Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 318 Knowing that Bi Yaner is going to give in

Gan Ning wanted to personally escort a prisoner to Xiling City, of course he didn't send them there rashly. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Instead, they sent people to Xiling to report and then set off.

Xiling City, in the study of General Yang Wu's residence.

When Liu Feng received the report from the person sent by Gan Ning, he was very surprised.

Liu Feng was very optimistic about Gan Ning's crusade against Jiangdong this time, after all, it can be said that he built the ship himself." Liu Feng was very confident.

But I didn't expect that in addition to going smoothly, I would also get some unexpected benefits.

Xu Sheng.Maybe most people are not very familiar with him," but Liu Feng knew that Xu Sheng was the general who was in charge of the military power of the Eastern Wu in the middle and late stages, and who led the army to fight against Cao Xiu, the great Sima of Cao Wei.

Xu Sheng, Ding Feng.This is Deng Ai and Jiang Wei from Soochow.

This is the power that represents the future.Especially Xu Sheng is still young now, a young man in his early twenties, who is relatively easy to deal with and surrender.

If Xu Shenggong became famous in the future, it would be absolutely possible to poach him.

Moreover, Sun Quan must be very distressed when he heard that Xu Sheng was a young general promoted by Sun Quan himself, and he was captured alive.

The smile flashed in Liu Feng's eyes.

The heat brought by Xu Sheng only lasted for a moment in Liu Feng's heart.

Another person entered Liu Feng's heart.Zhuge Jin.

Although Liu Feng didn't like Zhuge Liang a little bit, because this girl is now taking refuge with Liu Bei.But the people from the Langya Zhuge Clan are still very coveted.

In the middle and late period of the Three Kingdoms, the elder brother Zhuge Jin became General Wu.The younger brother Zhuge Liang was the prime minister of Shu, and the younger brother Zhuge Dan finally became the general of the Wei State.

It can be said that one official serves three parties, which can be said to cover the world.

Not to mention Zhuge Liang's ability.It's useless to say.Now in Xinye.

Where is Zhuge Dan now, Liu Feng does not know.

Liu Feng always knew that Zhuge Jin was in Soochow. But Liu Feng thought that he would never succeed in this life. Maybe it will be more than ten years later, when the battle against Wu will be carried out to surrender Zhuge Jin.

But I didn’t expect.” Gan Ning spent ten years on this process.

These civil servants and military generals are all outstanding.Of course Liu Feng's heart was about to move.

The last Da Qiao, Liu Feng's eyes flashed.

It's a pity that it's just Da Qiao, if Da Qiao's son Sun Shao is also captured.That's the big money.

In the name of Sun Shao, Sun Quan's inheritance rights can be questioned.

But "Da Qiao is not useless at all. Liu Fengke still remembers that Xiao Qiao asked him to save Da Qiao back then.

Now that Gan Ning accidentally rescued Da Qiao, Liu Feng fulfilled his promise.

For some reason, Liu Feng had a very strange feeling for Xiao Qiao, and enjoyed every conquest.Especially now that Cai Yu and Cai Da are pregnant.

Liu Feng spent more and more time in Xiao Qiao's room.The more time we spend together, the more we will naturally understand each other.Xiao Qiao is lonely." Liu Feng felt it.

The "comers" prepared the ceremony and music for the triumphant return, and were going to meet General Gan Ning outside the city. "Liu Feng called a guard in from outside the door, and then gave orders.

He got up and went to the backyard.

Gan Ning is welcome, but it will take at least one or two hours to reach Xiling from Xiakou, and there is still some time.Liu Feng planned to tell Xiao Qiao the good news first.

Soon, Liu Feng came to the "backyard" in the small courtyard where Xiao Qiao lived.

When Liu Feng came in, Xiao Qiao was basking in the sun in the yard, holding a needle and thread in her hands. Her hands were as white and tender as bamboo shoots, and she was very delicate.

These hands are used most of the time for the piano, but occasionally do some needlework to pass the time.

"Husband is here?" After hearing the movement, Xiao Qiao raised her head, and seeing that it was Liu Feng, surprise flashed in her eyes, she put down the needle and thread in her hand, and got up and said.

Although Liu Feng often spends the night with her," it is rare to come to her place in broad daylight.

Is there any woman in the backyard in the world who doesn't expect men to stay in their yard more?In this regard, Xiao Qiao is also the same.

Now she completely regards Liu Feng as her man.

Seeing the face so close at hand, Liu Feng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to wrap around Xiao Qiao's soft waist, and squeezed it smoothly.

Good sex.

Immediately, Xiao Qiao's face turned red.She blushed, but didn't resist.

When Liu Feng didn't touch her, he was very serious. But when she became Liu Feng's woman, he realized that Liu Feng was very presumptuous with his own woman.

Not only did Xiao Qiao not resist," but she rested her head on Liu Feng's chest.

Liu Feng is physically strong, leaning on his chest." Listening to the strong and powerful heartbeat beating in his chest, Xiao Qiao always felt a sense of security in his heart.

