Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 317 Civil servants, generals and beauties set foot in Jiangxia

Chapter 310 Seven Civil servants, generals and beauties set foot in Jiangxia

Near the mouth of the lake, a total of fifty ships sailed upstream and returned to Jiangxia. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Among them, the flags embroidered with "Gan", "Shi" and so on are waving in the wind, which is very majestic.

Fifty warships, one damaged.Six thousand soldiers, only a small loss.The damage brought about was several cities, several warships, Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, and Da Qiao.

This kind of brilliant record, no matter where it is placed, is enough to make people look sideways.

Therefore, from top to bottom, the entire navy exudes a kind of strong self-confidence.

Rampaging Jiangbiao, not only the Jiangdong navy, but also the Jiangxia navy.

This is the belief established by the whole army in this battle.

"General, there is the mouth of the lake ahead. After passing there is Jiangxia." Gan Ning was standing on the bow of a warship with the "Gan" flag on it. The soldiers looked into the distance and said happily.

Although it is very exciting to fight abroad, it is also joyful to return to your hometown.

Especially after winning and returning, this battle is brilliant.

"Yeah." Gan Ning nodded, looking in the direction of Jiang Xia, he also had some concerns.

Since entering Liu Feng's forces, Gan Ning has been in Xiakou, training the navy and organizing the Jiang defense.For Jiangxia and Xiakou, there is also some feeling of homeland.

Now that I am tired from returning to the battle, it is also very comfortable to return to Xiakou to sleep peacefully.

But ahead is the mouth of the lake.Gan Ning glanced at the direction of the lake mouth, feeling alert.The ferry from top to bottom of Jiangdong was completely destroyed by them.Many warships were also burned, but the warships at Hukou are still complete and well-organized.

At this moment, let these people be blocked.

However, Gan Ning was not afraid of fighting a tough battle.According to intelligence, the Hukou water army has only 4000 people, and they have 6000 people, which is very large.

"Order the soldiers to be careful, Xiakou is imminent, don't lose your life just because of relaxation." Gan Ning restrained the joy on his face, turned around and said.

"Promise." Gan Ning's words were like cold water, and the soldiers calmed down completely. He promised and gave the order.

As the order was issued, the soldiers' bodies and minds tensed immediately.

However, Gan Ning's cautiousness seemed a bit redundant. When fifty warships rushed past the lake's mouth in a haughty manner, the lake's ferry did not respond at all.

Gan Ning was very surprised, and couldn't help but looked up at the direction of the lake mouth.

I saw that the gate of the Hukou village was closed tightly, and the general flags were also a little downcast.Beside the general's banner, stood a general in golden armor, who seemed to be Nai and looked at them unwillingly.

Have you really become a turtle?Apart from laughing, Gan Ning also felt refreshed.

If it was placed a year ago, who would have thought that the current situation would happen.At that time, Jiang Xia's navy was a shrinking turtle.

Since the guard at Hukou had no intention of intercepting them, Gan Ning would not be a villain.He ordered the disarmament, and let the soldiers return to Jiangxia with joy and relaxation.

Hukou, Hukou again.

The current defender of Hukou is still Hong Cheng.

Although Hong Cheng was the one who put Gan Ning in the hinterland of Jiangdong, even though Sun Quan was also furious, saying that Hong Cheng deserved to die.But afterwards, Sun Quan did not execute Hong Cheng.

This war is due to the fact that the warships are too far apart, not a crime of war.

Therefore, Hong Cheng did not die, nor was he dismissed from his post.still stay in Jiangxia

According to Hong Cheng's idea, the Yangtze River should be cut across, the north and south of the Yangtze River should be connected with iron cables, and Gan Ning should be trapped to death in the Yangtze River.

But this idea was opposed by Zhou Yu. At present, there are only so many naval forces, and several warships along the way were burned.

If Gan Ning were to be intercepted at the mouth of the lake, there would be only 4000 naval troops capable of fighting, while Gan Ning would have [-] men. In the end, Jiangdong's own losses would be the only ones to lose.

Moreover, in Jiangdong's economy, water trade accounts for a large proportion. There are countless merchant ships passing the Yangtze River every day. If you come to the Iron Chain Hengjiang, then Liu Feng can also come to the Iron Chain Hengjiang.

Completely block the waterway.Everyone loses.So this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable

Therefore, all Hong Cheng could do in the end was to watch Gan Ning leave, flaunting his might.

What Gan Ning saw, the general standing under the general's flag and wearing golden armor was Hong Cheng.

"However, in the First World War, not only suffered heavy losses, but also became a coward. How could I have the face to meet Jiangdong's elders?" Hong Changchang sighed as he watched the fifty warships sail away from him.

At the same time, a thought arose in Hong Cheng's mind. Could it be that Jiangdong's glory of dominating the waters has become a thing of the past?

No matter how complicated and sighed Hong Cheng felt.

Gan Ning and the others returned to Xiakou with joy and a relaxed mood.

When Xiakou was in sight, everyone on the fifty ships cheered in unison.

Xiakou, they are back.

This time, Gan Ning did not restrain the soldiers and watched them cheer heartily.

Xiakou, or that Xiakou.A handsome flag with the word "Liu" was planted on the city, and the gate of the village was closed tightly.It was what Gan Ning told Zhang Gu before he left. In order to avoid the sudden attack of the Jiangdong Navy, even the merchant ships were not accepted.

