"Don't worry, since you've come to Jiangxia, you won't treat the old man badly. There is an empty mansion next to the general's mansion. I'll arrange for a maid later, and the servants will go and clean it up." Liu Feng comforted with a smile.

"Yeah." Xiao Qiao nodded, his eyes full of joy.

Sister and father have come to Jiangxia, and Liu Feng's proper arrangement, Xiao Qiao is not worried about anything now.

With Liu Feng's proper arrangements, he looked at Xiao Qiao with affection.

Big Qiao next to him watched, feeling sad for no reason.But was replaced by Huanxi immediately, and the younger sister finally found a good home.

The man in front of him is more than a little stronger than Zhou Yu. Da Qiao didn't like Zhou Yu before, and he was sick.Looking weak, Da Qiao was worried that Xiao Qiao would be a widow and waste his time.

Later, Sun Ce died first, and although Zhou Yu's influence was great, it didn't help their orphans and widows much.

Of course Da Qiao hated Zhou Yu.

And now Liu Feng, for the sake of Xiao Qiao, resolutely sent troops to rescue them.

Xiao Qiao finally had someone to rely on for the rest of her life.

It's just that she is not Xiao Qiao, and there is no man to rely on.

After struggling fiercely in his heart for a moment, Da Qiao made a move that was unexpected by those present.

Da Qiao knelt gently at Liu Feng's feet, with her smooth forehead pressed against the floor, and said: "The general is now sitting in Jiangxia, with strong soldiers and strong horses, and the navy can break through the defenses of Jiangdong, and entering the hinterland of Jiangdong is like entering the human realm." Land, the concubine has an unclear request, and I ask the general to agree."

Da Qiao's kneeling made both Liu Feng and Xiao Qiao stunned.

You must know that in this era, except for those extremely humble people, people with status and status rarely kneel down.

Even if the king discusses matters in the early court, the ministers can still sit on their knees.

Who is Da Qiao, the Qiao family is considered a small noble family.The etiquette was passed down from family to family, and later Da Qiao married Sun Ce, who was even richer for a while" and developed a graceful demeanor.

But such a woman put her head tightly against the floor and knelt at the feet of a man.

Xiao Qiao's tears flowed out immediately, she bent down hastily, and "pulled Da Qiao" to try to get Da Qiao up. But Da Qiao knelt stubbornly, unmoved.

"Sister, sister, don't be like this, is it because of Shao'er's affairs, you should get up first. Get up and talk about it." Xiao Qiao said anxiously.

What a noble status Da Qiao used to be, this kneeling is a beggar.What an insult to self-esteem.

Looking at Da Qiao, Liu Feng felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Seeing Da Qiao beg for help like this, he wondered if Sun Ce would be so angry that he would crawl out of the grave and kill Sun Quan.

But for Da Qiao's request, Liu Feng frowned.

That's right, Liu Feng was not very happy.Gan Ning ran wild in Jiangdong and brought back Da Qiao.The original purpose was just to destroy some of Sun Quan's grain and ferry.It doesn't mean to kill them all.

As long as Sun Quan is beaten softly and discuss the waterway together, it will be fine.

But now according to Liu Feng's guess, Jiangdong's envoys are already on their way.After the face is slapped, people will stick their face to continue to make you get slapped.

If you get it cheap, you should accept it as soon as you see it.

If Gan Ning goes deep into the hinterland of Jiangdong again, if Sun Quan loses face and really goes crazy, Liu Feng will definitely have a hard time.

And "I remember that Sun Shao should be in Wu County, and was under strict supervision by Sun Quan. When he went deep into Wu County, he was almost making fun of Gan Ning's life. Didn't you see that even Gan Ning could only attack the coastal cities?"

So "Liu Feng was not happy. If it weren't for looking at Da Qiao, she would be pitiful. The good Mrs. Wu Hou is now under house arrest by Sun Quan, and she has escaped from Jiangdong.

Liu Feng would still hate Da Qiao.

One must always be self-aware.What are you asking for?Even if it is Xiao Qiao's sister, Liu Feng can't make fun of the lives of soldiers.

However, what Da Qiao said next made Liu Feng feel much better about Da Qiao immediately.

Da Qiao didn't raise his head, but continued to press his forehead to the ground.She begged: "The concubine knows that the general is a wise king" and would not send troops to Jiangdong just because of a rich man's words.The concubine only begged the general to spare Sun Shao's life if he broke through Jiangdong one day. "

This smart woman "seems to have foreseen Liu Feng's attack on Jiangdong in the future. If Liu Feng invades Jiangdong", how can the Sun clan members end well?

It can be said that Sun Shao's surname Sun did not bring him benefits, but also made him take risks, huge risks.

While begging, Da Qiao's hatred for Sun Ce almost reached its peak.

The bastard who raised Sun Quan, a white-eyed wolf.

