Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 322 Xiao Qiao Serves With Heart

No matter how beautiful the music is, there is an end. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Soon, one song.

The sound of this piano is the highest masterpiece of love between men and women.Perhaps it was because of being too involved, after the song ended, Xiao Qiao's face had an intoxicating blush, and there was a little spring in her eyes.

Men are lower-body animals, but women are not the same when they are in love?

Liu Feng has always believed that men and women are equal in this respect.

Xiao Qiao raised her head to look at Liu Feng, and looked deeply at Liu Feng, as if there was nothing else in her eyes.

"Ma'am." Liu Feng also couldn't help stretching out his hand, intending to embrace Xiao Qiao and roll on the hung.

But Xiao Qiao smiled slightly and stepped away.

Seeing Mo's empty hand, Liu Feng was slightly taken aback.But at this moment, Xiao Qiao got up lightly, then helped Liu Feng up and said: "Husband, get up, and let the concubine serve you."

Liu Feng got up as he said, but when Xiao Qiao helped Liu Feng up, he knelt down again.

The sitting posture is beautiful, the knees are on the ground, and the plump tutu is on the top.The astonishingly curved buttocks were slightly leaning against the heels, and Liu Feng realized that Xiao Qiao was not wearing socks today.

Even under the firelight, the delicate jade-like feet shimmered with a crystal gleam.

Liu Feng is a common man. He thinks that the most important thing for a woman is three things: good looks, big breasts, and upturned buttocks.But I never knew that a woman's feet could be so beautiful.

Usually, Liu Feng was always attracted by Xiao Qiao's plump breasts.

At this moment when she was slightly absent-minded, Xiao Qiao climbed onto Liu Feng's tiger waist with both hands, and gently untied the belt.After taking off the belt, he took off Liu Feng's coat, even the underwear.

Looking at Liu Feng's huge crotch, a little timidity flashed in Xiao Qiao's eyes, but it was replaced by determination.

You treat your concubine with sincerity." The concubine serves you with all her heart.

With this thought in mind, Xiao Qiao stretched out her hand and lifted up the giant, slightly opened her mouth, and slowly leaned against it.

"Hmm." In a voice full of ambiguity, Xiao Qiao only felt that looking at her own mouth "was about to explode.

But she still worked hard, swallowing, and subdued Liu Feng with jerky techniques.

This thorn is really too big.When his things were swallowed up by Xiao Qiao" Liu Feng was a jerk, and after the jerk, bigger thorns followed.

Xiao Qiao raised her head slightly, looked at Liu Feng's expression "and found that Liu Feng's expression had never seen joy, it was a kind of joy that had never appeared even when Liu Feng let out his body.

It was like a burst of encouragement that made Xiao Qiao work harder.Looking at Liu Feng's expression, he quickly came to a conclusion, how to obey sh can make Liu Feng get the greatest joy.

Liu Feng has never enjoyed this kind of treatment, not even in his previous life.If you don't go to **, it is difficult for ordinary men to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Not to mention after coming to this era." Liu Feng respected his women and never asked for anything else.

But Xiao Qiao's initiative was beyond Liu Feng's expectation.

This is a real act of giving Liu Feng his heart.This era may have invented this kind of thing, but Xiao Qiao was born in a small family, not that kind of singer.

Logically speaking, she would never submit to a man like this in her whole life.It can be seen from Qiao's jerky movements when he was young." But she convinced him like this is the biggest proof.

This woman really has no one else but him.

Although Liu Feng was "moved", this feeling didn't last long. The stimulation given by Xiao Qiao's actions was too great.

Who is in front of me? It's Xiao Qiao.She is a rare beauty, and the name Xiao Qiao can give a man a sense of conquest.

Yes, a sense of conquest.

At this moment, Liu Feng had a clear understanding and realized why he loved Xiao Qiao so much.This woman is "special" one-of-a-kind.

But now, she is automatically willing to "subdue" her man with actions that people of this era consider to be lowly.

Xiao Qiao is working very hard, she is studying hard.Therefore, "Liu Feng came very quickly. The pleasure in the body is far less than the hugeness in the mind.

Speaking of which, I am a little shy.Liu Feng ejaculated prematurely for the first time.

We must know that if Liu Feng usually endured, relying on his young and strong body, he could toss Xiao Qiao back and forth for half an hour, and after two times, Xiao Qiao was exhausted and fell into a dream.

But now it is minutes.It can be seen how great the pleasure is.

Liu Feng was still silent in the aftertaste of sex, but at this moment, a light cough woke Liu Feng up.

Looking down, Xiao Qiao coughed in a low voice, and some ruddy liquid faintly reflected into Liu Feng's eyes from between his fingers.

Half of the liquid was swallowed by Xiao Qiao, and the other half was choked out by Xiao Qiao in pain.

But on Xiao Qiao's face, there was no pain, but joy.She felt that it was right to subdue Liu Feng so much at night, and Liu Feng vented so quickly.Make her feel happy.

"Fool, where did you learn this?" Liu Feng knelt down on the ground with tenderness in his heart.He held Xiao Qiao's white hand, and asked softly.

