Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 323 Lu Su's Arrival

When Liu Feng woke up again, it was already night. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Liu Feng didn't tell the girl to come in and light the lamp, because he felt that Xiao Qiao in his arms was still fast asleep.I went to bed at two or three in the morning, and was tossed by this for another five or six hours.

Maybe I will sleep until dawn tomorrow.

Of course Liu Feng felt distressed, so he fumbled out of the inner room in the dark and came to the outer room.

Because the general and his wife are sleeping in the inner room, and there are no lights in the outer room.Just keep some sh girls on vigil.

The movement of Liu Feng going out immediately alarmed the two sh girls.

"General." It's dark, and I don't know who it is. The sh and the women had to be called generals.

"Hush. Hold the lamp." Liu Feng said softly.

"Yes." The sh girls responded, walked out in black, and walked in with a lamp after a while.Liu Feng originally wanted to take a bath here" and then eat.

But when he thought that Xiao Qiao was sleeping, he was afraid of disturbing her.

After thinking about it, Liu Feng said, "Go and see if Mrs. Cai has fallen asleep."

"Mrs. Cai?", the sh girl asked suspiciously.

"It's Madam." Liu Feng explained.

The Mrs. Cai that Liu Feng mentioned was of course Cai Yu, and she planned to go there to take a bath and have a meal.But now Cai Yu is pregnant with a child, eight months old, and very lethargic.I don't know if Cai Yu is asleep now, so I sent someone to inquire.

"Yes." The sh girl replied, then turned and walked out immediately.

After the lady left, Liu Feng took a look at his attire, he was wearing black just now, and he managed to find a piece of underwear to put on "very sloppy.

She has a feminine air about her, so it seems a bit shameful to go to Cai Yu like this.

But Liu Feng didn't allow him to think deeply, because the sh girl came back soon.Reported: "General, madam is not asleep yet."

"Well, hold the lamp in front." Liu Feng ordered.

"Yes." The sh girl bowed her head in response, "the two sh girls held two lamps" and led the way. Liu Feng quickly came outside Cai Yu's house by the light of the fire.

After arriving here, the two sh girls blessed Liu Fengfu, and then returned to Xiao Qiao's side to take care of Xiao Qiao.

Inside the house" Cai Yu's face is lazy, with a strong sense of sleepiness on his face. Liu Feng's guess is correct, Cai Yu is going to sleep. Now he eats and drinks alone, and the two hustle and bustle.

I was very sleepy every day.

"Did you wake up until now?" Seeing that Liu Feng was only wearing underwear and his clothes were disheveled, Cai Yu asked softly.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded.

"It's really hard work, and I don't know what little sister Xiao Qiao used to squeeze you dry." Although Cai Yu complained, she felt distressed.

"Come here" to boil some hot water to bathe the general. "Cai Yu resisted the drowsiness" and ordered the sh girl next to her.Immediately, he said to Liu Feng: "Just now I have ordered the kitchen to cook the meal. Be patient, you can eat later.", "Yeah." Liu Feng nodded again, the most caring person in the house is Cai Yu, the ring is gone.It's just that now that Cai Yu is pregnant with the child, "Liu Feng is more considerate", so he comes here to spend the night when he has the opportunity to accompany Cai Yu.

That's why I chose Cai Yu's side.

After humming, Liu Feng took a look at Cai Yu. Over the past few months, "the body has become extremely plump, but it's not fat, but plump. A kind of plumpness that adds to the sensuality."

Especially the breasts are bulging. Some milk has come out now and then.

Looking at the protruding abdomen again, it was obvious.

"Go to sleep, as long as there is a sh girl here to take care of you. I will try to be as light as possible." Liu Feng said softly.

"Yeah." Cai Yu nodded, she treasured Liu Feng and "baby my child" and now it was the most important time, so she nodded and got up and walked into the back room.

The steps are very steady." Tng's upturned tun is still shaking. It's very sexy.

It all depends on Liu Feng, who strictly ordered Cai Yu and Cai Da to insist on taking a lot of walks and don't let the naughty girl help her.

The bones of his body are still sore now, Liu Feng feels energetic.After one glance, he took his gaze back.

After sitting for a while," the sh girls came in one after another carrying buckets.

Liu Feng is in g.

However, at this time Cai Yu had already slept soundly for a long time.After Liu Feng ordered the girl to blow the lamp, he planned to go to bed.

But after all, after sleeping all day, although the body is still weak, it is difficult to sleep again.

After tossing around midnight, I didn't fall asleep.

Just when Liu Feng turned over and felt a little sleepy.

Cai Yu next to him woke up. Although Cai Yu was drowsy, it was easy to wake up during the day and at night.

"Can't sleep?" Comrade Cai Yu said.

"Yeah." Liu Fengmin replied.

"Then let's talk. There are some things I want to tell you.", "Yeah."

"You have won this battle, in the eyes of outsiders" your current power is already stronger than Jiang Dong.Cao Cao may feel threatened, and some gentry who hate Cao Cao will feel happy, and my brother may gradually believe that you can fight Cao Cao.It will gradually use part of the resources on you.After all, you are his brother-in-law, son-in-law. "Speaking, Cai Yu stretched out his hand to take Liu Feng's hand, put it on his swollen belly, and said softly.

