Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 319 The Foresighted Liu Feng

After seeing off Gan Ning, Liu Feng sent someone to summon Zhuge Jin.

What should this man do?Now in General Yang Wu's mansion, there are a large number of vacant posts that need to be filled.

With Zhuge Jin's talent, it is more than enough to do a long history.

But Liu Feng didn't jump to judgment, "decided to meet the person first.

Soon, Zhuge Jin was brought here.

"I met Liu Jiangxia." After entering the door, Zhuge Jin politely clasped his fists at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng raised his head, and carefully sized up the future General of Soochow Wu, Zhuge Liang's eldest brother.

His appearance is somewhat similar to Zhuge Liang's, but his eyes are more ordinary. Compared with Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Jin's eyes are still very bright and energetic compared to ordinary people.

Being defeated and captured, if this kind of thing happened to others, even if they were not panicked, they would feel uneasy, but Liu Feng didn't see even a little bit of panic on Zhuge Jin's face.

Zhuge Jin was very calm.

This is what a big man who can stand in the upper reaches of this era should have. The extremely profound Xiuping Liu Feng looked at Zhuge Jin, but in fact it only took a moment.

After sizing up, Liu Feng raised his hand with a smile and said, "You are very polite, sir."

"Sit." Immediately, he pointed to the seat on his left.

Thank you for sitting down. "Zhuge Jin saluted again, and sat down as promised. After sitting down, he didn't say a word.

"It is said that if you come, you will be safe. Sir, you can be relieved. Since you have arrived in Jiangxia, I will not treat you poorly." Liu Feng said the opening remarks, and then asked: "I don't know what plans you have in the future?"

I want to study the heirloom.Zhuge Jin thought in his heart, but he didn't say that on the face, he just said lightly: "Let Jiang Xia make arrangements."

Looking at Zhuge Jin's expression, Liu Feng knew that although this person surrendered, he still had a little resistance in his heart.

"Hehe." Liu Feng chuckled, thought for a while, and asked, "I don't know why you transferred to Moling?"

Although Liu Feng had some spies in the Yuzhang area, there were still a lot of them.But for Jiangdong, the news is relatively closed.

I only know that Zhuge Jin is in Moling." I don't know why he was transferred to Moling.

"A few days ago, Marquis Wu wiped out a lot of Shanyue, and also took over a lot of Shanyue people scattered in the 81 prefectures of the six counties in Jiangdong, and there are also Moling. So he specially dispatched me to Moling to serve as the prefect. Deal with Shanyue." Zhuge Jin also No secrets, very frankly.

Yamagoshi?Liu Feng's eyes lit up. Before seeing Zhuge Jin, Liu Feng was rather vague about Zhuge Jin's ability. He only knew that he was capable of writing and martial arts, governing the country, and leading troops.

But there are no special records in the history books.Unexpectedly, Zhuge Jin could still appease the Shanyue people.

This is a nice message.

Shanyue people, sooner or later he will take over the hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people from Jiangdong.In the name of natural disasters.

At that time, there will be a lack of a more professional talent to appease and manage the work.Now that he suddenly discovered that Zhuge Jin had such a special talent, Liu Feng immediately had an idea about Zhuge Jin's arrangement.

"It seems that the master has more experience in how to appease Sanyue." "Liu Feng said first, then smiled and said: "Then I appointed Mr. Hushan Yuezhong, what do you think?" "

"As far as I know, there are not many mountains and mountains in Jiangxia, Changsha, and Jiujiang." Zhuge Jin was surprised when he heard the words, and said puzzled.

The so-called General Hushan Yuezhong has this position.It's the same as protecting Wuhuan Zhonglang and "protecting Xiongnu Zhonglang".

Both are positions that manage relations with minorities.But the hardest-hit area in Shanyue is obviously Jiangdong, and there are no Shanyue people in Jiangxia.

Of course Zhuge Jin would feel puzzled.

Liu Feng didn't point it out, and now he would be regarded as a lunatic if he said these things.

"Mr. will know in a few months." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

Seeing that Liu Feng is very confident, the meaning in his words seems to indicate that there will be major changes in a few months.Zhuge Jin was dubious in his heart.

But then," he laughed to himself.

They come, the security.Why bother.I originally wanted to cultivate and read the family heirloom," but now it seems impossible.

Didn't General Hushan Yuezhong just suit his own wishes?Anyway, Jiangxia doesn’t have Shanyue.” Even if Liu Feng revealed what would happen in a few months.

But at least it can be free for a few months.

"Since Jiang Xia shows her love", I will be disrespectful. "Zhuge Jin replied in this way.

"Okay, with Mr. joining, my Jiangxia will surely flourish." Liu Feng said "Hello" and said happily.

Immediately, Liu Feng said again: "Mr. came to Jiangxia for the first time, and everything was not right. I will order someone to arrange Mr.'s residence later. I will also arrange a small official for Mr. Jing to assist Mr. Jing in handling Shanyue affairs."

"Thank you Jiang Xia." Zhuge Jin raised his fist and said.

What happened to Shanyue was also a few months later.There is nothing to talk about now, Zhuge Jin is very docile, Liu Feng feels that there is nothing to worry about.

Therefore, after continuing to say a few words, he sent someone to invite Zhuge Jin down.

Zhuge Jin's departure did not make Liu Feng's joy lessened.

There is a shortage of civil servants everywhere.Now the arrival of Zhugejin's ps has solved a big trouble in Leilai.General Hushan Yuezhong.