Seeing that Da Qiao didn't rely on his identity, he asked him to send troops to Jiangdong to rescue Sun Shao.Liu Feng's feeling for Da Qiao immediately improved a lot.

A sensible, sensible woman.

"Ma'am, you are serious. If one day, Jiang Xia can really change from weak to strong, and destroy Jiang Dong eastward, I will definitely save Sun Shao's life." Liu Feng bent down, put his hands on Da Qiao's fragrant shoulders, and lifted him up. Big Joe.

Liu Feng's hand was only lightly on Da Qiao's shoulder, but what Da Qiao felt was a force.

She had already learned from Xiao Qiao that Liu Feng was a very honest man.Responding to this is tantamount to saving Sun Shao's life.

However, Liu Feng's hands left Da Qiao's shoulders very quickly.

"Sister, don't worry, what your husband promised will definitely come true." Xiao Qiao wiped away her tears and comforted her from the side.

"Thank you, General." Da Qiao nodded to Xiao Qiao first, then bowed to Liu Feng and saluted.

"Don't thank me in advance. At present, Jiangxia still has some shortcomings compared to Jiangdong. Let alone destroying Jiangdong along the river, it will take a long time to develop into a stronger than Jiangdong. Maybe I will never have a chance to destroy Jiangdong in this life." Liu Feng Kai joked.

This is definitely a joke, the secret he holds is enough to crush Jiangdong within ten years.But Liu Feng also wouldn't take it out to make Da Qiao happy.

The less people know about that secret, the better.Otherwise it would not be a secret.

However, Da Qiao firmly believed.She shook her head, looked at Liu Feng with trusting eyes, and said: "Although the concubine is the wife of a deep house, she also knows what Jiang Dong relies on.But the navy.Now that the Jiangdong navy has been broken, Jiangdong is just a sheep in front of Jiangxia.How to deal with it, how to deal with it.Furthermore. "Speaking of this, Da Qiao looked at Liu Feng's face, smiled slightly and said: "Furthermore, the concubine believes that the general can start from nothing, and someone from the beginning is better than a person who guards the foundation of his father and brother and lives on his last breath."

Although the words are beautiful, in the final analysis "this is a kind of trust without reason. Under Da Qiao's gaze, Liu Feng really felt a little flattered.

Perhaps, Da Qiao is the only one he can rely on.This seemingly absurd thought flashed through Liu Feng's mind.

But this idea gradually became less ridiculous in Liu Feng's mind.

As Xiao Qiao said, Sun Ce is dead, and passed the position to Sun Quan, abandoning Da Qiao's mother and son.

Then Sun Quan was even more ambitious, and suppressed Sun Shao desperately.Even Da Qiao's request to hire a famous teacher for Sun Shao did not agree.

The heart of defense is obvious.

Da Qiao didn't have the help of the civil servants and military generals left by Sun Ce in Jiangdong, and the Qiao family's power outside was too weak.

It can be said to rely on.

Just like Xiao Qiao said, Da Qiao was already desperate, and was afraid that Sun Quan would murder their mother and son every day and night.

Now, Da Qiao can escape from Shengtian.It was brought out by Gan Ning.And the person representing Gan Ning's power is Liu Feng.

It can also be said that Liu Feng brought hope to Da Qiao.

In addition to relying on him, Da Qiao has already relied on it.

"Thank you, sister, for your good words." Liu Feng nodded, but he sympathized with Da Qiao in his heart.

Having also met Da Qiao, Liu Feng felt that the younger and younger Qiao must have a lot to say when they get together." After saying a few words, he got up and left.

There were not many affairs on this day, and Liu Feng was relatively free all day.

With enough time, Liu Feng practiced sword for a while in the afternoon.After finishing, I took a hot bath under the clothes of sh girls and took a rest.

In fact, today is relatively free, it is better to say that every day is relatively free.After all, nothing major happened now, and Jiang Wan was responsible for internal affairs such as strengthening the river.

More than once." Liu Feng lamented that as a lord, it is absolutely necessary to find some good ministers to assist him.

Soon, it will be night.

As usual, Liu Feng, Cai Da, Huang Yueying, Cai Yu, Xiao Qiao and Huan'er had dinner in the hall.Originally, "Liu Feng planned to order someone to call Duke Qiao and Da Qiao to have dinner.

However, Xiao Qiao vetoed it.

This is Liu Feng's family banquet." Everyone here is Liu Feng's woman. It's not good to have outsiders present.

Even Da Qiao, Mr. Qiao's residence, and Xiao Qiao arranged it in the front yard instead of the back yard after consulting Cai Da.

This made Liu Feng a little surprised. He thought Xiao Qiao would spend the night with Da Qiao.

In the evening, Liu Feng also planned to spend the night in Huang Yueying's house.The original promise to reward Huang Yueying for holding the baby has not yet been realized.