Under the quilt, it was a little hot.But he couldn't stop the heat brought by Cai Yu's swollen abdomen. Through the belly, Liu Feng could still feel the amazing vitality inside.

This is his child and Cai Mao's nephew.

But Liu Feng didn't want to take this point and ask Cai Mao too much.

Now Kuai Yue and Cai Mao are in power in Jingzhou, and they are evenly matched.Maybe Cai Mao will turn part of the investment to him.But Kuai Yue will definitely not.That's a sensible man.

Excessive demands will embarrass Cai Mao.Liu Feng really thought that Cai Mao was his father-in-law, and he didn't want to do this.

But Liu Feng also has his own plan, which is a natural disaster.

If Jingzhou is short of food, Liu Feng will also consider taking over a county.

Wuling County.

If there is a shortage of food, then there is Cai Mao's operation.Liu Feng believed that he could get this county.The four counties in Jingnan, Liu Feng's acquisition of Changsha and Wuling, is equivalent to cutting off the connection between the farther Lingling, Guiyang and Jingchu.When Cao Cao goes south, he can take advantage of the situation to control Lingling, and Guiyang has five counties.

There are many benefits.

But what you think is one thing, and how you respond is another.

"Don't worry, if you should speak, I will definitely speak. After all, it is my brother, father-in-law." In the dark, Liu Feng smiled slightly, and gently patted Cai Yu's lower abdomen.

Cai Yu's advice for him may not be useful, but it is also a heart, and he has to be sure.

"En." Cai Yu hummed.

Although he couldn't see it, Liu Feng could feel that Cai Yu was happy.

Ever since they became pregnant with the child, Cai Yu and Cai Da didn't feel alienated from him, on the contrary, they cared more about him.

She cared more about him and the development of her husband's family.

Perhaps, some women are white-eyed wolves with their mother clan in their hearts.But Cai Yu and Cai Da walked towards him.

Especially Cai Yu, this woman had experienced a political marriage, so she cared more about him, Mrs. Liu.

There was another silence, and when Cai Yu's sleeping breathing sounded next to him, Liu Feng also fell asleep.

The next morning, Liu Feng woke up refreshed and hungry.It took almost a day and two nights to make up for the consequences of Qijilang in one night.

After getting up and washing, Liu Feng asked Cai Yu to prepare meals, and hurried to see Xiao Qiao himself.

But unexpectedly found that Da Qiao was there, so he didn't go in.

After secretly asking the girl outside the door, Liu Feng knew that Da Qiao came to find Xiao Qiao yesterday, and Liu Feng was holding Xiao Qiao to make up for sleep at that time.

Of course the sh girl didn't dare to say anything, she only said that Xiao Qiao was sick and needed to rest and sent Da Qiao away.When Da Qiao left, his face was full of worry.

No, Da Qiao, who was pregnant with her sister, came early the next morning.

When Big Qiao came, Little Qiao was already hungry, and the maids also changed the bedding.Otherwise, Da Qiao might still be stopped.

Seeing that Da Qiao was taking care of Xiao Qiao, Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.He retreated from Xiao Qiao's yard.

When you quit, "Liu Feng didn't know what to do.

I slept all day long yesterday, and I don't know how many official duties have accumulated, or I have no official duties at all.

Being able to allow him to sleep for a whole day shows how leisurely General Gewu is.

After thinking about it, Liu Feng went to the study. If he really had official business, the master book Liu Ba would go to the study and present it to him.

After sitting in the study for a while, Liu Ba was really waiting for him.

"My lord, Zhonglang sent Gan Ning to report that Lu Su, the Jiangdong envoy, had arrived in Xiakou. Here is the official document." After Liu Ba came in, he immediately handed the official document to Liu Feng.

Liu Ba has also been in Jiangxia for several months, although he came here because of a bet with Liu Feng.But he didn't half-heartedly, instead, he took the position of chief bookkeeper very well.

The priority is very decent.

Just like today, with the news from Xiakou, Liu Ba presented it to Liu Feng immediately.

Finally came, Liu Feng's spirit lifted.After taking the official document in Liu Ba's hand, he immediately raised his head and said, "Please, Zichu, find Jiang Wan for me."

This is the strength of the establishment of General Yang Wu's Mansion. The relationship between Gan Ning and Jiang Xia is directly equal and does not belong to each other.The news reported by Gan Ning "first passed through General Yang Wu's residence, without Liu Feng's permission, Jiang Wan did not know about it.

"No." Liu Ba obeyed, turned and left.

After Liu Ba left." Liu Feng picked up the scroll of bamboo slips and read them carefully.

The general meaning is that Lu Su has arrived in Xiakou, and Gan Ning personally greets him.Lu Su is in Xia.After staying for a while, he immediately set off for Xiling.

Gan Ning first sent soldiers to report the news.

Not only that, Liu Feng also noticed some details.When Lu Su came, he also brought back the five merchant ships seized by Sun Quan and their attendants.

Not only that, Lu Su also brought several other merchant ships over.According to what Gan Ning saw, many of them should be local specialties of Jiangdong.Not very valuable, but it is attitude.

That guy Sun Quan finally gave in as Liu Feng thought.

After reading it, Liu Feng put down the bamboo slips in his hand.

A sneer flashed away from his eyes, whatever treatment Jiang Wan received in Jiangdong, I will let you receive whatever treatment Lu Su received. ! .

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