"Remember that day" Did I promise you anything? "Holding Xiao Qiao's waist with both hands, Liu Feng leaned his head on Xiao Qiao's fragrant shoulder and said with a soft smile.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Qiao was a little confused by Liu Feng's embrace, and she couldn't react for a while.

But after a while, Xiao Qiao's eyes widened, round and cute.

Although Xiao Qiao's current appearance is that of a lively mature woman with a strong body, high breasts, and straight buttocks, but at this moment, her staring eyes are still a little bit cute.

"Husband, you mean?" Slowly, Xiao Qiao asked tremblingly.

When talking, he stared at Liu Feng firmly, afraid that Liu Feng was joking with her.

"Gan Ning went out to fight, and brought your sister" father back to Jiangxia.As long as they live in Jiangxia, no one dares to touch them, not even Sun Quan. "Facing Xiao Qiao's gaze, Liu Feng smiled slightly." His left hand climbed onto Xiao Qiao's head, and pressed her against his chest.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." lying on Liu Feng's chest, Xiao Qiao began to cry, from the beginning of soft sobbing to the end of howling.

It's been a long time, really long time.

The relationship between Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao is very good, and Da Qiao was considered happy at first.But it's been different since Sun Ce's death, that shameless Sun Quan treats his widowed wife poorly.

It made Da Qiao's situation extremely uneasy.

She once begged Zhou Yu to improve the environment for Da Qiao.But Zhou Yu took off "In the dark night, she always feels uneasy. She often dreams" dreaming that one day she suddenly heard the news of Da Qiao's sudden death.

At the beginning, when he promised Liu Feng to live and become his woman.Liu Feng tempted her with this condition.

At that time, Liu Feng's strong arms and confident face made Xiao Qiao trust Liu Feng.

Now leaning on Liu Feng's chest, while Xiao Qiao was crying, her heart was full of satisfaction and pride.

This man "the only man in the second half of his life did not disappoint her.

He put his arms around Xiao Qiao's waist with one hand, and pressed her head with the other.The towering chest was almost firmly pressed against his chest, and the two lumps of soft flesh were very tactile.

But Liu Feng didn't have much desire in his heart.Just feel happy.

Liu Feng decided that when Da Qiao came, he would arrange them in the courtyard next door, so that Xiao Qiao would come and visit from time to time." Da Qiao could also come to the backyard of General Yang Wu's mansion to talk to Xiao Qiao from time to time.

This way" Xiao Qiao won't feel lonely anymore. When the sobbing in his arms gradually subsided, Liu Feng let go of his hand, ignoring the pool of tears on his chest, Liu Feng said softly: "Okay, okay .Da Qiao is about to enter the city, so go wash your face and take a look.Spiritual.It makes them think that you are a husband and bully you.

"Yeah." After crying... Bu Qiao felt much better.He nodded slightly.When I think about it, I will be able to see my sister and my father immediately.Xiao Qiao felt a burst of joy.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiao saw a pool of tears on Liu Feng's chest.

Nen blushed, stretched out her hand to hold Liu Feng's hand, and walked into the house.While walking, he said: "I just made a suit of clothes for my husband, and I just changed it for my husband."

Liu Fengren let Xiao Qiao drag him into the house.

Then, Xiao Qiao personally untied Liu Feng's clothes" and changed Liu Feng's clothes.

It's getting into summer now, and the weather is getting hotter.Liu Feng was only wearing thin clothes, and when Xiao Qiao cried, her underwear was soaked.

But Xiao Qiao changed everything inside and out for Liu Feng without a trace, so focused, without any shyness.Liu Feng was greatly moved.

This woman, just surrender.Caring a little more.You can be desperate.

Enjoying Xiao Qiao's personal service, wearing clothes sewn by Xiao Qiao himself.Liu Feng left General Yang Wu's mansion, and took Kou Shui and other soldiers to the west of the city.

He personally welcomed Gan Ning's triumphant return.

The result of this battle was too brilliant.Liu Feng wanted to show his respect for Gan Ning with the most serious etiquette.

This wait is half a day, an hour, but Liu Feng is not impatient at all.

When Gan Ning's figure appeared in front of him, Liu Feng, who was sitting in the carriage, raised his hand and said, "Let's play rituals and music."

Immediately, the ceremony and music used for the general's triumphant return sounded at the west city gate.

Solemn rites and music, brave generals.Also, sitting in the carriage "to greet the general's triumphant lord. How exciting.

Even Gan Ning was no exception.

He also saw Liu Feng's figure from a distance, and listening to the ceremony and music in the air, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, rode his horse to Liu Feng's body, turned over, and said to him, "The last general will live up to my lord!" Hope, come back victorious."

"I knew a long time ago that Xingba will definitely not let me down." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

Immediately, he pointed to his side and said, "Get in the car. For details, please wait until Xingba, General's Mansion, tell me."

It is a supreme courtesy to ride in the same car with you.Gan Ning accepted the order happily, got into the carriage and sat beside Liu Feng.

During the ritual and music, Liu Feng and Gan Ning took the same car and entered Xiling City.