However, after dinner.

All the girls left, but Xiao Qiao stayed behind.She shyly left a word. "Husband, let my concubine serve you at night."

This is a rare situation. Although Xiao Qiao served sh very wholeheartedly during the hunger, there were not many times when she took the initiative to court her.

Therefore, Liu Feng was a little stunned.And just when Liu Feng was stunned, Xiao Qiao had already left with a blushing face.

Could it be that he rescued Da Qiao, fulfilled his promise, and made this woman passionate?

Liu Feng guessed in his heart, a little fiery.But it didn't reach the point of can't wait, Xiao Qiao is now his people inside and out.

Although gentle and pleasant, hunger's mysterious joy is not humane.But it can't change the fact that the two are old husband and wife.

Can you still conjure hu?

With this thought in mind, Liu Feng got up slowly and went to the study. He sat in the study for half an hour before heading to Xiao Qiao's house.

The long night is long, Liu Feng knows how to maintain energy and restrain himself.Then there was a violent conquest, until the beauty was exhausted and fell asleep.

This is the highest joy.

However, when Liu Feng came to Xiao Qiao's [room], he noticed the difference tonight.

Usually, when there are g rolls in the house, they don't hide it from sh girls.

But today the house is empty.Not a single sh-girl.

With suspicious eyes, Liu Feng stepped into the inner room.

When Liu Feng entered the inner room, he saw Xiao Qiao wearing a green coat, the material of the clothes was very thin, and it was very close to the flesh.

It fully shows Xiao Qiao's exquisite figure.

Especially around the waist, the belt is tightly tightened.It showed Xiao Qiao's amazingly slender waist, the waist and abdomen were tightened, and the fullness of the two peaks was even more bumpy, almost showing out.

Because of the angle, Liu Feng couldn't see Xiao Qiao's tng curled up tun, but he was able to imagine the proud curve by relying on the memories of the past.

"Husband, my sister is a concern in my heart. Now my sister has been rescued by my husband. I swear here that I will only think of Liu when I will be born as my husband in the future." Saying that, Xiao Qiao said in Liu Feng Before he could react, he knelt gently in front of Liu Feng.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Liu Feng's heart was shocked, and he quickly lowered his body to help Xiao Qiao up.

Xiao Qiao didn't resist, and was obediently helped by Liu Feng.

But Liu Feng saw a tear falling from the corner of Xiao Qiao's eyes.Looking at the tears, Liu Feng felt a burst of enlightenment.

This is to completely draw a line with Zhou.Including her three children.

This era is not for future generations. After a woman remarries, if her husband's family disagrees, she is not allowed to have any relationship with her ex-husband.

Because of family status.The children of the ex-husband will inherit the incense, surname and family status of the ex-husband.

But after remarrying, the woman joins another family.

That's two families.

In the past, Liu Feng always knew that Xiao Qiao cared about her three children.But Liu Feng didn't mind, as long as he didn't worry about Zhou Yu.

Children are kinship.

But now, because of Big Qiao's affairs, Xiao Qiao felt that she was self-sacrificing.Even after entering the Liu family, Liu Feng treats her well, so he must serve Liu Feng wholeheartedly.

Seeing the tears dripping from Xiao Qiao's eyes, Liu Feng was moved, but also felt distressed.Stretching out his hand to wipe it, he said softly, "It doesn't have to be like this."

This sentence is different from the previous sentence, it is to tell Xiao Qiao not to be so unfeeling.

But Xiao Qiao smiled stubbornly, a very bright smile.

She stretched out her hand and pulled Liu Feng to the desk.Let Liu Feng sit down, and then sit in front of the case, Liu Feng saw that there was a piano on it.

Xiao Qiao smiled at Liu Feng, raised her plain hand, and gently plucked the strings.

A zither sound suddenly sounded.That familiar melody shocked Liu Feng, Feng Qiuhuang?

Liu Feng doesn't know much about rhythm, but he likes to read miscellaneous notes.Phoenix Qiuhuang was written by Sima Xiangru for Zhuo Wenjun, expressing his love.

The phoenix is ​​two individuals, the wind is the male, and the phoenix is ​​the female.Together, the velvet is a phoenix.

Sima Xiangru expresses his admiration for the phoenix.

Now that Xiao Qiao is playing this song, the implication is self-evident.

What made Liu Feng a little embarrassed was that Feng Qiuhuang was supposed to be heard by a man for a beauty, but when it came to Xiao Qiao, he became a beauty for a man.

Although it is comfortable to listen to, the beauties who are well-known in Jiangdong, made no secret of their admiration, and played this song for him.

But something doesn't always feel right.

But after the meaningful music played slowly, the ailment in Liu Feng's heart gradually disappeared.

No matter what she is, as long as he knows that Xiao Qiao told him. ! .


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