However, when the cheering fifty ships returned.

Immediately, horns sounded from the Xiakou Water Village, and then the closed gate slowly opened to welcome their general, who returned in triumph.

Zhang Gu can be said to be Gan Ning's most trusted general. Whenever Gan Ning goes out to fight, Zhang Gu sits in the rear.

It's the same this time.

At this moment, Zhang Gu is resting in a courtyard in the city.

When the horn sounded, Zhang Gu opened his eyes, straightened his body immediately, and strode out of the house.

"Come here, get the wine ready." Zhang Gu said loudly while walking towards the outside of the house.

The eldest brother returns in triumph, of course he wants wine.Get drunk.

When Zhang Gu rode his horse and arrived, some of the fifty ships had already entered the water village.Gan Ning also got off one of the ships.

"Brother." Zhang Gu immediately went up to greet him, happily hugging Gan Ning.

"Hahaha." Gan Ning laughed and responded to Zhang Gu's enthusiasm.

When Gan Ning was in possession, it was Zhang Gu who gave him a warship to be a water thief.When Liu Feng was in trouble, Liu Feng claimed to be Gan Ning's friend, and Zhang Gu resolutely helped Liu Feng attack Jiangxia.

The relationship between the two is so deep that ordinary people can't imagine.

After laughing, Gan Ning immediately put away his expression, and asked, "How is the situation recently? Has someone from Jiangdong attacked Xiakou?"

"No, I closed the gate of the village tightly all day long and was careful. I didn't even see a single Jiangdong soldier." Zhang Gu smiled and shook his head and said, "The lord often sends people to ask about the news of the elder brother."

"That's right. Brother, I've already ordered drinks and food to be prepared. Let's have a drink first." Zhang Gu said.

"No, I'm going to report to the lord." Gan Ning shook his head and said.

As usual, when the army returned, all they had to do was hand over a document.As the guard of Xiakou, Gan Ning could not just abandon his post to meet Liu Feng.

But this time was different, Gan Ning had to personally escort Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, Da Qiao, and Qiao Gong to Xiling to return to their orders, Gan Ning would feel at ease.

At this time, Shi Chang also got off the boat.

Gan Ning immediately turned his head and said: "Go and invite Mrs. Qiao, Mr. Qiao, and Mr. Zhuge down. By the way, bring Xu Sheng here as well."

"No." Shi Chang heard the words, and immediately went to work.

Invitation and escort are the difference in treatment. Da Qiao and Duke Qiao naturally want to be treated with courtesy, and Zhuge Jin is also very obedient to Gan Ning, so please be kind.

But that guy Xu Sheng was stunned.He didn't give Gan Ning a good face all day long, so he naturally used the word "escort".

"Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin?" Zhang Gu opened his mouth wide and asked blankly.

When Gan Ning was studying Jiangdong, Zhang Gu was also there, so he naturally knew the status of Xu Sheng and Zhuge Jin.The other is a celebrity, Zhuge Jin, Jiangdong's panacea, may be indispensable.

These two people were actually captured by Gan Ning.Didn't the lord only order destruction?

"Hehe, this trip is not small. I caught three big fish." Seeing Zhang Gu stunned, Gan Ning couldn't help laughing.

"Three?" Zhang Gu was stunned this time, this Zhuge Jin, Xu Sheng can be regarded as two fish at most, these three.Mrs. Joe?Duke Joe?

Suddenly, Zhang Gu thought of something.

Cheating and asked: "Brother, you won't take away Sun Ce's wife, Sun Quan's sister-in-law?"

Seeing Zhang Gu mentioning Da Qiao in one mouthful, Gan Ning laughed out loud and said, "That's right, he was kidnapped."

No matter Xu Sheng, what kind of talent Zhuge Jin is.The real big fish this time is Big Joe.

How symbolic, Sun Quan accompanied the soldiers, the city, the warship, and lost his sister-in-law.Hahaha.

"The affectionate, well-known Jiangdong beauties, big and small Qiao. At this moment, our lord has gathered together. Hahaha, I really want to see the bruised faces of those Jiangdong people." Zhang Gu came back to his senses and knew What happened, he laughed.

"Brother, I'm going to prepare the carriage right now, make sure it's comfortable, and I won't hit Mrs. Qiao at all." After laughing, Zhang Gu cupped his fists at Gan Ning, turned around and left immediately.

When getting down to business, Zhang Gu was as straightforward as ever.

At this moment, Da Qiao, Qiao Gong, Zhuge Jin, and Xu Sheng were also invited off the ship together.

After setting foot on the land of Jiangxia, the moods of the four are different.

"Is this Jiang Xia? The child is here." Qiao Gong said a little excitedly. Since Xiao Qiao was taken away by Liu Feng, he was really worried.

"I don't know what will happen to me. Is my sister doing well?" Stepping on this land, Da Qiao was full of doubts and confusion about the future.

"This is the place where Jiangxia and Liu Feng have won many battles against Jiangdong." Xu Sheng's eyes gleamed coldly, and he glanced at Xiakou with a look of observing the enemy's situation.

"Hey, a mistake will cause eternal hatred. I hope Liu Feng can let me go to farm and study in the family." Zhuge Jin thought with bitterness on his face.

Just as the four of them were in different moods, Zhang Gu prepared the carriage.

With an order, Gan Ning personally took the four of them and their family members to Xiling City to meet Liu Feng.

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