Soon, the team arrived outside the gate of General Yang Wu's mansion.Liu Feng and Gan Ning got out of the carriage together, Liu Feng did not go in, but turned to Kou Shui and said, "Take Da Qiao and Mr. Qiao to the backyard, and meet Mrs. Qiao. As for Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin and his family members will settle down first." In the front yard, wait for my summons."

"No." Kou Shui responded, "Immediately went down to issue Liu Feng's order.

No matter how much Liu Feng values ​​Xu Sheng and Zhuge Jin, the protagonist at this moment is Gan Ning."

Go into the study with Gan Ning and talk.

Originally, Liu Feng planned to gather civil and military officials to hold a celebration banquet to celebrate Gan Ning's triumphant return.However, Gan Ning politely refused.

Gan Ning came this time purely to escort Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, Da Qiao and others.

As the guard of Xiakou himself, Gan Ning has a strong sense of responsibility. After reporting the situation to Liu Feng, he got up and returned to Xiakou.

Regarding this point, Liu Feng had no choice but to lament Gan Ning's strong sense of responsibility.Gan Ning's wish was fulfilled.

In the study, Liu Feng sat at the main seat, and Gan Ning sat beside him.

Gan Ning recalled the situation, and told Liu Feng the details of the conquest of Jiangdong.Among them, capturing Xu Sheng and Gan Ning's appreciation for Xu Sheng are the key points.And some of Zhuge Jin's situation.

"My lord, Xu Sheng is still a bit "hard" and refuses to surrender, and needs to be enlightened slowly. But Zhuge Jin is very knowledgeable about current affairs." Gan Ning raised his head and said to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng nodded and said with a smile: "As long as Xu Sheng doesn't commit suicide, it means he has the desire to live." As long as his family is detained in Xiling, and then thrown to Pang Tong, he will slowly think about it. Pass, and thus return to obedience. "

To deal with Xu Sheng, Liu Feng only had this slow way.It will take a process for Xu Sheng to be familiar with Jiangxia, "know Jiangxia" and then settle down in Jiangxia.

The length of the process" depends on Xu Sheng's disposition.

As for Zhuge Jin's attitude, Liu Feng did not expect it. Although this person is extremely capable, he is also very smart and knowledgeable about current affairs.

When Cao Cao went south, Zhuge Jin and some civil officials belonged to the Cao faction.Now, Zhuge Jin is captured by him." It is normal for a surrender who knows the current affairs.

But "Liu Feng will not look down on Zhuge Jin because of this.

When Cao Cao went south, at least Zhuge Jin did not resort to any conspiracy to harm Sun Quan, and after Sun Quan's main battle, he quickly changed his position and fully supported Sun Quan.

Just like Jia Xu.

They are all very smart, know how to protect themselves, and know the current affairs.But the person who is worthy of the lord.

People like Jia Xu and Zhuge Jin are not afraid of them rebelling against you.

In this battle, Xu Sheng, Zhuge Jin, and Da Qiao were the key. As for how many cities and ferries were burned, Liu Feng didn't care much.

As long as you know a little bit, it's enough for Sun Quan to be so heartbroken this time that it almost hurts.

Along both sides of the river, that would be a lot of losses.

However, when Gan Ning finally spoke about a situation, Liu Feng fell into deep thought.

"Xingba said that when you led the army back, the Hukou guard let you go without any sign of stopping you?" Liu Feng asked after thinking for a moment.

"Yes. The general finds it very strange." Gan Ning replied.This matter is rather strange to him, the generals in Jiangdong are all very powerful.It stands to reason that he would not be so weak and become a shrinking turtle.

Facing Gan Ning's doubts, Liu Feng smiled and said, "I'm afraid Jiangdong will give in."

"Be soft?" Gan Ning frowned.

"Don't be surprised by Xingba. If you go east every year, the people in Jiangdong can't stop you every year. Well, I want to see" how much damage will be caused.It's no wonder Jiangdong's gang can hold their breath.So, it must have softened.After a while, the envoys who may seek peace are on the way. "Liu Feng smiled slightly.

"If you want to detain our ship, you should detain our ship. If you want peace, you can make peace. It's not so easy." Gan Ning snorted coldly.

"Yeah, it's not that easy." Liu Feng remembered that he specially sent Jiang Wan there, hoping for better results, but he was ashamed in the end.A cold light flashed in his eyes.

The process of this battle is almost the same.After Liu Feng talked with Gan Ning for a few words, Gan Ning couldn't wait to return to Xiakou.

He was afraid that the Jiangdong gang would retaliate and attack Xiakou, so he was worried.Although Liu Feng said that the people in Jiangdong have been subdued.

Liu Feng had no choice but to let Gan Ning go, and rewarded Gan Ning with a large sum of gold and silver to take him to Xiakou.

For gold and silver, Gan Ning did not refuse at all, and accepted everything.

Liu Feng laughed secretly, Gan Ning is brave, responsible and loyal.But there is also a shortcoming that is not a shortcoming, which is extravagant.

It costs a lot.Therefore, Liu Feng used an excuse to reward some gold and silver from time to time. ! ...!

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