Hundreds of thousands of mountains and rivers eat, drink, and withdraw, relying on Zhuge Jin.

With the lessons learned from Zhuge Jin, Liu Feng really wanted to meet Xu Sheng.

But after calming down, Liu Feng gradually gave up this idea.Liu Feng didn't plan to meet Xu Sheng, if this young man with a fresh blood" would yell at him as soon as he met him.

It won't end well in the future.The best way is to arrange Xu Sheng's residence first, and then send him to Pang Tong to get used to it slowly.

Now the situation in Xiling City is under the management of Jiang Wan. Zhuge Jin and Xu Sheng have to find the mansion” or leave it to Jiang Wan. What’s more, Jiangdong may be subdued. If he is subdued, the envoys are on the way. To do it, Liu Feng will also operate through Jiang Wan.

At first, Liu Pa sent Jiang Wan as an envoy to Jiangdong.Sun Quan claimed that he could not get sick, and put on a lot of pomp.Liu Feng also planned to fight a tooth for a tooth, saying that he would not get sick.Make someone wait for a month.

Maybe some people will laugh at him for his lack of style, and he has to worry about winning the war.But Liu Feng is this kind of person." He couldn't bear the slightest grievance.

When he left Xinye, Liu Feng made an oath in his heart.

Anyway, no matter what, let's find Jiang Wan first.

Immediately, Liu Feng ordered someone to find Jiang Wan.

Soon, Jiang Wan walked in." As soon as they met, he said, "My lord, is there any news ahead? "

Smart people are smart people.Liu Fengzhao was in such a hurry, so he guessed it from it.

"Yeah." Gan Ning came back.I also guess that there may be envoys from Jiangdong who plan to discuss with us how to divide the waterway and divide the interests. "Liu Feng nodded and sneered.

"What is the princess going to do?" Liu Feng and Jiang Wan had been friends for a long time, and they didn't know each other. When they were talking, Jiang Wan had already sat down automatically.

"How to do it? Duo, I will do what Sun Quan did. Be sure to let out a bad breath." Liu Feng snorted coldly.

Showed the character of vengeance.

Regarding this point, Jiang Wan had no objection either.Since Sun Quan neglected his envoys, it was only natural for Liu Feng to pay him back.

"When the time comes, it doesn't matter who comes.

Whether he is famous or not, is he Sun Quan's confidant?Gong Yan has always dealt with him, at least neglecting for a month. " Liu Feng said again.

"Promise." Jiang Wan promised.

"Also, Gan Ning also captured a lot of big fish this time. Zhuge Jin and Xu Sheng are among them. They are all in Jiangxia now. The whole family is here. This is a good situation. Gong Yan will arrange for the two of them later. "Abode" must be properly arranged. " Liu Feng couldn't help saying, remembering the purpose of finding Jiang Wan.

"Zhuge Ziyu?" Jiang Wan asked in surprise.

Jiang Wan didn't know much about Xu Sheng.I only knew that he was a young general from Jiangdong, but Zhuge Jin was a well-known figure in Jiangdong and Jingchu, but Jiang Wan didn't know about it.

"Hehe, Xingba's going here is really rewarding." Liu Feng chuckled and talked about some big fish that Gan Ning came with this expedition, including Da Qiao.

"Congratulations, my lord, I have added another capable minister." After listening, Jiang Wan sincerely congratulated.

"Hehe, I have already ordered Zhuge Jin to be the General of Yuezhong Lang who protects the mountain. After Gong Yan arranges Zhuge Jin's residence, he has to arrange some small officials to go over to help with the affairs." Liu Feng laughed.

"Hushan Yuezhong general?" Jiang Wan was surprised by Liu Feng's arrangement, just like Zhuge Jin.

Seeing Jiang Wan's surprised expression, Liu Feng pondered for a while, "Now the signs of drought are becoming more and more obvious, although it is too early to say that Jiangdong will suffer a severe drought.

But at least there is some basis.

Liu Feng decided to tell Jiang Wan his steps, so that Jiang Wan would not be in a hurry after the incident happened.

"Did Gong Yan pay attention to the recent weather and the situation of the river?" Liu Feng asked after thinking about it in his heart.

"The weather is a bit dry, and it hasn't rained for a long time. The water level of the Yangtze River has dropped significantly." Jiang Wan knew Jiangxia's current situation very well, and immediately replied upon hearing this.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Wan raised her head and smiled and said, "Speaking of this, my lord really has the foresight. Now it's difficult to get water everywhere, and the deep well that my lord sent someone to dig last year is gradually becoming more useful."

"These wells are life-saving wells." Liu Feng said, and then, looking at Jiang Wan, he said softly: "If my predictions are correct, this drought may continue for several months, causing a major drought. South of the Yangtze River" As well as the surrounding areas, major droughts may occur. "

This statement is too surprising.After all, Jingchu and Jiangdong have not experienced drought for hundreds of years.Jiang Wan, the person who took over the post of Jiangxia's prefect, is especially clear.

Now Liu Feng suddenly said that there will be a major drought.

Jiang Wan couldn't accept it for a while, but when he thought about it, the signs of drought had gradually become apparent.If it is not less than a few months, the great drought is already nailed to the iron plate.

However, this was not what shocked Jiang Wan the most.What shocked him the most was how Liu Feng would know.And it's still a year in advance, you know.Now thinking about Liu Feng's digging of deep wells, it is really far-sighted.

Foresight is terrible. ! ...!


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