long, long time, Sun Quan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will bear it alone."

In the past, it was Jiang Dong who bullied Jiang Xia, but now Jiang Xia is showing off his power in turn.

The situation is stronger than people, what to do, what to do.

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