"It's from the book. Does my husband feel happy?" Xiao Qiao raised her head and looked at Liu Jingdao expectantly.

"Happy." Liu Feng said with enthusiasm in his heart, and immediately put his arms around Xiao Qiao's slender waist.Hold in your arms.

This little goblin has already learned this kind of heresy to add to the fun.

She had to remember well, there was a price to be paid for instigating his anger.

For Liu Feng, who is full of blood and strong physique, venting it early can only serve to ignite the fire of desire.

Tonight, I must make Xiao Qiao regret it.

Hearing Liu Feng's joy, Xiao Qiao showed a satisfied expression on her face, and buried her head deeply in Liu Feng's arms.

The two have been married for many days, so she naturally knows how terrible it is to stir up Liu Feng's lust.But tonight, she will bear it all.

Then, Liu Feng first gently put Xiao Qiao's body on the hung, but then he rushed forward roughly, almost tearing the thin clothes on Xiao Qiao's body.

All weekdays, I love the fragrance and cherish the jade.

The sound of joy that came out at ** o'clock did not stop until two or three o'clock in the morning.

It was three poles up that day, no, it was when the sun was setting, Liu Feng, who was sore and limp, opened his eyes.

It's just that when I open my eyes, it's still a little blurry.First of all, I didn't see the affairs, but felt the pain all over my body.

Liu Feng swears, "Last night was his happiest and craziest night, and he blew seven times before and after.

There are five or six hours.

It's over, it's over.Even a young and strong body can't stand Qi Jiro.

The soreness in his body forced Liu Feng to smile wryly, but it would be a lie to say he regretted it.How many times can you have that feeling of joy in your life?

When it’s time to indulge, let’s indulge.Otherwise, what's the point of living.

After a while, Liu Feng's physical strength recovered, and the blur in front of his eyes gradually became clear.The first thing that caught his eyes was Xiao Qiao's face.

At this moment, the face of this national colored glass is full of fatigue, but the corner of the mouth is full of satisfaction.It's not just the face." Little Qiao's body was covered with bite marks from Liu Feng, and Liu Feng showed no mercy last night.

Liu Feng's madness, Xiao Qiao all endured the storm.

No matter how crazy Liu Feng is, what kind of posture, she will wholeheartedly admire sh.She convinced sh wholeheartedly, and Liu Feng also devoted himself to cultivating it.

This woman also tasted the happiest love in her life.

Liu Feng couldn't help thinking of Zhou Yu's crooked face, which was not a man.It was him who really captured Xiao Qiao from the inside out.

Even Xiao Qiao was able to put down her body and subdue him with a small mouth.

However, that time was wasted.Seven times last night, in fact, only six times were hits.

Hope, can give her a child.

Looking at Xiao Qiao's tired face," Liu Feng hoped that Xiao Qiao could conceive a child.

This woman swore yesterday to completely sever ties with Zhou, including her three children.Always give her some hope." A woman is not a tool, not a blow-up doll.

Only a woman full of emotion and sincerity can get the most happiness from her husband.

Last night, the astonishing pleasure that Liu Feng enjoyed confirmed this sentence.

At this time, Liu Feng was half hugging Xiao Qiao.Neither of them was covered with a quilt. "It's not too cold, but it's not too hot either. Xiao Qiao was tired all night." She was already weak.

Liu Feng was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he wanted to reach out and grab the quilt.But Leng didn't stick it out." It was sore, sore. I was dizzy for a while.

Seven times a night is not something ordinary people can bear.

It's not bad to be exhausted.Liu Feng smiled wryly.

"Come on, come on." Liu Feng opened his throat, intending to shamelessly call in the naughty girls and ask them to help.

Although there was no sh women's clothes sh at the last night, Liu Feng didn't show up for a day today.Cai Da will definitely send sh girls to inquire about the news.

In other words, there must be sh women guarding the door now.

Soon, a group of sh girls came in.These prostitutes are all Cai Da's personal prostitutes, and they are very good-looking.

When Liu Feng and Cai Da were hanging out, they were also guarding outside the door, and they came in to take clothes the next day.

If Liu Feng is willing, he can be promoted as a concubine.Even the name of concubine does not need to be given, if you want to, you can do it.

Although Liu Feng was determined not to touch any inflatable dolls, he didn't touch any of them.But the number of times on this group of g is no less than dozens.

Therefore, even though Liu Feng and Xiao Qiao's posture was very indecent after entering the door, they were able to keep their eyebrows low and their expressions unchanged.It's not surprising at all.

After entering, without Liu Feng's order, he planned to help Liu Feng go outside to take a shower and change clothes.

"Wait, help us cover the quilt first. I'll sleep for a while." Liu Feng pinged to stop the girls from moving, and said in embarrassment.

Although Seven Times Lang G is also TNG embarrassing.

A slight surprise flashed in the eyes of the leading lady, she didn't know how crazy Liu Feng was last night.As usual, Liu Feng would be alive and well the next day.

Despite the accident, Miss sh followed Liu Feng's wishes and covered the two of them with a quilt, and then retreated out again.

After the girl sh retreated, Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.Covered with a soft quilt, he hugged Xiao Qiao's soft body and fell asleep again. ! .

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